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Playing for Keeps

Page 18

by Rhonda Laurel

  “What about an Italian sub with all the trimmings? We have a menu from the sub place that I like. We could dash over there and pick up our order.”

  “Extra garlic pickles?”

  “And coleslaw.” She rubbed her tummy. “And kettle chips.”

  “No strawberry soda?”

  “How could I forget that? I’m going to put on my sneakers.”

  “Before you go, we have to decide on where to hang the magazine cover.”

  “I don’t know. How about opposite the bar?”

  “Sounds good.”

  “I can’t believe they used that photo.” She shook her head as she walked out of the room. “I was having such a good hair day too.”

  “You still look gorgeous.” He smiled as he tapped the nail into the wall then hung up the picture.

  Contemporary Parents magazine sent over the blown-up photo they’d gone with for their October issue. He’d dropped by the photo shoot to see how she was doing, and while on a break, he sat next to her and gave her a kiss on the neck. Charisma let out a loud giggle. The photographer, who was observing them, captured the moment. It was downright adorable. She looked so relaxed and happy.

  After much coaxing from Derek, Charisma finally accepted the offer to be interviewed and she’d done a spectacular job. She was open and honest about her hopes of balancing a career, marriage, and impending motherhood. She even confessed that she looked forward to evolving into the kind of person her child would need in its life.

  Satisfied with the placing of their debut photo as a married couple, he padded into the kitchen and retrieved the menu. He’d place the order now to give them time to have it ready. With Charisma being so close to her due date, he wanted to get back to the apartment as soon as possible. Nightmarish scenarios about her going into labor while stuck in traffic or out on a construction site plagued him.

  He glanced at his watch. She’d been in the bedroom for five minutes, but he’d give her more time. She was probably trying to tie her shoelaces. The scream pierced the air.

  “Baby!” He called out as he dashed to the bedroom. “What’s wrong?”

  “I think it’s that time.”

  “You sure?”

  “My water broke.”

  “OK.” He went into her closet, retrieved her go bags, then took her hand and headed back toward the living room.

  “Wait. We have to make sure everything’s off.”

  “I did after breakfast.” He retrieved her coat from the closet and helped her put it on.

  “I have to show you where I put the meals the family made for you to eat while I’m in the hospital.” She waddled into the kitchen, but he caught her.

  “I have no intention on coming home. I will be with you and our child until you’re released. Now let’s get to the hospital before you have to deliver on the pool table.” He picked up his keys and cell phone and ushered her out the door.

  “I’ll send the group text alert to the family when we’re in the car.” She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and scrolled the phone. “I just hope they don’t get to the hospital before we do.”

  “We’re fifteen minutes away,” he said.

  “We have to pick up our order. Do you think the sub place has curb side service?”

  “I’m not stopping to pick up food.”

  “This will be my last chance to justifiably pig out. Once this baby is out of me, I expect to get my real appetite back.”

  “You’re eating is on par with the Reed clan. I’ve seen fights break out at the family cookouts over kielbasa.” He waved her into the elevator once the doors were open, but she didn’t move. He tugged on her hand, but she remained firm in her spot. “What’s wrong?”

  “When we come back, nothing will ever be the same again. We’ll be responsible for another life. The baby’s welfare, safety, and happiness are all on us.”

  He smiled at her. “It’s wonderful, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. Terrifying and wonderful.”

  “Come on.” He tugged again, but this time she stepped into the elevator. “We have a date with destiny.”

  * * *

  As soon as they pulled up to the hospital, the staff sprang into action and got Charisma into a wheelchair. Within a few minutes they were registered and taken to the private birthing room and were informed Dr. Albright was en route to the hospital. Derek was sure it was show time and then, nothing happened. The contractions seemed to disappear, and Charisma was nestled comfortably in the bed. Derek slipped on the sterile gown and began to pace. They’d planned for everything, but suddenly he wasn’t ready for this moment.

  “Babe. How’s my hair?” She touched her ponytail. Her hair had grown tremendously during the course of the pregnancy.

  “You look gorgeous.”

  “Make sure you get any excess sweat off me before anyone starts snapping pictures.”

  “Got it.”

  “Make sure if Grandma visits that she uses a wheelchair. I don’t want her hobbling around trying to get to me.”

  He nodded. “Curtis and Sydney said they would bring her.”

  “Do you have the piece of paper with the baby names?”

  He took out his wallet and pulled the piece of paper out. “Right here.”

  “Are you OK with the final names?”

  “I think we made good choices.”

  “Come.” She stretched out her hand. “Sit next to me. You have that pre-game jitters look.”

  “If we have a boy, do you think I’ll be as close to him as Seth is with his boys?” He caressed her belly.

  “I’m sure of it.”

  “He makes it look so easy.”

  “Morgan does too.” She laughed. “She even makes pregnancy look effortless. I’m convinced she gave birth to Mackenzie in the stables without meds and a comfortable hospital bed just to show off.”

  He joined her laughter. “Seth delivering his own child was just another example of his type-A personality.”

  “I could totally see you bonding with a boy. I’m worried about it being a girl.” She sighed.

  “Why? You are woman personified. There’s no way you wouldn’t bond with our daughter.”

  “I want so much to have with our child what I didn’t with my mom, I’m afraid I am going to screw up royally.” She caressed his hand. “So you have to promise me you’ll reel me in if you think I’m being a raging stage mother. Or worse, being one shake away from our lives becoming a reality show about pimping my kid.”

  “Only if you promise me you’ll call me on it if I start laying on the hockey stuff a bit thick. I don’t want our artist son to feel like he’s letting me down because he doesn’t want to follow in his old man’s footsteps.”

  “I promise to learn more Russian. Mainly because I don’t want you teaching our kids a bunch of swear words.” She laughed. Suddenly another labor pain came, and she clutched his forearm.

  “Just breathe.” He smiled at her. “You have a pretty good grip.”

  Dr. Albright burst into the room with a nurse in tow. “How’s my favorite patient doing?”

  “I feel like the baby’s doing the mambo in there.”

  “That’s just the baby getting ready for the big game.”

  “Well, let’s get this baby show on the road,” Charisma said.

  * * *

  Two hours later, Charisma was still in labor, but they were making some progress. Derek couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked when she must have been in so much pain.

  “Charisma, you’re doing fine. One more push,” Dr. Albright said.

  “Come on, baby. You can do it.” Derek wiped her forehead with a towel. “After you deliver, I promise you’ll get that Italian sub.”

  “Mr. Popovich.” Dr. Albright gave him a stern look.

  “OK.” She tried to smile.

  “I love you.” He kissed her.

  “I love you too.”

  Derek held his breath as Charisma took the final push. The strong wail from
the baby was like music to his ears. The doctor held the baby up for them to see before the nurse took their little one to be examined and cleaned up.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Popovich, you are the parents of a healthy baby girl.”

  “A girl.” He grinned and kissed her again.

  “She’s beautiful,” Charisma said, her voice full of wonder as the nurses put their daughter into her arms. “She’s going to be a handful.”

  He moved closer and touched his daughter’s hand. “How about it, Alexis Grace? Are you going to keep mommy and daddy on their toes at all times?”

  The baby made a noise.

  “I think that’s a yes.” Charisma sniffed. “I love that name.”

  “I love it too.”

  The nurse came up behind him. “Do you want to hold her, Mr. Popovich? I can help.”

  Derek fought back the tears as he held Alexis in his arms. She was so small and so fragile. Suddenly a wave of fear rose up in him. How would the world be the same again when he had a little girl? He’d imagined a beautiful little one that looked just like Charisma and had her sass and independent nature. It was going to be an interesting time in the Popovich house. But he knew that time would whip by and she’d suddenly be five, ready for school. Then she’d be a teenager and going out in the world. One day she’d be married.

  Another nurse entered the room. “I just wanted to let you know your family is outside in the waiting area.”

  “Can you let them know I’ll be out in a little while? I’d like to spend some more time with my ladies,” Derek replied.

  An hour later, the family was almost pounding on the door. He knew he couldn’t keep the Reeds at bay for long. Jared and Autumn congratulated him as he stepped out of the room and they escorted him down the hall.

  There was a group of family members in the waiting area with gifts. They’d all come out to share their joy. Jared got Seth on the line, and he and Morgan and the rest of the family in Texas were getting together to have a celebration of their own. There was another baby in the family and this one was a girl. Morgan assured him that all of the little Blakes were happy about that, and Mackenzie was looking forward to having a girl cousin to share things with.

  He asked Grandma Reed, who was in tears when she heard the baby’s name, if she wanted to go in there, and of course she said yes, but only after Alexis’s grandparents got to see her first. “Marcus, Debra, I’d be honored if you were the first to see your granddaughter. I know Charisma would love that too.”

  “Thank you.” Debra lunged at him. “I don’t know if I deserve this but thank you.”

  “I think Alexis deserves to know her grandparents. Who knows? Maybe we’ll all become better people with her in our lives.” He smiled.

  “Thank you, Derek.” Marcus extended his hand for a shake.

  Derek pulled him in for a hug instead. He’d been making efforts since the day he and Charisma had talked. She was even hopeful that Trevor would resolve some of his issues with their parents as well. Speaking of his wayward secret agent brother-in-law, he wondered how he would get in touch with Trevor to let him know he had a niece. They’d been sending him emails since last week alerting him that it was almost show time. As if he were reading his mind, Morgan’s brother, Charles, stepped forward and told him not to worry, Trevor was contacted. He smiled. Who else to get in contact with a secret agent? Someone who worked for the FBI with an obscure job title he couldn’t fully explain. It had begun. Alexis hadn’t been on the planet for twenty-four hours and she was already changing their lives.


  Derek smiled as Charisma breast-fed Alexis. If everything went well today, Dr. Albright was hopeful they could be released in the morning. Morgan, Seth, Isabelle, and Tate had come last night and hit the ground running. They were experts at the parenting thing, so they knew that even the most prepared parents needed something their first day home. So while Seth and Tate took him for a celebratory juice in the cafeteria, Morgan and Isabelle made a list of things to check in the apartment with Charisma.

  His cell phone hadn’t been stopped ringing with well wishes from friends and teammates. The team had even posted a statement on the Pirates’ website welcoming the newest member of the team. He’d talked to his parents, sister, and brothers. Although, they couldn’t be there, it was great to hear from them. The Popovich family was growing again, and they were all excited about that.

  “I just got a text from Morgan and Isabelle,” Derek said. “They said everything is ready for our homecoming.”

  “That was so sweet of them to take the red-eye and come here.”

  “Morgan takes her godmother duties very seriously.” He caressed his daughter’s hand.

  “Yes, she does.”

  Just then, he got another text telling him to come out into the hallway. It was from his brother Alex.

  “Who is it?” Charisma asked.

  “It’s Alex. He must have texted the wrong person. It says to come out into the hallway.” He shrugged.

  “Maybe you should do what the text said.” She smiled.

  “It’s clearly a typo.”

  “But how can you be sure?”

  He gave her a quizzical look. “You trying to get rid of me?”

  “Never. But call it mother’s intuition. My senses are heightened since I gave birth to our daughter.”

  “OK.” He kissed her. “To please you, I’d walk a pirate’s plank right now.”

  “You do realize you are an actual pirate?” She looked down at the baby. “Alexis, wait until I tell you about what your father does for a living and he has a tattoo.”

  “It’s an honest living, Lex.”

  “I’m envisioning tutus and recitals. Heck, I’d even be partial to ice skates if she wanted them. But with my luck she’ll want to become a hockey player.”

  “No limits for my girl. She can do whatever she wants.”

  “I’ll give you time to rethink that and retract that statement. Go out into the hall.” She pointed to the door.

  As soon as he opened the door and turned to the left, he heard a joyful noise.

  “Uncle Derek!”

  He turned to see Chloe and Noah barreling down the hospital hall with Alex in tow carrying shopping bags and a huge teddy bear. Derek bent down and scooped them both up into his arms. They’d grown like weeds since the last time he’d seen them. “You two are getting too big!”

  “We bought presents for Alexis.” Chloe gave him a toothy grin.

  “Looks like your dad bought out the store.” Derek released them so he could hug his brother. “How did you get here so fast?”

  “You think we were going to miss out on the birth of your first child?” He laughed. “Seth called and said to jump on one of the Blake family jets. He knew it was important to have family around.”

  “He was right.” Derek looked at him. Alex seemed different. Sure he was an uncle for the first time, but something else was up. For the first time in a long while, he looked upbeat.

  “The rest of the family will get here as soon as they can,” Alex said. “Where’s Charisma and Alexis?”

  “They’re in room three.”

  “If you don’t mind hanging out with your niece and nephew, I’d love to say hi.”

  “Sure. I’ll take the kids to the cafeteria.” He looked at them. “What do you say to a bite to eat with Uncle Derek?”


  Derek headed down the hallway toward the elevators while Alex prepared to go into the room. It was good to see him. An hour later, Alex joined them in the cafeteria. He got something to eat then took a seat. Noah and Chloe were bundled up in their coats, hats, and mittens and playing in the garden area right outside the window.

  “Morgan is upstairs with the ladies, so I thought I’d get some fuel into me.”

  “Thanks for coming. I know it must have been tricky.”

  “Anything for family.” Alex stabbed at his salad. “My niece is perfection. She has the most beaut
iful pair of cobalt blue eyes I’ve ever seen and she’s right on target with her weight and length. I checked her chart and asked Dr. Albright to keep me updated on their progress.”

  Derek chuckled. “Wow. You just got into town and you’re already throwing your weight around.”

  “Dr. Albright was just extending me a professional courtesy.” Alex flashed a grin. “I had to pour on the charm, but it worked.”

  “So you do remember how to be charming?”

  “The skills may be dulled a bit, but they’re coming back.”

  “I still can’t understand how you got girls to carry your books home from school.” Derek gulped down some chocolate pudding.

  Alex waggled his eyebrows. “I’ll never tell.”

  “You seem different. What’s going on?”

  Alex looked outside at the kids playing. “That trip to California yielded some interesting results. My friend is heading up a new state-of-the-art medical facility and they want me to be in charge of their cardiology department. I’d still be a practicing surgeon and I’d even teach a few courses to the med students.”

  “It sounds like a great opportunity. Why the hesitation?”

  “I don’t know. The kids love their school. They have friends and their activities. I don’t want to yank them away from that.”

  “Kids are resilient. It will take some time, but they’ll find their groove in a new environment.”

  “Our house, our lives in Portland are the last connection to Rachel.”

  “I know.” Derek put down the pudding. “But I also think it could be a new beginning. You have tons of mementos that will keep Rachel alive in their hearts. You could take a piece of her with you.”

  “It does sound like an exciting opportunity.” Alex rubbed his cheek.

  “Just give it some thought. This would be great for your career, but it could also be great for you personally.”

  “OK. It’s easy enough to check out the school systems in the area, and I could always take another trip out there to get the lay of the land.”

  “Then it’s settled.” Derek raised his cup of apple juice. “You’re taking that position. It will be just the change you need, but on your own terms.”


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