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The Meandering Mind - Creative Musings of 7th Graders

Page 8

by Jason Trinklein

  I could not get any sleep at all that night from being so nervous. I kept on thinking what would happen if I didn’t make the team. I had met the coaches of Milan six years ago at a camp in Colombia, South America. But I doubt they would remember me. When I woke up I was so excited and nervous. I immediately went outside to get a taxi until I looked down and realized I was wearing my pajamas. I quickly ran inside and told the taxi driver to wait half an hour so I could take a shower, eat a good breakfast and change. But when I got back he had left. Why would a busy taxi driver in a city as busy as Milan wait for me? But little did he know I would bring A.C Milan its first UEFA Cup in ten years. I don’t blame him because at this point I didn’t know either.

  After a month had gone by I finally got my evaluation from AC Milan to see if I was on the team. I was too scared to open it up. So I asked some random person in my apartment building in Colorado to open it up. My heart was beating, I was sweating like a dog, and I was jittering like a cat that just got out of the water. Then he looked up and said. I don’t speak Italian. I had forgotten the leader was written in Italian since Milan was in Italy. So I just read it myself and it said “compliment, sei stato accetato sul Milan! This means congratulations you have been accepted to AC Milan! I went crazy I then fell in a comma for three days.

  Chapter 8- Finally

  When I got the letter about being accepted to play for Milan I went crazy! I

  Called my manager and told him to get me a flight to Milan . When I arrived in

  Milan I had reservations at a hotel. I had a 5 year contact with Milan so I was

  going to look for a house. A very nice house. Since Milan is paying me 25

  million Euros a year I'm going to buy a neon green Lamborghini and a black

  Ferrari. I'm going to be living large. I bought a 4 story house. The whole

  fourth floor is an indoor soccer field.

  After one week with getting everything situated and moving into my new house I

  finally went to the stadium for the first practice after the holidays. We are in

  the middle of the champions league. AC Milan has a good chance of winning this

  year. We haven't won the champions league in about ten years. This was our year

  to win it. I wasn't put in once at all throughout the whole entire champions

  league until the final match. The match that had changed everything. The uefa

  champions league final!

  The starter for left midfield had been injured so I was put in to replace him.

  It was tied. We went passed over time then double over time and the only way to

  decide the winner was to have an penalty kick shoot out. My team kicked second

  and Manchester united kicked first. I was the fifth kicker so if it was tied by

  the team it got to me I would have to take the winning penalty. I wanted to take

  and not wanted to take at the same time. I was hoping I wouldn't have to kick.

  It must've been my natural bad luck or something because I did have to take the

  final PK. I was up against Van Der Sar, Manchester’s goalie. The crowd was

  cheering like crazy. I finally went up to take it and shoot. It doesn't matter

  if I made it or not. So I'm not going to say. What matters is that if I even

  missed I still would have made victory!


  Eliza Willburger – Becoming Kathryn

  “Nice buzzer beater Kat,” said Sarah. I walked into the hall from the gym and saw my friends: Elizabeth, Maggie, Gwen, and Samantha. They are nothing like me. Right now I’m wearing basketball shorts, a pair of Nikes, and a t-shirt while they are wearing a skirt, shirt, dress, heels, a purse, makeup, and their hair down and straightened. “Hurry up Kat so we can go to the mall,” said Gwen. “Coming!” I yelled. I walked into the locker room, took a shower, and ran out with jeans and a shirt. We walked out to Elizabeth’s brother’s red truck. We piled in and were off to the mall. “It took you long enough,” said Maggie. I said, “Sorry but I was so sweaty and I couldn’t go to the mall like that.” “It’s fine but let’s go to the food court first, I’m starving,” said Sam. We walked to the food court. We went to get frozen yogurt and sat down to eat. “Look over there,” said Elizabeth. “Oh gosh is that John?” I asked. Please don’t come over, please don’t come over. “Oh hey John,” I heard Gwen say. Of course he had to come and talk to us. “Hey Kat,” said John. “H-h-hey John,” I Stuttered. I blew it! “I guess I gotta go, bye,” said John. “Bye,” we all said in unison. “Way to go Kat,” said Sam. I definitely screwed up. Gosh. “He will never like me,” I said. “Yes he will and we will help you get him,” said Maggie. I hope so.

  Chapter Two

  “He will,” said Elizabeth. “Yeah, probably not,” I said. I got up and threw my chocolate frozen yogurt away. It’s five o’clock. “Hey guys I have to go its five o’clock,” I said. “Bye,” they said in unison. I rode down the escalators and out the door to my mom’s jeep. We drove home in silence. We got to my house and I threw down my backpack on the couch and started peeling a Clementine. “How was the mall?,” my mother asked. “Good I guess.” I ran upstairs, grabbed my phone and called Maggie. “Hey Maggie,” I said. “Hey Kat,” said Maggie. “I think I’m falling for him,” I said. “Oh my gosh! I’m calling Elizabeth!” Elizabeth got on the line. “Hey Elizabeth,” I said. “Hey guys,” said Elizabeth. “I just want to tell you guys to come over tomorrow so we can help Kat with her outfit,” said Maggie. “Okay cool,” Elizabeth and I said. “Well I’m tired so bye guys,” I said. I hung up and got in my pink polka dot pajamas. I climbed into my bed and fell into a deep sleep. I started to have a really strange dream. It was about John asking me to the Prom! It was the best dream ever! It seemed so real, but my Ipod alarm woke me up to reality. Why couldn’t my life by like that dream? Whatever…I had to get dressed for school. I don’t want to go. Ugh.

  Chapter 3

  I got out of bed and put on my worn out blue jeans and a t-shirt. I went downstairs and ate some cereal when my neighbor drove by to pick me up. The whole way there I was thinking of him. Will he ask me out? Does he like me? Will he ever like me? My answers to all of these were no. I got out the car and walked into homeroom with this girl named Betsy, who’s on my basketball team. I unpacked my books and went to first period. Boom! I ran into some 5th grader. I bent down to grab my books when John touched my hand to grab my English book. “T-t-thanks,” I said. We looked into each others eyes and I got up quickly. I tucked my long hair behind my ear and was on my way. I think I smiled the whole time in English class. At lunch I told the girls about my experience this morning. They were all screaming and jumping up and down. All of the boys were staring at us. It was kind of embarrassing but that’s why they’re my friends. “Ya’ll are perfect together,” said Maggie. Maybe. “I’ve got it!” exclaimed Elizabeth. “I can ask him what he likes in a girl and we can change you into what he likes,” she said. “B-b-but I will have to change who I am,” I said. “So, then he will like you,” said Gwen. I hope this works. “It will, don’t worry,” said Elizabeth. “Kat,” said Elizabeth. “I know what John likes in a girl.” “Tell me!” “Okay well he likes…” Then the bell rang.

  Chapter 4

  “Okay well he likes a girly girl, someone athletic, someone pretty, funny, and nice,” said Elizabeth. “I am athletic, nice, and funny.” “I just need to be pretty and a girly girl,” I said. “Kat you are pretty and we can make you a girly girl,” said Gwen. “Come to my house tonight!” “Alright got it, I’ll be there at four.” “Got it!” said Gwen. I walked out of school and hop into the car. When I got home I ran upstairs and got into my girliest clothes: a striped shirt and jean shorts. I walked down the street to Gwen’s house. I knocked on her giant wooden door. “Hey Kat, c’mon in,” said Mrs. Smith. “She’s up in her room.” I walked up the stairs to Gwen’s room. “Hey!” “Hey Kat, my sisters are going to give you a
makeover,” said Gwen. “Ali and Leah, get in here!” “Coming,” said Ali. “We need to work on you!” “Kat, you should be on what not to wear,” said Leah. “I think she needs a skirt,” said Gwen. What have I gotten myself into? “Okay, so Kat just turn around and we will fix you up,” said Ali. They grab all these clothes and make me try them on. Dresses. Hats. Skirts. Shirts. Shoes. Pants. I didn’t like most of them but I found two dresses, one shirt, and one pair of shoes. They started putting all this makeup on me. It felt weird and itchy. “Oh my gosh,” said Gwen. “Go get the makeup remover.” “Does it look bad?” I asked. “Yes!” We wiped off all the makeup and put back on my original clothes. “We will have to go to the mall to get your makeup done,” said Gwen.

  Chapter 5

  “My mom can take us,” said Gwen. Her mom put on her flip flops and we all piled into the car. She turned the car on and we were off to the mall. When we got there, we went straight to the Ulta store. We were looking around at some of the makeup. Some store clerk came up to us and asked us what we were shopping for. We told her we were just looking. “Well I could help you and do your makeup for you,” said the store clerk. “Sounds good and thanks,” I said. She brought me over to her work station and I sat down. She started grabbing mascara, eyeliner, lip gloss, cover-up, and blush. “Now this would look good on you, can you please open and close your eyes fast so the mascara can get on good,” said the clerk. I did what she told me to do. She started putting on lip gloss and eyeliner. She also added blush and cover up. “You can take these things home and I they are free,” said the clerk. We said thank you and left. “That was nice,” said Gwen. We went to the clothing store and I picked out a beautiful dress, skirt and two cool tops. Then my mom picked me up and took me home. I showed her everything I bought. She wasn’t used to me acting like a girly girl but said if I was happy , then she was happy. I guess I was happy, wasn’t I? Becoming a girly girl was what I wanted right? Well, if John would ask me to Prom then it would be worth it I told myself.

  Chapter 6

  The next day at school I had my makeup on and my new outfit on. I looked pretty good. I had all these guys coming up to me asking me to go with them to Prom. I said no to them all. I was waiting for John. I was walking down the hall with Sam to our math class. We turned the corner and I smashed into him and our books went flying. I went to pick up my book when he put his hand on mine. We looked directly in the eyes. He started blushing and we both pulled our hands away quickly. Then very shyly, he asked me to Prom and of course I said yes! We both walked together to math and talked a lot. We even sat next to each other. Two more days till Prom, I thought. Just two more days! The next day could not go by fast enough but finally school was out! I went to basketball and I got home and got in my pajamas. Tomorrow was going to be great! My alarm went off and I hopped out of bed. I stared at my dress and I couldn’t wait. The phone rang. It was John! “I’ll pick you up at 7:30,” he said . “Alright, I’ll see you tonight” I said. The day went by fast and it was time to get ready. I put on my dress, did my makeup, and did my hair. I looked gorgeous. I heard the doorbell ring and it was John. Of course my parents had to take pictures of us. I walked outside and I saw a Limo! It was so cool! I knew this night would be a night to remember.

  Chapter 7

  I got into this elegant white limo. I had never been in one before. Johns family is really rich but that’s not why I like him. I would never like him for his money. When we arrived at Prom, John opened the door for me. I started walking up the stairs and he grabbed my hand. It was so cute. We walked in together and when we started walking down the stairs everyone stared at me. Their jaws dropped. I wasn’t sure what to think. I must not have looked like the same old Kat. Maybe I should start having everyone call me Kathryn, my real name, to fit my new image. John asked me if I’d like to dance. “Of course,” I said. I could have danced all night. I asked John why he started liking me. He said, “Well, I don’t Know, I just do.” “Really, that’s all?” I asked. “Well, I like how you can just be yourself and not have to be just like all the other girls with their makeup and designer clothes and stuff,” said John. What? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! He liked me, Kate, just the way I was! “I thought you would like me more because I wore makeup and dresses!” I said. “Nope,” said John. “I mean, you look great and all but I like without all that stuff.” Wow – I found a guy that likes me for who I am! I gave him a huge hug. “Thanks,” I said. We just kept dancing and has the best time. He took me home in the limo again. The night was like a fairytale. When I got home I took a shower and took off my makeup. I put on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. This was the real me. I could dress up now and again but I felt great just being regular old Kat. I got a phone call. It was John. I answered and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes and we were going to hangout tomorrow at the beach and play volleyball. This was going to be the best year of my life.

  Hannah Pressler

  Chapter 1

  The Westside forest is absolutely beautiful in the springtime. The trees are in full bloom, the birds are singing sweet melodies, and all the little forest animals are out and about. Air, full of the smell of sweet flowers, has a gentle breeze. The sun is shining through the trees making picturesque shadows. Many people do not know about Westside forest, you could say it is a state of imagination. Although to Madeline, it is as real as it gets.

  Long, silky, black hair, 14, and stubborn describes Madeline Young perfectly. She lives in a mansion on a vast plantation. Her family is very wealthy and owns a lot of businesses so she usually gets what she wants. Madeline is an only child. Since she is an only child she will go explore on her family plantation. It is so extensive that every time she discovers something new. And that is how the story of the Westside Games began.

  On that one spring day Madeline was running around with her dog, Kipper, through the fields. Kipper saw a squirrel and immediately ran after to chase it. Into the woods he went. Madeline did not mind because he loves to chase squirrels and he always came back after a few minutes, but this time was different. After about five minutes she began wondering where he was. “Kipper!” she yelled, and still, not a noise. That’s when she became wary. “Kipper! Kipper! Come here boy.” still no response. She began to run into the woods in the direction of where he ran. She was all cut up from the trees and thorns and her nice new dress was tattered and dirty. “I am so filthy, mom is going to be so mad.” whined Madeline. Again she kept calling “Kipper! Kipper!” and finally she heard a cry.

  Madeline could not pick up where the noise came from but she knew it was Kipper. Once again she began frantically shouting his name and more cries came. Louder and louder they became and sounding more like Kipper. She loved that dog and could not bear the thought of losing him. So she kept on in hope of finding him. “There he is!” exclaimed Madeline. In the center of a small clearing sat Kipper looking up at a tree, pawing and whining. “Oh Kipper I’m so glad I found you! I thought you were hurt or something. Now your safe and sound with me and we can go back home now. Anyways, what were you doing chasing squirrels thinking you were going to get one? Come on silly dog let’s go home.” Once they were almost out of the forest, Madeline tripped over a rock and went tumbling down a hole with Kipper following. Then they blacked out.

  Chapter 2

  Madeline and Kipper fell there a hole in the ground leading to Camelot. Camelot was a mythical land where dwarves, mythical animals (such as unicorns, dragons, many monstrous sea creatures, and many other creatures good and bad), demons, kings, queens, princes, princesses, and villages. When Madeline and Kipper arrived it was springtime. The birds were singing sweet melodies, farm animals grazing in the fields loaded with luscious, green grass, the pleasing smell of roses and wildflowers filled the air, and a slight breeze was blowing. Although Camelot might sound like an ideal place to live, there was also a downside. Demons and devils roamed the land causing chaos, the sea creatures would destroy innocent sea animal
s, and dragons would go after the nobles and their families. The angels, mermaids, and dragon slayers were hired to keep the chaos down. Dwarves were used in government to help control all the citizens. Their main role was to guard the gates of Camelot from intruders and unwanted creatures. The way Madeline and Kipper fell into Camelot was quiet common.

  “What do we have here? They are not one of us. What should we do with them George?” asked a dwarf named Roger who found them lying in a field unconscious. “Well Roger since you new at this whole keeping out the unwanted out and stuff I’ll walk you through it. First, if they are conscious or unconscious and are a threat, you immediately throw them in jail until you decide what to do with them. Which is usually kicking them out of Camelot. Second, if they are conscious or unconscious and don’t seem like a threat then you will question them to see if they are a benefit to the community. If so, invite then to Camelot and give them a job that suits their talents. Third if is somebody who used to live in Camelot then invite them back, throw them a party, and supply them for the next six months.” explained George who seemed a little bit annoyed since it was his third time telling Roger this. “Alright I think we should question these… um…. creatures because they seem innocent. Does that sound like a reasonable judgment George?” Roger asked hoping to get a yes and he did. “ Yes, surprisingly, that sounds like a wonderful idea.” Roger and George brought back Madeline and Kipper from the field where they landed and brought them back to the King Harold’s palace for questioning.

  It only took about and hour to get to the palace but the dwarves were a lot smaller than Madeline and Kipper so it was a struggle for them. They had to take many breaks to catch their breath and rest. When they finally go there they took Madeline and Kipper to the hospital to regain consciousness. “Woof! Woof!” Kipper barked, which woke Madeline up. ”I am so confused! Where am I? Who are you guys, or should I say midgets?” said Madeline confused, looking at Roger, George and the nurses who were also dwarves. “We just about confused as you are right now. What are your names and where do you come from?” questioned George. “ Why should I give you my name? How do I know if I can trust you? Just get me out of here!” demanded Madeline stubbornly. Kipper was going crazy. He was running around the room knocking over tables and trampling little dwarves. “These beasts are just too much!” one of the dwarves cried out “Get them out of her until they calm down, then we will question them.” One guards caught hold of Madeline while she was thrashing around and crying because she was confused. Then they managed to get a hold of Kipper while he was running around causing chaos. Both of them were going ballistic. They had no idea where they were, how they got there, or if they were safe. The guards put them in a sizable room with a bathroom, bed, and couch. “You will stay here until you calm down. Just as tip, put your act together when you’re questioned. They will not tolerate brats like you.” Then the guard left and they were left alone until their questioning.


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