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The Meandering Mind - Creative Musings of 7th Graders

Page 9

by Jason Trinklein

  Chapter 3

  The cell that Madeline and Kipper were thrown into was very small, dark, and damp. It was also underground and smelled musty. They were miserable, not to mention lonely. The only other people were the other prisoners who committed crime. Finally, which felt like days, a big, hefty guard came to get them for their questioning. ‘ Alright you little rats, I have to take you to the inquisitor for your questioning. Just as some advice, don’t back sass and only call her the name inquisitor.” grumbled the hefty guard. Once they got out of the dungeon, they went up many flights of stairs. The stairs were windy, narrow, stone steps. By the time they reached the top sep they were exhausted.

  At the end of what seemed like endless stirs there was a small red room. In the room there were soft, red, velvet couches and armchairs. It smelled like sweet roses. In the biggest armchair stood a witch-like lady. She was the Inquisitor. “Hello, you must be Madeline and Kipper.” Said the Inquisitor. Her voice was raspy and scary. “Yes Inquisitor, they are. They are here for their questioning. Is this an inconvenient time?’ asked the guard. The guard shoved them towards the Inquisitor. ”no this is fine. Thank you for bringing them. Please stay here so if any of them decide to rebel., you can stop them.” demanded the Inquisitor. “Yes ma’am” obeyed the guard. Then he went to go sit down in one of the armchairs in the corner of the room by the door. He looked awkward sitting in the small, red, velvet armchair because he was such a buff man.

  “Alright, which one of you brats wants to go first?” asked the Inquisitor. Madeline wanted to burst out with nasty remarks but this was a life or death situation here. She either obeyed the Inquisitor or and ended up with a death sentence. She chose obeying. “Um… Inquisitor, ill go first since my dog cant talk.” trembled Madeline. “ Cut the attitude brat! Our quality dogs here can talk, just not your mutts.” insulted the inquisitor. At that remark kipper whimpered and Inquisitor snapped at him too. “’What would you like to know Inquisitor? Asked Madeline in a kind voice because she knows she already had two strikes. “How and why did you end up here?” asked the Inquisitor. “I’m sorry ma’am but I really don’t know. All I remember was running home with Kipper when we tripped over a root, fell in a hole, and blacked out. I wish I could remember.” said Madeline in her soft and sweet voice trying to sound innocent. “Fine. Tell me a little bit about yourselves.” Said the Inquisitor. “ I am 14 years old, live on a plantation with my family and Kipper, and love exploring. That’s pretty much my life.” said Madeline a little more agitated. “ Hmm. Ok I think I can believe you Why did you happen to fall into the hole in the first place?” challenged the Inquisitor. “Like I said before ma’am I didn’t want to end up here. It was an accident---“ just as Madeline was about to finish her sentence, another guard brought in another kid who Madeline seemed to know. Then it hit her. It was one of her best friends from school. Clary.

  Chapter 4

  Clary was a lot like Madeline. The both had long, black, silky hair and soft brown eyes. They were also about the same height and personality. They could almost be sisters. They practically lived at each other’s house. Madeline had totally forgot that Clary was coming over that day to hang out with her that day. “ Clary! How’d you get here?” Madeline was so excited to see something familiar. “ I really don’t know! I just went over to your house and your mom said you were exploring. I decided to go look for you and calling your name and you wouldn’t answer. The I saw blobs of Kipper’s slobber so I followed that. Then it led to this hole that I didn’t see. I tripped over something and fell in. Then I ended up in this random field and some kind dwarfs took me took me to give me to the guards to take me for my questioning. So here I am now.” after Clary was done explaining she was out of breath but was also glad to see a familiar face. They hugged again and a Madeline explained her story too.

  “Alright you little creeps. Lets get back to business. Madeline, your still up. How do you know this girl, Clary?’ inquired the Inquisitor. “We are best friends, go to the same school, and live close to each other. That’s about it.” said Madeline. “Oh come on! I know there is more that you are hiding. I need to know everything” demanded the Inquisitor. Now Madeline was getting angry but trying to control it. “I’m sorry ma’am that is all I live a simple life.“ she said coolly. “Ughh! I need to take a break!” the Inquisitor said walking out the door. Now Madeline, Clary Kipper, and the two guards were left in the room.

  It was taking forever for the Inquisitor to come back, so in that time while she was gone and the guards were arm wrestling, Madeline and Clary were making plans of an escape from Camelot. This was very risky because if they were caught, the would surely not live to see another day in the own home, they would be stuck there forever. Madeline and Clary were great at making plans and schemes but the only problem was they didn’t know where the exit was.

  “I’m back, did anybody miss me? I’m sure you did.” Proclaimed the Inquisitor. It was about a thirty minute break and the sun was starting to go down. Medline and Clary were becoming tired. “May we please resume this in the morning?” asked Madeline and Clary in unison. They were so tired that there eyelids were starting to get heavy and the were totally blocking out the Inquisitor’s words. “Fine. Eight o’clock sharp. No later and or earlier. Got it?” said the Inquisitor. They were off to bed.

  Chapter 5

  “Alright, you have succeed in your first test. That was to e3ndure my annoyingness and ongoing questioning. It was all a test. It was to see if you could handle it.” said the Inquisitor. “Yay!” Madeline and Clary said at the same time and Kipper also barked. “Now what?” Madeline asked because she was confused. “ In Camelot we are all nice people. We would never do anything to actually harm you in any way such as people being slaves or never bring able to go home. So you may do anything you want. You may live here or go back home. What ever you decide. If you were to live here, you will always be shelter in a house by the beach, always have nice clothes, and always have giant feasts. Those are our offers.” Said the Inquisitor. “ Can we have time to think about it or do we have too tell you now?” asked Clary. “You have until sundown tomorrow to accept our offers here or you will be sent home. Also I forgot to add if you live here you may always return to your family every so often to visit.” Replied the Inquisitor. “We will be back here tomorrow with our answer. Thank you very much.” Said Clary.

  Clary and Madeline decided to stay in Camelot where they would live peacefully without nagging parents. Both of their parents were always on to everything they were doing and it annoyed them so much. They returned to the Inquisitor with there answer. “We would like to stay here away from our nagging parent. Since we will be able to visit, I think it will be ok.” Said Madeline. “That sounds like the best idea since our offers are truly the best. You are allowed two visits per month. Would you like to visit now to pack your belongings to get here or get all new things?” asked the Inquisitor. “I think we will visit now if convenient. Where and how exactly do we get back and forth?” asked Clary. “ The same way you came. It is kind of like an airplane, we will fly you up to the hole you dropped in and then you drop back in and here you are again.” Said the Inquisitor. “When will you like to go?” “I think now would be good.” Said Madeline. The Inquisitor then showed them the way to the airplane thing.

  The airplane was huge and really nice. All the seats were first class and there were many flight attendants. It seemed weird because they were only in there for two minutes but they guessed it was used for other flights as well. They were boarded and in the air in less then three minuets. The plane was unnervingly smooth but that didn’t bother them at all. Anyways, that was probably normal for a strange place like Camelot. Then they reached the field they landed in and saw the hole they dropped from.

  Chapter 6

  The plane was so nice that they all fell asleep as soon as it took off. It was a peaceful, dreamless dream. Then Madeline woke up and looked at her watch
. Uh-oh. “Clary! Clary! Wake up!” said Madeline worried. “What?” said Clary waking up. “We left Camelot at about 5:30 on Saturday October 12th now it is 6:45 on February 10th.” We were tricked they both thought.

  They ran to the cockpit is see what was going on maybe her watch was malfunctioning but she highly doubted that. As soon as the got to there they could tell there was something wrong. There was no sound what-so-ever coming from the cockpit, not even the slight hum of electronics. They begged into the cock pit, Clary first because she was more brave, and the pilots were like zombies. Although the pilots were still moving, they had no expressions.. Clary and Madeline tried to wake them up to fly them back home but nothing worked. The pilots looked human so many the Inquisitor tricked them to but like they thought, the plane just didn’t seem normal.

  “Hello girls.” Said a deep voice from behind them. It was on of the dwarves that brought Madeline from the field to the Inquisitor. “Do you work for the Inquisitor or do something with our pilots? You seemed nice when you brought me from the field.” Said Madeline. “Oh you know nothing about me little girl. Nothing at all. Yes, I did do this to the pilots and no, I do not work for the Inquisitor. I actually influenced the Inquisitor. I had her just say the done with for the questioning because I saw you two had a special gift that not many people have. You have the gift of Sight. You can see the things of Camelot unlike most humans. For that purpose I am capturing you and keeping you here for war. Humans are very valuable.” Replied the dwarf. “Oh my gosh this is all happening very fast. So we have to come with you to be an aid in war and what if we don’t want to?” asked Clary. “There is no choice. It is my offer or death. You choose.” Said the dwarf. “ I think we will take your choice but can we at least go home for a little while so we can say our final good-byes?” asked Madeline. “ Yes you may have one week. Just so you know my name is Bob.” said the dwarf.”Bob, this time can you please not do anything with the time or the plane please?” asked Clary. “Sure, but this is the only time.” Said Bob and they were off.

  Chapter 7

  Thank goodness this flight was normal they thought after they landed back to the field they fell to on there way here. They could see the hole perfectly. All they needed to do was to jump through the hole and they would be back on the Young’s plantstion and that s exactly what they did.

  All three of them, Clary, Madeline, and Kipper were happy to hear, smell, and touch familiar things. They went running for the house. It was strange because there were still brown leaves on the ground but it was suppose to be February. Also there was always snow in February but none in October. Strange. It also felt like once they jumped back onto the plantation time there just started from the time she fell through the hole. That’s it! Madeline thought, time stops until they get back to the real world. She told Clary who seemed undaunted by that surprise probably because they had had many unexpected surprises.

  They burst into the house almost in tears. They were so happy to be home, well it was like home for Clary. The Youngs ran over to them completely startled. Once they told them their story their mouths dropped. They could not believe it. They were convinced the hit their head or something but then Clary ad Madeline convinced them that it was the truth. They were so sad for their daughter and her friend. The said they would do anything but that just would not work. The Youngs still wanted to bargin with Bob when he would come back to retrieve them. Clary went home and told her parents and they had the same reaction.

  Each of them spent as much time with their family as possible because they were dreading the day when Bob comes back to get them. About a week and a half passed and Bob didn’t come. Clary and Madeline were relieved but also a little bit worried. They didn’t want anything else unexpected to happen. Lets just hope for the best they kept telling each other. Then one day one for Bobs assiastants came. “I am Joe sent by Bob to tell you that he no longer needs humans. He has already conquered al the land surrounding Camelot and humans would just be a burden.” Said Joe. “Yes!” everyone exclaimed. Even Kipper barked. Once Joe left they had a huge celebration and lived happily ever after!

  The End

  Isabella Schafer

  Chapter 1

  Somehow I always seem to wake up to a nightmare. It’s usually the same one every night. As far as my eyes can reach, all I see is pure darkness. The air is so thick, I can feel it weighing me down. I start to run, but when my mind tells my legs to stop for some rest, they don’t listen. Eventually, my legs surrender, I’m gasping for air, and I start to fall. It seems like I’ve been falling for minutes, hours, days, maybe even years. I can’t keep track. Time means nothing in this world that I visit every time my head hits the pillow.

  But tonight my mind is in a different place. I was standing in a crowd of people. No names matched the faces I saw, but I knew every single one. Judging by the uniforms of red and blue I figured they were students. These people were my classmates; the people I saw five days a week, but I couldn’t name one soul in the noise filled hallway. As everyone talked, and hugged, and waved goodbye, the commotion became worse. I could feel my head throbbing with every step I took. I wandered through the halls. I was looking for something, someone. The farther I walked down the hall, the closer together the walls seemed to be getting. Out of all the people in the corridor, not one of them stops to notice me. It seems as if I am wearing an invisible cloak that all the heroes have in fantasy books. But let me tell you, this is no fantasy.

  The walls are so close together now I can barely walk, let alone breathe. The people around me are going on with their day, while I’m struggling to take another step and another breath. I force my legs to carry me a few more feet, but then I fall to the floor. I look around in panic. I am looking for someone to help me, but every person walks along like nothing is wrong. The tile feels cold against my rosy face. Everything seems to get better, until I feel something run down my forehead and slap the floor. Blood. I guess I hit the floor harder than I expected. I scream some names that sound right, but I am unseen by everyone. Unable to take the pain for a second longer I let out a loud shriek. But once again, I’m just invisible. Next thing I know, I’m back to my dark room. Back to reality.

  The bright sun shines through the blinds and hits my face. I can tell it’s morning because of the banging of dishes downstairs and the smell of home cooking. My mom makes eggs and bacon for breakfast every Monday to start my day off on a good note.

  “Ellie! Breakfast is ready!”

  My mom’s melodious voice rings through the house. I jump out of bed and throw on the clothes I set out the night before. Dark jeans highlight my athletic figure and a teal ruffled top brings out my sapphire eyes. I slip on my favorite gold ballet flats and run to the bathroom. My thick blond hair is hard to deal with in the morning so I put it in a high ponytail. I look at the time and it’s already 7:49. If I don’t hurry I’ll miss the bus. My mom hands me an egg and cheese sandwich as I kiss her goodbye. Out the door I go before the bus drives away.

  Chapter 2

  When we pulled up the school’s main building my reckless bus driver slammed on breaks and everyone flung forward in their seats. Everybody filed out of the bus and ran inside to greet their friends that had already arrived. As I was looking around for someone I knew, a guy a slight bit taller than me ran into me, dropping all of his books.

  “I’m so sorry!” He said in a worried voice. “I’m new and—sorry—uh… sorry!”

  “Don’t worry about it.” I said as I helped him pick up his books. “I’m Ellie.”

  “I’m Mark… I just moved to Charleston from Philadelphia.”

  “ Wow, that’s a big change in weather.”

  “Yeah well I have to get to class—“

  “ Do you want me to show you around?”

  A slight smile came to Mark’s face. “Sure.”

  He showed me his schedule so I could tell him what class he had first.

  “ World History wi
th Mr. O’Brien. That’s where I’m going too!”

  So we walked down the hallway, making small talk. The occasional awkward silence was comfortable and neither of us had to try too hard to make conversation.

  Mark looked like your typical teenage boy. He wore somewhat baggy, khaki pants with a light blue t-shirt, and topsiders. His hair was dirty blonde, the color of wet sand at the beach. The t-shirt he was wearing brought out his brilliant green eyes. When I looked at his schedule, I couldn’t help but notice he was in all honors classes. Extremely cute and smart too?

  When we got to class, we found two seats next to each other in the back. Mr. O’Brien’s class was usually the most unexciting class of the whole day, but for some reason Mark made it more exciting. I couldn’t help my eyes from wandering over to his perfectly chiseled face. The bell rang for second period and the halls filled with noise. It turned out Mark and I had almost every class together. We walked with each other from class to class, talking about ourselves. I told him I was an only child and both my parents were doctors at the Medical University of South Carolina. He told me he had two younger brothers and one older sister. He also told me his dad owned a car repair shop and his mom was CEO for some big company—I’m not sure which one; I was too distracted by the way his hair swept in his face and how he would flip it every couple minutes.


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