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Immortal Espionage

Page 9

by Debbie Behan

  The other person invited on this trip was Ricco’s long-time trusted friend and companion. Nash was polite to Jay and Alina but carried a frown these days. He had more than once argued with Ricco about how involved he was becoming with them, leaving no time for his old friends. Namely him Ricco thought although he never said it to his face.

  ‘Did we have to drag old man Nash with us?’ Jay complained.

  ‘He can cook and none of us wants to.’

  ‘He better keep his eyes off Alina or there will be a bigger problem with me and him than there is now.’

  ‘Jay, you’re half his size.’

  ‘Well, I have you to back me up.’

  ‘Just settle. Nash is coming because he is the only person I fully trust in this world, apart from you two that is.’ He grinned at Alina.

  ‘Are you sure you can trust him?’ Jay was serious now.

  ‘He used to be a chef. It was in his restaurant that we first met in rather strained conditions. He’s an expert with a knife. It was the first and only fight we ever had. Neither of us won, but respect and a bond formed that night that has carried us through many years.’

  ‘How old is he, a hundred?’

  ‘Nash is in his early fifties now, but strong and smart when it comes to strategic warfare. Try and give him a break. He’s a good man, trust me.

  ‘I trust you, him, not so much.’

  Ricco watched as Jay turned and ran off after Zac. He found it unusual that Jay felt this way. He was normally a good judge of character. Since meeting Alina and Jay, Ricco’s whole perception of life had changed. He no longer wanted just to survive, but really to live. And here it would begin. He had every intention of savouring every enjoyable moment with his new wife and her brat of a boyfriend. He still couldn’t believe how he had conned Ricco into letting him come with them on their honeymoon. I ought to be kicking his arse instead of pacifying him.

  Standing on the beach at this moment with Alina’s hand in his and watching Jay and his friend skylark, Ricco felt complete. In a quick movement Ricco snatched Alina up in his arms and was just about to race her off to his cabin when Jay, the sly dog, stood directly in his path.

  Hands on hips Jay read him like a book. Damn. Caught…

  ‘I knew I should’ve left you home,’ Ricco growled.

  Jay totally ignored him as usual and smiled at Alina. ‘Strip and now, girl. I’ve waited long enough.’

  Ricco realised he had no power over either of them when it came to this promise given so he slid Alina to her feet. She stood in front of them and looked an angel still dressed in her wedding frock. Ricco grinned, wondering how this would play out. The game had even got him excited although he wished this moment was his alone to enjoy.

  ‘I hate you Jay.’ Ricco eyed him.

  ‘Ricco, you have put this off until now thinking I would change my mind and feel sorry for you. Well guess what buddy, this is your fault it is going down today.’

  He was right. Ricco had been so possessive of her. He had tried every trick in the book to stop the inevitable. Today he had no more excuses. In fact he had become so involved in Jay’s fantasy it had also become his own. He felt like he would burst out of his pants any minute. Bloody Jay. He scowled. Made us sleep apart until the wedding.

  Alina giggled and ran into the water, stripping like a little professional. They both collapsed on the beach, loving her so much.

  ‘Ricco, this is your time with your wife.’

  ‘You’re not staying?’

  ‘I just wanted to teach you to share her. Your willingness to let us have this time has shown me how much you treasure me too.’

  Ricco put his arm around Jay. ‘I know you will never let up caring the way you do about her, but I’m also glad to see I’m included. This is the best wedding gift I could have ever wished for.’

  ‘Enjoy it big boy, tomorrow I may not be so giving.’

  ‘I would hate you to change, my boy. This is a first, a special gift that I will always remember.’

  Jay got up and turned from Alina, but not before catching the kiss she blew him. She was his sunshine, but now Ricco’s wife. There would be many years for them to spend time together, but this was Ricco’s. He for once felt the bigger man, for he had to learn to share now too.

  Jay yelled at Zac. ‘Come on buddy, time to unpack our stuff. These two need some privacy.’

  Ricco had a grin from ear to ear as he sat alone and watched Alina skipping across the water as she flung off bits of clothing and danced and hummed one of her little songs. As the last piece was removed she dived in the water out of sight and the spell broke. Ricco was on his feet discarding his own clothes, his jocks he kicked off as he ran full on into the surf. It was her he picked up his sexy naked bride. It was time to make her the happiest wife that ever lived.

  It was hours before any of them emerged from their rooms. Ricco and Alina were the first to make their way to the beach for another refreshing swim. Alina wanted Jay to join them and started stirring him. ‘Jay you big girl, come and have a swim,’ she called out.

  Jay stuck his head out of his window. ‘I need five more minutes.’ He disappeared back inside out of view.

  ‘We’re going snorkelling,’ she called back to entice him. They were geared up ready and waiting for him.

  Jay growled before the door to his room burst open and he ran out to join them. He carried a wetsuit that he struggled into before he hit the water.

  Alina laughed at him. ‘Did I disturb you boys, sugar plum?’

  ‘No, it’s just that Zac took off and I was trying to ring him.’

  ‘Why?’ All silliness aside, Ricco worried for Zac. Even though this island was deserted of holiday makers, islanders were very private and wouldn’t like it if he wandered into one of their camps.

  ‘Jealous! Well that’s what the note said. Nash set off and took him to the mainland about an hour ago, but I haven’t been able to reach him.’

  ‘You’re kidding; he’s gone?’

  ‘It didn’t make sense to me either. I’ve always been the same with you and Ali. He knew what to expect when we came here. There’s got to be something else that spooked him for him to leave. I haven’t been sleeping and just crashed. I didn’t even hear him go.’

  ‘Sorry Jay, I thought you two were having fun. Are you okay?’ Alina frowned.

  ‘Sure, but you know I was just having fun with him. No big deal.’

  ‘Have you heard from Kev?’ Alina knew straight away who he meant.

  He shook his head. ‘I don’t want to stuff up his life by bringing him into this crazy shit. Life on the run would not be his thing.’

  ‘What’s that?’ Ricco heard loud clicks coming from the cabins. ‘Did you leave something on, Jay?’

  ‘Nope, not me. I haven’t used anything electrical yet.’

  ‘Hell!’ Ricco grabbed hold of them both and pulled them with him into deeper water, but he didn’t move quickly enough. A loud explosion and a burst of heat trust them backwards. The three of them clung to each other as they saw the wreckage left from a blast. Their two huts had shattered and the shock overwhelmed them as she realised they could have been inside them.

  ‘Far out, I’m glad you nagged at me to come out here.’ Death knocked at Jay’s door again and his breathing was deep and hard as fear overwhelmed him.

  ‘Geez Jay, not being mean but I’m glad Zac did take off. He might have kept you in there.’ Alina clung to both of them.

  ‘What’s the plan Ricco? You better have one, it’s your turf.’ Jay held his had up to his face to shield the smoke that wafted their way.

  Ricco was thankful Alina had wanted to snorkel. If he had it his way, they’d be still in bed. Jay was right, they had been targeted. He had to get them away from this immediate danger. And now! ‘Hold your breath.’ He gave them a serious glare. ‘Do not let go of me.’

  He pulled them both under, forcing them to cling to his back. The water was so clear they could see the modern resort
start to light up. One hut after the other blew, the black shards sailed in the wind and settled on the top of the water.

  Ricco dived deeper and at the same time, kicked in his supernatural powers of speed to get them to an underground cave that he never thought he would actually need. The two he carried held on for dear life as he picked up pace when a helicopter above showered them with bullets. Deeper again he went, slowing once to hold both of their arms to his chest, as both were almost out of breath.

  A regular visitor to this island, he found this entrance to an underground cave many years ago.

  Alina and Jay coughed and spluttered when they surfaced, and Ricco pulled them both to the rocks so they could catch their breath. ‘Are you both okay?’

  Both coughed up salty water. Jay breathed in deep as he caught his breath and controlled his heaving stomach.

  ‘Where are we?’ His gaze roamed over wet slimy red rocks. Shellfish had cemented their home here and colourful bugs and beetles flew wildly from their disrupted silence. Ricco disturbed crabs that ran for cover in muddy crevices while he dug intently and pulled out an old aluminium container.

  ‘What happened? Who gave us up? It was Nash wasn’t it?’ Jay demanded through heavy breaths.

  ‘He must be working with Detective Berry?’ Alina answered him. She was so angry, a scowl had her eyes narrowed almost to slits.

  ‘I’d say so and yes, I think so.’ Ricco dug into the open goody box and threw them a towel each. ‘Quick guys, dry off. This won’t hurt as much.’

  Jay started to wipe the water from himself, not listening, just wanting to get somewhere safe. He felt they would be sitting ducks to stay here. ‘But wouldn’t Nash know about this place? We have to go.’ Jay aired his concern.

  Ricco picked up a square box and flicked a switch. ‘Just contacted your parents back on the base, Jay. They’ll know when they get this that I’ve been double crossed. They’ll deploy a submarine but I need to get us out to deeper waters and to the rendezvous coordinates.’ Ricco was angry at himself. ‘I should have realised something was wrong when Nash never came to let us know what time dinner would be ready. Well at least we know how they found us.’

  ‘What now?’ Alina stood clinging to Jay while Ricco uncovered equipment he had stashed.

  ‘We have to make sure we haven’t got any tracers to track our next moves. Nash has had time over the past weeks to implant us all.’

  Jay felt stunned, but trusted Ricco to get them away from this dangerous situation. He watched as Ricco grabbed a hand held electric device and headed towards them.

  ‘What the hell! What are you going to do with that?’ Jay backed away and held Alina tight to him.

  ‘This is going to hurt, guys! Sorry, but it’s the only way to disable tracking devices if any are on you. Suck it up Jay; you can use it on me after I make sure you two are clear.’

  Ricco turned up the TASER like instrument enough to deactivate any implants and pressed it against their necks. The shock waves of electricity knocked them to the floor and he saw trickles of tears pour out of Alina’s eyes.

  ‘Sorry darling, I promise I’ll make it up to you.’ He apologised and kissed away the droplets from her cheeks before getting her to her feet.

  He then handed the gun to Jay. As it sent him crashing to the floor as well, he swore at Jay, knowing the brat had turned it up and held it on him for longer than necessary.

  ‘You’ll keep pal.’

  ‘Well, you deserved it bully boy. You made my girlfriend cry then slobbered on her. Damn girl, go wash your face and get his boy germs off you or I’m not cuddling you anymore.’

  It was the sky larking Alina needed to pull her out of her sadness and she started to giggle, wiped her face and rubbed it on Jay. ‘Give you boy germs, come here and hug me tough guy.’

  Ricco had to make an effort not to laugh at the pair as they continued the onslaught of verbal teasing. ‘Hey quit it, Jay, and get suited up.’ He threw him a full wet suit and then helped Alina into one.

  ‘Thanks Ricco.’ Alina held the hand he used to zip it up with.

  ‘I know you and Jay are frightened, but we haven’t time for any more chatter. We have to get moving now if we’re to get to safety by nightfall.’ He was apologetic as he helped her back in the water and slipped the gas bottle on her shoulders.

  ‘Jay, you’re next pal.’

  Jay was already in the water and slipped on his tank and breathing mask while watching Ricco.

  ‘What’s that?’ he asked as Ricco uncovered a motor jet.

  ‘Just a little something to make sure we get there in time. Mind you, we may have only minutes before the sound of the motor is detected. It should get us far enough away and then we can ditch it. The motor will become a decoy.’

  Ricco was smart and strapped them to him this time. As they cleared the area, a missile whizzed past them. The dangerous projectile hit directly where they had just come from; blowing up the underground cave. The explosion knocked them apart and Ricco had to move to retrieve them. Even with the under-current it caused he still managed to buckle them both back to him. Jay was unconscious with blood oozing from his ears. Alina was in shock but had already managed to heal herself. Now better, she held Jay to her, but his healing would have to wait as Alina needed her energy just to hold him. Ricco shifted them on his back and left her to sort them out so he could concentrate on getting them as far away from the blast as he could. He sped off with them, fuelled by the anger of betrayal. And now they had hurt an innocent; Jay.

  On his way to the submarine he had to duck and weave more bullets and another bomb that whistled past them put them in a spin. Almost at the coordinates they could feel waves of pressure from more artillery he assumed was from the air assault. It sounded and felt like they were blowing up the entire island and it was then he realised they had not detected them. They obviously had no idea where they were so hit everything, randomly covering the whole area. The assault didn’t ease up and he realised they knew she was still alive. But how?

  In the distance he saw the submarine and like a massive blur he watched as it, too, blew up. What! How badly did this dickhead Berry want Ali? This was ridiculous! His head ached. This shit had gone too far. All Ricco’s plans to save these loved ones in his care were in ruins. What to do next? He looked at Jay in Alina’s arms, still unconscious.

  Alina saw the concerned look and touched his face, sympathising with his feeling of being double crossed by a traitor. In the distance, any hope of a rescue was in flames, hit by a missile.

  He signalled for her to surface. As soon as they did so, he pulled Alina around to face him.

  Jay suddenly snapped his eyes open. ‘Where are we? Don’t tell me… I can see for myself.’

  Jay’s eyes were like saucers as Ricco saw him take everything in. His expression as the burning submarine disappeared, submerging beneath the water in a ball of flames, was helpless. He scanned the shoreline.

  Ricco was unsure what he was looking for as he had nothing left after all that had happened, kept happening. How did they find them? Again?

  Jay jerked back and forth as he searched. It all happened so quickly Alina lost her grip on him.

  ‘This way!’ Jay started to swim.

  Ricco and Alina faced each other and a glimmer of hope passed between them in that gaze. Alina, trusting Jay, swam after him, leaving Ricco with no choice but to follow. He trusted in Jay’s instincts, but wanted to be the one to take care of them, not the other way around. After the vault incident he knew Jay had a fighting nature and was glad it had kicked in again, but was cross with himself anyhow.

  Ricco slowed, and bringing his head up out of the water, he spotted what Jay headed towards. It was just below the island shelf, another cave, some well sought after cover. They duck-dived down deep, and swam under water before they came to the surface. Here the water was calm.

  Puffing from the vigorous swim they found Jay sitting and hugging his legs on some rocks. They knew Jay w
as freaked out and needed a minute so sat each side of him. Ricco put an arm around him. Alina had hold of his hand. For once Ricco didn’t growl. For some time they sat silently, hoping Jay would be okay. This gave Ricco time to contemplate his next move.

  Jay was the first to speak. ‘Hands up who wants to kill Nash if the bomb blasts didn’t.’

  ‘You can bet that’s why he sent Zac off. Knew it was about to happen. He was good friends with Zac’s parents you know, and must have wanted him safe. The bastard knew this was about to go down.’ Ricco explained what had happened to his friend. ‘I should have twigged after the boat episode with me, that Nash was the traitor. ‘

  He really talked his way out of that one!’ Alina snarled.

  Jay sniffed and wiped sand from his pants. ‘Well we can thank damn Nash for spoiling our holiday and our fun. Zac’s gone. We might as well find a way out of here and go home, back to the base and boredom.’ He sounded grim.

  This weighed heavily on Ricco’s shoulders. ‘It is I who is to blame. I should have taken more notice. He had become overbearing, and made spiteful remarks about you two that I ignored. I didn’t realise how jealous he was really and assumed he would calm down. He’s dead if I ever see his ugly mug again.’

  After this admission Ricco was so self-absorbed he only half followed Alina and Jay’s conversation as they discussed what they would love to do to Nash. He did finally tune back in and enter the conversation when they began to track back over events. Both felt helpless as they realised ICORs had most likely been hit by now as well. And if not, they were not sure if they could be trusted.

  ‘I’m sorry Jay but I believe it’s even too dangerous to contact your parents and find out if they’re okay. We can only hope they also got out in time. Alina and I aren’t safe to be around, Jay. First chance I get I’m going to put you somewhere safe. If your parents are alive it will be with them but as far away from us as I can get you. There’s no need for you to continue to live like this with us. You will be surely killed at this rate. Back there was a close call; too close.’

  Jay straightened up and looked annoyed. ‘There’s no way I’m leaving Ali so you better come up with a better plan. Mum and Dad haven’t been around for years and they can look after themselves. If they’ve got mixed up in this with Nash, then they have sealed their own fate. I can guarantee you though, knowing my old man as I do, he would have wised up when the sub got hit. Dad would have got Mum and whoever else he could trust out of there and quick smart.’ Jay shook his head. ‘I knew the first day I met Ali what I was taking on. I haven’t taken this on lightly Ricco, and I’m no fool. Just let me worry about me and you damned well just worry more about getting us out of this mess or I’m taking Ali and leaving you.’


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