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Immortal Espionage

Page 10

by Debbie Behan

  It made Ricco grin and pulled him out of his mood.

  Jay nudged Ali. ‘And now we know it was evil Nash after all. I hope you realise, girlfriend, that your husband zapped us for nothing.’

  ‘Pussy.’ Ricco gave a grin.

  Jay punched his arm. ‘Jerk.’

  The break of mood was all it took to snap Alina from the silence she had slipped into. With a huff she was on her feet. ‘I didn’t want to bring my secret to the forefront this early, but we can safely say we have utilised all you have Ricco. Or are you holding back too?’ She grinned. ‘Yes, we both hide secrets from each other, still!’

  ‘What?’ He straightened his back, ready to jump to his feet. ‘What’s this about secrets?’

  Alina understood he needed her to explain but there was no time. She had to save them both. At that moment she would give it all up for these two men. It was time she showed them the real Alina; the working girl and how she had learned to survived so many years on this Earth. Alina knew Ricco loved her, but did he trust her as she did him? She was about to find out if he could handle the real Chadalina.

  ‘Did you grab a satellite headset from the hideout before we left?’ She snapped her fingers at him, knowing he was too smart not to.

  Ricco nodded with his mouth open at her impatience. He unzipped his jacket, and handed her the airtight package that was still dry and in good condition. ‘Why?’

  ‘I’m not without friends either my love. I didn’t want to use them because I don’t trust them either. But these are desperate times. Let’s just hope that the detective has not swayed my Sharon as he has your Captain Nash.’

  As she waited for Sharon to answer, Alina spoke in a voice that was ruthless, businesslike and totally in control.

  ‘No more games. This ends here. That bastard has tracked me for the last time. Up until now it has made life painful at times but certainly added flavour to it. Now though, he has taken this to a whole new level by trying to kill my best friend and my husband. It’s time to put my hunter to his death. Code 7.’ Alina knew Sharon would speak from now in in code and talked quickly to her.

  ‘What did she say?’ Jay asked Ricco.

  He shrugged. It was then that he and Jay watched the girl they thought they knew disappear and the dark side of Alina that had just been pushed too far, appear before them. She even laughed evilly as she commanded the person on the other end of the line.

  She returned to speaking English and Ricco looked back up at her. His thoughts as he tried to follow the conversation were cut short. ‘I need longitude and latitude.’ She waved in front of Ricco’s face to get attention, giving him an impatient glance. She was all business and wasn’t fooling around.

  Ricco fumbled in his pocket, pulled out a compass and passed it to her. Once she finished getting it she didn’t wait for him to be ready but tossed it back to him. Jay’s reflexes were quicker and he put his hand up and snapped it from the air and gave it to a surprised Ricco. He was so puzzled by his wife’s behaviour. Next she snapped the headset in half and threw it hard against the cave wall. The sound of it smashing to pieces had Ricco on his feet.

  ‘Trace that you mongrels,’ she said, flicking her wet hair back.

  ‘You should have told me what you were doing! We may still have needed the headset, Alina.’ His voice was firm, the uncertainty gone.

  She turned to Ricco impatiently. ‘Come sweetheart, enough. We have only a few minutes. Are you coming?’ She dived confidently back in the water, not yet letting go of the control she had taken of the situation.

  Jay shrugged at Ricco. ‘Guess she’s in the driver’s seat big boy. We can either stay here or go see what she has organised.’

  Ricco stood for only seconds before following them both. As he dived in he had never had this feeling ever. He felt like a whipped puppy and hated it. He preferred to be the one doing the saving. Sexy wench is so going to pay for this later, he thought.

  In the water they headed north. A little way out of the cove Alina stopped, having both men circle her. She held up her belt link, letting Ricco know it was time for her and Jay to be clipped to him so he could get them out a bit quicker. Her hand signal was easy to read; get us the hell out of here in that direction. I will tug twice when I want you to stop.

  Jay and Alina put on their oxygen breathing mouthpieces and clung to Ricco as he submerged down under the water and allowed his immortal powers to speed them away from the noise and smoke. Now out of danger, Alina tugged twice and signalled they had gone far enough. Ricco reluctantly surfaced, knowing it was his turn to trust her. Above the surface and not hidden by the island shelf he wasn’t completely comfortable.

  As they all surfaced they removed their breathing masks and started to tread water, looking back at the island where they were still being searched for with the intent to kill them.

  “Holy moly!’ Jay called out as helicopters and fighter jets flew above them and headed for the island. There was so much air traffic now they would never have stood a chance. The island was lit up and a wall of flames and smoke drifted across the bright blue sky away from them.

  Alina grabbed their hands and shook.

  ‘Now,’ she whispered.

  Lasers came down from the sky, striking short quick bursts, and blew up and burned to cinders everything they touched.

  ‘What!’ Jay slapped a hand on his forehead in amazement.

  ‘You have to be kidding me! Are you insane?’ Ricco couldn’t take his eyes from the sky. His amazement at this display made her see he had not thought of this returned fire.

  ‘I’ve always loved laser shows, and it is my little hobby. Never thought I would ever actually use it.’ She watched with them.

  Together they saw bomber aircrafts one by one blasted out of the sky until they were called off and headed upwards and far away from the black cloud of murder they were trying to commit. Nothing that was armed and firing escaped the vicious lasers. When it was over she waved upwards. It was over.

  ‘They can see us?’ Jay said.

  ‘It misses nothing, targets equipment only. If it heats up and is live and ready to fire, it shuts it down.’

  ‘So it doesn’t target humans then?’ Jay asked.

  ‘I’m not a killer Jay, but if they come for me I will protect myself.’ Alina had such an innocent look he knew that to be true. She whispered, ‘We only have a few more minutes and we’ll be picked up. Are you ready for a real adventure?’

  ‘Where are we going?’ Jay asked.

  ‘We promised you could come on a honeymoon and that’s exactly where we are going. I have an island that I swear this time. Nobody will ever think to look.’

  ‘Are you sure Alina? Another island?’ Ricco did not look happy.

  ‘I promise this one is secret. I’m getting them to take us to Orca Beach Island. It’s a private location of mine. I just booked out the entire resort.’

  ‘So you don’t think we should go home and see what’s left?’ Jay asked.

  ‘We haven’t got a home and unless Ricco has another hidden base, this is it.’ She lifted her eyebrow. ‘Come on guys. Live a little dangerously. Let’s go have a normal holiday break. We have money enough to buy a whole new secret life after the honeymoon. The ones that got out will hide until we go get them. Right, Ricco!’ She held on to his arm. He was a sly one. He would have something up his sleeve but if he wanted a honeymoon, he would keep it under wraps. Today for him was just another walk in the park. They had both been hunted for years and technology had changed the game, for sure, but not left either of them high and dry. That she did know.

  His mouth twisted in a smile, a secret in his eyes. ‘Not ready to reveal it just yet.’ He too needed time to trust her as well. This little game she just played had put him on edge and when you live forever, it’s a game of survival and they were both survivors.

  As Jay turned back to the island serious thoughts wrinkled his forehead. With his lover deserting him he had no fun now for himself.
r />   Ali nudged him. ‘You okay boyfriend?’

  He need only look at her with mournful eyes for her to know what he had been thinking.

  ‘Sooky la-la,’ Alina said quietly.

  ‘Tart,’ he replied, his smile still upside-down.

  She touched his face. ‘I even have a little surprise waiting there for you so don’t give me those puppy eyes or I might just have to bitch slap you.’

  He chuckled and laughed louder when Ricco joined in.

  ‘Did you say you would bitch slap him?’ Ricco repeated it, and threw back his head and laughed, nearly drowning himself as he choked and spluttered, making Jay and Alina laugh more. It was nice to laugh, and get rid of the stress they felt. Each of them felt ridiculously happy now they were safe, and even more so when a seaplane landed next to them and they scrambled on board.

  ‘See, everything is better after a good laugh.’ Alina smiled at them both and patted their hands as the seaplane flew them up and away. They all voted it the worst holiday resort in the entire world.

  ~ Chapter Eleven ~

  Orca Island

  Now back on solid ground, Ricco pulled Alina into his arms. ‘I would never have guessed you owned so much muscle.’

  ‘I’ve done all right over the years, but that vault in the motel; pure genius.’

  ‘So the honeymoon’s not over,’ he purred in her ear.

  ‘Not yet.’ She scanned the area one more time. Satisfied, she turned to him. ‘Orca Island is as safe as I can find. We should be okay here for a few days at least.’

  ‘Lying low sounds good to me, but three’s a crowd Alina.’

  She ran a hand over his chest muscles and watched him quiver with her touch. He groaned as she let him finally kiss her. Never in his entire life had anyone impressed him that much. Sometimes killing one’s predator was unavoidable, and necessary to stay alive. But doing so, his woman had stirred something primal in him with her hard core ruthlessness, opened a primitive door to his ancient past. How she did it blew him away. He wanted more; greedy to have her alone so he could get to know this side of his vixen better, alone so he could love her wild side over and over.

  He moaned with desire as she entered his mouth with her tongue, the movement deep and sensual that drew a desire that raged in his loins, the hardness longed for her warmth.

  Why are we still on the beach? Why hasn’t she grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to her cave and had her way with me? his inner self demanded to know. Oh now I remember–Jay.

  Hang on… what was she saying. Concentrate Ricco my boy. She’s blowing him off–yes! I can hear her. Alina has asked for our meals to be served to us this evening, in our rooms.

  Jay complained.

  Shut up Jay she’s mine, mine I tell you. Did I say that out loud? No, I didn’t. He reached to pull her back to him but she moved from him–she’s a tease–torturous minx.

  She sat on the sand and comforted Jay. He sulked and she bought it, placed her arm around his shoulders. Jay loved it, course he did.

  ‘I don’t understand why you don’t want me around tonight. Can we at least have dinner together? Ali I need you tonight too.’

  ‘You do trust me Jay?’ she asked.

  Hang on, where is this going. Ricco shook his head in an attempt to control the lust that was driving him to the point of recklessness. He wanted her now and if she didn’t sort this out soon, he would.

  Give her back–now, his eager subconscious called out.

  Jay gave his adorable pleading smile. ‘Well yes, I have trusted you from the start and you know this. Why are you asking?’

  ‘Name the best lover you’ve had,’ she asked.

  I hope he doesn’t say her–ah that’s right he’s gay–no threat–calm down rover.

  ‘You know that too. It’s Kev hands down. But he’s from the past and Ricco made us break all ties.’ He hung his head and moved the sand around with his toes.

  Alina put her hand on his chin and made him look at her. ‘So let’s say if Kev were here, would you still need me?’

  His grin was from ear to ear. ‘What have you done, girlfriend? Have you broken one of the prince’s laws?’

  Yes, break my law–give him what he wants so he’s kept busy–too busy to come near us. Break me too, I’m your slave. Ricco was aware his mind was far too over active and bit his tongue to keep back the words he wished to say.

  Alina eyed Jay with a sweet grin. ‘To have you happy, there isn’t a law I wouldn’t break. Can you hear it yet?’

  Now she mentioned it Jay heard a noise in the sky and stood up. Nervous but excited he watched as a helicopter came into sight and landed. A familiar man with red hair got out and stood looking towards them.

  ‘See, this is why I asked for our meals to be sent to our rooms tonight. I think you’re going to be a bit preoccupied this evening.’

  ‘You think!’ His eyes were wild, the joy flooded back into them and the vein in his neck pumped like a jackhammer as he waited.

  ‘Go on, go get him tiger.’ Alina chuckled. ‘He looks shy.’

  Jay jumped, punched the air and let out a loud whistle. ‘Hell yes, it’s Kev. I love you girl!’ He jogged off towards Kev, calling back, ‘And trust me, that boy isn’t shy.’

  Jay tackled his friend and the two of them skylarked before Jay dragged him over to introduce him. Kev was shorter than Jay and his features pleasantly likable. Ricco noticed first his bright, light-brown eyes that took everything in. His auburn hair was cut short still showing the tight curls at the top and the sprinkle of freckles across his fair complexion added character. He did seem bashful, but Jay ruffled him up and made him laugh. Ricco already liked him. He was opposite but a good match for his tough competitor that kept stealing his girl.

  ‘This is my man Kev,’ Jay gloated to Ricco. ‘And I don’t share like you do dickhead.’

  Ricco eyed off Kev and blew him a kiss. ‘We’ll see Jay; he hasn’t seen me naked yet,’ he stirred back.


  ‘Wife stealer.’

  Jay stared at Kev who had a smirk on his face. ‘Don’t even think it Kev. You look at him even sideways and I’ll so send you packing.’

  Kev just laughed at Jay and leaned into him.

  Over it quickly, Jay smirked back at Kev. ‘Want to see our room?’

  Kev slid his arm through his. ‘Hell yes! I didn’t travel all this way to play sand castles.’ He laughed.

  Ali and Ricco cracked up laughing at Kev. He was going to fit in with them just fine. Jay winked at Ali and put a finger up at Ricco as he strode off with Kev to his cabin.

  * * * *

  Once they were out of his face, Ricco picked up Ali, not able to wait a second longer. ‘Now Jay is happy it’s my turn. Do you hear me woman, my turn!’ he growled, making her giggle, and in a playful mood, Alina bit him.

  ‘More,’ he purred in her ear. He was so beyond normal control. She pressed his nipple between her fingers and bit and sucked his earlobe. It felt so good he nearly dropped her as a lustful weakness swept over him. It took a big effort to contain it until they reached their room. As the door slammed shut behind them, he knew she was finally his–my woman, my torturess and he was going to make every second count. He howled like a bear as he pulled frantically at his, then her, wetsuit and flung them aside.

  Need naked body–need you my beautiful wife. He cried out with pleasure as he entered her, unable to wait a second longer–Oh hell, aahhh bliss. Alina laughed as he flopped off her. Once calm she put her hand out to her much indignant husband. ‘Want to try that again?’ She chuckled and this time he became the lover worthy of such a woman.

  Later as they walked along the beach Alina’s man was back, primal boy had gone and they laughed at how much it affected both of them to change from being prey to becoming the predator. The night was warm and the moon gave them just enough light to have privacy, yet enjoy a swim. He laid her on the sand and Jay’s words popped into his head. Get to know her better, talk m
ore, and play less. He considered asking her what music she liked or what colour she preferred or maybe what animal she wanted as a pet–what am I saying. She isn’t stroking anything other than me–ever. Now where was I. That’s right getting to know her. Who cares I’d worship and adore her until the end of our days anyhow. Words are but a waste of time he decided as he showed her instead. Mon chéri allows me entry–ah, I’m in heaven.

  Ricco had never been this in love ever and saw by the tender affection in Alina’s eyes and the way she called out his name, begging for more, that she too felt the same. He was glad she brought him to this island the way she had. It had touched him deep, opened up the door to sensations he had never explored. It was a happy day he met his Alina and today he felt the luckiest man alive.

  * * * *

  ‘What you looking at Jay boy?’

  Jay turned to Kev and shushed him.

  ‘Give me a minute. I just need to see that my girl’s happy.’

  He watched as Ricco and Ali came back from their walk along the beach. They looked so much in love. For a female she was the prettiest he had ever seen. He thought of how she had organised Kev’s visit. He was stunned that even in that scary predicament they were in; his happiness was on her mind. When all else had gone to hell, she made it better.

  Thank you for loving me Sleeping Beauty, he whispered.

  He turned to see Kev smiling at him. He lay comfortably on the pillows with his hands behind his head, watching and listening.


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