Inside A Thugs Heart

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Inside A Thugs Heart Page 10

by Angela Ardis

  “I love you,” he said quietly as he spooned her from behind.

  “I love you, too,” she said as she lay with him wrapped around her body, talking and watching the fire burn.


  She ran faster and faster as the rain fell like a waterfall over her petite body. Someone was chasing her, and he wasn’t that far behind. She couldn’t catch her breath, so she darted down a dark alley. She couldn’t hear footsteps anymore, only the pounding of her own heart.

  And then, as if from nowhere, he appeared, masked and with a dark coat. She started to scream, but couldn’t. He began to laugh as she tried to back away. He picked her up and threw her, face first, against the wall. She could feel his hot breath against the back of her neck. Wrapping her hair around his hand, he pulled her backward and began biting and sucking her neck and ears. She wanted to scream, to yell, to feel anything, but what she felt was . . . very aroused. She could feel herself getting extremely wet, and regardless of what her mind was telling her, her body was in its own world. She began to squirm as he took both of her hands and pinned them against the wall with one of his. He began sliding himself up and down her body. She could feel him, all of him. He buried his face in her hair and put one of his hands on her thigh as the rain pounded their bodies. She closed her eyes and sighed to herself . . .

  “Please don’t hurt me,” she said in a faint voice. Extreme fear and arousal raced through her veins, giving her an intense feeling in the place that was swollen with anticipation.

  He said nothing. He began rubbing the inside of her thigh slowly, pressing on the back of her butt with his hardness. She let out a soft moan. He bent a little, making sure he had his entire hand cupping her vagina from front to back. She threw her head back on his shoulder as he rubbed her clitoris with his forefinger. He moved his finger back and forth, along its length, then down her thighs, back to her vagina, then used circular motions, which got harder and harder, faster and faster. She could tell his breathing had gotten harder and hotter as he grabbed her panties from the front and ripped them off, scratching her legs.

  “Oh, God. Please don’t hurt me! Please don’t do this! Please!” she pleaded, barely audible over the pounding of the rain.

  He said nothing. He didn’t stop . . . she didn’t want him to. He raised her skirt. She could feel his bare skin and hardness against her ass, and she shuddered with anticipation. They were soaked. Her hair stuck to her face, her clothing clung to her body. He ripped her blouse off and her breasts hung exposed. Swinging her around, he pinned her hands against the wall again and began sucking vigorously on her mounds. Her breathing was erratic. He thrust his hand into her vagina—in and out, in and out. He removed his fingers and straddled her. She could see his eyes and noticed something familiar, but just at that moment, he entered her with a powerful thrust and she cried out in ecstacy. Her body quivered and tingled like nothing she’d ever felt. He was moving in a circular motion, panting, kissing, sucking, biting her flesh. She couldn’t stand it as she finally got ahold of his mask, ripped it off, and realized it was her man.

  “Oh, God, yes!” she cried out as he panted and grabbed her ass in his massive hands. She thrust forward, using her strength against his shoulders, and he held her firmly in his arms, pounding, rotating, and plunging into her wet swollen nest.

  They climaxed simultaneously, drenched, quivering, drained, but satisfied.

  “You know, if I had known this would get you off like this, I would have chased you a long time ago,” he said, kissing her on her forehead as they walked home arm in arm.


  (Written exclusively for Tupac from Ms. Lovely)


  Shhhhh as you lay still your essence so calm

  I straddle you and begin gently kneeding with my palms

  My oiled hands melt from the warmth of your flesh

  I lube you till you drip caressing your back with my breasts

  Mmmm you moan as I place your earlobe between my lips

  We move in one swift motion from the shifting of your hips

  I run my hands down your sides back up to your chest

  I tell you to turn over so I can do what I do best

  You squirm, you flex, legs locked holding the bed

  Pelvis thrusting, moans erupting inside your head

  I can feel you getting closer, veins enlarged, pulsating wildly

  Pulling back I just relax, hand stroking your manhood mildly

  Stress dissolving, sensations linger, anticipating my next move

  I descend, can’t comprehend that I have something to prove

  Your thoughts run freely as you get closer to your goal

  Your body locks, exhale, release all that ails your soul

  “Do you feel better?” I extend awaiting a word or two

  You smile fully, turning me over, I now can feel you too

  “It’s your turn Ms. Lovely I hope you’re ready to be freed,”

  You strap my hands, cover my mouth as you begin to feed.


  “I need to get some water—no, a cigarette!” Tonya screeched, laughing and fanning herself.

  “Shut up!” I laughed

  “Girl, I knew that you would write a letter like this. This is what he wanted.”

  “He started it,” I defended. She threw me a look. “Okay, well, what was his last poem . . . umm . . . talking about sexing my mind?” I looked at her, anticipating something, but I didn’t know what. “Well, he just got mentally sexed like I’ve been getting foreplay.”

  “Umm huh. I wonder who I could call.” She looked off into the distance.

  “Call for what?”

  “Well, hell. I’m horny now! What am I supposed to do about it?”

  “Your Mr. Mumbles is always available.”

  “I want some flesh. Flesh!”

  “This whole situation is so different,” I said, filling out the envelope.

  “What’s different?”

  “It’s mental. One hundred percent. I have never been this aroused by anyone. It’s different . . . like . . . I feel like he’s already touched me, and we’ve already hung out and talked till early morning. It’s just a nice change of pace.”

  “I’m gonna call the jail and tell them to post a sign on the message board for a pen pal,” she joked, leaving the room as if cued by the ringing of my phone.

  “Hello,” I said, laughing into the phone.

  “Angela,” he said confidently. I recognized his voice instantly.

  “What’s up!” I was thrilled to hear from him. “Surprise! Surprise!” I joked.

  “What’s up, baby? Whatchu doin’?” he asked.

  “I just finished writing you and was putting together your package so I can mail it tomorrow.”


  “Yeah, man, a package filled with all kinds of goodies,” I said, playing.

  “What’s in it?” he asked almost childlike.

  “Oh, what do you think? You’re the only one capable of surprises?” I joked. “Well, guess what?” I said.

  “What?” he played along.

  “It’s a surprise!” I sung into the phone. He laughed the laugh that only he could produce, and I was filled with the knowledge that I had inspired it within him.

  “Okay, that’s cool. So, when will I get it?” he asked. I took an exaggerated deep breath. He laughed.

  “C’mon, you can at least tell me when . . . pleeeeeeease,” he begged playfully. I couldn’t help but smile.

  “It’ll be there on Thursday. I’m going to FedEx it to you.”

  “Good! I can’t wait to meet you.”

  “Me either. Soon, right?” I asked.

  “Very,” he said, taking a deep breath. “Damn!” he shouted.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I have to go, but I’ll call you back soon.”

  “All right, Pac. Look out for this package.”

  “I will. And you look out for our star.”

  “Well, you look for me in our dark corner.”

  “Well, you listen for my whispers.”

  “If you would stop talking and stand still, my spirit would like to kiss you good night,” I whispered seductively. He was quiet at first, then he chuckled to himself.

  “You not right, Ms. Lovely. You fuckin’ wit me. It’s cool,” he laughed.

  “No, you’ll feel like that when you get the package, Pac,” I said, emphasizing his name.

  “Really?” he said.

  “Oh, yeah,” I crooned. We both laughed. “Good night,” I said,

  “Yeah, all right. Good night, Angela,” he said quietly, then the phone went dead.

  “Will you just not say anything else and kiss me now?” I asked.

  “What’s wrong?” Tupac asked, smiling.

  “No questions, just kisses. Just one, but it has to be now, Pac. Just kiss me now.”

  “What’s with all the urgency, Ms. Lovely?” he said. He softened and smiled. “Okay, Ms., come here,” he said, extending his arms.

  I walked towards him. His hands grabbed my arms and pulled me close.

  “Maybe I’ll just get me a pen pal overseas,” Tanya said as she burst into my room and sat down on my bed. I closed my eyes, disgusted once again, but didn’t bother to let her know that she had once more interrupted something potentially special.

  Chapter 13


  Dearest Angela!

  Damn, your last letter (or should I say package) put me in critical condition, no joke! Angela, U R absolutely no question about it drop dead gorgeous! Fuck what U heard! But enough of that I’ll get back 2 the physical in a second. Your story got me heated and horny (it also gave me some ideas) . Put it this way U find the alley I’ll make it happen. The fireplace scene is no problem, U got that Baby! Thanx 4 the variety of pictures it was a true gift! I already missed U and thought of U but now it’s critical we meet. I won’t be satisfied until I get to kiss the taste from your mouth. Do U mind? This was the best package I ever got from U. U opened up and that my love turned me all the way on! Right now I’m excited so I have 2 relax a little 2 be coherent! Okay where do I began. Today we travel R U ready!? The first stop will be . . . . . . The land of poetry turn the page, I’ll meet U there


  Whether it be your letter or picture

  Or the fragrance that u wear

  From a distance I can feel u

  There’s no question that u care

  I feel the depths of your lonliness

  Your passionate moans and groans

  Tonight I appeal 2 your sense of patience

  It won’t be long B4 I come home

  Do u have time 4 an honest man

  From whom nothing but good can come

  Are u scared 2 face your destined fate

  Unsure of what’s to come

  I have injected my soul into your body

  Infecting your inner parts

  Seduced your mind until I find

  The secrets of your heart

  From this day forth until the end

  Eternally I claim

  “It’s impossible 2 love a woman

  until you’ve fucked her brain”

  2PAC (Signed)

  4 Angela


  Don’t Go there!

  If u are timid & shy, scared 2 touch

  Afraid of taking risk

  Don’t follow me in the dark because

  There’s passion in the mist

  Such pleasure born 2 those who dare

  The heavens we could share

  Beware I’ll steal your heart 2 get your soul if U go there

  Don’t go there

  If u fear the drama, thrive in normalcy

  Envious suspicions, inhibitions R forever gone from me

  This spirit I possess can serenade your lonely heart

  Inspired by your lust if u can trust me in the dark

  I’m not scared 2 take u there But understand the rulez of flight

  There R no secrets 2 this ride, confide and hold me tight

  Our possibilities R infinite our pleasures obvious

  Heaven on earth can only be seen by a team unified in trust

  2 Angela

  from 2PAC (signed)

  Okay enough of the land of poetry 4 now back to u. We’ll discuss the (youth) program when u come visit so I’ll save that 4 later. I’m glad I am in your thoughts on a regular basis that means a lot 2 me and really it’s very much appreciated and mutual! I C it’s time 4 u & I to move up a notch huh ! Okay here we go we have just moved into level 2 of this unorthodox relationship! Okay enough rest! You ready 4 fantasy land? Well what’z the matter cat got ya tongue follow me to fantasy


  Ms. Angela worked hard 2 day. Another day of overaggressive business suits and hormone crazy bosses but finally work was over and she headed home. She was having daily daydreams about her penitentiary bound pen-pal but he had at least 6 months 2 do B4 she could finally C him. So she thought about her replacements. Usually Reggie was always good 4 a fuck but lately he’d been letting his imagination of a wife & his fragile feelings get involved and that was a no-no! Reggie didn’t have the heart 2 possess what she owned naturally. There was always Tim but he was a rotten lover his only saving grace was his insatiable fettish 4 eating pussy but tonight she needed more than just a tongue 2 appease the burning desire that flamed from her stomach down 2 her pink parts! She needed a complete passionate equally insatiable MAN and lately they were scarce in these parts. As she pulled up in her drive way she tried to decide between Tim & Reggie, maybe she could have them both shit who was she kidding between the both of them she couldn’t “come” if she paid 4 it. She put her key in the door but it was open. She pushed the door open and cautiously walked inside. She flipped the light switch but no light appeared. She moved slowly 2 the living room 2 find a candle burning leaving the room immersed in a glow of mystery. There was a note beneath the candle:






  Quickly she made a sweeping inventory of all the lovers of her past but she could not remember one so forceful and . . . . . . . . . sexy! She quickly undressed and walked gracefully toward the bathroom. Her breast held firmly bouncing slightly as she entered the bathroom several candles were burning around the steaming bubble bath she slipped inside the water and for the first time noticed a walkman laying beside the tub with another note!:





  She pressed play and a voice instantly had her enraptured and captive. The man on the tape spoke forcefully but assuringly enticing. He spoke deeply but almost at a whisper barely audible beneath the sounds of the bubble bath. She turned up the volume his voice was deliberate and inviting as he spoke these words.

  “Angela lay back and relax let the warmth of the water bring back forgotten moments in the womb. Close your eyes and use your other senses feel the water protecting U from the cold miserable world smell the incense I have burning throughout the house listen 2 the waves of the water as it soothes you. Listen! Take your hands and place them in your hair and wet them until it hangs off of your head wipe your face of all the phoney smiles u unleashed today wipe your chest of all the stress u have stored there rub your stomach and feel the hunger for passion u possess. Now place your hands over your “life giver” and caress yourself 4 a moment. Place a finger over your clitoris and gently rub. Place a another finger inside of you. Gently stroke & rub simultaneously until u feel a warm sensation in your stomach then stop and stand up”

  As Angela followed every step in the letter she felt the stirring hunger bursting from her stomach. She began 2 stand when she could smell the presence of a man. It was unmi
stakable. She then felt two soft gentle but firm hands guide her to the kitchen a cloth table covering was placed on the table and she was layed out on the table on her back with her eyes still held tightly shut. She could hear the fridge door opening. Then she felt the presence over her. She felt the warm rush of his wet mouth as he kissed her lips then her chin then her neck up 2 her ears behind her neck down her arms up her elbow 2 her belly button up her stomach across her breast around her hard nipples up 2 her neck over each earlobe then back down her stomach WOW! She clinched and gripped the table as the ice cube slid across her stomach. Using his mouth the “presence” licked her breast from inch to inch concentrating on the nipples. After melting the first two she quivered as he opened her legs and placed his frigid but soft tongue into her licking and flicking until she grabbed his head and moaned in exstacy. He built up his technique into a frenzied rush and had her twitching from his touch. He pour warm honey over her and licked as he squeezed a lemon til it dripped on her private parts. He placed his honey drenched finger into her vagina. She moaned at the depth of his penetration. He pulled his finger from the warmth of her essence and ordered her 2 open her mouth. She licked the man’s finger and enjoyed the lemonade tasting AMBROSIA. He parted her legs further and put the head of his person into her pink parts. She clinched up and released a gasp as he slowly inserted half of his staff into her she arched her back 2 meet the dominance of his entrance but he pulled it out mid stroke and massaged & rubbed the surrounding area of her vagina again he repeated his initial entrance until her moans became unbearable then he entered her fully in one merciless stroke. She clutched him in her arms like the owner of the last breath. She kissed him blindly 2 keep from yelling in passion he rhythmically stroked her in various speeds and intensities 4 at least 30 minutes before he picked her up & carried her into the living room he placed her on the carpet and placed her on her stomach he then put a couch pillow under her belly as he entered her from behind. He rode her with a slow controlled pace then abruptly switching 2 a wild vigorous frenzy intermittently. He lifted her once again and lay himself on the bed and she straddled him and felt his manhood pierce her inside like a spear. She swore she could feel him entering her throat then he got up and grabbed several articles of clothing and tied her up 2 the 4 corners of the massive bed then he spoke “OPEN YOUR EYES NOW” By the time Angela opened her eyes her pen pal was already inside her stroking her like an Olympic longshoremen. LONG SATISFYING COMPLETE STROKES. As she formed her mouth 2 say his name he picked her up and they were standing with her back 2 the wall with her legs in his arm as he impaled her until she screamed his name in orgasmic intensity. OH GOD 2PAC!!


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