The Strawberry Heart
Page 16
Niav broke the silence, “I’m sorry,” the woman inched closer to the right.
“I’m the one who’s sorry. I said some stupid things the other night. I don’t know what came over me,” the blonde inched closer to the left.
“I’m sorry I forgot to tell you about Evelyn coming over,” another inch to the right.
“I’m sorry I didn’t follow you up that night and talk to you like I promised,” another inch to the left.
“I’m sorry I drank and scared you. I’m….I mean thank you for saving me,” closer to the middle.
“You’re welcome,” closer to the middle.
They both leaned forward at the same time, crashing their lips together and even though Niav didn’t feel the passion like she had before the reduction in her medication allowed her to feel something. And something was better than nothing.
Since the Sunday of the ‘Lisa incident’ brunches had become a regular thing at Niav’s. Each girl took a turn at cooking instead of choosing a place to go (obviously, Lisa was not invited). This Sunday it was Gina’ turn to cook as the other two sat and watched her from the dining room while saying how unfair it was to her because she cooked for a living but at the same time making no move to actually take the responsibility away.
The first thing Gina did was set the oven to the correct temperature to preheat. Bacon was cooked until evenly browned then removed from the skillet to drain on paper towels. The chef whisked together the eggs, cream, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and hot pepper sauce and put it to the side. The frozen spinach was thawed (in Anselle’s microwave much to Niav’s chagrin), drained and squeezed dry before being spread over the bottom of the refrigerated pie crust. The spinach was topped with crumbled bacon, shredded cheddar cheese and chopped green onion. The egg mixture was poured over the filling and the whole thing was sprinkled with parmesan cheese. The quiche was placed on top of a cookie sheet to catch any spill over and baked for 40 minutes until the top looked lightly puffed and browned.
While the quiche was cooking Gina prepared fruit salad and virgin Bloody Marys; tomato juice, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, celery salt, pepper, Tabasco sauce and a celery stick for garnish.
After the bacon and spinach quiche was consumed the three women lounged around and sipped their coffee. Gina curled up tighter than anyone thought possible in a club chair, legs tucked underneath her and Anselle and Niav cuddled together on the sofa when Gina dared to bring up the woman’s name, “Lisa came by the restaurant Friday night.”
Niav immediately went rigid as Anselle tightened her hold, “What did she want?”
“She wanted to talk. I didn’t have a lot of time for her though. She said she missed us.”
“Did she say she was sorry?”
“Not exactly.”
“What exactly did she say?” Anselle was getting impatient again; could feel the heat of anger and frustration building inside her.
Gina winced at Anselle’s attitude, “Calm down, please. I’m sorry I brought it up.”
“Calm down? Don’t tell me to calm down,” Anselle shoved her girlfriend off of her to stand, “she laid her hands on my girlfriend. She put Niav in danger.”
Gina looked to Niav for help but the woman had her head down covered with her arms, “Stop Anselle. You’re scaring her.” Gina unfolded herself from the chair and stood.
Anselle shot Gina a confused look before realizing how she had been acting. She looked down at her girlfriend who was still sitting with her head covered by her arms, “Niav? Baby, I’m sorry.” Anselle sat back down and put an arm around her girlfriend’s shoulders. She turned her face back up to Gina, who was still standing, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me lately. Everything sets me off.”
Gina rolled her eyes and tried to lighten the mood, “It’s a good thing you’re going to therapy on Wednesday then.”
“Ha, ha,” Anselle smirked turning her attention back to her girlfriend, “Baby, are you okay?”
From under her arms Niav mumbled, “Yeah.”
Anselle began to rock back and forth and rubbed her hands over Niav’s arm, “Gina, what night is the restaurant least busy?”
Gina shot Anselle an offended look, “My restaurant is always busy.”
“Gina,” Anselle’s voice was a light warning.
Sitting back down Gina replied, “Tuesday. Why?”
“Baby, would you like to go to Gina’ on Tuesday?”
“Okay,” Niav still didn’t uncover her head.
“We’d like a reservation for two for Tuesday,” Anselle instructed Gina.
Gina bowed as dramatically as she could from the chair, “Yes, your majesty.”
“Now, that’s more like it,” Anselle laughed.
Niav leaned into her girlfriend’s side “Anselle?”
“Yes, love?” Anselle leaned back.
“Is it safe to come out now?” Niav asked sheepishly peeking out from under the cover of her arms.
“Yes, love.”
Niav was so excited about going to dinner it was taking her most of the afternoon to decide what to wear. She wanted to dress nice for Anselle but she didn’t want to over dress. All the photos on the website only showed the restaurant. None of the photos showed any of the diners so she wasn't exactly sure how to dress. A suit would've been too formal; jeans not dressy enough; khakis, well, just blah. At the bottom of a dresser drawer she found a pair of dark, blue, jeans. They were a little looser than she normally liked but she thought they would do. ‘Okay, now,’ the thought ‘what to wear with them?’ A tee shirt was out of the question; it was too hot for a jumper; it would have to be a dress shirt but which one? Light blue; no….Anselle was wearing blue that day. Green; no…there was a stain (‘why do I still have this?’). She chucked it toward the garbage can. Tan; no….again, just blah. Purple; no….just no. Yellow; no….(‘when was this even in style?’). Grey; no….too fall-like. Black; no….too dark. White; no….too bright, too plain. Stripes; no….too stripy. Checks; no….too busy. Finally she pulled out a dark, red shirt but she was not sure about the color because she always thought of dark, red as a fall/winter color but it looked great on her so she went with it.
The next problem to face was; should the shirt be tucked or untucked? She decided on untucked for now and she’d ask Anselle later how she looked and if Anselle said to tuck, she’d tuck. The last thing to decide on before black socks and shoes went on would be a tie. ‘To tie or not to tie? That is the question,’ Niav giggles to herself. Anselle would have on a tie and a jacket, unless she took them off. But if she wore a tie, would she have to wear a jacket too? Niav decided to wear a tie but not a jacket. Now, which tie? This decision was easier that the others; she went for simple, black, classy and elegant.
She didn’t want to shower too soon so she lazed around in her boxers and a tee shirt, checking her emails and researching The Hundred Years war for an author until she felt it was time. Anselle was due home at six and their reservations were at seven so she figured five would be a good time.
Anselle arrived home while Niav was still in the shower having left a little early from work to pick-up flowers for her date. She’d like nothing more than to strip down and join her partner in the shower but she knew this was an important night for Niav as well as the two of them as a couple. She went to her to freshen up and change her clothes.
Niav noticed the flowers when she walked into the kitchen after dressing. She smiled as she cuts fresh ends on the stems and arranged the flowers in a vase. She heard her front door open and turned to see Anselle walk in and her breath hitched. Anselle had changed into blue jeans, a pink button down shirt and a pink and grey paisley tie and holy shit she looked amazing. Even though Niav was dressed much the same way she felt woefully under-dressed. “How do you do that?”
Anselle looked guilty but she didn’t quite know why, “Do what?”
“Look amazing so quickly. It took me over an hou
r to decide what shirt to wear. It’s not fair at all.” She ran back into the bedroom tossing off her tie and stripping off her red shirt.
“What are you doing? You looked great.” Anselle entered the bedroom behind her partner, almost tripped over Niav’s black dress shoes and picked the discarded shirt up off the floor.
“I can’t wear red while you’re wearing pink. How would that look?” Niav was rifling through the closet tossing shirts and hangers behind her.
“Who cares how it looks? You looked mouth-wateringly delicious.” Anselle wrapped her arms around the distressed brunette’s waist while she watched dress shirts fly past her head. She let go when she saw a shirt she liked land next to her. “This one is nice. It would look great with those jeans.” It’s a white shirt with navy blue and light blue pencil-thin stripes, “And if you need, I have the perfect tie to go with it.”
Niav takes the shirt off the hanger, “I should’ve just waited until you got home and then you could’ve dressed me. I stressed all afternoon over this.”
Anselle looked her girlfriend over, “If you waited to get dressed until I got home I’m afraid we’d never make our reservation,” she rewrapped her arms around her lover’s waist, “The shirt looks great, you can even leave it untucked and go without the tie if you want.”
“If you’re going tucked with a tie then I will go tucked with a tie, if I can borrow yours.”
“Sure, Baby, be right back.” Anselle came back quickly with a navy tie with small, light blue dots on it. The blonde tied the tie around Niav’s neck and gave her a peck on the cheek, “You look amazing.”
Niav gave Anselle a peck back, “Thanks to you.”
“Stop. You looked just fine before. You didn’t have to change. But let’s not fight about it or we’ll never get out of here. Although a hot round of make-up sex is very tempting,” she pulled her lover down into a heated kiss.
Even though they were a little disheveled they weren't late for their reservation because they took a cab instead of walking like they had planned. Gina had asked the hostess to notify her when they arrived and the chef came out of the kitchen to meet them. After complimenting Niav on how good she looks (earning a little jealous huff from Anselle) the chef informed them that there was a party coming in but she would have them seated as far from the couple as she could. At first Niav wanted to leave but both Anselle and Gina convinced her to stay when Anselle promised they could leave if she was too uncomfortable.
After Niav agreed to stay and before Gina returned to the kitchen to prepare their meal she had a bottle of 12NtM, a non-alcoholic tea-based champagne she had imported, delivered to the table where she toasted to the couples happiness. When the waitress came by, they order shrimp cocktail for an appetizer; broiled lamb with steamed vegetables and roasted new potatoes for Niav and Angus fillet with spinach and mushrooms and a baked potato for Anselle.
The appetizer was served just as the party entered and was led past them on the way to the area Gina set aside for them. Anselle moved around the table to sit on the booth bench next to Niav in an effort to comfort and calm her. The woman leaned into her girlfriend accepting all the comfort Anselle was willing to give nuzzling into the blonde’s neck and running a hand up the strong thigh.
Anselle stilled the hand progressing up her thigh, “If you don’t stop we’re going to have to get our food wrapped to go.”
Niav pressed a kiss to the blonde’s temple, “That wouldn’t be so bad, would it?”
“Behave yourself. You got all dressed up. Let’s enjoy this and see what Gina has planned for us for dessert then we can go home and I’ll let you have your way with me. How are you feeling?”
“I’m alright. I’m trying not to think about them.” Niav resumed the movement of her hand over Anselle’s thigh, “How are you feeling?”
Anselle stepped out of the bench and returned to her side of the table, “Behave.”
Niav behaved until their dinner arrived then Anselle felt a foot sliding up her calf startling her; fork full of potato half way to her mouth she stared at her girlfriend acting all innocent; eyes cast down as she cut a piece from her lamb. Anselle put her fork back down, “Niav,” Anselle hissed, “behave.”
Niav’s eyes snapped up, “What? I’m not doing anything.”
“Remember how you used to say that I was nothing but trouble? Now, it’s you.”
Niav feigned hurt as she inhaled sharply and put a hand over her heart, “I don’t know what you mean. Is there a problem?”
“You’re not behaving.”
“What am I doing?”
“You know exactly what you’re doing.” Anselle playfully growled pointing her potato covered fork at the naughty woman.
Niav moved her foot further up Anselle’s leg, “Well then, you’ll just have to punish me later.”
That was the point Gina returned to the table and slid into the booth next to Anselle, “Punish you for what? Or do I not want to know?”
Together Anselle and Niav replied, “You don’t want to know.”
Gina sat and chatted with them while the two finished their meal before returning the kitchen and coming back with a dessert tray. On the tray were two cups of coffee, one large chocolate soufflé and a tiny pitcher of hot, chocolate sauce. Gina took a spoon and poked a hole into the middle of the soufflé and dramatically poured in the chocolate sauce, “Enjoy,” Gina bowed and returned to the kitchen.
Niav dug in with her spoon for the first taste. She moaned with delight, “I’m sorry, Anselle. I’m leaving you for Gina.”
Anselle raised her eyebrows at her girlfriend as she took a taste for herself, “I think I’m leaving you for Gina.”
Niav swatted Anselle’s spoon away from the soufflé with her own, “My turn. I’ll just have to fight you for her.”
“I’ll kick your ass back to Ireland.” Anselle took another spoonful.
“Ha! You wish. I work out every day.” Niav pointed her spoon at Anselle before going in for another spoonful of her own, “You’re soft.”
“It’s all muscle, Baby. My squishiness is deceiving.”
Niav stopped her move for another spoonful, “Did you just describe yourself as ‘squashy’?”
“Ummm…maybe,” Anselle blushed.
Niav winked, “You’re so cute. I’m going to have to keep you.”
Anselle deadpanned, “I’m still leaving you for Gina.”
Niav did not want to go to Elise’s alone so Anselle had to rush home after work to pick her up so they could go together. Instead of taking the tube Anselle decided to get a taxi but the traffic was awful at rush hour and Anselle felt the aggravation building. She was in the back of the taxi doing deep breathing exercises when Niav got in with her. The woman knew what Anselle’s breathing meant so she just gave the driver the address and tried not to disturb her partner.
Elise’s office was on the ground floor in the corner home on Sloan Street. The reception area was small but tidy. In front of the window there was a desk behind which sat a friendly looking assistant who took their names and asked them to have a seat. Niav sat by the door; Anselle across from her by the interior wall. Anselle’s breathing was back to normal but Niav was still wary. She didn’t want to do or say anything that would set Anselle off or cause her to leave before the session. Aside from giving the receptionist their names they didn’t speak.
They waited in the reception area for fifteen minutes before Elise opened her office door and asked them to come in to her office. It didn’t take a degree for Elise to realize something was not right between the two women. Anselle sat in the leather chair across from her and Niav slipped off her shoes and curled up into a ball on the matching leather sofa. Normally the two women were sitting near each other holding hands or touching in some way.
While Elise settled herself and opened her notebook to a fresh page Anselle took a quick look around. The office looked like Niav’s living room except with
black, leather furniture. Two club chairs faced each other on opposite sides of the sofa. There were small end tables next to the chairs and on either end of the sofa but no coffee table. Where Niav had her TV Elise had an electric fireplace. There was no desk or bookshelves cluttered with professional texts and research books. The carpeting was plush and looked new. Two doors on the far wall, Anselle guessed, lead to a powder room and Elise’s real work area where the desk and bookshelves probably were. The walls were painted a light brown that reminded Anselle of milky, hot chocolate. Anselle turned her attention to the doctor when she heard her asking Niav questions.
She planned on getting them to talk about the night Niav wound up in hospital but clearly there was a bigger issue but she still began with the basics as she put pen to paper, "Niav, how are you feeling since our last meeting?”
Niav didn’t look up at her, “Fine.”
“Okay. Have you been outside much?”
Anselle huffed, “We were out to dinner last night.”
“Oh,” Elise made a note, “that’s nice. Niav, did you have a good time?”
Anselle sighed and rolled her eyes, “What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing,” Niav replied weakly.
Elise didn’t like where things appeared to be heading, “Anselle, what do you want from Niav?”
“I want her to stop with the one word answers.”
“Okay. Niav, tell us what’s wrong.”
“Anselle will get mad.”
“Why would Anselle get mad?” Elise held up a hand to Anselle before she could protest, “Did Anselle do something wrong?”
“She didn’t….she didn’t kiss me hello. She didn’t even acknowledge me when I got in the taxi.”
“Oh, for Christ’s sake,” Anselle got up and started pacing back and forth behind the chair she had sat in.