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Surviving the Pack

Page 8

by Shannon Duane

  Dante growled her way in caution, “Bailey-“

  Paul continued when Bailey lowered her head in defeat. “Fated mates are a blessing. I knew Bailey was mine when I first set eyes on her; I confirmed it a few ways. Her cotton candy scent lingered in my dreams and I couldn’t stop thinking of her and when I first tasted her, I knew. That first time in the hospital when you banned me from seeing her just about killed me. In the months I waited for her recovery and when she made the switch in packs I was found again. She didn’t realize it at the time either but she was drawn to me too. Even with all of the drama that was going on and the continued attacks, we found each other. Our lives and magic is connected. I hope that you both realize what you have before you lose it.”

  Dante and Katarina sat staring at them in stunned silence. Dante was the first to comment, “Is that why I couldn’t resist marking her as mine; even though I was upset at her attacks on Bailey I couldn’t stop thinking of her?”

  Paul and Bailey nodded and Bailey added, “It’s also why you vomited on Sasha. Mate’s cannot stand another’s touch, it makes them physically ill.”

  Katarina burst out in laughter causing the room to erupt. After the tears stopped streaming down her face she wiped her eyes and snickered again. “Is that what she was covered in? Yuck.”

  Sporting bright red cheeks Dante replied, “I understand now. You could have said something earlier. I feel like a fool.”

  Sobering Bailey stood and wrapped her arms around her brother. “I tried but it’s been busy lately. I’m glad you’re taking this so well; I though you would both fight it.”

  Katarina piped up, “Wait, wait, wait. So what, we’re mates. What does that mean? Don’t you have to, like, seal the bond or it doesn’t work. If we don’t complete the bond then we can walk away right?”

  Dante winced, “Wow, I’m that evil? You’d leave me without my fated?”

  Wringing her hands she attempted to explain, “No, you’re coming to the wrong conclusion. I don’t have anything against you, with the exception of you being mildly annoying at times.” At his snort and glare she continued, “I mean this pack hates my guts. They’ve attacked me several times and now they’re accusing him of murder. I can’t stay here and live happily ever after. One day someone is going to catch me off guard and kill me; where will that leave Dante?”

  “We’ll talk about the murder next. Let’s get through the mating conversation first.” At Paul’s calm voice they all relaxed a touch. Paul seemed to be the voice of calm and reason.

  At Dante’s wince Katarina resumed her dreary and exhausted emotional state. “What now?”

  The room was quiet; you could hear a pin drop, or the erratic breathing of your possible mate sitting near you. “Someone might as well spill the beans. I have a feeling I’m going to need some serious honey therapy in the next few minutes.”

  The room erupted in shouts of “No,” “Bun craziness,” and “Holy honeybuns, I agree.”

  Dante got up, “She’s right. I should go put some buns on. It’ll help a lot after we have this conversation.”

  “Sit down brother and man up.”

  Directly after Bailey’s shouted comment the phone rang. Dante leaned over and answered, tossing it to Bailey when a small voice came on the line. She gave several ‘yes’s’ and some ‘uh huh’s’ with a few ‘are you sure’s’ before finally hanging up and clutching her head in her hands. She opened the bond she shared with Dante and told him to get his ass in the kitchen and make the damn buns.

  Rushing into the kitchen Dante didn’t hesitate. He loved his mate in a honey baked goods coma. She did wonderful things with all that sugar. Just thinking about it had him tenting in his sweatpants. He’d have to alert the bakery in town to keep the sweets coming.

  Waiting until his rabid cock settled he walked back into the room and all eyes landed on him. Uh oh.

  “Dante, why don’t you fill me in on how one completes the mating with their fated? Your brother in law and sister are keeping quiet about it and it’s making me nervous.”

  Oh shit. He looked to his sister who was purposefully closing their bond and looking away while Paul smirked at him. “Well now, Honeybun, I don’t really know.”

  Katarina sniffed in his direction and sent him a scathing look, “Lie. Try again.”

  Damn shifter nose. “Okay…well, you see…”

  “For God’s sake Dante, stop being a wussy. You are supposed to be the top of the food chain.”

  His hesitation was just making it worse so he blurted, “Sex, fluids, bite.”

  She gasped and her hand went to her neck. It tingled where he’d bitten her. She ran her hand over the area and saw him shutter in pleasure. No way. She reached down to the other bite on her groin, stroking it lightly and watching his reaction. “You bastard, you’ve already mated me. And you didn’t even ask.”

  He backed up to the kitchen ready to bolt, “But, Honeybun, I didn’t know. I swear I-“

  “Don’t you honeybun me, alpha. You’re a bad wolf.” She sniffed, “Is that cinnamon buns?”

  Chapter 11

  After sharing her cinnamon buns with Bailey, and only Bailey, because of the pups; they all sat and attempted to come up with a plan for the accused murderer. The general consensus was confusion due to the lack of knowledge regarding the murder. Apparently Dante was being accused of killing Mr. Simmons but they all knew Mr. Simmons was released with outcast status from the pack.

  The doorbell rang and while Dante leapt up to answer they continued to chatter about the whys and how’s this could be happening. At Dante’s shout they all ran to the door in time to catch Dallas and Dante clasped in a man hug thumping each other on the back.

  Gone was the awkwardness between the two, the feeling of solidarity, teamwork and unity had replaced it. Lacy was behind him with her head down, she smelled of fear and anxiety; tar. Dante released Dallas, only then seeing Lacy behind him looking deflated.

  Dallas shifted and placed his hand on Lacy’s lower back pulling her forward to stand next to him. “Dante, Please allow me to introduce you to the woman I’d like to mate. I hear you’ve heard the story so I won’t bore you with the details. I will ask for her hand in marriage and mating.”

  Noticing the change in Dallas brought a smile to Dante’s face. “I’d be honored if you we’re to mate. I’m so sorry about your previous problems; I hope you’ll consider this a new beginning as I do.”

  Leaning into Dallas Dante took a tentative sniff, “Wow, you’re fast. Back in town a couple hours and you’ve claimed your mate. Well done.” Lacy had a slight flush to her face and Dallas’s smile lit up the room.

  Dallas inhaled, “Huh, I must have been gone longer than I thought because you smell different too. Do other peoples scents change when they’ve mated?”

  “You have no idea.” He was secretly pleased that he’d taken on Katarina’s scent. Was it too soon to become so involved? Dallas and Lacy have known each other for years.

  They turned after hearing a delicate cough from the other room. Dante sighed and rolled his eyes. “Come on. Let’s get you both updated on the inner workings of our pack. Welcome home.”

  Bailey and Paul were already packed, anticipating Dallas’s return. Leaving their bags at the door they congratulated Dallas and Lacy. “We’re so happy for you and Lacy. Dante’s mating is the first official mating acknowledged by the Pack in a long time and we’re so pleased you’re mating is the second. Alpha Jake said he’d officiate on the day of the next full moon. In fact he said he was honored.”

  At Bailey’s babbling Dallas and Lacy stopped in the hall and eyed each other. Dante watched the light bulb over his best friends head click on.

  “Uh…Mate? Who did you mate?” Dallas was seriously in the dark, “You weren’t even dating anyone, or interested.”

  The shit eating grin Dante wore spoke volumes. “Remember that sexy, sassy badass bear I told you about?”

  Dallas smirked, “No way. The one that’s
standing behind you? Yep, I remember.” He inhaled deeply and chuckled, “She smells like candy, now you smell like candy too.”

  Katarina beamed over at Dallas, “Good day, I’m Katarina. The, what did you say alpha, sassy bear?” She laughed at his blush, “Apparently, I’m mated to Dante.” She shot Dante a look of annoyance.

  Lacy giggled, “You don’t know or you’re not convinced? Maybe you should go back to bed and figure it out.”

  It was Katarina’s turn to flush, “Touché. Well…he bit me and won’t leave me alone so I’m pretty sure we’re in it to win it. Hope you guys are strong because your pack needs a group ass kicking.” She sent an evil grin Bailey’s way, “I can’t wait. Oh, the power. Muahahaha.”

  * * * *

  Paul and Bailey said goodbye while congratulating the happily mated couples. Only, after a long discussion regarding ‘the plan’ for the pack meeting called by the elders. Bailey hugged her brother, “Stick to the plan. I love you, Dante. I want the best for you so if you ever need anything, call.”

  “Yeah yeah, sis, ditto. Keep in touch okay? I want to know if I’m having a niece or nephew.” Silly grin, “Or both.”

  “Bite your tongue brother. I’ll update Jake on what’s going on. See you soon. I’m coming for the mating.”

  Dante’s heart warmed at the love his sister was sharing. After all the trials of their upbringing it was amazing to finally feel her support and love. “Stay outta trouble.”

  After seeing his sister out Dante finalized ‘the plan’ and began for the ceremony circle his people used for the last two hundred years. His pack was present, as well as the elders, excluding Mr. Simmons of course. The elders were in place and he took position in the middle of the gathered elders, pulling Katarina to his side he nodded at Dallas. “Let us begin.”

  Dusty was the first to speak, “You stand accused of the murder of a pack elder. He was last seen when you changed his status to outcast. Your scent was in the clearing along with his blood. How do you plead?”

  Dante snickered acting carefree, “Obviously, I plead not guilty. Where’s the body of the deceased? Typically it is presented to the pack for a full inspection. Not that I don’t trust the elders of this group but the pack has gone through some intense changes. The rule of inspection was never changed and as alpha I demand the right. If you don’t feel comfortable allowing me to examine the body, as the accused, you must provide it to the rest of the pack for evidence collection.”

  Dusty attempted a reply when Dante cut him off, “As well as I would like to know who my accused is. I was never provided with the name of the person who says I allegedly harmed Mr. Simmons.”

  Dusty allowed one side of his lips to lift in a half smile. That was the man Dante was familiar with, the one who told him to follow his dreams and taught him to be a man.

  “You are correct. Travis-“the crowd erupted in chaos. Hollering and spitting ensued followed by several of the pack pushing each other to get a closer look. Dusty’s voice rose over the noise, “Pack, please, silence.”

  The crowd remained rowdy with ear-splitting yelling and clashing of opinions. Dante released his power and murmured, “Silence.”

  The quiet was all encompassing. You could hear the wind in the trees and twigs being snapped under restless feet. “Your pack elder is speaking, show him the proper respect.”

  Dusty inclined his head and continued, “Travis came to me and told me of Dante engaging Mr. Simmons in a fight. I was told the fight ended with Dante ripping out the throat of Mr. Simmons. Dante stands accused and must defend himself, providing witnesses.”

  All eyes were on Dante. He really didn’t want to have to go into the story, living it the first time was enough. He always got sick to his stomach when he thought of someone abusing his beloved mate.

  “I witnessed several pack members assaulting Katarina. She held her own, using non-lethal force to subdue her attackers. I came upon the scene, casting judgment on Mr. Simmons as outcast while I was cursing the fact the others got away. I stand by my decision. When I left, Mr. Simmons was very much alive. If your witness doesn’t show up I request that you let this matter rest and call off the trial.” After a moment of silence which no witness came forward Dante asked, “Do you even have a body?”

  With a shake of Dusty’s head and his ensuing smirks confirmed the obvious. “Alpha Dante, you are hear-by cleared of all charges. Thank you for your time.”

  The elders all surrounded Dante clapping him on the back while praising his smarts. “Yes, yes, things are set to rights. Carry-on.” Dante turned to introduce Katarina to Dusty, only then realizing she wasn’t there.

  “What’s wrong? You just turned pale and you’re sweating. You’re clear of all charges.” Dusty hugged him again seeking comfort.

  Dante didn’t move. His eyes scanned the crowd and he found nothing amiss. He watched Dallas kiss Lucy and grin up at him shooting his thumb up. When Dante merely continued to scan the area Dallas approached.

  “What’s wrong? I can feel your seething rage and worry.”

  Dante felt like his world was closing in, his eyes misted and his vision became blurry. “My mate.”

  Dallas looked around the immediate area, “Well…where is she?”

  “I don’t know. I can feel her but it’s bizarre, numb-ish. Does that make sense? I don’t want to call out and alert others but I want to yell to the rooftop and threaten lives to find her.” He clutched Dallas’s shirt, “We have to find her.”

  Dallas took Dante’s face in his hands and looked into his eyes, serious, stoic. “We will find her. Focus on her energy. We all have energy, follow hers, it’s unique. Imagine her scent, her flavor, her aura. She’s strong.”

  Dante didn’t know what Dallas was talking about but he thanked God he’d sent him to American Canyon to learn this stuff with Jake. He wanted to go into the woods, he felt compelled to go. He closed his eyes and went with it. “You’re my best friend Dallas but if you’re leading me away from my mate I’ll have to hurt you, badly.”

  “Noted, now go. The hunt begins.”

  Chapter 12

  Katarina woke with cotton mouth and a splitting headache. She rolled to her side and dry heaved until it felt like her intestines would pop out of her mouth. A cackling laugh sounded from her right side. When she was able to speak again she sassed, “Shocking, we meet again Mr. Simmons. And…ooh, you’re not dead. Pity.”

  The corrupt elder erupted in a string of curses and threats. He told her she was useless and plain, not worthy to be alpha’s mate. When he was done his breath was coming in great big gasps and he was pale and sweaty.

  His rant gave her time to look at her surroundings and evaluate the possibility of escape. Concrete block walls and a solid door that appeared to open from the other side. Where the hell is this place? Is there a bomb shelter on Dante’s land?

  “You’ll never get out. It’s just you and me for the next couple hours. I’ve had them lock us in together so I can finish what I started earlier.”

  Katarina giggled, “Getting your ass whooped?” His hand reached out to slap her across the face. “Funny, it looks like I won’t have to kill you. You’re having your very own shit fit.” His face went from pale to bright red, “As alpha bear I should warn you; you’re having a heart attack and I advise you to settle down. Your hearts too old to hatch these nefarious plots, didn’t anyone warn you? It’s my duty to see to your best interests now.”

  She knew the blow was coming, when it connected with her jaw she saw stars and began to dry heave again. That old motherfucker is going down. As she continued to heave she heard his manacle laughter and vowed he was dead before the night was over. Everyone already thought he was dead anyway, now they’d have a body.

  “Are you done? I don’t have all night, bear bitch. You should have never come here.”

  Intentionally trying to appear weak she curled up in a fetal position. A blow came to her back and she whimpered holding herself tighter, waiting for th
e perfect moment. Another strike land on the back of her thigh, the whimper that she released was genuine and let her know she needed to end this charade before she couldn’t walk.

  Twisting when he kicked out again she pulled him toward her, released her claws, sinking them deep into his neck while she looked into his eyes and slowly ripped out his throat. While he struggled to gasp in air she simply said, “You shouldn’t have fucked with me old man. I never harmed you or your family. I’ll pray for your soul.”

  Katarina went back to her makeshift bed, blankets on a cold hard concrete floor and waited. For more bad guys or the cavalry, whoever was going to show up first, she’d be ready.

  * * * *

  After twenty agonizing minutes wandering the forest Dante couldn’t contain his howl of fury. It echoed for miles and he hoped his mate knew he was looking for her. He’d failed her in the worst way. After all the promises of protection he let her get snatched. God only knew what was being done to her. Please…keep her safe so I can experience more than a day with my fated. If she dies I’ll go with her, happy to meet her in heaven.

  The voice of his second intruded, “Dante, are we still going the right way?”

  The innocent question was the straw that broke his back. He flipped his shit, “How the hell do I know? We’ve only been mated a day. I can feel her, strong and confident, but now she’s uncomfortable…and impatient. She doesn’t feel as dull. I feel useless and we’ve been circling the same spot for what seems like forever.”

  “You’re doing fine. Keep going.”


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