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Surviving the Pack

Page 9

by Shannon Duane

  “Keep going where. My Katarina GPS is obviously broken because I don’t feel the pull anymore.” Dante was beginning to lose hope. He rubbed the back of his neck and squeezed until it was painful. His cell phone ringing broke the silence.


  Alpha Jake’s voice came over his line. “Dante? You okay?”

  “No, I’m not. My mate is missing and I’m losing it. I can’t find her.” He hiccoughed in a breath holding back tears. “I feel so helpless. I need to find her.”

  There were whispers in the background. When Jake came back over the line he sounded confident and in control. “You’ve met my son Trevor? You know he’s special?”

  Random, “Yeah.”

  “He won’t go to bed. Says you need to look down, stupid. Yes, I told him that wasn’t nice but he insisted I say it. Call me if you need anything.”

  The phone went dead and Dante pulled it away from his ear, gaping at the logic. Duh, he felt her here so she must be here. “Dallas, search the ground. She’s here somewhere.”

  * * * *

  Katarina was getting impatient, come on bad guys, I have stuff to do. In the middle of prioritizing her week; laundry, grocery shopping, help arrange mating ceremony, meet the new pack-and be nice, someone finally graced her with their presence. A short man with thinning hair sauntered into the room like he owned the place, maybe he did. When his eyes came to rest on the now dead Mr. Simmons his steps faltered and he halted mid-stride.

  “Don’t worry, I’m harmless really. That man was beating me and I had to defend myself. Who are you?” Katarina made it a point to use her sweet voice and curl up again to appear non-threatening.

  At her insecure posture the man continued forward, stopping a few feet from her. “It’s no concern who I am. You are the important person. An alpha’s mate, your parents must be so proud.”

  Hunching in on herself she responded dryly, “My parents are dead. The alpha of this pack won’t let me leave. He mated me without my consent and the pack has already attacked me.” What? It’s true, kinda.

  His look was questioning, like he didn’t believe her. He tilted his head, coming in a little closer he scented her. Interesting, she’s not lying.

  “Mister, I just want to go home. This pack is sick and twisted. Can you help me get home?”

  The short stinky man came closer and leaned down. “Sure, I’ll help you if you help me.”

  Katarina acted ignorant about the whole situation. She was almost positive this was Travis, the old pack alpha’s son. She’d gotten the scoop on this pack before she’d come and is glad she had. “What can I do?”

  “I want to talk to Dante, it’s a private matter. If you simply lure him here with your special bond I’ll be able to talk to him one on one. Sound like a deal?”

  What did she look like, and idiot? Sure, let’s lure the alpha here for a chat, dumbass. “Alrighty mister, I’ll do it. Then will you let me go?”

  He squat down next to her, rubbing the back of his knuckles down her cheek. She didn’t even flinch when he leaned in smelling her hair, creepy.

  “It’s a deal, Katarina. That’s a beautiful name, for a beautiful woman.”

  Seeing the bulge at his groin made her want to rip out his throat, but she had to be patient. She needed witnesses to prove it was self-defense, or pack defense; was that a defense? Oh well, she was using it anyway. How did she get into these messes anyway? Mated to the alpha barely twenty four hours and she’s drugged, bear-napped, and in danger.

  A faint howl sounded in the distance causing her to instinctively pull away from Mr. Stinky. Odd, she hadn’t heard anything for the past half hour. “Where are we?”

  He smiled displaying a row of perfect straight white teeth, “Why, Goldilocks, we’re in the woods.”

  Her brows came together in confusion, “Actually, wouldn’t I be one of the bears.”

  “Touché, my beautiful bear.” He took a few steps closer until there was a shout from the other room that had him looking back at the heavy door.

  Attempting to hold his attention and give whoever was coming more time she attempted to engage him in conversation. “When can we leave? I’m beginning to get hungry. Do you know how much bears can eat?”

  Apparently Travis was too absorbed by what was going on behind the heavy closed door. Weren’t they his men? Why would they be screaming?

  Travis began to back up, taking a very unmanly position behind Katarina. He seemed to attempt to melt into the concrete blocks that made up the wall, causing her hackles to rise and a deep sense of betrayal to infuse her core.

  Her voice was only a whisper but enough for shifter hearing. “Is that him, Travis? Please tell me you didn’t tell him I’m here.”

  Travis didn’t respond but when she turned she could see the truth written all over his face. Travis was pale, sweating and he had a fine tremor wracking his body.

  Katarina’s heart sank but she had to keep it together. There was no other option when dealing with Tidus. “I know that you don’t know me very well but if you think that either of us will be getting out of here alive, you’re mistaken. Tidus will kill us, taking these lands and leaving us to rot in full view of the pack to serve as an example.”

  Katarina made sure she didn’t mention that these weren’t his lands or his pack. He’d been banished a long time ago after his father’s betrayal and his subsequent trouble with not only the Sacramento pack but also American Canyon pack. He’d burned too many bridges; hooking up with Tidus was the most ruthless and ill-advised plan yet.

  A murmur of sound came from Travis, “He said he’d help me get my pack back and get rid of the false alpha. I want to lead this pack.”

  A humorless laugh escaped her before she could stifle it. “Tidus looks after himself and no one else. He cares nothing of others with the exception of who he can control or possess. You were led astray along with a great many others. As you can hear, your pack is being slaughtered out there. You, as their leader, should be out there protecting your people. Instead you seal yourself in a room with a bear and hid behind her for protection. Now would be the time to admit you are not a leader and give up. And when this is over, if you’re still alive, I suggest you show your allegiance to Dante who is the true alpha of this pack.”

  Her rant being over she was panting and breathless. She needed to calm herself in preparation for dealing with Tidus again. He’d probably not think very well of her after she escaped his attempted mating and killed several of his minions in the process. Only after her parents were slaughtered in front of her, she was beaten within an inch of her life. If he hadn’t waited for her bruises to heal before the mating ceremony she’d probably still be in Alaska mated to the monster.

  Remembering the past make her think of her friend Bernard, who was damaged by Tiduss' reign, never able to get over the violence. He was her best friend and protector but somewhere along the way he developed the need for violence and his mind seem to leave him. She was forced to end his life in American Canyon where he lost his connection to reality and the difference between right and wrong. She took the heat for his aggression but knew deep down he was a lost cause after saving her in Alaska.

  Ironic, she’d finally found someone who challenged her making her smile again, while revving her engine and she was being faced with her past. Not only did she have to deal with her unlucky and violent past, but Travis had ensured that it had merged with her future. Please let Dante be okay. He didn’t deserve being exposed to her problems while his pack was already so broken.

  The memories being too painful she controlled her breathing along with her scent and waited for her worse nightmare to pop in for a visit.

  Chapter 13

  Dante made a circle in the forest where Katarina’s pull was fierce. Now that he knew to look for disturbances in the forest floor he wasn’t shocked to see an area that looked like the earth had been turned recently. Hell, he could even pick up traces of her scent here. He began moving various dea
d leaves and brush when he felt something slam into his side.

  Flying sideways Dante’s body crashed into a tree, something heavy pinning him. Looking around he watched as Dallas engaged in a fierce battle with a behemoth of a man who had him on his back deflecting blows to his face.

  How had he not noticed the danger? His senses were normally keen to threats, especially when his mate was involved. The likelihood of these men being involved with Travis wasn’t too high, unless they were outcast from other packs and looking for a new pack.

  With a beefy shoulder pressed into his abdomen and the rough bark form a tree at his back compressing his lungs Dante was able to wheeze, “Who are you?”

  His answer was a grunt followed by another shove into the tree.

  Dante was better than this. He released some of his alpha magic stunning the man while raising his elbow and bringing it against his attackers back. He created a gap and slung back his fist plowing it into the man’s side. Feeling a few ribs crack he chuckled as his attacker became the attacked.

  Dante took stock of his surroundings; Dallas was now on top of his attacker with fists and curses flying. The rest of the forest appeared quiet. He was so close to retrieving his mate when he heard shout from under him. They were hollow sounding and he knew somewhere people were dying. If any hair on his mates head was harmed he’d tear down this pack and follow her into death.

  Feeling an urgency he couldn’t shake off, Dante stood and repeatedly kicked his attacker until he slumped into unconsciousness. Turning he saw that Dallas’s attacker had gotten the upper hand and had him pinned again. Knowing Dallas could handle the man he felt uncomfortable about the time they were fighting and not looking for Katarina. Running out if time wasn’t an option; he shifted and lunged at the man raking his claws down his back, swinging them in at the base of his spine and severing his spinal column.

  As Dallas shoved the stranger away he followed him, leaning over and demanding, “Who do you work for?”

  The beefy man sputtered, obviously, shocked that he’d been defeated.

  Dallas was still enraged. A loud crack sounded in the clearing as Dallas slapped the man in the face to get his attention. “We have no desire to kill you. Who do you work for and where is the alpha female?”

  Dante kept his distance realizing his need to murder the man who attempted to harm his pack was overriding his better senses. He’d let Dallas lead this interrogation because otherwise it’d be, kill now and forget everything other than getting into that door, knowing it led to his mate. She may not realize it but she was his mate, his future.

  * * * *

  Katarina had been trying to calm herself for the last five minutes with little results. The fully grown ‘alpha wolf’ behind her was making her nerves burn at fever pitch. He was intermittently shaking and whimpering causing her focus to drop.

  Taking a deep breath she took in a huge breath of stale air tinged with fear, Travis’s fear. “Listen, Travis, I know you’re scared but you really have to control yourself. Do you know how to mask your scent? For God’s sake at least control your fear. You’re the one that got us into this mess.” Her voice rose with every statement.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t expect this to happen. I just wanted to be alpha of this pack. It’s all I’ve ever wanted. It’s what my father wanted for me too. I have to honor him by attempting to regain the pack.”

  Katarina rolled her eyes, “Seriously? I’m sorry but your father was a dickhead. So far you’re doing a great job of following in his footsteps and being the man who puts himself in front of his packs needs. You’re a selfish twit if you truly believe you should be alpha.”

  Once her rant began she couldn’t stop the words tumbling out of her mouth. Even with his mouth hanging open she continued, at least he didn’t reek of fear. “When I was six I wanted to be a ballerina but with my height and the whole shifting into a bear thing it didn’t work out for me. Especially, when I didn’t hit the right pirouette, got frustrated and broke all the glass in the dance studio. When I was twelve I was convinced that I should be a cheerleader when I tossed a girl up in the air and she went forty feet instead of the five she was supposed to go; I got kicked off the team. Or the time I-“

  “I get it. I’m not an alpha. I hide in times of danger and I could care less about the pack needs. I don’t want to listen to everyone complain and shit. I get it. Just get me out of this and I’ll step back.”

  Katarina couldn’t believe his attitude. She’s supposed to save him, the all-knowing, all seeing Travis? “Actually, you got me into this and I’m going to ask you to kindly get me out of it.”

  She sat heavily onto the pile of blankets that were cold and smelled like a combination of moth balls and stale urine. Crossing her arms and sitting with her back straight she put her nose high in the air and prepared to wait.

  Travis began blubbering and whining. Katarina couldn’t take it anymore. His negativity and the fact that he’d brought this on both of them infuriated her. She stood and with lightening speed she hit him, one punch with closed fist to the face.

  As she stood over him watching his breath even out in unconsciousness she silently thanked God he wasn’t a bother anymore. Now she could prepare herself for the ensuing battle. It would definitely be a battle because there was no way she was going back to Alaska with Tidus. She was already someone’s mate, and she may just be in love.

  * * * *

  After defeating the two gigantic thugs guarding some secret passageway he collected Dallas, who was in the middle of interrogating one thug, and moved toward the opening. “We need to find her. Travis is power hungry and stupid enough to be in league with this Tidus fellow. She could be in real danger.”

  Hearing the story of how Travis contacted the Alaskan wolves pack brought chills to Dante’s arms. Katarina shared her history with the pack regarding the Alaskan wolves and their violence; he knew she wanted peace within the pack. Having brought Tidus here, unknowingly or not, would destroy her. Dante would make sure she never had to be involved with him again. He planned on staking his claim once and for all. Katarina was a one-wolf woman, and he was that wolf. She was the perfect alpha female, not taking any crap from him or his pack.

  He closed his eyes one last time before sending out a prayer to keep her safe. He needed time for her to realize she was his mate and he loved her. Thinking the words forced him to comprehend the truth. He loved her and he would die to protect her. He wanted her happiness, her heart and her cubs, even if they would shift into big honey bun loving bears.

  Dallas’s shout had him running. When Dante came around a tree he watched as Dallas was hunched over, pawing at the ground. The dirt was recently turned and when he heard Dallas’s fingers hit a hollow sounding board he came closer.

  “It’s hallow, alpha.” Dallas expelled a long breath and confessed, “I smell death and fear. I’ve already called the pack to protect you.” His face lit up with excitement when he offered, “What do you say we go in and get your girl?”

  Dante gave one curt nod Dallas’s way, flung open the wooden door, fully ignoring the ladder he launched himself into the chamber. The air was muggy and stale yet earthy, not a bad scent until you picked up the permeation of deaths odor that tinged the natural scents. There was light coming in from the hatch and Dante’s sensitive eyes were accommodating when he heard the cocking of a gun.

  A thump from behind him guaranteed that Dallas had indeed followed him into, what he was quickly calling, the hole of despair.

  An evil voice sounded in front of Dante making his hackles rise and the hairs on the back of his neck stand at attention. His initial instinct was to hurl his body into the threat, eliminating it so he could free his mate and protect his pack. His more intelligent side had him waiting to see what this new threat was after. He’d keep him talking because the longer he talked the safer his mate would be.

  “So this is the infamous alpha of the Sacramento pack? You don’t look so fierce to me. You’ve surv
ived quite the scandal; killing your previous alpha, banishing your mother, losing your sister and infant children to another pack, attempted murder of your pack elders. Tsk tsk. And I just got into town, who knows what else is coming.”

  Dante smiled at his foe, not letting it reach his eyes, allowing a bit of his wolfs magic loose. It felt different this time, more natural and tinged with a wild essence. “I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage. I have no idea who you are or why you would be in my territory. Care to explain?”

  A flush entered his enemies face and he stepped forward, gun still pointed at Dante. Dante showed no fear allowing his magic to seep into the air.

  “I am Tidus, pack leader of all territories in Alaska. You’ll have no problem remembering my name because it’s the last name you’ll hear before you die. I have no need of you and the pup behind you. I exterminate those who are no longer of use to me.”

  Dante’s vision was blurring in anger, his wolf wanted to take over and protect, attack, kill. He refused to look at the deceased men around him; he’d morn their loss after he saved his mate. Bodies everywhere, most shot or killed while attempting to shift and protect themselves. They never had a chance. One thing Dante was certain of, Katarina is alive.

  The gun went off and Dante was thrown back hitting Dallas who was just behind him. They both went down in a heap and Dante hoped that Dallas understood they needed to play dead or there would be no escape, or rescue. Dante could feel the evil above him watching as he bled out of the gunshot wound to his abdomen.

  “I’m really disappointed in the lack of a struggle. This is by far the weakest pack we’ve overtaken. We’ll leave the second to wake with his dying alpha above him. Hopefully, they were close so that finding his friend dead will make him go crazy. He’s must only have a head injury so he’ll wake soon enough and we’ll be long gone.”

  Dante heard a shuffling sound and then more chatter, “Come along, Reed, let’s go collect my prize. I can’t believe I’ve found my lovely Katarina. I can taste her now, so sweet.”


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