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Surviving the Pack

Page 10

by Shannon Duane

  Dallas was apparently awake because Dante felt a firm grip on his upper arm, a reminder to remain still and unmoving, for now.

  * * * *

  Katarina heard a loud banging sound and suddenly was wracked with a horrible pain in her belly. What the hell? She hunched into a ball and began to writhe on the cool concrete floor. Her body felt as if it was tearing apart from the inside.

  Not knowing how long she’d be forced to endure she finally gave in, letting the pain consume her. She felt lighter for a time while she let whatever energy she had swirl through her body and quickly exit, leaving her slightly dizzy. Thinking she needed to keep her energy or die she was shocked to find that releasing a bit of her power and energy actually made her feel lighter and free.

  A tingle began in her stomach and it spread throughout her body causing a warm and welcome sensation. Closing her eyes she allowed the magic to seep out of her body slowly. She watched as it circled a still unconscious Travis and quickly withdrew. She chuckled as it created a tornado effect and blew the door down, leaving her feeling oddly numb.

  Chapter 14

  Dante waited patiently while Tidus and his partner in crime Reed walked away. His wound was bad but he could heal it in time if he shifted. He didn’t have the time. He heard a loud boom and was afraid his mate was in trouble so he shifted, slowly, and stood on unsure paws, feeling blood trickle down his fur. He felt Dallas at his side, strong and sure in wolf form.

  Crawling to the sound of the commotion Dante felt a soothing warm wind coming towards him. He positioned himself in front of his second, tall and proud, protecting his pack until the end. His only wish was that he could feel Katarina in his arms one last time before he died. Dallas would carry on and protect the alpha mate; it’s the way of pack life. He dies and his second takes over.

  The wind became fierce and his fur felt as if it was being singed while a heat grew in his already aching abdomen. He looked back to see that Dallas was completely unaffected by this new development. Dante refused to scream as the wind broke every bone in his body, he endured and even made some forward progression, still attempting to locate his mate. Dallas was not helpful, pacing behind him, whimpering and growling.

  Unable to take the pain anymore Dante let out a mighty howl that split the night. As the sound trailed off he noticed he was making a noisy blowing sound and his teeth kept clacking together. He’d never heard such sounds come from his wolf and he was momentarily shocked. With no time to analyze his odd behavior he continued forward, no longer feeling like he would break apart he noticed his pain had diminished but he felt heavier, weighed down.

  Feeling an urgent pull to the back of the shelter Dante picked up the pace while Dallas remained behind him guarding his flank. He passed many a dead bodies, most from his pack that had known association with Travis. Such a waste of life was staggering and useless. He’d waited a long time to finally catch and kill, who he thought was his biggest rival. Only, now he had several targets on his list, starting with the new player, Tidus.

  Sneaking up on Tidus would be the key to defeating him. Needing the element of surprise Dante turned to Dallas to encourage him to stop breathing so hard when he realized it was actually him. He was breathing heavily through his nose, swinging his head and snapping his teeth. What the hell, his wolf was stealthy and quiet as a mouse. Why now was he a heavy footed blundering idiot?

  Voices alerted them they were getting close. Dallas nudged Dante attempting to shove into a better position to see and hear. The doorway wasn’t small or anything but they were having a hard time fitting. They hovered close to the ground and listened.

  * * * *

  “Get up Travis. Do you always sleep on the job?”

  Katarina could hear Tidus’s impatience with his new partner. Thinking she would be afraid when their confrontation finally happened she was pleasantly surprised that she didn’t feel anything. No anger, no pain, no burning need to avenge her family. She felt an almost drugged calm. She remained sitting on the floor with the wall to her back and her legs crossed at the ankles, stretched out before her.

  Her giggle alerted Tidus to her presence.

  “Ah, there you are my lovely bear. I’m so glad you could join me. We’ll be leaving soon.” He reached out to touch her and she snapped at him causing him to pull his hand back. Instead of fear his eye shown with lust, “The biting comes later, my pet. Gather your things and I’ll allow you to kill Travis before we go. I shouldn’t have all the fun.”

  “Go to hell.” Giggle giggle.

  Tidus’s brows lowered and he cocked his head to the side. “Are you feeling alright? I need you strong, Katarina. It is time to rule the pack with me; all others will fear us. I know you’re a viscous competitor and protector, I’ve seen you in action. It will be a benefit when we decide to have pups, don’t you think?”

  Katarina was flat out laughing by the time Tidus was done with his speech. She took a moment to compose herself before responding. “Tidus, I don’t want you, hence the running away. I don’t like you and will never consent to being your mate, I didn’t want you before and I don’t want you now. There is nothing else to threaten me with after you’ve already killed my family. We’re done here, go home.”

  The scent of his anger was clogging her throat and causing her eyes to water and burn. She rested her head back against the wall, keeping her eyes on him the whole time, waiting for him to leave, knowing he’d kill her first.

  Tidus stalked toward her and crouched down. Leaning in he sniffed her neck, “You smell different. Still luscious but something is…off.”

  Katarina growled, the strange numbness suddenly gone, she prepared her body to shift. The closer he came the more she felt; anger, annoyance, fear and exasperation. The all-consuming rage caused her to shift smoothly and within seconds she was before him in animal form.

  Tidus leapt back pushing Reed in front of him. “What the fuck happened to you?”

  Not being able to speak she growled again, a different sound altogether. Her stomach had and odd ache in it but it didn’t hinder her movement when she lunged at Reed. He dove to the side and she missed him by inches. She felt lighter and sprang again hitting him in the chest causing him to fall back hitting a dead guy in the corner of the room. She leaned over and placed her teeth to his neck snapping her jaw closed around his tender flesh, growling as she felt his hot blood trickle into her mouth. Ick.

  Realizing she wasn’t acting normally she withdrew her fangs from her quarry and took a peak at her claws; they were smaller and looked different. Holy shit, realizing she’d taken a different form she looked around the room for confirmation.

  “Amazing. You’ve been keeping secrets from me my lovely Katarina. I had no idea you could take two forms, a wolf like me and your bear. I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you. Come to me,” his arms held out to welcome her.

  Katarina felt no pull to obey his commands. She would never be his puppet. She padded over to him with her head held high, never allowing her gaze to stray from his. Showing him her dominance was…exciting. Being a bear she wasn’t normally concerned with dominance as they were all dominant as bears but when Tidus took over in Alaska he’d played games with all of the bears and if they asserted themselves they were punished.

  Tidus allowed his gaze to flicker over her shoulder and she spun quickly letting her daintier form fly into Reed who held a gun to her. A shot went off but she felt nothing. Pouncing toward him she revelled in his scent of fear. It didn’t last, however, because she ripped out his throat a moment later.

  Reed dropped lifeless to the ground. As a bear she usually mauled her prey, not usually having to get up close and personal like that. It upset her; she’d essentially murdered someone, again. Twice tonight she was put in a position where she had to defend herself to the death. She briefly wondered if Dante’s pack would prosecute her. Eh, fuck ‘em.

  Clapping came from behind her. She’d forgotten about Tidus, the most lethal one in the roo

  “My god, Katarina, can you imagine the power we could wield. Two beasts. Come home with me and we’ll discuss arrangements for our immediate mating.” He got a wistful look briefly, “I wonder if our pups will have two forms as well?”

  * * * *

  Dante was reeling, Katarina is a wolf; a beautiful, sexy, dangerous wolf. Her fur was a shimmering silky elegant golden color and currently her hackles were up. A voice from behind him caught Dante’s attention.

  “Wow alpha, you’ve got your hands full. She’ll make a great addition to the pack. You must have switched, I didn’t know that was possible.”


  A naked Dallas was looking up at him with shining eyes. “Go get your girl.” His brows drew together, “On second thought, why don’t you let her enjoy her first hunt. Let’s let him run, huh?”

  * * * *

  Katarina was becoming increasingly agitated. She’d thought about seeing Tidus and exacting her revenge for a long time but in no way shape or form did she expect to be doing it as a wolf. How the hell did she even turn into a wolf? She knew she could finally beat him as her bear, she’d been training for this moment and now that it was here she felt cheated. What was she supposed to do?

  Tidus took the situation in hand when he reached down and grabbed her scruff to drag her out of the room. “I will teach you everything you need to know to stay on top of the rest of the pack just as soon as I know you won’t use it against me. I really am your best option.”

  Without thinking she turned her head to the side and clamped her sharp teeth into the meaty outer thigh of her worst enemy. She thought back to the last days she spent in Alaska and the fighting she was forced to watch. She locked her jaw and began to shake her head viscously back and forth reveling in the taste of blood and feeling of ripping flesh.

  Tidus was screaming while hitting her in the back of the head and on her sides. She didn’t release him. This wouldn’t kill him but it would weaken him allowing her the upper hand which she desperately needed.

  Realizing that his blows had no effect Tidus reached down and using both his hands he began to pry her jaws apart to release himself. “Now, little bitch. You will regret that. I was planning on going easy on you during the mating but now I’m going to be rough. I’ll make you scream and whimper; it’ll be music to my ears.”

  Her muzzle was forced from his flesh and he quickly clamped a hand over her so she couldn’t use her teeth anymore. She whined once and shook her head to get him to release her but his hold was firm as he once again tried to drag her toward the door.

  “Come along, puppet. I’ve booked a private jet. Once the fight has left you I’m sure you’ll realize how wonderful this opportunity is and thank me for coming after you.”

  Feeling her anger and fear rise she attempted to tamp it down. She didn’t want him scenting her fear so she allowed the anger to take over. It consumed her and she did what she was taught; never let them take you. Katarina allowed her body to go limp and brought Tidus to a screeching halt.

  Blowing out a harsh breath, “You really are proving to be difficult. Get up.” When she didn’t move he heaved her over his shoulder and swatted her rump. “At least you’re lighter in wolf form. Can you imagine me picking up your surly bear ass?” He chuckled.

  * * * *

  Dante was standing by the exit after watching his mate defend herself. He didn’t want to rush in there and distract her causing her harm so he waited, patiently. Dallas kept shooting him looks and bowing his head and wincing as Katarina was continuously played with and beaten down. Dante knew he was fighting staying back. Their instincts were to protect mates and treasure them. When Tidus picked her up and began walking toward the door Dante chuffed hoping Katarina would know it was him.

  He stood to the side of the door and waited for his mate while Dallas stood off to the other side. Dante was pleasantly surprised and a little shocked when he heard his mates voice in his head, He is mine to take down, hands off.

  Keeping contact he responded, why do you think we haven’t ended this a long time ago? This is your vengeance and we’ll let you have first dibs. But he dies today.

  Duh, I’m working on it.

  Chapter 15

  Exiting the room Katarina was worried that Tidus would scent Dante and Dallas but he was so busy burying his face in her fur and scenting her he was completely oblivious. Raising her head she winked at the huge bear in the corner of the room and stuck her long tongue out at Dallas. She felt right being around them and after enduring so much pain and torture in Alaska she was due some comfort. But not yet, first she had to take her pound of flesh and ensure that her new family was safe. The only way to do that would be to kill Tidus.

  Her first instinct was to claw like her bear but her wolf paws were smaller. Thinking there was no other option than using her teeth she attempted to bite him but she couldn’t get a good grip, only catching his clothes on her teeth.

  “I know what you’re doing and it won’t work. Give up, my sweet and I’ll buy you some cinnamon buns when we get home. Or maybe now that you’re a wolf you’d like a nice juicy steak.”

  Wiggling wasn’t working out either. He simply kept walking. Releasing her claws and digging them into his flanks caused a grunt and chuckle.

  “I like it a bit rough too, babe. Watch out or I’ll forget we’re in enemy territory and I’ll let you run and claim you here. There’s no danger because I’ve already taken care of the alpha and it’s only a matter of time before the pack crumbles.”

  Having no other choice Katarina changed. Her body shifted until she was naked with her butt high in the air and her stomach over Tidus’s shoulder. He stilled and his hand gripped her bottom with bruising force.

  “Ahh, you feel wonderful in my arms. You must know how you affect me, little bear.” He slid her down his body slowly and when she came to stand in front of him he gripped her hair and pulled her head back. “What are you plotting?”

  She took a breath and spoke with clarity and made sure she didn’t lie because he would scent it. “I just realized that my current situation wasn’t getting me anywhere.”

  His eyes narrowed, “Meaning?”

  Careful not to lie, “I can’t kill you when I’m slung over your shoulder.” Oops, I didn’t mean to say that.

  Tidus simply laughed. “You’ve made many attempts before and haven’t been successful. Don’t you remember when I was slicing into your mother and she was begging for mercy? I would have granted it if you would have mated me, but you refused.”

  She gasped, “I agreed. I would have saved my mother but you killed her.”

  His lips tilted up into an evil grin. “I set her free and she came after me. I defended myself.”

  Katarina’s outraged scream echoed in the underground cavern and she was shaking in rage. Her hand came up and slapped the smug grin off his face.

  “That’s it, doll. I like it rough.” His lips came down over hers with brutal force knocking her teeth into her upper lip. She could taste the copper flavor of her own blood.

  He moaned and attempted to deepen the kiss while she struggled to get free. Tidus obviously didn’t hear claws being scraped against wood. Katarina knew Dante was out there and she was in another unbeatable situation; with Tidus’s hand gripping her hair and clutching her face to his while his other hand gripped her wrists behind her back.

  She gave in and stopped resisting for a moment, allowing his tongue entrance to her mouth she strained to hold the dry heaving in. As he pulled her hair forcing her head back she felt him nibble down her neck, his hot breath disgusting her.

  “I will have you, Katarina. All of you will submit to me. You have no one except me.”

  Feeling her hair blow with a faint breeze that smelled of Dante she clenched her jaw and brought her knee up in Titus’s groin. He grunted and released her but she wasn’t done. She balled her fist and punched him in the jaw satisfied when blood spray out of his mouth and nose. “You are a ba
stard and I will never mate you. I’m already mated to one of the best men I’ve ever met. I’ll let you live if you walk away now.”

  The malicious cocky smirk he sent gave her chills. She stood tall and waited for his decision.

  “I told you once that if you don’t mate me I’ll kill you. You accept me or die. I’ve proven that I’ll never let you go.”

  Tidus reached for her but she side stepped him swiftly and her entire face elongated, becoming that of a wolf. She opened her jaw and as if in slow motion she clamped her maw over his exposed throat. She didn’t tear out his throat straight away. She let his blood spill into her mouth as she enjoyed his whimpers. Holding back from a killing blow she watched as her mate approached.

  He was gloriously naked obviously no longer feeling out his new bear skin. He had a healing wound to his low abdomen; seeing in caused her beast to growl.

  Dante advanced slowly and placed his hand comfortingly on his mates back. “It would appear, Tidus, that my mate is holding all the cards. You have wronged her and that is proving to be lethal.” Dante leaned over to look into her eyes, “Honey buns, it’s your choice, you make the decision. According to pack law he should be put to death. I don’t know how the bears do it.”

  He saw her eyes hardened as she applied more pressure to Titus’s neck digging her teeth deeper into his flesh. She smelled urine and was appalled at her behavior. Saving him the torture he’d put so many other through she clamped her jaw and tore his throat out.

  Tidus fell gripping his throat and gurgling blood. She looked down on him smiling. “Your reign of terror is over. That’s for my family and my freedom.” She reached around and placed her arm around Dante, “And my mate. Go to hell.”


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