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Until You Believe Me

Page 3

by Lindsey Woods

  "Wow, Mr. Matthews, you seem to be leading quite the empire here."

  His smile as shy but bright and the red appeared once more. "It was my dad's but ...well I inherited it." His voice was sightly hesitant.

  "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

  His eyebrows furrowed then relaxed with realization. "No, he's not dead. I mean, he started the company over forty years ago. I'm next in line so I get to play king of the empire I guess."

  It was my turn to blush. "I'm so sorry, I just assumed when you said inherited."

  His smile reassured me that no harm was done. "Please, stop apologizing. You've apologized just short of one hundred times yet you haven't done a thing wrong."

  His eyes showed genuine concern, almost to the point that I felt he had never been more upset by anything else in his life.

  I broke the awkwardly intense silence after a few seconds. "Well, I just wanted to say thank you. Not many people would have taken the time. And Mr. Matthews I won't take anymore of yours. Have a good evening." I gave him a small smile and turned to walk out of the small trailer.

  "Uh Mrs. Branson!" He called after me.

  "Oh please, I'm not married and call me Madison. I hear my last name enough on a daily basis."

  "Well, Madison. I'm sorry for today. I'm glad you got the note. And don't worry, I will take very good care of your university. You can stop worrying." His smile was wide this time and almost reminded me of a little boy.

  I knew my face showed confusion until my light bulb struck. "Ben. I'm sorry about him. It's not you...or your's just..I...I mean I don't like mess. Not that you're messy but construction is. I'm sorry. Ben has a big mouth." I felt heat rising into my face yet again. I was going for the record today I guess.

  Some of his bright smile faded and I felt a little sadder because of that. "Please Madison, stop apologizing. I understand. And like I said, I will take good care of it."

  I gave him a small understanding nod and walked out of the trailer.

  Chapter Five

  The following days passed uneventfully. I felt like I was in the zone. I had papers due in most of my classes and I was actually getting some decent ones in.

  It was Thursday evening and I was packing up to leave. Ben came in, as usual and we walked out together. Passing the new rising building we both commented on the progress and that we were told we would be moving out offices in the next two weeks.

  As we came up on the parking lot I noticed Conner standing outside of the trailer talking to a few of his guys. I gave a small smile in case he saw me pass, not wanting to be rude.

  "Madison! Hey!" Connor waved and started walking over to Ben and I. I took a quick glance at Ben and saw his eyebrows furl into a confused and curious expression.

  "Connor, how are you?" I smiled politely.

  "I'm great, how are you? Everything still in working order?" He smiled and it was bright, just like the last time we had spoke.

  "Oh yeah, like I said, I was more startled than anything. It's really ok." I noticed after I stopped speaking that I was crazily flopping around my hand that had been jammed against the door. I blushed a little and quickly stuck my hand behind my back hoping nobody else noticed my stupid movements.

  Connor reached a hand out, beckoning for my left hand. I felt the heat of his skin and the slight roughness of his hands. He leaned in close to examine my hand, so close that I could feel his breath. The breaths sent a shiver from my left hand to my spine and all the way down my body.

  "Looks good to me. Now I can stop feeling so guilty since I see I have done no permanent damage." He left go of my hand and let out another alarmingly beautiful smile.

  I laughed, an awkward, nervous, giggle-laugh. Like a teenager who just had her first kiss from her biggest crush.

  "It's f-f-f-ine, really. All better." Again my hand began flopping around as if to show him how agile my wrist was.

  "I'm so glad. Uh, excuse me, sorry...uh, Brian?"

  For the first time I remembered Ben was standing right there and he had pretty much the biggest shit eating grin I had ever seen.

  "Well it's Ben, but don't apologize. How's it going?" He tried to contain the grin but couldn't seem to do it.

  "Can't complain, sorry, Ben. Thanks for your help the other day. I'll see ya'll around." Another bulb bursting smile and he waved as he walked back to the trailer.

  "And let it out." Ben was looking at me with the same grin as before and I realized I was holding in a breath.

  It took a few gasps for me to get a normal flow of oxygen going again, and I took off toward the car at double my normal pace.

  "Oh no ma'am, there is not a chance in hell that you are fleeing this scene. What in the holy universe was that whole Sleepless in Seattle scene?" In a few strides he had caught up.

  "Sleepless in Seattle?"

  "Yeah, where you nearly had an orgasm in public, except this one wasn't faked."

  "You're mistaken. That was nothing. He left a small note just checking on me. I went to say thank you that evening and then he hadn't seen me until today. Just checking on my progress." I continued to B-line it to the car.

  "Yeah, he just wanted to check up on you while he eye fucked the shit out of you and made you come right in your wadded up panties."

  "Wow, graphic much? That wasn't even close to happening and real mature."

  "Yeah ok Madison, he totally thinks you're hot. And he clearly had some effect on you."

  "I'll see you tomorrow Ben, take a cold shower before then because clearly since you haven't been seeing Miss. Sex Kitten you need some hormone adjustment."


  I arrived at work Friday as usual. Fridays were a blessing because I didn't have to start class until mid morning. There were a couple memos on my door, i unstuck all of those before entering my office. Several students had left notes saying they would not be in class, one turning in the paper that was due today. Lastly I opened the small envelope.


  I'm so glad you are ok. Construction zones can be dangerous. Be careful, I do not want to deal with a liability case on this job. was wondering if you had time for lunch today (Friday)? Give me a call at this number.




  Lunch? He was asking me for lunch. I immediately felt my heart speed up. My pulse raced slightly higher than normal. Do I call? Should I go with him? I decided to sit on it and wait a little while. I started looking at some papers that I had been putting off grading. Before I knew it my mind was on his skin, his smile. How his heat seemed to radiate through and up my arm.

  "What the hell?" I said aloud as I picked up the phone.

  "Yeah?" A gruff voice came from the other end of the line.

  "Uh...I was actually looking for someone...I think I have the wrong...uh..Connor?" Again, the stupid stuttering.

  "Madison? Hey, yeah it's Connor. Sorry, force of habit. Usually only my guys call me during business hours on weekdays. It is really great to hear from you."

  "I just got in and saw your note. I unfortunately have a class from 12:30-2:00." I realized I was nervous and tense and gripping the phone so hard my fingertips and knuckles were starting to go numb on me.

  "Two works for me if it works for you. I think I can scrounge something up here to hold me over until then." I could practically hear his smile through the receiver.

  "You don't have to wait for me if you don't want." I suddenly felt like I was forcing him to rearrange his day in order to fit me in.

  "No, I want to, believe me. Why don't you come by the front, by the parking lot and we'll leave from there. I'll drive, we'll go somewhere off the campus. Do you have to be back at anytime?"

  "Not really, Friday is my easy day."

  "Ok, its a date then. I'll see you in a little while. I've got to get out there and take care of some things. Until then Madison."

  "Yes, see you then. Bye Connor."

  I hung up the phone and let out
a long and deep breath. It's a date? Like date-date? I don't know about all that. I was contemplating calling him back to cancel but decided that would make me look even crazier than I already did.

  The morning went by slowly. Getting through a stack of papers was damn near torturous. Too restless to sit in my office any longer I headed out to class a few minutes early.

  As if my morning hadn't been long enough, two o'clock seemed a light at the end of an incredibly long and dull tunnel.

  I practically sprinted out of the classroom at two o'clock and dropped by the office. I decided to just take my purse rather than the large totes I usually stored my wallet, small make up bag and various other trinkets that a woman cannot live without. I stuffed all of my stuff in my purse and got up.

  "And where are we hurrying off to?" Ben dramatically said as he leaned against the doorframe of my office.

  "Just lunch with a friend. I'll be back later." I tried to brush it off, hoping it would be enough to keep him off my back.

  "Connor huh? So did you go home and watch Sleepless in Seattle when you got home?"

  I pursed my lips at him. "Yes, and no I did not. I've got to go, I'm late. I'll update you later. Bye!" I called over my shoulder as I walked down the hallway to the stairwell.

  As I approached the trailer I could see Connor standing by the curb playing with his phone. He lifted his gaze and broke into his boyish smile when he saw me walking up.

  "I'm so glad you could come, or wanted to come."

  "Of course I did, it's not very often I get to enjoy a meal off campus."

  We walked to the parking lot and in the corner of the parking lot was a black SUV. Connor walked with me to the passenger side and opened up my door, taking my hand and waiting for me to get settled in the seat. I looked around and buckled my seatbelt as he walked around the truck. The car smelled of leather and cologne and had a deep gray interior. I didn't think I had ever been in a Land Rover before.

  Connor got in and started the car. He smiled at me as he put the car into gear and drove out of the parking lot.

  "I hope you don't mind, I made us some reservations at a local place I like."

  "Not at all, I'm not very picky."

  The drive there was short and quiet. I spent some time glancing around the luxurious inside and Connor navigated the vehicle.

  We pulled up in front of a small restaurant.

  "I've been coming to this place for years, I love working on this side of town, I go every time I'm over here." He said as he took my hand and helped me out, closing my door behind me.

  Connor seemed to be always there, opening doors, taking my hand, I felt like he was running circles around me. He held the door to the restaurant open for me and I hesitantly walked in before him. The restaurant was still packed with a late lunch crowd. Even walking in we were met with a swarm of people waiting for a table. The hostess was about to take my name when she spotted Connor.

  "Connor! How good to see you. Are you dining today?"

  "Yes, Ginny, I am. There's two of us." He said motioning to me with his eyes.

  This Ginny looked surprised one second and already had the look wiped off her face the next. "Right this way, if you would."

  I followed the hostess around what appeared to be a nice restaurant. It was decorated in all hard wood flooring, and pale gray walls. The ceiling was covered in very modern looking hanging lamps.

  "Here you go. Samantha will be over in a second Connor, it's good to see you." She patted him on the shoulder as we sat down.

  Connor smiled across the table at me. "Have whatever you'd like, it's all good. I've been coming to this place for years now. My father introduced it to me."

  I was engrossed in the menu when our waitress came up to the table. She immediately threw her arms around Connor's neck and gave him a hug.

  "I'm so glad to see you. How's your father doing?"

  "He's alright. Sam this is my friend Madison. She works over at the university that we've been hired to redesign."

  This Sam character looked peeved that she was forced to acknowledge me at all. Or maybe that I was introduction worthy at all.

  "It's nice to meet you. Can I start you guys off with anything to drink?"

  Her eyes slightly narrowed at me as she waited for my order. "I'll just have a water with lemon please."

  Her smile revisited her face when she turned her attention back to Connor.

  "I'll have the same. Thanks."

  I perused the menu for a few minutes and decided on a ravioli dish while Connor ordered crabcakes for appetizer and baked fish.

  "So Madison, tell me about what you do at the university. I mean, I know you teach but that is all I know."

  I blushed a little at having to talk about myself. "Well I teach all of our sections of Intro to College English as well as two classes of American Literature. This is my third year as a full time professor and I was an adjunct professor for two years before that. I see pretty much all of the freshman at some point or another."

  "I wasn't very good at English. I spent most of my time in woodshop and math."

  "I tried to stay out of both. I love to read and write but when it comes to word problems I seem to lose all thought processes. They say most people are either English oriented or Math oriented. I believe it."

  He smiled and chuckled in agreement. "Why did you want to teach college?"

  "I wish I could say I wanted to make a difference or something profound. In reality I love the content. I love English and learning how to manipulate it. I don't care for hungover freshman who can't handle being away from mom and dad for the first time. They don't appreciate what language and words can do."

  We continued to talk through lunch. Mostly me talking about my job at the university, how I got started and the promotion. I explained that a retirement was huge and I intended on trying for it.

  After finishing our appetizer and both our meals the check came. Reaching for my wallet Connor's voice boomed.

  "No ma'am. Don't bother. I have this. Put it away." Before I could argue he held up the leather bill case and our waitress came to pick it up.

  "Ready to go?" He smiled a smaller but just as bright smile. We stood and walked towards the front, Connor waving or nodding at various people who spoke hello to him.

  The drove back to campus was filled with discussion about what the university job entailed which nearly went over my head.

  Pulling into the parking lot Connor found a spot and parked the SUV.

  "You were quite the popular guy there huh?"

  He grinned bashfully. "I told you, I've been going there awhile and my dad even longer."

  "Everyone was asking after your dad, does he not work with you?"

  I saw a look I couldn't read come over Connor's face. Before he could respond his phone rang from his jeans pocket. He gave me an apologetic look and answered.

  "Yeah?...Oh hey...Um I wasn't planning on it...He is?...Ok...I'll be there...Give me a little bit...Thanks...Bye..." He ended the call.


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