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Gastien: From Dream to Destiny: A Caddy Rowland Historical Family Saga/Drama (The Gastien Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Caddy Rowland

  Spent, she lay breathing hard. This time it was her hair that was wet with sweat. Gastien moved up by her and let her get her breath back. Then, he inserted two of his fingers, moving them in her while he kissed her.

  Mon Dieu, what does he expect, she thought frantically. I am done! He can’t possibly want to make love again. But as they kissed, she felt pleasure from his hand. He grew hard against her. Soon he was once again above her, poised to give something much more enjoyable than two fingers.

  He rode her kindly yet firmly, showing her how masterful he really was when it came to the bed. He turned over onto his back, bringing her with him, and sitting her on his hips.

  “Use it however you want it, Soph. Deep or shallow, fast or slow. You get to make the rules this time.”

  As she rode him, he teased her with his fingers. Soon she was flying again. Without even realizing it, she was taking him fully inside her with no pain. Sophie was surprised by the pleasure so soon after what he had done with his mouth. Mon Dieu, she found herself hitting new heights. Oh, oui! She felt so full, so possessed by him!

  “More, Gastien, oh God, more!” she cried loudly. “Gastiennnnnnnnnnn. Ga-a-a-a-ssssssssss,” she screamed.

  As she hit her climax, Gastien let himself go flying too. He pushed into her, holding her down, as they merged into their orgasms together.

  Afterward, they simply pulled up the covers and fell asleep, arms and legs entwined, chests sticky with their sweat.

  Upstairs, Mic sighed, turning over in bed. Thank God it was now quiet down there for a few minutes! He knew they would be on fire once they finally made it as far as Gastien’s bed; their cries of pleasure told him even he had underestimated the deep desire between them. He was glad for them, but really needed some sleep. Hopefully, they were both worn out for a few hours!


  When Sophie woke, she saw that Gastien was up and making coffee. As she sat up, he came over to kiss the sleep from her eyes.

  “If you have to use the privy as bad as I did, I better let you go right now!” he said. Gastien handed her his shirt to put on. It hung down past her knees. “There. That is decent enough for a visit to my back yard.”

  While she was outside, a loud knock came to the front door. When Gastien opened it, he found nobody there. Looking down, he saw a basket filled with food. Puzzled, he brought it in. There was a note from Mic.


  I am glad you finally “took the plunge” (if you will pardon the pun) and made Sophie yours. From the sounds coming from your bed last night, you two will be preoccupied for two or three days. Knowing you, there is no food. Here is some to help keep your strength up.

  Cassie will stop by around seven, knock, and leave you both something warm for dinner. We will keep this up until you come out of hiding. Stay as long as you like. I am happy for you, ami.”

  Gastien saw that Mic had gotten fresh fruits, bread, cheeses, and breakfast pastries. He had even included several bottles of vin and coffee beans. Gastien smiled. There really was no better ami in the world! Mic was right, of course. There was no food in the house. Mic was right again that neither Sophie nor he would want to go out into the real world for a few days to get any. When Sophie returned from out back, Gastien showed her the bounty.

  “How nice of them!” she exclaimed. “However, I am also quite embarrassed!”

  Gastien kissed her nose. “Don’t be. I have heard Mic plenty of times. He is the best ami a person could ever have. Don’t be embarrassed about anything we do around him, or Cassie and Vic. We are all very close. They are thrilled for the two of us. I think they could feel the heat between us almost as much as we did!”

  He sat down, pulled her to his lap, and then kissed her. “As much as I would like to ravish you yet again, I suggest that you get some food set up for us while the water boils for coffee. I will put on water for a bath. I saw you looking longingly at that tub.”

  “I have to admit a bath would not only feel wonderful, it is probably much needed.”

  “It is much needed for me, anyway. It is big enough for both us, you are so little. How about if we bathe together after we have breakfast?”

  “Hmmmm…I bet you say that to all the women just to butter them up!” she teased.

  “Actually, you are the first I have invited into my tub. Also the first to actually sleep with me in my bed,” Gastien admitted.

  “Really? That surprises me.”

  “Maybe it does, but it is true. I have never felt like sharing that closeness with anyone. I don’t know, for some reason bathing and sleeping are things I have been uncomfortable sharing. I don’t like to show vulnerability, I guess.”

  “Vulnerable! I think you actually deserve some punishment for taking advantage of an innocent virgin,” she threatened, lightening the mood to make him more comfortable.

  “Promises, promises! Get me something to eat, woman! You can punish me as much as you want later.”

  Gastien went to get the water. Sophie got busy getting fruit cut up and the pastries set out. She loved wearing his shirt; it made her feel even more completely his.

  When Gastien came back in, the sight of her in nothing but that shirt brought a rush of emotion to his brain. How can she look so damn sexy in a man’s simple peasant shirt, he wondered. She was going to drive him crazy! He was ready again, and it was barely morning!

  Moving up behind her as she leaned across the table straightening something, he lifted the back of the shirt, circling her with his arm. He unbuttoned his trousers. She could feel the hardness of him against her bare buttocks.

  “I suggest you put some bottoms on or sit down, unless you want to be used here at the table,” he whispered wickedly in her ear.

  Sophie wantonly moved against him. She really should make him wait. It would be good to make him wait, just a little.

  He moved himself between her thighs. It waited there, hot and ready.

  Mon Dieu, what kind of maniac am I, anyway, Sophie wondered. I am already wet again! She bent forward further, arching her hips back.

  “Gastien, I want you. Take me. Now!”

  He did not hesitate. Soon they were moving as one, as once again they found their joyful release. Gastien pulled out and pulled off his trousers. Naked, he got the coffee, poured it and sat down. She joined him and they ate in silence. Getting up, Gastien came around and pulled his shirt off of her. Then they continued to eat, while they feasted their eyes on each other.

  When they were done, the water was ready for a bath. Gastien added cold to it, and then walked over. He picked up Sophie and kissed her, climbing into the tub. Then he stood her in it and sat down in the water.

  “Come and lean your back against my chest. Just enjoy the bath with me.”

  She did as he requested, marveling at how good the water felt. She was between his legs, which he wrapped around her. As she rested the back of her head against his chest, he rubbed her neck. Nuzzling the top of her head, he growled softly. She giggled.

  Mouth to her ear, he whispered, “Je t’aime.”

  “Gastien, you are really quite romantic. I did not expect that. I knew you were experienced and very sexy, but I did not think you would let go enough to be romantic. It is really pleasurable. I am so deliriously happy!”

  “I am not usually romantic, Petite Oiseau. I have only felt this way about you,” he confessed.

  Sophie sat still. “Do you really mean that?”

  “I promise. This feeling is as new to me as sex is to you. I feel like I am reborn; that last night was the night that I, too, lost my virginity. I know that sounds odd, given my experience. Regardless, I can honestly admit that it was the first time I have truly made love.”

  “Are you scared about that?” she asked quietly.

  “Non. I don’t think so. Not for the moment anyway! I simply want to love you forever.”

  She turned to sit sideways and kissed him tenderly. Then she rested against him again.

  “This feels so wonderful
. Where did you get such a big tub? A tub in itself is a rarity around here.”

  “I know. I special ordered it. I love being clean.”

  “You are an unusual man, Gastien. Most men don’t care that much.”

  “I know. I think I feel dirty from my past.”

  “I am sorry your father was so awful to you. That had to affect you deeply.”

  “It probably did, oui. I try to remember that it is in the past now.”

  “To me, you are wonderful, Gastien. I would not change a thing about you,” she said simply.

  He was quiet for a moment. Then he said, “That will probably change.”

  “Non, it won’t change. Je t’aime and whatever is part of you. I know you don’t want a traditional relationship. We will make it work for as long as you want it to work,” she promised.

  “Well, you have to want it, too. You may grow tired of not having a man you can marry and live with.”

  “I will never tire of you. That I can promise. Never.”

  They sat a while longer, just enjoying the nearness of each other. Finally he wet her hair and washed it; then she washed his. They soaped each other up, rinsed, and played in the water like children. Finally the water grew cool. It was time to get out.

  “My bite is probably wrinkled up to about an inch by now!” Gastien laughed as he stood.

  Standing, Sophie glanced down. “It still looks in good shape to me. Perhaps we should dry off and give it a testing. If it is waterlogged and ruined, I may decide I am done with you after all!”

  Gastien laughed. “I knew there was a catch! Don’t ever trust a woman. All you want me for is my body.”

  “Non, I want all of you. But your body is very, very nice!” She ran to the bed and jumped in, covering up. “Come cuddle with me.”

  “Just cuddle?”

  “Of course! What do you take me for? A hussy?”

  “I am sure hoping so. If not yet, I will work to get you there.”

  They made long, tender love then, and afterward fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was mid-afternoon when they woke up. Smiling at each other, they pulled the covers over their heads and finally did just cuddle.

  “Gastien! I bet I will lose my job. I am supposed to work tonight.”

  “Well, I am not letting you leave until we can’t walk straight. They will understand. Lust and love are forgiven in France. Besides, your boss felt our heat, too. He probably wondered when the day would come. I bet Mic will go tell him today for you.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “Oui, probably. I would do it for him. But, I do believe I had an appointment this morning and one tomorrow. I wonder why she did not knock.”

  Getting out of bed and pulling on trousers, he went to the door.

  Chuckling, he came back to bed. “I told you. Mic has a sign on my door that says I am unavailable, due to an emergency, until further notice.”

  They both laughed. Sophie said, “So, we are safe in our own little world at least for a few days. My aunt will worry, though.”

  “Leave a note for Mic or Cassie, along with a note for your aunt. They will give it to a driver for delivery.”

  “Good idea. Regardless, she will be angry with me about this.”

  “Do you care?”

  “Not in the least. I live my own life now. That life is by your side as often as you want me there.”

  They kissed again.

  “Let’s get back in bed,” said Gastien “I want to sleep some more and just talk with you. I want to know everything about you, Sophie.”


  They fell asleep, but a few hours later Sophie woke up because she heard strange noises. They had moved apart in their sleep. Gastien now had his back to her and was curled up like he was in the womb.

  He was crying in his sleep, his body shaking. Pretty soon she heard him mumbling. Should she wake him? She did not want to scare or embarrass him.

  She decided to wait to see if it got worse. Listening carefully, she heard him cry out over and over again.

  “I did not agree to this…non, please… please – vous me faites mal!”

  Gastien was silent a moment and then begged, “Jean Luc? Jean Luc? I want out, I want out…..did not agree to…non…”

  He was shaking harder.

  She decided to spoon against him to offer him security. As she pressed herself against his buttocks and back he screamed, “NON! GET AWAY!”

  He sprang up in bed, turning toward her, wild eyed. As Gastien got his senses back he could see the fear in Sophie’s eyes. Filled with shame, he wondered what he had said. Poor Sophie, she probably feared for her life! He knew he should not have brought her here!

  “I-I am sorry,” he managed to whisper.

  Then he turned his back and moved as close to the wall as he could, curled up and unavailable.

  She would leave. Who wouldn’t, after being almost attacked?

  A few minutes ticked by with neither moving. Finally, he heard her move. Now she is over her fear enough to get dressed and leave, he thought. I wish I could ask her to stay, but it really is better this way. She does not deserve someone so messed up, dirty, and damaged.

  “Gastien? I know you are not asleep. No one goes to sleep that fast after a bad dream. I am going to come closer now; I don’t want to surprise you again.”

  He felt her slide against him. Her arms reached under and around him, holding him close.

  “You were dreaming, Gastien. It was just a nightmare; you are safe. I am here. Je t’aime.” She kissed the back of his neck tenderly and smoothed his hair, rolling it up in her hands and placing it over his shoulder. “I am here.”

  She didn’t leave! Why didn’t she leave? How could she stand to look at him?

  He turned on his back and she lay beside him. He opened one eye.

  She winked.

  He quickly closed it, turning red again. He tried to pull the covers up over his face, but Sophie grabbed them. She covered his face with soft kisses. Finally, he opened both eyes.

  “Sophie, I am so ashamed!”

  “About what? Having a nightmare? For goodness sake, everyone has them at times. Not as intense as that, but you probably have a good reason. Just let it go. It is gone now.”

  He thought for while, and then said fearfully, “Did I say anything?”

  She did not know what to say. She was not a liar. But, obviously, he was worried that he had said something that would make her not love him.

  “You were mumbling a lot and said a lot of things, most not making any sense.” She kissed him on the mouth. “Nothing earth shaking that I could tell.”

  She could see the relief in his face. This was more than nightmares from childhood beatings.

  She wondered who Jean Luc was, but wisely decided not to ask. From his response to her moving up to him earlier, she surmised that somehow he had been abused by other men. She did not know how or when or where…but it definitely ate at his self worth. She would not question him unless someday he appeared to want to talk about it.

  “I wish I could say you yelled, ‘Sophie, my darling, I could never live without you! Don’t ever leave me even for a minute’ but, alas, you did not.” She tickled his chest.

  Gastien tilted her face up and kissed her. “Sophie, my darling, I don’t want to live without you. You will have to leave me at times, but I always want you back. Every minute you are gone I will have you in my heart.” He kissed her again. “That is the best I can do. After all, we need to work at some point!”

  “Not for a few days yet. Let me rub your body; you are all tensed up. Let me help you relax.”

  After a nice long massage, Gastien fell asleep peacefully. Sophie watched him sleep, glad that he was at peace.

  Then she curled up with her head on his arm and fell asleep, too.


  They woke when Cassie knocked on the door. The two of them shared a wonderful dinner by candlelight, along with some of the vin Mic had provided. They fed
each other, as new lovers often do, while talking about their lives before they knew each other. After dinner, they talked for several hours more. They curled up on a chaise longue, sipping vin; naked under a blanket.

  He learned that she had three brothers and two sisters, all of which were older than her. Their father had left when Sophie was very young. Her mother had worked two jobs to try to put food on the table and keep them off the streets. Finally, she took ill and passed. Sophie was six when that happened. She went to live with her Aunt Odette, and the others were farmed out to other aunts and uncles.

  Her aunt had lost her husband during the war, never having children. She very much wanted children, so was happy to take in Sophie. Odette was a seamstress. They were not by any means wealthy, but Odette did have a decent house. There was also enough money for good food and decent clothes for the girl. Her husband had paid in full for the house, leaving her a small nest egg. She loved Sophie very much, soon becoming like a second mother.

  Sophie’s brothers and sisters were all close by, so they did see each other. They continued to stay in contact as adults, too. Sometimes they gathered together for dinners on Sundays at Odette’s, since she had a large enough dining room and table. The siblings spoiled Sophie as much as they could. They wanted to see her happy, since she was the baby in the family.

  She learned about the farm that Gastien grew up on, his siblings and his journey to Paris when he was eighteen. He told her about living on the streets after being discovered as a “resident” inside Notre Dame, his stint as a server, Nathalie, and the fire. Briefly, he told her about Jean Luc; how he had painted in residency for almost a year on his property, and how well he had been paid. The studio was part of the payment, Gastien explained.

  Sophie understood there was more than Gastien was telling her about because of the nightmare. Jean Luc’s name had been called out, but she did not mention it. Her heart went out to Gastien for the struggles he had endured.

  He also told her that he was a father to at least one child that he knew of, which was Nath’s. She knew the girl was named Giselle, and that he and Nathalie wrote each other quite often. She had no desire to take away someone that mattered to him, as he had experienced far too few people in his life that had treated him decently. She hoped to meet Nath one day. Nath could share memories about Gastien’s life when he was first off the streets, experiencing some fun and happiness for the first time.


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