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Gastien: From Dream to Destiny: A Caddy Rowland Historical Family Saga/Drama (The Gastien Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Caddy Rowland

  By the time they ran out of words, it was past midnight. Gastien lit up some hashish and took a few hits. He then asked if she would like some.

  “What is it like, Gastien? Will I choke?” she asked.

  “It is quite wonderful, actually,” he confided. “It helps with pain, but it also makes people see things much better. I don’t know how to explain it…you become very mellow and expanded. Sex is different, too. Much more leisurely and quite erotic, but not as urgent.“ He smiled. “I will take a good hit; then cover your nose and mouth with my mouth and exhale. Breathe it in.”

  He did so. She coughed, but asked to try again. He took another hit and blew into her mouth. This time she inhaled. They did this for awhile, and pretty soon Sophie felt like she was floating.

  Sophie giggled. “I am buoyant! This is quite nice!”

  He reached over and kissed her deeply, running his hands slowly all over her body. They kissed for several minutes, each exploring the other.

  “Let’s go back to bed,” he whispered.

  Leading her to his bed once again, he began to lick her arms slowly. Then he licked her chest, her stomach, her feet, and her legs. Finally he ended up at her center, using his mouth and tongue to tease her and bring her delight. She finally pulled on his shoulders, begging him to come up and get inside her.

  This time as he made love to her, it was ethereal. Sophie found that she seemed to shimmer in the air. That sensation ebbed and flowed within her in an odd, relaxing way. They made love for a good two hours, stopping at intervals to just kiss and look into each other’s eyes, laughing softly.

  Then Gastien would start moving again, and the billowing sensations would start up once more. When she climaxed, it was like a slow unraveling of sensation that rippled gently to ever greater intensity. Finally it was burst open, and she was let gently down through cascading waves of pleasure that lessened gradually until she was back to earth.

  Gastien had waited for her to finish, and now he let himself enjoy the sensation of his climax while high. Sophie watched him as he hit his peak and slowly drifted down. This time, his face did not look pained or tense. He just looked happy, stoned, and vastly appreciative of the sensations. He sighed as he hit the top and then came down, eyelids fluttering. When he was finished, he smiled at her. Yawning, he stretched out next to her.

  Being high was new to Sophie, so she was not ready to sleep yet. She took her turn to just kiss and lick Gastien’s body. When she got to his genitals, she looked up.

  “Tomorrow, I want you to teach me what to do with my mouth. I want to make you happy with my mouth like you do me. ”

  He smiled dreamily. “It would be my pleasure, Sophie. You don’t have to feel obligated, though, just because I use my mouth on you. A lot of women won’t do that.”

  “Well, I am not other women. I want to taste you in my mouth, Gastien. You may be with other women going forward, but it won’t be because I refuse to give you any type of pleasure. At least I will know it is not because of me, but because of your choices.”

  She kissed him on his bite before moving back up to him.

  “Fair enough,” he said softly. “Believe me, I will let you practice as much as you want.”

  They both found that quite funny, laughing for quite some time before finally falling asleep.


  Morning was spent in much the same way as the one before it, with breakfast and a long bath. This time, though, when they got out Sophie led him to the bed. She moved down to take him in her mouth.

  “I know you don’t know how to do this per say, but you know what feels good; so tell me,” she said.

  Gastien looked down at her. I wonder what she would think if she knew I really did know how to suck a man, he thought; not only knew, but had become damn talented at it. She would probably be so disgusted she would run out the door!

  “You must really like sucking cock,” his mind heard Sébastien sarcastically say. “If we had known that, we would not have paid – ” he forced the thoughts away.

  “Oui, I know what feels good,” he said, hoping he sounded normal.

  Sophie, puzzled, looked at him.

  “What’s wrong Gastien? Are you angry with me that I want to learn this? Or angry that I don’t know how? You seem unhappy.”

  Gastien stroked her hair. “I am not angry, Soph. I think I am still waking up. We have been giving each other quite the work out!”

  He smiled, trying to buy himself time to calm down.

  “Just pretend I am something delicious you want to taste. You want to explore every part of it with your lips and tongue; you want to suck out every drop. Move around, experiment, but please do NOT use your teeth!” They both laughed. “That would not be a good thing. There are no rules for how to do it well, just be creative. My response will let you know how you are doing.”

  Sophie began and found that, oui, his response let her know.

  Soon, he whispered, “That is so, so good, Sophie. Just use a little more force now with the sucking, taking in as much as you can. Then move like we are having sex. Ahhh, oui…just like that…oh, oui, just like that!”

  He stopped her before he reached climax as he did not want to make it in any way unpleasant. Instead, he continued with her on her hands and knees, entering her from behind.

  When they were done, she kissed him and said, “Next time, I want to take you all the way to the end in my mouth.”

  He looked at her, surprised. “That is fine, if you are sure. If you find it unpleasant, well, you can dispose of it somehow. I won’t be offended.”

  “I doubt there is any part of you I won’t love,” she responded honestly.

  They spent the day sleeping, loving, talking, and laughing. Time stopped existing, yet it was evening far too soon. Their food arrived. Once they had the meal ready, Sophie brought it to the living room, and had Gastien sit down on the chaise. She sat naked on his nakedness, facing him. She proceeded to feed him his dinner in between feeding herself hers.

  She moved to give him more, but spilled it on his chest instead. Laughing, she rubbed it in. This started a caper of painting each other with food and eating it off of their bodies. Finally, Sophie pulled him to the floor, poured the rest of the food on his chest, and rubbed herself against him, mashing the food all over them. After they had licked each other clean, they decided they had better wash up.

  They ended up on the chaise again, talking for hours. Nothing urgent was said, but little details were shared that made the other person more aware of likes, dislikes, quirks, and interests. They were simply filling in the blanks and becoming a real couple. They had spent a lot of time talking over the summer. Now they were sharing details one only shares when they become intimate with another; once they each know they are one half of a special bond.

  They both realized that they definitely were now a couple. Each loved the other intensely, as much as they possibly could. Gastien could not love in the same way most people could, but that made it no less valid. His heart was as full of love for her as he could let it be and still survive.

  Soon dawn arrived. Gastien tilted Sophie’s head up, gazing into her eyes. “You look like you could use some sleep, my petite oiseau. Do you want to sleep here in my arms, or get back in bed?”

  “I think I want the bed,” she said quietly. She was very tired now that she realized it was dawn.

  Gastien scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. He spooned her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her softly on the neck.

  “Faites de beaux rêves, ma Sophie précieux.”

  Soon, she was fast asleep.

  Gastien was starting to come back to reality. He wished they could just live in a world of newness and passion, but he also was starting to badly need his art. His hands felt a little tense because they wanted to be painting, and he did have another patron coming tomorrow. He really should get back to work! He hated to tell Sophie, but this would be their last day in their blissful cocoo

  Tomorrow is tomorrow, he thought, I will be painting soon enough. For now, I will just enjoy my new happiness.

  He adjusted himself to a comfortable position, all the while staying close. As he closed his eyes, he realized how much he loved to just breathe in the sweet smell of her. It would be lonely indeed on the many nights that she would not share his bed. He fell asleep quickly, without dreaming.

  Gastien woke up to Sophie gazing at him with a soft smile on her lips.

  “What?” he asked gently.

  “Nothing. I was just enjoying how you look asleep. You look so young and vulnerable then.”

  “You mean when I am not in the midst of a nightmare?”

  “Hopefully that does not happen often!”

  “Non. Not often.” He reached for her and kissed her slowly. “Good morning, Sophi-belle.”

  “Good morning, my handsome lover.” She kissed him again.

  He finally pulled back. “Sophie, I hate to ruin the moment, but we need to talk about entering the real world again.”

  She nodded. “I know. I should go back to work tomorrow night and you should go back to painting, too. Do you have a patron tomorrow?” Gastien nodded. “Well, then you should not turn them away. How about if I stay the night and leave early in the morning?”

  “That would be fine, but I will see you home,” said Gastien. “I don’t have an appointment here until after noon. She is simply coming to look at my work. If she likes it, she will possibly set up a portrait session.

  “She, huh? Although I know I am not supposed to have claims on you, I am hoping you won’t submit to another woman’s charms the same day as you say goodbye to me! At least give me that.”

  Gastien held her face, looking into her eyes. “I don’t think you have to worry about that, Sophie. After three days in bed with you, the last thing I will be looking for is another woman for awhile. When I take another woman in the future, it will be out of pure need, not just because it is convenient. That is not what you probably would like, but it is the best I can promise.”

  “I know that, Gastien. It still will take awhile to accept it.”

  “I understand. Just try to remember that sex is sex, not love. When you and I make love, it is personal. It is perfect, and different from the rest. That I promise on my soul. What I do from animalistic lust has no bearing on my love for you. If you did live with me you would soon be asking me to find some other women to use it on.”

  He held her close.

  “Oh, I doubt that. But then again, perhaps you would wear me out. Anyway, I will try not to think of it.”

  “I will not lie to you, Sophie, even if it is unpleasant. I will not be having nearly as many women if I see you often enough. I would much, much rather have you.”

  “Well, why don’t you prove it then?” she said challenging him.

  He sighed. He knew it would come to this.

  “Do you mean by giving up women? Sophie I have told you – “

  “Non, silly! By shutting your mouth and having me! Now! I want you to show me another position!”

  “You do, huh? Well, I think perhaps I can manage that.”

  And he did.

  This last day of their utopia was pleasant, going by much too quickly. Sophie was bothered in the back of her mind about having to leave Gastien, and he did not want to let her go.

  Soon the day had passed. They were in bed for the night. They both tried to make love as long as possible, feasting on each other afterwards with kisses and touches, but eventually sleep overtook them.


  It was time to take Sophie home. They bathed and ate quickly. At last, Gastien and Sophie left their nest and found a driver. Sophie had said he did not have to see her home, but Gastien would not hear of it.

  “I want to meet Odette.”

  “She is not going to be happy with me, and even less with you,” Sophie warned.

  “I understand that. I will take her heat. It would make her much angrier if I did not face her. I want to show that my intent was not to use you, but to love you. Like it or not, she would like it less if you just showed up alone.”

  “I suppose you are right. At least you don’t look heartless that way.”

  “I am sure she will be very upset. Let’s talk to her together.” They rode the rest of the way in silence, each lost in thought about the last several days. It seemed like only an instant before the driver arrived at Sophie’s home. Gastien paid the driver, walking to the door with Sophie. It was a well kept, if old, house. He could see that Odette had pride in her home. As they entered, Odette came into the hall.

  Gastien met her gaze and said, “Bonjour. I am Gastien, the homme who is in love with your niece.”

  He reached to kiss her hand, but she drew back.

  “If you loved her, you would not have dishonored her, ‘Gastien’. Please leave my home,” she requested coldly.

  “Auntie O!” exclaimed Sophie. “There is no reason to treat him so rudely. I am not a child! I had my say in this. In fact, it is I who talked him into it!”

  Her aunt looked at her sadly. “Then you are a bigger fool than I feared. What in God’s name were you thinking? Do you expect anyone to marry you after lying with this bohemian?”

  Sophie refused to look away. “I hope not, because I plan on being this ‘bohemian’s’ woman for as long as he will have me. I love him, Auntie O!”

  Odette snorted. “He will be done with you soon enough. He probably already is. I know his type. Don’t talk to me about love! You don’t know what love is!”

  “Excuse me,” Gastien interrupted. “Please don’t talk about me like I am not here! I have to respectfully disagree with you about love. Who gives you the right to decide if other people love?”

  Odette looked at him. “Are you going to stand there and say that you love her again? I doubt you know anything about love, but plenty about using women and general carousing. Don’t disrespect the word love by attaching yourself to it!”

  Gastien was growing angry, but forced himself to answer calmly. “Oui, I do love her! I have never been in love before, but I am now.”

  “Then God help her! Look at you! What is wrong with you, with that hair? I don’t want to see you here again!”

  “STOP IT!” cried Sophie. “Stop it right now, or I will find my own place to stay!”

  “You can’t afford it, on your wages. And I am sure Gastien here does not want you moving in. It would seriously cut into his lifestyle. I know what those bohemians do!”

  Odette looked at him. “Or, perhaps you are ready to settle down. If you are so in love, are you planning on making her an honest woman by marrying her?”

  There was silence.

  Finally Gastien said, “Sophie is a decent woman regardless of any action on my part. It is too bad you fail to see that.”

  “How quickly you sidestep the question! I repeat, are you going to marry her?” Odette asked again.

  Gastien looked down.

  “I didn’t think so,” confirmed Odette. “Get out; find someone else to whore around with! You have done enough damage here!”

  Gastien stood his ground. “If I simply wanted to ‘whore around’ with your niece, why would I bother walking into a home where I knew I would not be exactly welcomed? Why would I bother to even face you?”

  “Well, you have guts, I will give you that. Still, you have no morals. You are not planning on marrying her because you have no plans on giving up your freedom! Oh, you will gladly bed her whenever she is available, but that is all. You are selfish, like a little child who wants what he wants at the expense of others.”

  “My morals, or lack of them, are not your concern, only Sophie’s. She appears content to accept me as I am.”

  “Then, as I said, God help her. She is headed for heartbreak as soon as you are through with her, and she is too stupid to see it!”

  Gastien put his arm around Sophie. “I love her, regardless of what you think.”

p; Odette laughed bleakly. “Oh oui! Your love! Let’s see how strong it is when she turns up pregnant.”

  Both Gastien and Sophie looked surprised.

  “Oh, you are both surprised by that? You were so caught up in your little rendezvous that it did not even enter your mind? Well, you are more like a child then I thought then, Gastien; but what about you, Sophie? You didn’t even think of it?”

  Sophie looked at the ground.

  “Well, you better hope you aren’t, or something tells me you will be seeing a lot less of your Gastien!” Odette glared up at Gastien. “I can’t control what Sophie does, that is true. However, I can control who enters my home. You are not, and will never be, welcome here. Get out!”

  Sighing, Gastien turned to go. Sophie followed him out, tears streaming down her face. Gastien kept walking once he got outside. Sophie caught up to him.

  “Gastien, I am so sorry! She is just angry, she was worried. She will come around.”

  Gastien looked at Sophie tiredly. “She is right, you know. You deserved better. I should have been a bigger person than to let this happen. Even if you refused to know better, I knew.”

  “NON! Don’t let her do this to us, Gastien! Je t’aime! You love me! Have you forgotten already what we are like together?”

  “Sophie, I have not forgotten. But I have not forgotten what my purpose is in life, either. It is not to have a wife and family. I am sorry.” He turned to go.

  She stepped in front of him, hands on hips.

  “Oh, no you don’t, Gastien Beauchamp! You don’t just walk away with a chip on your shoulder because you hurt poor little Sophie! I knew, Gastien! I knew the rules! I accepted them! I still accept them,” she sobbed. “Don’t you understand? I accept them!”


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