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Gastien: From Dream to Destiny: A Caddy Rowland Historical Family Saga/Drama (The Gastien Series Book 2)

Page 32

by Caddy Rowland

  “My amis will think you don’t care.”

  “They will be wrong then. You can tell them I came as soon as I could, and that I cried. I don’t care if they know I cried. Tell them I am getting tickets for next Saturday. This time I am making sure you are with me by Friday night. That will ensure that I don’t screw it up this time.”

  “Son, if that does not satisfy them, you have my permission to tell them to kiss your ass; mine too. If anyone wants to offer an opinion of me, please tell them to grow some balls and approach me directly. If they are getting their information from parents, tell them to tell their parents to confront me to my face instead of hurting an innocent child.”

  Tristan Michel wasn’t certain he had heard correctly. “We are going next Saturday?”

  “If you will still go with me after this fiasco, oui.”

  “OUI! Oh, oui, I will go with you!”

  “Wonderful! I will ask your mother to come to the studio after work Friday with your suitcase packed. You come to the studio after school, of course. The three of us will go out to eat. Afterwards, we will send your mother on her way. You and I will spend the night reading, or I will teach you how to play cards. Your choice. You can either sleep at Cassie and Vic’s or share my bed. But I must warn you, I hog covers!”

  Tristan Michel laughed. “I will sleep with you! This will be the best time of my life!”

  “I am glad you think so. But, Tristan Michel, although I will try harder moving forward, I am going to fail at times. As I said, I am odd; I am driven with my art. You must remember that and toughen up some about my oddity. I can only be who I am. I am not much good at long term relationships.”

  Sophie had stood outside the door, crying as she listened. She knew how hard it was for Gastien to share his past with his son. He was right, he would come up short many times; but now she also knew that he would try his best to give Tristan Michel the attention he yearned for. It would not be nearly as much as he deserved, but with Gastien any amount was a milestone.

  He was also right in that he was odd and sadly lacking in intimacy skills. It was not his fault, but unfortunately it would appear to be. She needed to always try to remember that it was not his fault. It was amazing that he had allowed her into his life at all.

  Gastien looked at his son and winked.

  “Oh! One more thing. I bought Treasure Island!”

  “What???? Treasure Island? Mother said not until I was eleven.”

  “Close enough. We can start reading it later on today together, or I can leave it with you.”

  “Let’s read it together! Can you do voices?” asked Tristan Michel excitedly.

  “Oh, I think I might be able to come up with a few, especially pirate voices, matey!” replied Gastien in a rough pirate voice.

  Tristan Michel laughed. “You kind of look like a pirate anyway, with your long hair and earring. Maybe you should get a parrot!”

  Gastien burst into laughter. “I am afraid the bird would be dead in a week. You know how irresponsible I am in regard to others. I would not remember to feed the poor thing!”

  “Non, you probably wouldn’t. Too bad. It would be really great if you had a big parrot!”

  “It would be really great if I had a large chateau in the south of France, but that’s not going to happen, either.” They both grinned. “I am afraid we will have to settle for Treasure Island.”

  “Father? Can I sit on your lap? And will you please keep it a secret when I do?”

  “Of course, but why is it a secret?”

  “I am almost eleven. But, sometimes, I still want to sit on your lap.”

  “You can sit on my lap any time. I promise to keep it a secret,” swore Gastien. “Now, Sophie, why don’t you come in? I know you are lurking out there. I have something for you, too.”

  Sophie came in looking pleased. “Gastien Beauchamp, how can you make me so livid one day and so happy the next?”

  “That seems to be a talent of mine. I would like to skip the livid part, but me being me, I imagine it won’t be the last time.”

  He handed the book of love poems to her.

  “These are for you to read on the nights we are not together. That way you will always know what I think of you.”

  Sophie’s eyes filled with tears. “Merci beaucoup. What a thoughtful thing to do! Perhaps I will bring them to your studio when we stay. You can read them out loud to me. I would love to hear them coming from your voice.”

  “At least you are not asking me to sing!”

  “You sing nicely! I would love to hear poetry being read by you.”

  “I would be glad to, although my voice is very average. I think you just happen to be in love with me.”

  “Oui. That I am,” she whispered. They kissed each other longingly, forgetting their son for a moment.

  “ICK!” cried Tristan Michel. “You two are so sappy.”

  Gastien laughed. “Someday you will be kissing a woman!”

  “I don’t think so. That is too disgusting.”

  “I will remind you of that in a few years.”

  Tristan Michel reached over and pulled the leather band from Gastien’s hair.

  “Wear it down today. I like your hair, and it will make Treasure Island even better.”

  The Sunday dinner went quite smoothly. Eventually, some of the siblings broke off to play a board game. One of them even asked Gastien to join, which he did. They actually had a good time that day. He knew they would still remain cool toward him, but it was nice to be included for once.

  After everyone left, Gastien settled down under a tree in the back yard. Tristan Michel sat between his legs, resting his back against his father’s chest. Gastien bent his head forward and breathed in the clean scent of his little boy.

  Closing his eyes, he remembered back to when his son was born. Overcome with emotion, he realized how quickly time was going by; how very little time he had spent with him.

  He knew that his son needed him in ways that he was inept at providing. Still, it was not Tristan Michel’s fault that he was unequipped to be a father. He wished he was better at doing things children liked parents to do. He wished he knew better how to play and entertain him.

  If only he could truly make his son know how very much he meant to him! He knew that he still would not be present nearly as often as the boy would like him to be. Gastien promised himself that he would try harder to provide the things Tristan Michel hoped for in a father.

  He opened his eyes, kissing the top of his son’s head. Opening Treasure Island, Gastien began reading aloud to his son.


  Tristan Michel turned eleven, the summer went by, and soon it was November again. Gastien turned 35. Sophie teased him about getting old, until he reminded her that she would be 30 next year. The winter came and went with things going well.

  Gastien did not change into a great father overnight. Many times he was too caught up in painting; however, every once in awhile he would surprise his son by asking him if he would like to spend Saturday together.

  Gastien remained faithful about doing one portrait a month and giving the money to Sophie. He also bought them other things to make life nicer out of his money in the safe.

  He now found that, when he painted what he wanted to paint, he was getting even further away from what others were doing.

  Gastien painted Wind, showing the movement of that force with buildings, trees, and people all bent into strange shapes, as if pushed by a gale. The darkness of the tones gave the painting an ominous, end of the world feeling. The way the paint splayed across the canvas was disturbing, and people generally were bothered when they viewed it. These were happy times between wars. People wanted no part of the feeling that something bad could be on the horizon.


  It was a beautiful day in September. Gastien was standing with his back to the door, arranging a new canvas on its easel. Hearing someone enter, he turned around. His breath caught in his throat. Gastien was face t
o face with the most stunningly beautiful young woman he had ever laid eyes on. His immediate thought was if she were his daughter he would lock her up until she was forty! Mon Dieu, she was a rare beauty.

  The girl’s dark hair fell in lazy curls almost to her waist. Gastien stared and noticed that her eyes were the most intriguing blend of brown with gold, and her mouth! Such luscious lips should not be allowed on a person so young. Her pert little nose, her swelling young bosom with her tiny waist…she is exquisite, simply exquisite, he thought to himself.

  The girl stared at him for a moment and then smiled, holding out her hand. Speechlessly, he came forward and kissed it, gazing at her like a fool. Finally, she spoke first.

  “Bonjour, Father. I am Giselle.”

  Gastien blinked. “Pardon me?”

  Giselle laughed. Gastien immediately noticed that she had the same laugh that he remembered Nath having. It was the beautiful sound of tinkling bells.

  “I am Giselle, you and Nathalie’s daughter.”

  So this lovely creature was of his making? Gastien pulled his wits back together.

  “Of course! Pardon my clumsiness! I am just so shocked that you are standing here in my studio.” He smiled tenderly. “You have your mother’s laugh, you know.”

  “Oui. I know. She tells me that I have your sense of humor,” she replied.

  “Oh, I pity you then! That can, and probably has, gotten you into hot water many times already,” he said, laughing heartily.

  “Oui. People tend to think I am quite irreverent at times. Totally inappropriate for a female, especially one my age,” she said as she joined him in the laughter.

  “I would tell you to tone it down some, but if you are anything like me that would only serve to puzzle you. I am at a loss as to why a person is supposed to correct who they are to please others. But, let me just look at you for a moment! Mon Dieu you are lovely!”

  “While you look, will you please let your hair out of the leather strap? I want to see how you look with your hair down.”

  Gastien reached up and took off the leather strap. He shook his head, using his hands to bring some of it over his shoulders to the front. Giselle stared at him, feasting her eyes on the man she had recently been told was her father. He was very handsome; one of the most handsome men she had even seen. Even more intriguing was that he was interesting looking.

  She saw now where she got her dark brown eyes with the gold flecks. To be fair, his were even more beautiful. They spoke of the pain and longing resulting from life experiences that she was too young to have had. He had the same mouth as hers, but a much stronger nose. She was glad she had inherited her mother’s. Not that Gastien’s was big, but it was decidedly masculine. As were his eyebrows. He was also very tall! He was at least 5’ 10”, unusual in a French man.

  Giselle understood immediately why her mother had fallen in love with him. With those looks, it would be hard for any woman not to.

  “I see why mother fell in love. You are very attractive, even at your age!” she said impulsively.

  Gastien’s mouth opened in surprise. He burst out laughing. “Well…merci. I will assume you meant that as a great compliment. I suppose I do seem quite ancient to a sixteen-year-old!”

  Giselle blushed. “I did not mean it to come out that way. What a terrible thing to say to my father, especially when we are just meeting!”

  “It is quite all right. I do recall thinking anyone over twenty-five was about ready to die, when I was sixteen. Don’t worry about it.”

  She hesitated a moment and then asked, “Can I hold you, please?”

  “Of course,” he said kindly, holding open his arms.

  As she came forward, he wrapped his arms around her. Gastien noticed the beautiful scent she wore. It was quite like something Nath would choose. He was about to say ‘You smell delicious’, but then realized how inappropriate that would sound. He remembered how easily he embarrassed at sixteen. He certainly did not want to create tension with her. He kissed her cheeks and then the top of her forehead.

  “You are simply one of the most beautiful females I have ever laid my eyes on, Giselle. I cannot believe that I helped create someone so absolutely breathtaking.”

  Giselle blushed some more. “You are too kind.”

  “Non, it is the truth! When I turned around and saw you, I thought to myself, Mon Dieu, if this were my daughter she would not get out of the house until she was forty! Now I find out you ARE my daughter. Still, to be fair, Elliot is the true father. He and Nath raised you. Elliot loves you deeply, I am sure.”

  “Oui! I also love him very much. He has spoiled me completely! We are very close. However, Mother and Father decided to tell me about you when I turned sixteen. They did not want to be anything less than honest with me. The two of them felt I was old enough to know that Elliot had adopted me. I have been driving them crazy to come and see you ever since I found out, about a month ago.”

  “I am glad that you came.” Gastien’s eyes filled with tears. “Many times over the years I wanted to come and just look at you. I wanted to touch you, to let you know that I did not walk out of your life because I did not love you. However, I had promised not to interfere, so I stayed away.

  “Merci for honoring that promise. It would have been very confusing for me as a child. I could not have understood why you would not want to be my father all the time. Now, of course, I understand.”

  Gastien looked at her soberly. “Do you? I hope you don’t think that I am a total scoundrel.”

  It was Giselle’s turn to laugh. “Not at all! Mother speaks very highly of you. I just say merci for stepping back, for not trying to play hero when my mother ended up expecting. I have had a most wonderful life so far! I have not wanted for anything. Quite the opposite; I have had everything and more. I have felt completely loved and wanted. They have also provided the best education money can buy, along with the material things that someone of my father’s stature can provide. I think it was very unselfish of you to step back.”

  “You are very welcome, Giselle. I am so glad to hear this! I wondered if Nath would ever tell you, and what you would think of me if she did. I am glad that you understand that we all did what we thought would be best for you as a child.”

  Gastien enfolded her in his arms again, closing his eyes. When he opened them, Nath, and an older man who had to be Elliot, were standing in the doorway. Gastien felt the years melt away as they entered.

  Sure, Nath looked older. She was 40 now. However, she had aged well, Nath was still alluring. The lines that were appearing around her eyes and mouth only served to accentuate her delicate features, giving some character to her face. In many ways, she still looked like the same old Nath he remembered. He had loved her, and still did, in his own way.

  “Nath!” he cried. “Oh, Nath, mon Dieu, it is so good to see you!” Tears again sprang to his eyes; without thinking he moved forward and held Nath close. “Oh, chèri, I have missed you so very, very much,” he said softly.

  Nath was crying and laughing at the same time. “I have missed you, too, Gastien Beauchamp! How I have missed you! Along with the good times we had back when we were young and carefree!”

  She kissed him sweetly on the mouth and stepped back. “Please let me introduce my husband, Elliot. He must think we are a couple of blubbering idiots by now!”

  Gastien turned red. Looking at Elliot, he apologized. “Please forgive me for my forwardness with your wife, Elliot. That was thoughtless of me. I meant no disrespect.”

  Elliot’s laugh was rich and warm. “No offense taken. Nath is hard for any man to resist. Let’s be honest! If I were going to take offense from you, it would have been about sixteen years ago, would it not?”

  Gastien gasped as he looked to Nath, and then back to Elliot. Seeing that Elliot meant nothing but good will by his statement, he relaxed.

  “Oui, I guess that would be a fair assessment,” agreed Gastien amiably

  Elliot stepped forward and embr
aced Gastien “It is a pleasure to meet the man who fathered my wonderful daughter. Between you and Nath, I can see where she got her stunning features. You have no idea what a gift and a joy this young lady has been to me! Merci beaucoup for allowing me to raise her undisturbed. I have cherished every moment of her life so far. I am sure I will continue to do so.”

  Gastien hugged him and stepped back. Looking at Elliot solemnly, he replied, “It is you who should be thanked, Elliot. You accepted a child that was not made by you and forgave us. You raised a wonderful daughter, doing all of the work. You should get all of the credit. We both know that she would not have had a life full of opportunities, had I been the father figure. I truly say merci beaucoup for all you have done.”

  “You are welcome.” Motioning to Giselle, Elliot continued, “I think now Giselle and I will go down the street for a sweet, letting you and Nath catch up. Come, Giselle.”

  “But, Father, I barely got to talk to Gastien!” she cried.

  “This is not farewell. You will be seeing more of him during this visit, if he agrees.”

  “Oui, that is true.” She turned and kissed Gastien softly. “I will be back soon. I want to hear all about your life!” she said excitedly.

  Gastien smiled. “It is not nearly as interesting as yours must have been so far. I want to hear about yours, too, Giselle. Is that a deal?”

  “Oui! Absolutely.”


  When they had left, Nath and Gastien stood simply staring at each other. It had been so long! So many times each had wondered what the other now looked like, wishing they could visit. Now that the wish had come true, they were both self conscious. Finally, Gastien broke the silence.

  “Nath, merci beaucoup for telling her and for letting me see her.”


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