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The Best Man

Page 16

by Michelle Lee

  He is not going to know what hit him.

  I know right. But are you sure it's not too much.

  Hell no.

  Cherry Coke shirt was plan A. This one is Plan B.

  You are devious.

  Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment.

  I knew you would.

  Don't worry it's all in good clean fun. Besides he's had his turn.


  I pull my hair up into a ponytail and I take one last look in the mirror.

  "All right here goes nothing."

  I make my way back to the kitchen and apparently while I was in the bathroom our food was delivered and it smells wonderful.

  "Mmmmm. Smells delicious."

  "I hope you like it," he returns obviously to where I am standing and what I am wearing.

  Davis is busy dishing out our dinner and doesn't bother to look up when I re-entered the room. I move over to the table while he makes his way out of the kitchen holding two plates piled high with the most amazing smelling food on them. He places them down and finally turns to me. I am all cool, calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside I am a bundle of nerves trying to channel more confidence. My inner self's gives me a boost aiding me at the moment. When he finally looks at me, his eyes immediately fall upon my shirt, my "hope" shirt and his eyes nearly bug out of his head while he practically chokes on his own breath.

  "You okay, Davis." I smile.

  "Um, yeah, um, just perfect. Um, let's sit and eat," he motions for me to sit still staring at my shirt.

  I can see his crimson wave making an appearance. Finally I’m not the only one for a change.

  We eat in silence for a while. With every bite he takes he still doesn't take his eyes off of my shirt or me. The more he looks at me the more intense the flash of heat courses over my body. Tonight is definitely going to be interesting and I am definitely going to need my inner self's help if I am going to win this round.

  "I don't think I could eat another bite, especially if we're gonna practice," I inform him pushing my plate away.

  "Me too. So do you wanna relax or begin practicing."

  Oh not so fast buddy. We're here to practice. You may have home field advantage but I'm running this dog and pony show.

  "Um, I might fall asleep if I were to relax, so let's practice."

  "Okay, should we practice Thriller or the waltz?" he asks.

  "I think the waltz. I've got Thriller down. Besides I have a better chance of injuring you with the waltz. So let's remedy that," I truthfully say. Lord knows I could probably do him some serious damage with the waltz.

  "No prob."

  He ushers me into his expansive living room and picks up a very complicated looking remote. He aims the remote at the high tech stereo system and the room is flooded with, not the waltz but the sounds of Marvin Gaye singing Let’s Get It On. Immediately that crimson wave floods Davis’s neck and face as he fumbles with the remote to silence the stereo.

  "Oops, sorry wrong cd." He shrugs going for nonchalance aiming the remote back at the stereo for the second time. This time the room pulsates with the sounds of Puddle of Mudd’s Spaceship and the lead singer is singing about getting naked. Davis again fumbles with the remote but is unsuccessful silencing the Freudian slip. As he pushes several buttons the song continues and I stand there and giggle. Finally Davis is successful in his fourth attempt.

  "Sorry about that."

  "Interesting music selection," I tease.

  "Uh…" he utters.

  "That's okay Davis," I inch closer to him, "I know…" I breathe staring straight into his fierce emerald eyes.

  "You know?"

  "Uh huh, I know."

  "You know what?" he cocks his head to one side.

  I inch closer nearly pressing my body into his chest, "I know…I know that you could really get hurt. So, find our waltz so we can practice." I take a step back still meeting his gaze. All the blood seems to drain from his face as he stares me inquisitively.

  Oh that was good. I think he thought…

  I know. I was thinking it too.

  I know ditto.

  "Um right, the waltz. I think this is it," he disappointingly says aiming the remote for the final time at the stereo. This time the sounds of the waltz fills the room.

  "May I have this dance, Miss Marshall?" he asks.

  "Yes you may, Mr. Davis," I return with a curtsy.

  He takes my hand in his and places his other hand on my waist. I can feel the heat from his touch. I, in turn, place my hand on his shoulder. The white-hot heat turns fiery red as it rises from my toes upward and downward from my head; combusting in the middle between my thighs. He has done it again, my panties incinerate on the spot.

  Holy Fuck!

  Double Holy Fuck!

  He pulls me closer to him and I feel his breath on the top of my head.

  Mmmm. Honey. I think honey is my number one condiment now.

  We start to dance, well not really dance but sway back and both in place. The entire time our gaze never breaks. We are fixated on each other.


  "Uh huh?"

  "You know we're not really dancing, right?"

  "I know."

  With my new found confidence and my wing woman in place, I step up on my tippy toes, ease my hand from his shoulder to the nape of his neck and pull him to me. I crush my lips into his and he lets out the most glorious moan that sends shivers not just down my spine, but all over my entire being. I jut out my tongue and his lips immediately part welcoming me. Our tongues dance when we couldn't. His hand drags up my back, pulling me closer to him. His fingers inch farther along the smoothness of my skin. Deeper. Lower. I gasp in anticipation. He pulls back his tongue and his lips make their way along my jaw line and down my neck.

  "Kassidy," he breathes into my neck.

  I move my hands to his hair and pull him back to my lips. Our lips move together in sync. I can feel the buildup of anticipation in the pit of my stomach. My inner self is on her knees begging for more. His body guides me over to couch but never once do his lips leave mine. I feel the couch on the back of my legs and he slowly eases me down still with our lips feverishly moving. I lean back and he leans with me. I can feel him grow harder as he presses into me. His hand cups my cheek, pulling further into him, while his other hand slowly grazes under my shirt. I buck to meet his touch. I so need this. I so want this. I move my hips against him to get any kind of friction to relieve my need and want. He presses himself further into me. His tender soft lips move up my jaw and he tugs on my earlobe before sucking it into his mouth.

  "Holy fuck, Davis," I moan as my eyes roll into my head.

  "God, Kassidy, how I fucking want you," he confesses.

  Say it. Just fucking say it.

  "Me too," I confess back.

  Thank the Lord! Hallelujah! It's about damn time!

  His hand moves up my shirt and he cups and squeezes my tit over my bra. I moan deeper. I push into him and pull him into me at the same time. My hand reaches down between us and I can feel….

  Holyfuckingshit! What the hell is that?

  I believe that's his dick!


  You're telling me.

  How in the hell?

  I don't fucking know.

  That's gonna need to go where?

  In my small self.

  HOLYSHIT!! We're gonna need a bigger boat.

  He pulls back and looks at me puzzled. Apparently my new discovery of the size of his cock not only leaves me dumbfounded, but also I have stopped all movement.

  "Kassidy are you okay," he pants.

  "Um yeah I'm fine." I shake my head, still reeling from the size of his ginormous dick.

  "Are ya sure? If this is too much or too fast, um we can stop?" he asks with hope in his tone.

  "It's not too much. It's just…"

  Oh don't tell him we think his dick is too fucking big and will probably rip our s
mall little pussy to shreds. And we'll need to be hospitalized and have that special surgery to fix it.

  I'm not. But shit what do I say?

  You say this…

  As much as I need and want him at that very moment I can't fathom the idea nor am I prepared for Gigantore.

  "Um, I think I better get going," I unfortunately say.

  He pulls away from me looking as disappointed as I feel. "Um yeah sure."

  "Davis, I just think we need to take this slow."

  "You're right, it's just…"

  "I know."

  "So it's not just me."

  "God no."

  "Good." He smiles relieved. It seems as if that cocky Mr. Ryan Davis doubts his mad skills when it comes to the ladies. Well at least with this lady.

  Well, you've given him enough reason to.

  I know, sorry.

  Sorry, schmorry. It's about time you let out what has been inside since the first time you met him.

  I get it.

  Good, now don't lose it.

  I won't.

  You better not or I will kick the living shit out of you. I can't handle any more of your resisting.

  Okay, okay, I heard you.

  We both pry ourselves from each other and get up from the couch. My body still protests the loss of contact with his, even though my mind has come to terms with the situation. I gather my things and he walks me to the door.

  "I could walk you to the elevator."

  "No that's okay. Thanks though."

  I turn to him as I open the door. Our eyes immediately lock as if we were targeting each other. He reaches his hand out and cups my cheek, pulling my face to his. Our lips tenderly touch. The white-hot heat again flashes over my body and stretches over to his. I can feel the hypnotic pull between us, but we both resist.

  "Until next time, Miss Marshall?"

  "Most definitely, Mr. Davis."

  "I do hope so," he teases nodding to my shirt.

  "Me too." I smile back and walk out the door.

  As the elevator doors close behind me I feel an invisible pat on the back.

  Well done.


  Don't you feel better now that this is all out in the open?

  Actually yes I do.

  Good, always knew you would.

  Of course. But I am going to take things slow with him. I don’t want this to turn into a disaster. My track record isn’t so great.

  I get it.

  Good and this time you better not lose it.

  Don't worry I won't. Remember I always have your back.

  I'm glad you do.

  I make my way out of the building and into the night air. I climb into my car and as I start it, the most perfect song plays through my speakers—REO Speedwagon’s Can’t Fight This Feeling. And at that very moment I know Kevin Cronin is right. I can't fight this feeling, whatever this feeling is, for Davis. I drive off towards home knowing that I’m not going to fight this feeling or my inner self any more.


  As I make my way into my apartment my phone alerts me of a new text. I drop everything on the floor and fish my phone out of my bag. When I see his name on the screen, butterflies swarm in and I feel warm all over.

  Did u make it home ok?

  Yep, just walking in the door.

  Ya know you're a torturous woman Miss Marshall.

  Who me?

  Most definitely you.

  I have no idea what you're talking about Mr. Davis.

  If that's how you wanna play it?

  Play what?

  Oh it's game on Miss Marshall.

  Bring it Mr. Davis!

  Oh it's brought!!

  Good night Mr. Davis.

  It was a very good night Miss Marshall.

  I wonder if he can see me blush through the phone?

  Night Davis.

  Sweet dreams Kassidy.

  I plug my phone in to charge and make my way to bed. Exhaustion finally hits me and I decide to just crawl into bed without changing, after all I am practically dressed for bed anyway. I creep into the cool sheets that are actually a relief to me still heated skin, thanks to Davis. Tonight was interesting to say the least. I actually held my own with him and didn't embarrass the shit out of myself like I thought I would have.

  You did great.


  Although I wish we would have stayed a little longer.

  I know, but if we did we wouldn't be sleeping in our bed right now.

  I get that.

  Sorry, but I just wasn't…

  I know, no need to apologize.


  I know don't worry, in due time.

  Exactly. They say patience is a virtue, right?

  I think whoever thought of that didn't have to look at or touch or whatever, Ryan Davis.

  You're probably right.

  I always am.

  I'll remember that.

  I really wish you would.

  And before I can continue my conversation with my inner self, darkness comes and I am off to Ryan Davis Land.


  The next day, as I get ready for work, my head is still stunned by my new discovery; Davis is fucking huge. I mean I have seen my share of dicks in my lifetime, sizes varied. But I don't think I've ever encountered an anaconda. Even though I didn't actually see it, I felt it and that's all I need to know.

  You're telling me.

  Technically, we didn't need to see it to know if he were to let that thing out we would be shrouded in complete and utter darkness.

  It’s like the Holy Grail of dicks.

  Well fuck me. If it leaves merely a flesh wound we're good.

  Amen, protect our endangered pussy.

  Really, did you have to say that?

  Of course, it amazes me you still can't handle that word.

  Well, I don't like it. It's, it's gross.

  Kassidy Marshall you said that like I just gave you kooties.

  Circle, circle. Dot, dot. Now I've got my kootie shot.

  Are you kidding me? What are we, six?

  I stick my tongue out at her.

  No wonder we can't get laid.

  As if that's the reason.

  Oh, I'm sure it's one of many.


  You don't have to beg me and probably not Davis either. So what gives? Why the sudden departure yesterday?

  I don't know what you're talking about?

  Like hell you don't. We could have gotten some action, but you pussied out.

  I know, sorry. I just got…scared. It's been so long.

  It's not like they've changed the way people fuck, Kassidy. It's like riding a damn bike.

  I feel like I have a bike with training wheels, ya know?

  I get that, but still. There's more to it. Who knows you better than me?

  I just don't want to put myself out there only to get the shit stomped out of my heart. Davis seems like an okay guy now. I just don't want to be another number in his cell phone. I want…I want…

  WE want more.

  Yes, more.

  And let me guess, Chloe getting married and Macy finding her hunky muscle man….All these things got ya thinking?

  Definitely, how can I not?

  I get it, believe me. But these walls (bang bang bang) you have built have to come down. Lord knows I've been taking a pick ax to them for some time and they are starting to somewhat crumble. But Kassidy you can't…

  I know what you're going to say. I can't keep running and hiding like I have been.


  I'm truly trying.

  I know. Please just listen to me more.

  I'll try, I promise.

  That's all I'm asking for. You've been doing so much better lately letting out your inner flirt. Now let's finish getting ready for work so we can get the heck out of here.

  I continue putting the finishing touches on my hair and make-up before I get dressed. My inner self has made very valid point
s. I have a feeling of renewed focus. I will really try to listen to her more and not focus on the negative aspects of Davis. I mean, he is really trying not to be an asshole. He's come a really long way from "sexy hair guy/asshole" at the club that first night. If he is able to change for the better, it seems, maybe I can too. Hell, if Macy gets a miracle why can't I have one too?


  I arrive at work only to have Elaine hand me a bunch of messages from opposing counsel. Reynolds's case is due in court and it seems they wanted to settle out of court. This of course is something Reynolds is against even though I advised him to settle. He will get more settling out of court than going to trial. But the douchebag won't hear of it so I trudge along ironing shit out.

  I work all morning, straight through to lunch talking back and forth between Reynolds and opposing counsel. Finally, Mr. Remington gets involved and suggests to Reynolds that he at least meet with them, even though I have suggested the same thing several billion times. Reynolds finally agrees, and Mr. Remington is very pleased.

  "Miss Marshall?" Elaine says on the intercom.

  "Yes Elaine, what is it?"

  "There's a Mr. Davis here to see you."

  Oh my God, Davis is here!

  Keep calm, you can do this.

  "Send him in." My voice shakes with nervousness and excitement.

  Oh my God! Oh my God!

  I quickly take a look at myself in one of the mirrored frames in my office.

  You look fine, still sizzling. Just relax.

  That’s easier said than done. I can’t believe he is here. Davis is in my building. Davis is on my floor. Davis is about to walk through my door and will be in my office.

  The door to my office opens and I swear my heart leaps out of my chest, doing a happy dance, before it returns to my throat. My breathing accelerates when I meet his eyes—his fiery, green, piercing eyes. I stop breathing. At that moment he literally takes my breath away.

  Breathe dumbass. All we need to do is pass the out. Get it together. Remember game face.


  I pull myself together and reach into the depths of my soul for the biggest hunk of confidence I can find. I need all the confidence I can get my little hands on. If I could borrow some from Chloe or Macy I probably would.

  "Hi," I smiles.

  Davis simply gazes at me from the doorway.


  Damn it! Those were my favorite!

  I know! Mine too!


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