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The Best Man

Page 17

by Michelle Lee

"What are you doing here?" I question in my attempt at a sexy voice.

  "I thought you might be hungry and I had some time so, voila I'm here." As he dangles a white bag out in front of himself.

  My inner self pants and writhes on the floor.

  "What do you have there?"

  "Oh just a couple of the best burgers in town and some fries." He smiles wider, sexier, as he steps closer to me.

  I feel the heat radiate off of him and shroud me like an electric blanket on a cold winter night. I want to snuggle and nuzzle that blanket.

  Hopefully, if you let me, we will be soon enough.

  I shake my head as I try to ignore my inner self at the moment.

  "You're not hungry?" he asks disappointed.

  "Oh, no, I mean yes I'm hungry. I was just….. never mind," I try to explain.

  "Belleview?" he jokes.

  "Exactly," I confirm.

  "So, shall we eat here or…"

  "No, my office is fine."

  "I don't know, Miss Marshall, being alone with you in a closed room might be a bad idea," he teases with that infamous smirk on his lips and a cocked eyebrow.

  "Well, if you don't think you can handle it, Mr. Davis, by all means, we can go to the staff kitchen to eat with the others," I breathe as I close the gap between us.

  He gulps thickly. "I can handle it if you can, Miss Marshall," he says with some confidence.

  "I think I can handle just about anything you can give Mr. Davis."

  "Oh really?" he asks as he taps his finger along his belt buckle.

  The crimson wave makes its appearance and I am rendered speechless.


  "Uh huh," is all I utter.


  Owwwww! What the hell?!?

  You are stupefied and letting him win this round, which he is not to. So I smacked some sense into you. Now get it together!

  All right, but you didn't have to hit me.

  Like hell I didn't.


  I inwardly rub my cheek and dig deeper for more courage.

  "Anything," I simply state.

  Nice! Well done. Woot, woot!

  Davis gulps hard for the second time and this time he is rendered speechless.

  "Davis, I'm sure the food is getting cold," I say as I point to the white bag.

  "Um, right," he stammers.

  My inner self smiles, as do I.

  "Let's sit on the sofa." I point to the leather sofa and table by the window.

  "Um, yeah, sure," he says, still stunned.


  I know, right, all cocky one minute and then a speechless pile of goo the next.

  And I did that.

  Hell yeah you did! Will you please start seeing yourself as the incredibly amazing woman you are?

  I'm trying.

  Again, try harder.

  He takes the burgers and fries out and lays them on the table while I grab a couple of bottles of water from my mini fridge. We start to eat in silence.

  "Thanks for bringing lunch." I break the silence.

  "Well, I remembered the last time you skipped lunch, when we had Mr. Ling's, your stomach had let itself be known. I didn't want other people to have to be subjected to it," he jokes as he nudges me.

  That single touch sends shivers down my spine at the same time that crimson wave leaves a trail of molten heat in its wake. When the two meet in the middle, unbridled lust ignites in the depths of my soul. I slowly try to calm myself.

  Resistance is futile.

  So, I'm not going to.

  Really? You’re finally listening to me.

  Scared? Nervous?

  Both, along with a little shocked as well.

  Well, fasten your seatbelt, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

  Click. Click. Click.

  What the hell was that?

  Honey, you're driving with the big girls now. I'm fastening my racing harness.

  Alrighty then. Hold on to something.

  Yes, Ma'am.

  With my new found courage and confidence, I inch closer to Davis until my thigh touches his. My skin continues to ignite in flames. My mouth feels parched, so I lick my lips to elevate some of the dryness, although there is no dryness between my legs. I feel as though I am trickling all over my leather sofa, turning it into a slip-n-slide. I draw my bottom lip between my teeth and suck in a rush of air, as I look up at him through my eyelashes.

  "Davis," I breathe into his face.

  "Uh, huh."

  "You um, have a little bit of ketchup, right here," I say as I raise my finger to the corner of his mouth.

  As my finger touches the small smear of ketchup, I feel him shiver under my touch.

  "There, I got it," I explain.

  As I stare into his shocked green eyes, I slowly raise my finger to my mouth and I suck the ketchup off of it. With closed eyes, I lick my lips and utter, "Mmmmm. You taste delicious." When I open my eyes, Davis’s eyes are bulging out of his head, his chest is heaving and his mouth is practically on the floor.

  "Davis, are you okay? Belleview?" I happily question as I wave my hand in front of his face.

  He just sits there completely stunned.


  "What? Huh?"

  "I asked if you're alright."

  My inner self is running a victory lap.

  "I'm not really sure," he finally says.

  "Can I get you something?" I ask as I press myself into his side.

  "Um, no, I don't think…."

  And before he can finish, I lean into him. I snake my hand around his neck and pull his lips to mine. He doesn't resist. I brush my lips against his and I feel his breathe quicken. I slip my tongue out and flicker it like a snake against his bottom lip. Davis instinctively parts his lips and puffs out a quick rush of hot, wet air. My tongue tastes his bottom lip before it easily invades his mouth. Our tongues dance and I push into him further. I want to taste, touch and feel every part, every square inch of him. At that moment I don't care about his phone harem. I don't care that he has been an asshole. I don't care that I have called him "sexy hair guy". I don't care that we were in my office. All I care about is that I am having new feelings for him and that I need and want him.

  Thank you, Jesus.

  Not now.

  Sorry, Peanut gallery out. You're more than holding your own.

  I pull him closer to me. I want to make him a part of me. Our tongues continue to tango, when I feel his hand slowly move up my skirt. I moan into his mouth. His other hand grabs the nape of my neck as he too, pulls me closer to him. We have almost become one, a part of the other, because of our proximity. His mouth releases mine and my lips protest, until, they feel his mouth and lips on my neck.

  "Kassidy," he moans as he continues to kiss and suck on my neck.

  "Davis," I echo.

  His hand continues to caress up my inner thigh. A wave of anticipated ecstasy slowly crashes over my entire body. I grab his face between my hands and look directly into his eyes, into his soul and not only me but my inner self likes what I see. It is purity, lust, wanting and sincerity all wrapped up in one gorgeous bundle. Davis isn't what I had originally thought and it is all there for me to see in his eyes. Davis has me hook, line and sinker, although it really isn't like that. He is who I have been waiting for and possibly my more.

  Armed with my new discovery, I pull his face to mine and as if he is the air I need to live, my lips smash into his. He meets me with the same urgency. I am lost in the reality of Davisland and if it is a dream, I don't want to wake up from it. His fingers find my panties and tickle and tease me through the thin, in the way, fabric. His fingers gradually pull them aside and meet my wetness. I buck my hips into his long overdue touch. His finger extend and sweep across my clit, sending a jolt of electrified lust and want throughout my entire body. He continues to gently stroke me, which brings on an onslaught of heated waves that extend from my core into every pore of my being.

  "Oh God, Dav
is," I whisper into his mouth.

  "Kassidy," he breathes back.

  "Excuse me," I hear a voice speak.


  Davis and I freeze as we realize the voice didn't come from either one of us. And with that realization, we adjust ourselves to look less indecent. I turn my head to see who in the hell entered my office unannounced and unwanted, and I see Jackson standing in the doorway.

  Fucking twatblocker!

  "Yes Jackson, what do you want?" I say annoyed as I stand and adjust myself as discreetly as possible.

  "Well if you're not too busy, my dad needs you to sign these papers," he angrily spews.

  He has no right.

  I know, chill.

  "You could have given them to Elaine," I remind him.

  "She's not at her desk and my dad needs them ASAP," he retorts.

  "Fine," I snip as I make my way to my desk.

  While Jackson hands me the folder, I hear Davis get up from the sofa and walk toward the door.

  "Kassidy, maybe I should…."

  "No, stay, I'll be done with this in a sec." As I look away from the papers and stare right at Jackson. I hastily open the folder and quickly sign what I need to. Once I finish, I push the folder into Jackson and make my way next to Davis.

  "Thanks. Who's your friend here Kassidy," Jackson pries.

  "Jackson Remington this is Ryan Davis. Davis, Jackson," I hesitantly introduce.

  "Hi, nice to meet you," Davis says as he stretches out his hand to Jackson.

  "Uh, huh, whatever," Jackson responds as he ignores Davis’s gesture and turns and leaves my office.

  "Did I…" Davis starts.

  "No you didn't. Jackson just has issues with me," I reply.

  "Oh. Oh, he's your date for the wedding," Davis recalls.

  "Was my date, things went into that gray area and he got the wrong idea one night."

  Yeah, because she was thinking of you.

  "Oh, so you're dateless." He smirks.

  "Yep, dateless."

  "Well, maybe we can remedy that," he teases.

  "Maybe," I tease back.

  "Well, I better get back to the office. I took a very extended lunch."

  My inner self and my endangered pussy protest.

  "If you have to."

  "Unfortunately, I have to. I will take a rain check though."

  "Oh, I'll hold you to that."

  "You better."

  We walk back to the door and he leans down and gently kisses me.

  "Definitely next time, Miss Marshall." He smiles.

  I simply smile back. As he heads out, he turns to me and says with a devilish grin, "Oh, by the way Kassidy, there's a little something in the bag for ya still." And then he is gone. I close the door after him and rush over to the sofa and immediately grab the bag. I open it and pull out a jar of Maraschino cherries. Cue the crimson wave. As I stand there, staring at the jar of cherries, it dawns on me and I know what exactly what to do.

  Oh I love it!


  "Um, Kas, what the fuck is it with the gazillion jars of Maraschino cherries in your fridge?" Macy asks puzzled, as she grabs a bottle of water.

  "Cherries?" Chloe chimes in.

  "Yeah, there are enough cherries in here to cause us to call an intervention."

  "Oh come on there aren't that many," I retort.

  "Have you looked in your fridge lately?" Macy asks with a raised eyebrow as she points toward the fridge.

  "I haven't seen a jar of cherries since…." Chloe trails off.

  Fuck. Here we go.

  "Since we tied knots in cherry stems one drunken night in college. Kassidy Lillian Marshall, what are you up to?" questions Chloe in a high pitched voice that probably only dogs can hear.

  "Nothing," I quickly reply as my eyes dart from Chloe to the box on the counter, back to Chloe.

  You better hope she didn't see that.

  See what?

  You looked at the box.

  No I didn't.

  Like hell you didn't. Cause you most certainly did.

  Um, I believe you're mistaken.

  "Don't think I didn't see that," Chloe chirps.

  "See what?" I nonchalantly say, as I shift from foot to foot.

  "Macy," Chloe advises.

  Macy and I lunge at the same time for the box perched on my counter. The box slips and slides as our hands reach and grab for it. Macy elbows me in my side, hard. I lose my grip on the box and succumb to Macy's victory.

  "Got it," Macy cheers.

  "Bitch," I spit as I rub my side.

  Macy sticks her tongue out at me as she hands the box to Chloe. I feel the crimson wave make it's all too familiar appearance.

  Fucking Macy.

  Fucking Macy? Fucking you. You didn't have to buy every jar at the supermarket. And you didn't have to leave the box lying around when you knew Nosey One and Nosey Two were coming over.

  I roll my eyes at my inner self. I can hear her snicker as I focus my attention back to the matter at hand, the box.

  "I didn't know you liked Tiffany's," Chloe asks with her head cocked to one side.

  "Every girl does," I nervously reply.

  "Kas, you're not every girl," Macy chimes in.

  "Thanks," I snarl as I crinkle my nose.

  "So what you'd get, a ring, earrings….Ewww." Chloe squirms.

  "What the fuck?" Macy interjects as Chloe shows her the contents of the box.

  "Since when does Tiffany's sell, sell, sell…that's just fucking nasty," Macy continues.

  "They're knotted cherry stems," I explain.

  "Um, we can fucking see that, huh Chloe?"


  "What gives?" they ask in unison as Macy shoves the box towards me.

  "It's a joke." And as the words float out of my mouth I feel my neck and my cheeks flush with red hot heat.

  "Why Kassidy, are you blushing?" teases Macy.


  Who are you fucking kidding? It's clearly all over your face.

  I know.

  "Oh, I would say you are definitely blushing. So, spill it," Chloe confirms and demands.

  "Um, um…well." My heated skin begins to cool as sweat not only forms on my brow but also on the back of my neck.

  Alright let me get this straight, you can admit you have feelings for Davis, let him finger your endangered pussy in the middle of the office and tell Jackson off, but you can't explain to your two best friends about your cherry stem filled box?

  Uh huh.

  Have I not taught you anything?


  If you say no I will kick your ass.

  I wasn't…

  Oh you so were about to.

  I was gonna say, yes you have and it was time to rip off another goddamn Band-Aid.

  Oh, well, in that case rip away.

  "They're a joke for…Davis," I explain and wait for the interrogation.

  "Davis?" again they echo each other as they interlock their arms around mine and drag me over to the couch. Their bodies imprison me on the couch as I think, I may as well finish what I started, and after all there is no escape.

  "Fess up," Macy nudges.

  I take a deep breath to steady my nerves, "Okay, here it is in a nutshell…we've been hanging out, flirting, had a moment at the diner that involved me tying a knot, well two actually, in a cherry from his drink, we've kissed and I think he's my date to your wedding. Oh and I've recently learned he's a decent guy and um…um…I think…no scratch that, I know I have feelings for him. To what extent I don't know, but they're there," I explain in relief.

  That was some nutshell.

  Well, I figured one Band-Aid rip is enough and I thought if I stopped I'd lose my nerve.

  Okay. Are you ready, cause here comes the tsunami?

  Is anyone ever ready for Macy and Chloe?

  Point taken, hold on to something.

  Believe me, I am.

  I brace myself for the storm that is
about to hit, dreading I ever opened my big mouth. They both turn to me, with the biggest shit-eating grins on their faces and wink at each other.

  Shit, they're gonna take turns. Cue the tag team twins.

  "So, let's back up," starts Chloe, "you've been hanging out and flirting with Davis, Jason's Davis?"

  "Oh please, that's what you're starting with? Chloe, come on," pleads Macy.

  "Baby steps," replies Chloe.

  "Fuck baby steps," Macy screeches and grabs me by the shoulders, "you have fucking feelings for Davis?"

  "I think…."

  Damn it Marshall!

  All right!

  "Yes, I have feelings for Davis!" I vehemently confess.

  "Shit, you didn't have to fucking yell, Kas, I'm right here," Macy says as she wiggles her finger in her ear.

  "Oh Kassidy, I knew it. I just knew it," Chloe gushes as she wraps her arms around me in the tightest hug ever.

  "Tell us everything, please," Chloe whispers in my ear as she releases me from her death grip.

  "There isn't much to tell, really. We've been hanging out lately and I've just really gotten to know him, the real him."

  "Oh come on. Give us fucking details. All the smutty details," Macy inches closer, as if that were possible, as she licks her lips.

  "There aren't any smutty details," I lie.

  You are so fucking stupid. You know she's not gonna buy it.

  She might, I have a poker face.

  Poker face in place or not, don't you feel the building heat beginning to radiate to your cheeks.

  And like clockwork there it is.

  Damn it!

  My crimson wave arrives, easily giving me away.

  "You honestly thought your rosy cheeks wouldn't give you away? Jeez, Kas, you should know better than that," Macy relishes.

  "Fine. We've kissed…." And I am immediately bombarded not only with the images of kissing Davis but the feelings as well. My panties are soaked.

  "Continue bitch or the laptop gets it," Macy threatens with her bottle of water poised above my laptop that rests on the coffee table.

  "You wouldn't?"

  "Like hell I wouldn't," Macy guarantees as she tilts the bottle's opening closer to my laptop.

  "I'd do what she says," Chloe warns.

  "All right. All right. Just but the bottle down, nice and easy," I beg.

  Macy looks to Chloe whom nods and she hesitantly places the bottle down.

  Whew! That was close.

  You brought that on all by yourself.


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