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How Many Chances

Page 4

by Beverley Hollowed

  “I am fine,” Ally replied quietly, still refusing to let her eyes net his.

  “Ally please,” Cole whispered. He was standing so close to her she could feel his breath wash across her face. Her heart was pounding so fast she thought it was trying to escape from her chest. “Please don’t push me away. I know you are hurting, we both are. And I know I did this. But you know we belong together.”

  “I can’t do this,” she cried. She turned and reached for the handle of the door. But Cole slammed his hand against the door and stopped her from opening it.

  “You said we could talk” he said, sounding almost angry. “But you won’t even try.”

  “Well you have had weeks to talk,” Ally snapped turning so she was face to face with him again. She could feel the anger rise inside her. “Weeks to tell me the truth, but you took the cowards way out and made me look like such a fool.”

  “Ally believe me,” Cole closed his eyes and sighed. His heart was breaking at the hurt and anger in her voice. Hurt and anger he caused, “I will regret that for the rest of my life. But it is in the past, please can’t we just move forward?”

  “COLE YOU HAVE A CHILD!” she shouted angrily as she blinked the tears back. She was not going to cry again.

  “For Christ sakes Ally,” he snapped back. “Don’t you think I know that? Don’t you think I know how fucked up this is. I would give anything for things to be different but they are what they are. But none of that changes how much I love you. Please Ally, give me a chance.”

  “Cole, you broke my heart,” she breathed looking straight into his beautiful blue eyes. She was struggling to stay strong. Why did she have to love him so damn much?

  “Let me fix it.” Cole said as he gently traced his fingertips down her face. His face was barely inches from hers. He leaned forwards and pressed his forehead against hers. “I love you Ally, please give me a chance.”

  Ally could feel tears pool in her eyes and she quickly pinched them shut. She wished she had the strength to push him away, walk out the door and never look back. But the truth was she loved him too. Completely and utterly. The past six days had been hell for her too and her heart and her body longed to be held by him. She couldn’t fight the want that filled every fibre of her body.

  She opened her eyes and let them meet Cole’s. She could barely breathe. She leaned up slowly and let her lips meet his tenderly as the tears trickled down her face.

  “Please don’t break my heart again,” she whispered against his lips.

  “I will spend the rest of my life making this right,” he promised as his mouth found hers once again. Tentatively, he slid his arms around her and pulled her into his embrace. He nervously ran his tongue along her lower lip, asking for permission. Ally gave him it as she pressed her body up against his, His tongue gently glided into her mouth and softly caressed hers.

  His kiss grew deeper and every ounce of pain they both felt for the last week poured out and pushed them on. He pushed her against the front door as their bodies melted into one. Ally slid her hands up his broad, hard chest and around his shoulders. She could feel how much he wanted her and how much he was ready.

  “Oh god Ally,” Cole sighed breathlessly against her mouth. “I want you, now!”

  Ally grabbed the waist band of Cole’s trousers and yanked them opened. All the time her eyes never left his. She reached in and softly stroked the tip off his rock hard cock, causing his breath to catch in his throat. She slipped her hand in further and took his cock in her hand and stroked it softly as she leaned up and kissed him once again on the mouth.

  “Then take me,” she whispered when she pulled her mouth back from his slightly. “Take me now!”

  Her words were all he needed. He let his hands slide from her back, down to her side, down her thighs until he reached the bottom of her dress and slowly began to slide it back up her legs.

  Ally’s heart pounded hard in her chest. Cole’s eyes never left hers and it made her ache for him more. When he reached her backside, he grabbed it with both hands and pressed her closer to him. He moved his hands up to the rim of her panties and slid his fingers inside them.

  With one single tug, he ripped through the lace of her panties as he tore them from her body and dropped them to the floor.

  His mouth claimed hers once again as he grabbed her by the hips and lifted her up. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  He pinned her harder against the door, then he dropped his hand between them and position himself against her opening. He pulled his mouth from hers and stared into her eyes and he slid his entire length deep inside her.

  Ally cried out at the sudden fullness as he slowly withdrew himself before he slammed into her again.

  “OH GOD!” she cried out. Cole claimed her mouth again as he slammed into her over and over again, pushing her higher and higher.

  Ally could feel the old familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach. No one but Cole had ever made her feel like this. She threw her head back against the door and pinched her eyes shut as he picked up his pace. He was pushing her higher and she knew it wouldn’t be long till she found her release.

  “Ally, baby” Cole cried breathlessly. “I fucking love you.”

  His breathing was becoming harsh and raging but his pace didn’t ease up.

  “COLE! YES! COLE!” Ally cried out when she could hold back no more, as he pushed her over the edge and she was freefalling in to pure ecstasy.

  He broke his lips from her and taking her face in his hands he took in every inch of her.

  “I have missed you so much” he whispered as he brushed the hair back from her face. “Promise you will never leave me again.”

  “I promise,” Ally said. She knew she should have never made such a promise. They had so much to still work through. But being back in his arms, she knew there was nothing they couldn’t work through together.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered against her soft, perfect lips.

  He didn’t put her down, instead he turned and headed towards the stairs. He climbed them quickly and made his way straight to his bedroom.

  When they reach his room, he lay Ally down on the bed and slowly removed her clothes, kissing and worshipping every inch of her body as he undressed her. Then he quickly removed his own clothes before he climbed over her in the bed.

  As he balanced over her, he looked down into her eyes and gave her a shy smile.

  “I thought I lost you,” he sighed, as he bent down and brushed his lips against her. “I am sorry I hurt you. I promise I will never hurt you again.”

  He slide between her legs and once again found her with his cock. Slowly he pushed into her but this time his movements where slow and tender. He held her close to him as he rocked back and forth in to her. His mouth claiming hers as his slow, steady pace never stopped. This wasn’t just sex. This was, without a doubt, making love. She could feel how much he loved her. And she loved him just as much.

  Cole pushed deeper and deeper into her. He released her mouth from his and he stared down into her eyes as he brought her slowly on the journey with him. She could feel the nerves in the pit of her belly come alive again.

  “Cole,” she cried out as he pushed her on higher. His pace quickened as he pulled her to him tighter till they were almost one.

  “YES! YES! COLE, YES!” she cried out as she came once again. Suddenly he slammed into her hard and stilled as he pumped his load deep inside her as he too cried out. “OH GOD, ALLY.”

  They lay together, breathlessly entwined in each other’s arms, each lost in their own feeling of complete bliss. Cole finally lifted his head and looked at Ally and smiled.

  “Hey you,” he couldn’t hide the look of pure contentment on his face. He kissed her softly.

  “Hey yourself.” Ally replied.

  “Ally, I am sorry I broke your heart,” he whispered as he pressed his forehead against hers. “I promise I will never break it again. I will never keep anything from yo
u. From now on, no more secrets. Ally you are my future. I was so lost without you. I don’t care what the future holds once I have you in it. You mean everything to me.”

  Ally didn’t reply. Instead she leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips. And he understood. He knew she loved him too.

  Cole glanced over at the clock on the night stand and it was two minutes after twelve.

  “It after midnight,” he whispered smiling down at Ally. “Happy New Year gorgeous girl.”

  “Happy New Year Cole,” Ally smiled as Cole claimed her mouth once again.

  Chapter 5

  Ally woke the next morning and for a moment was confused by her surroundings. She had become used to the dull grey wallpaper and curtains that were in Sid’s spare room. She felt a hand slide across her body and pull her close and she remembered exactly where she was.

  “Good morning, gorgeous girl,” Cole smiled, as he pulled her closer to him. Ally turned to him and smiled but she couldn’t help but feel the small bubble of insecurities begin to blossom deep inside her. Cole noticed something wasn’t right immediately. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she lied as she threw the covers back and went to climb out of bed but Cole took hold of her arm and pulled her back to him.

  “Ally,” he said as he rolled her onto her back and roll over until he was almost on top if her. “I thought we agreed no more lies?”

  Ally didn’t respond. She stared down at his bare chest, refusing to look into his eyes.

  “Ally, look at me,” he said in a commanding tone. Ally slowly let her eyes meet his. “Talk to me.”

  “I think last night was a mistake,” she whispered nervously as she dropped her eyes back to his chest. “I mean… I just don’t know…if…”

  “Ally, please don’t over think this,” Cole said, trying he best to stay calm, but Ally could hear the edge in his voice. She knew he was trying to sound calmer than he felt. “I love you. Please believe that. And I know you love me too.”

  “But it’s all moving so fast, Cole” she replied suddenly feeling braver. “We barely know each other. And so much has happened. I don’t know where I belong anymore. Everything is so confusing.”

  “You belong here with me!” Cole said, like the answer was obvious. “We belong together. Nothing else matters.”

  “Cole you have a son,” she cried, once again letting her eyes meet his. “He matters. You are his father. I know what it is like to have a father that doesn’t care. I can’t be with someone who …”

  “Ally, stop this.” Cole interrupted her. “Of course I care about Ben. He is my son. And I will always be there for him. But that doesn’t change how I feel about you. You are my future too Ally. You are who I want to spend the rest of my life with. Please don’t push me away.”

  “Cole I want to spend the rest of my life with you too,” Ally whispered as the tears pooled in her eyes and she quickly pinched them shut. “But I am afraid, you will break my heart again. And if you did I would never get over it.”

  “Ally, I promise,” Cole said as he softly took hold of her chin and tilted her face up to his. “I will never hurt you again. Please believe that.”

  Ally slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Cole and all she could see was love staring back at her. She knew he loved her but right in that moment she could finally see just how much.

  “I love you, Cole,” she breathed as she softly pressed her lips to his. He didn’t reply with words. He claimed her mouth with his as he slid his legs between hers and said what he wanted to say with his body.


  Three hours later they pulled up outside Ally’s grandparents’ house. She knew she would have to face them sooner or later and that they would be angry with her. So over breakfast she asked Cole to come with her to face them.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Cole asked as he looked over at Ally and saw the look of dread in her face. “If you aren’t ready, we can come back later.”

  “I have to sometime,” she shrugged and smiled back at him. “May as well be now. It’s just. I know they are going to be mad.”

  She took a deep breath and opened the car door. She turned to Cole and smiled reassuringly before she climbed out of his Land Rover.

  “Damn,” she sighed when Cole walked around the car to where she was standing waiting on him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice filled with concern.

  “Gus is here.” She sighed and pointed at the car parked behind Cole’s. “That’s his car. Damn it.”

  “Why would he be here?” Cole asked, confused as to why her boss would even be at her grandparents’ house.

  “Gus is like more family,” Ally explained. “He has worked with Pops since he was eighteen. He was always around when I was growing up. In truth he has been more like a Dad to me since my own father walked away from me. He is going to be mad as hell too.”

  “Don’t worry,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her. “I am with you, and I will not let anyone hurt you. I promise”

  Ally smile as Cole released her from his arms. The irony of what he had just said was not lost on Ally. The reason she was in the situation was because he had hurt her. And hurt her badly. Now here she was leaning on him because she was worried others might be mad at her. And he has promised to let no one hurt her.

  He reached for her hand before he turned and led her up to her grandparents’ front door. He gave her one last reassuring smile before he reached for the doorbell.

  “Ally!” her grandmother exclaimed when she threw open the front door and relief washed over her face when she saw Ally standing there. She quickly threw her arms around her granddaughter and held her tightly. “Don’t ever scare us like that again.”

  “I’m sorry Nan,” Ally said, feeling like a complete bitch for putting her grandparent through hell. She had been so upset for herself, she hadn’t really thought how her actions might hurt others.

  “Come in from the door, pet,” her Nan said, when she finally released her from her embrace. Then she looked at Cole and added. “You too Cole, it’s lovely to see you with a smile on your face too.”

  Ally looked back and smiled when she saw Cole slightly blush. She wondered what exactly had gone on while she was hiding away in Sid’s house.

  They followed Nan into the living room where Pops and Gus where waiting. Ally could feel her heart thump as she nervously stepped through the door and into the room.

  “Ally sweetheart,” Pops cried, as he was on his feet the moment he saw his granddaughter walking through the door. He hugged her so tight Ally could barely breathe. “You have had us scared to death.”

  “I’m sorry Pops,” Ally said as she fought hard to keep the tears back.

  Next it was Gus’s turn. He just held her tightly and whispered. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Ally replied and hugged him back tightly. Nan told everyone to sit while she went and made some tea. Ally sat nervously on the edge of the sofa. Cole sat next to her and reached for her hand.

  “So young lady,” her grandfather began when her grandmother returned with a tray of tea and biscuits. “What the hell were you thinking?”

  “Tom!” Nan scolded her husband but he didn’t let it break his flow.

  “You have had us all up the wall with worry,” he continued. “Your poor grandmother, Gus, your friends were all worried sick about you. And as for this young man here, he was devastated. He was beside himself with worry, driving around endlessly searching for you…”

  “TOM!” Nan said once again but this time she was firmer. “That is enough, all that matters is she is home safe and sound, she has been through enough. No now that will do.”

  “I am sorry I worried everyone,” Ally said, unable to hold the hot, salty tears back. She felt so awful for what she had put everyone through. She looked at Cole and her heart almost broke. Yes she was hurt and mad at him. He had broken her heart. But she never wanted to hurt hi
m too. It killed her she had. She had been so stupid. She dropped her face into her hands and sobbed. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Hey,” Cole said taking hold of her face and turning it to him. “None of that matters now, you are here and you are okay. That is the only thing that matters now.”

  “Cole is right,” Nan said as she reached over to take Ally’s hand. “We are just happy you are safe sweetheart.”

  Gus, who was sitting on one of the armchairs, never said a word. He just stared at Ally strangely and fidgeted nervously with his hands.

  “So you two are back together then?” Pop said this time sounding a lot calmer.

  “We are,” Ally confirmed and nervously glanced at Cole who smiled at her reassuringly.

  “And what about the child?” Pop asked looking at Cole.

  “Well sir, he is my son,” Cole replied shifting nervously in his seat. “I know things are not ideal, but I am his father and I will not take my responsibilities lightly. But that doesn’t change how I feel about Ally. I know I messed up and I will always be ashamed of myself for that. But I promise I will never hurt her again. You have my word on that.”

  “Well that’s good to hear son,” Pop said. Ally looked over at Gus, who was still sitting quietly in his armchair, staring blankly into space.

  “Gus,” Ally said nervously, “I understand if you don’t want me at the garage anymore. The past few weeks I have not exactly been pulling my weight. So if you want to let me go, I understand.”

  “Ally, you think I give a shit about the garage?” Gus asked, looking at her finally. “This last week has been a nightmare. No one knew where the hell you were, we were all out of our minds with worry. Every time the phone rang, we thought it was police telling us they found your body.”

  “I am so sorry,” Ally said, fighting to hold back the tears once again.

  “Gus I think you have said enough,” Pop said sternly, sitting forward in his chair. “Ally has been through enough, and I think you should stop before you go too far and say too much.”

  He looked at Pop for a moment and they exchanged a look between each other that said something that Ally wasn’t sure what it meant, but she was definitely missing something.


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