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Legion of Guardians: (Book 1-5)

Page 53

by Xyla Turner


  After the emergency meeting and no thought to how Dessy would react to my next move; I mounted my bike and rode to Harrisburg.

  As soon as I rode up to the address Bronx gave me that he had from Shays wedding invitations, the door opened.

  A small-framed woman came out with mostly gray hair and appeared much older than I expected Dessy’s mother would look.

  “You must be my Deseri’s Bear. The name is Rachel,” she said as she took one step onto the porch.

  I took off my sunglasses, squinted up at her and said, “You saw me coming.”

  “Sure did.” Her head moved up and down. “Reckon, you wanna come in?”

  “You'd be right.”

  I stopped at the bottom of the steps as she looked me over.

  “Come on,” she said and waved her small hand for me to follow.

  The house was fairly small and dark, but very clean and tidy.

  “Tea?” she asked.

  “No, thanks.”

  She stopped moving towards the kitchen and said, “Well, let it out.”

  “Dessy doesn't want us to meet,” I started. “Seems she's scared about what might erupt into fireworks. So she's trying to keep us happy and away from each other like I've done with my own sister.”

  Her eyes closed and she nodded. “Sounds like my Deseri.”

  “She's not happy, Rachel.” Her eyes raised to look at mine. “It doesn't sit right with me when she's not happy. Especially about something like this. I'm not sure what your issue is with bikers, older men or the fact that I'm white. But I need my woman happy. So we need to get some things straight.”

  To my surprise, she burst out laughing, then said, “Typical.”


  “Fucking, typical. You bring your ass to my house, sit in my living room and call yourself running shit over here in Harrisburg. Y’all are all the same. You think this world belongs to you. Let me clue you in on something, Bear.” Her eyes narrowed. “It doesn't.”

  “Lady, what are you most mad about? I'm curious.”

  “It's the combined package.” She sat up and leaned towards me. “Your arrogance coupled with the goddamn audacity. Then you throw my daughter in the mix, makes me equally mad.”

  I nodded.

  “So noted, but you should know I don’t give a roaring fuck what your prejudice is about or based on. The only reason I brought my ass to Harrisburg and sat in your house is because the reason I breathe is upset. She's not like you and shit, she's not even like me. She's different and that's something we both need to take heed to. I love that woman. She's given me purpose. She's going to have your grandchildren. I don't even like the concept of marriage after my last, but if she wants that, I'll marry her. That's what I'm here about. Now how about you?"

  The thin lines around her mouth smoothed out when she smiled and nodded.

  "I didn't see this." She finally spoke. "It's funny. I saw you coming but I didn't see this. I wasn't sure what Dessy told you about me but I'm from the old school. We tend to our own and mind our business. I was taught that was the way of it and raised that way. It's saved my life and all I want is for Dessy's to be saved to. It's better if she was with her own kind.”

  “How do you figure that?” I asked as my blood started to boil with anger. “She’s better with me. We’re better together.”

  She laughed. “What, you think you can protect her with your live free or die trying attitude? While you’re riding around the country on your bike, she's at home taking care of your kids. Asking me to watch them cause their daddy is away? You need to think about that. Is she really better with you? She'd settled down quite nicely without you. My girl just needed to be around someone positive. She's got her cousin Shay for that. You,” she pointed to me, “aren't needed.”

  I scoffed.

  “Lady, you have no idea how many times I thought those same things. How many nights I've held her and wondered why she chose me. How often I pushed her away because I knew I didn't deserve her. But it boils down to the reality that Dessy is mine and you'll have to accept that. I ain't letting her go. You're right. I'm better with her but I bet you my life, I'll take care of her better than any man could.”

  “I know guys like you. You have silver tongues and it all sounds good in the beginning,” she sneered. “I'm sure my girl is taken with you but if you think by coming out here and talking to me, you'll get some sort of blessing, you're wrong.” The woman scoffed. “I know first goddamn hand how the likes of you are. So, go back and live in your little fairy tale. Keep telling yourself the lies that you're feeling something permanent my girl. Don't worry, mama will be here to pick up the pieces. Like she always does.”

  She stood up and walked toward the door.


  I stood because no words would convince her, maybe action or just time, but I didn't care what she thought. Dessy was mine and that was all that mattered.

  As I left the threshold of her home, I half turned and said, “We’re having a gathering in two weeks. It's to celebrate her thirtieth birthday. I'll get you the information but it would mean the world to her if you came.”

  She grunted.

  “She'd want you there.” I clarified, “I would too. This is a milestone.”

  “Fine by me.”

  “Good.” I slid on my glasses. “I'll be seeing you soon.”


  SHAY AND I PLANNED Dessy's party but mostly Shay did the work. I just approved, argued or was ignored throughout the process. The event was held at Peppers and it was a surprise to Dessy who only knew she had to work that night. When she saw the entire place decorated with a big banner that read Happy Birthday Dessy, tears came to her eyes as she scanned the room until she found me off to the right. Her smile widened as we all yelled Happy Birthday. Shay led the group with the song as she ushered Dessy over to her cake. Once it was revealed that the cake was the shape of a barbell with shot glasses along the edges, everyone erupted in laughter. Dessy made a wish, blew out the candles and we all cheered.

  It seemed that the entire Manor Guardian chapter was in attendance and even Swag and his Norristown crew were stopping through. He kept saying, he wanted a Manor woman because we had all the good ones. Yet, it was clear, he only had eyes for Vita, Lori’s friend. As long as I had Dessy, he could have whoever the hell he wanted.

  To my surprise, Dessy's mom did come and so did my sister, Carol. She called me to apologize a few days before the party and wanted to apologize to Dessy. I warned her that I wouldn't tolerate anyone, including her, fucking up her day. She gave me her word, so that is what I had to go by. They spoke briefly over the phone and Dessy was cordial but not emotionally moved. Shit, I couldn’t blame her.

  Everybody was on point, even her mom spoke to me by smirking and nodding her head. I wouldn't make a big deal out of it, but it was evident once Dessy saw her mom that she was not only in shock but afraid.

  I kept to the other side of the bar with Razor and Apollo, while Dessy made her rounds, thanked the party goers and then finally made it around to me. I figured she’d be hesitant to introduce her mom to me, knowing how the woman felt, but it took an entire twenty minutes before she brought her over.

  "Bear, this is my mom, Rachel." She gave me a smile.

  Her mom’s eyebrows rose, then she gave her daughter a bewildered look.

  "Mama." Dessy started shaking her head as if to silently ward her off.

  "What?" her mom asked innocently. "I'm just trying to figure out why you are introducing us when we’ve already met?"


  Dessy's eyes squinted as her head reared back, then she said, "What? You mean in a dream?"

  "No. He came to talk to ..." Her head lifted and then turned toward me. "You didn't tell her?"

  A small smile crept onto her face.

  "Wait, what?" Dessy exclaimed.

  "Your, uh...," her mom started.

  I cut her off and said, "Sweetheart, I wen
t to see your mom a few weeks ago. Thought we'd talk for a bit."

  Dessy’s first reaction resulted in her forehead scrunching up in confusion, then all her features darkened and red-hot anger crossed her face.

  "Wait, let me get this straight. You went to see my mom, did not tell me about it, even when you knew I was apprehensive about the two of you meeting?" she asked.

  "Yeah," I replied. "I didn't like the way you were moping around. Being distant from me, like you had to choose. I'm not sure what there is to choose. I've chosen you. You know that."

  "Bear," Dessy said rather slowly. "You had no right."

  "The fuck I didn't," I quipped. "I had every goddamn right."

  "Now, now," her mama chimed in. "Seems all that entitlement doesn't get you far here either."

  Her nose was up and her lips poked out. Before I could say anything, Dessy turned around and snapped, "Mama, don't you dare talk to him that way. You don't know the first thing that man has done for me. Won't do for me. He doesn't deserve that and I won't let you talk to him that way."

  "Mind your manners," her mom snapped back. "I'm still your mother."

  "Then you need to mind yours. You don't get to turn your nose on him. Say what you want about me, but not him."

  "Sweetheart..." I tried to chime in.

  "No. You don't get to sweetheart me, Bear." She stepped forward and lowered her voice. "You don't get to do anything, right now. Don't talk to me, don't touch me, nothing."

  "Now, wait," I started.

  "This is my thirtieth birthday," she snapped at me. "This is how you want me to remember it?"


  Dessy delivered that blow and walked away from the both of us.

  "Well," Dessy's mom murmured, looked at me, and made the same exit as her daughter. Razor and Bronx had since abandoned me because I guess it was every man for themselves with a disgruntled future mother-in-law.

  Dessy stayed occupied and spent most of her time with her cousin. As the night progressed, Shay, Kylie, Lori, Vita and Dessy came over and told us they were all going to take Dessy out somewhere and to not wait up. They had their details and they'd be safe. I wanted to interject but she wouldn't look at me. The other men seemed to be okay with the arrangement, but I wasn't because she was pissed at me.

  "Dessy," I called. "A word."


  I sent her a glaring look that shut her mouth right up. She pulled away from Shay and we stepped to the side.

  "Look at me," I commanded.

  Her eyes slowly moved up to meet mine.

  Yup, she was livid and buzzed.

  "When you get home tonight, we're going to talk about this," I said.


  I went to move her hair, but she flinched back and walked away.


  Around two in the morning, we all headed to our homes and then I received a text from Shay, stating that Dessy, Lori, Vita and Kylie were passed out and staying at her house.


  No, the fuck she wasn't.

  Twenty minutes later, I was knocking on Bronx's door. A sleepy Shay opened it slightly.

  "I need Dessy."

  "Bear, she can stay here," she said as she rubbed her red eyes.

  "No, I need her."

  "Fuck." She shook her head with her lips turned up but moved out the way. "On the couch."

  Picking Dessy up, I put her in the truck and she didn’t even make a peep. They must have really tied one on and rightfully so. It was her birthday and I was a fucking asshole who pissed her off on her birthday.

  I let her sleep but first thing in the morning, we were going to hash this shit out.

  10 - Not Sorry


  My tired and achy body tried to turn but I felt so sluggish.

  Holy shit.

  Where was I?

  My eyes adjusted, gazing around the large room as recognition set in and I realized I was in Bear’s room, in his bed.

  “Morning,” I heard Bear’s voice call from behind me.

  Turning my head and then my body to face the voice, I saw him sitting in the leather chair. However, it wasn’t in its usual place, it was next to the bed.

  “What are you doing?” I asked him, while blinking to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

  “Need to talk. Sick of you running and all that bull shit, so we talk like this,” he answered me.

  His face was sullen and I doubt he’d had any sleep last night.

  “I’m not running anywhere Bear,” I noted.

  “Yesterday, some significant things happened and we need to discuss them,” he said. “I went to see your mom, she don’t like me and made that clear. Where do you stand on that?”

  This man must have bumped his head. At that moment, I straightened up to face him.

  “Bear, I know how my mom feels about you and us. That’s why I didn’t want you guys to meet until it was time,” I replied. “Where do I stand? What kind of question is that?”

  “It’s the question I’m asking because yesterday you decided I couldn’t touch you or do anything?” His voice was sullen as he recited my words.

  “Because, Bear. You went behind my back to meet my family member. Not just any family member but my mother. I’d never do that to you. Never. When you wanted me to meet someone, is when I’d meet them. You do it, don’t tell me and then I’m left in the middle of this feud that I was trying to prevent and you wonder why I’d be upset? Oh, let's not forget it was dumped on my door step on my birthday."

  He quickly leaned forward and hissed, “You were moping around here like something was wrong. You wouldn’t tell me what it was and I didn’t know how to make it better, so I took matters into my own hands. No, I will not apologize for going to go see the woman. No, I will not act like it’s no big deal. She not liking me, I could give two fucks. How that impacts what you think, now that, I care about. So don’t sit here and act like I was in the wrong, when I was trying to fix what was wrong with the woman that I love. I won’t apologize for that.”

  I stared at him with more disappointment than anger and then I realized, Bear was who Bear was. He wouldn’t be making any apologies, he wouldn’t care how mad I was about it and that was really the end of the discussion as far as he was concerned.

  “Fine, Bear,” I muttered eventually.

  “That’s it. Fine?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Yeah, fine.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Don’t act like a sullen teen, Dessy,” he snapped.

  “What’s sullen about me saying, fine. You said what you had to say, I hear where you’re coming from and that’s really all there is to say about it, right?”

  His eyes narrowed on me, then he repeated, “You hear where I’m coming from, huh? Not understand.”

  I had nothing else to say on the matter, so I stared at him for a bit and asked, “So, what’s for breakfast?”

  He looked at me, erupted in laughter before he said, “That’s it. The matter is settled.”

  “Settled,” I repeated.

  He rose from the chair and put a knee on the bed as he leaned over so his face was in mine.

  “What do you take me for?” Bear asked.

  “A man who’s determined to do whatever he wants and makes no apology for anything he does.” I looked at him straight in the eye. “That’s what I take you for.”

  “That bother you?” he asked in a low voice.

  “Normally, no.”

  “But right now?” he asked.


  He nodded, then leaned back.

  “I’ll get breakfast started,” I said as I rubbed my eyes.

  He had turned and was sitting on the bed looking out the window. So, I made my exit and cooked a veggie omelet, home fries and poured him some coffee. The man was probably still pouting upstairs, so I brought his food to him. He was still sitting on the bed in the same exact spot.

  “Bear, here’s your breakfast,” I said. “I’m going to head ou
t because I have to meet up with Shay.”

  Moving towards him, I leaned down and kissed his lips. At first he didn’t respond then his arm wrapped around my waist holding me close to him while he remained seated. His lips started to move but nothing came out. Instead, all he managed to say was, “Dessy.”

  His eyes said everything else. The man looked like he was pleading with me to understand, empathize or even meet him half way but I had already done that. Instead of addressing the plea, I laughed it off and said, “Eat Bear. I’ll see you later.”

  My lips touched his again and then I left to handle my business.

  THAT NIGHT I WAS WORKING at the bar for a big Guardian shin-dig. All my texts had gone unanswered to Bear and I wasn’t sure what to make of that. Bear never showed up which was unusual because if he did when I was working, he'd always stay near me, sat at the bar, in my section or something.

  As closing time came, Shiz came over to me and said, ‘Hey, I’m taking you home. Bear’s on a mission.”

  “O-kay,” I said slowly. “He couldn’t tell me that.”

  “Not in this, Dessy,” Shiz warned.

  I pulled out my phone and sent him a text:

  Me: What’s the deal? You’re on a mission and you couldn't tell me. I've been texting all day.

  It went unanswered for the next ten minutes, so I shut my phone off and followed Shiz outside to his truck. During the ride, he received a phone call that had his eyes lighting up and the man was all smiles. When he finished, I found myself smiling too.

  “She must be a keeper,” I noted.

  “Huh?” He looked in my direction. “What do you mean?”

  “The look on your face when you saw who was calling. Must be someone you like?” I elaborated. "Never thought you for the type."

  “Naw, nothing like that.” He laughed. “She fucked up my car and was trying to get me to not call the insurance people. I did and now the Guardians are helping her with some shit with her brother. That’s all. It’s just business. “


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