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Trusting Chance [Fate Harbor] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 20

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  When Sam walked across the court to shake the hand of the other coach, the two engaged in a lengthy conversation. Chance draped his arm around her shoulders, and used the time to introduce Josie to some people she hadn’t met before.

  “Josie, I want you to meet Richard and Ruth Neelan. They’re Bobby’s parents.” Josie shook hands with two lanky redheads, and immediately made the connection.

  “I’m going to make an educated guess that Bobby is the boy who made the majority of tonight’s points.” Josie laughed.

  “Yeah, the red hair and stork legs kind of give it away,” Ruth smiled. “Our boy takes after his father. Richard played college basketball. They both have a gift. Chance was telling us you bought Matushka’s Bakery. I saw the fire truck cake you made at the school carnival. That was truly impressive!”

  “Yeah, my Zee has been doing a bang-up job with Sweet Dream Desserts.” Chance smiled down at her, hugging her closer. Three boys ran up to them, one of them with bright red hair.

  “Bobby, great job!” Chance enthused.

  “Yeah, he’s going to show us some of his moves. My mom said some of the guys could crash over at our house if it’s okay with you, Mrs. Neelens.” Josie saw it was Toby from Sam’s team who was trying to persuade Bobby’s mom.

  “I’ll need to talk to your mom, before I can say yes or no, Toby.” Josie realized it really was a tightly knit community. The more she saw of Fate Harbor, the more she wished she had been able to raise the twins in such a place. Before Toby rushed off, he turned to Josie. “Oh yeah, Mr. Booth wanted me to tell you that he was going to be late coming home tonight, Miss Decker, and you weren’t to worry.”

  As the boys rushed off to get Toby’s mom, Josie turned to Chance. “It’s hard to wrap my head around our Sam being referred to as ‘Mr. Booth’ and staying so calm when he’s losing a game.”

  “Yeah, we forget sometimes that he was in charge of an entire platoon.” Chance stroked his hand down Josie’s hair, and she leaned into the caress.

  “How does your son like his coach, Ruth?” Josie asked, turning back to the Neelens.

  “I’m sorry, but did I just here you refer to Coach Booth as our Sam?” Ruth asked Josie frostily.

  “Ruth—” Chance began, but Josie cut him off.

  “Yes, I did, Mrs. Neelen. I’m in a relationship with both Chance and Sam.” Josie didn’t say anything further. She just remained there eye to eye with Ruth, standing her ground. Josie had known this moment was coming, and she refused to be intimidated, nor was she going to be rude. Finally Ruth broke the silence.

  “I see.” She pulled at her husband’s arm. “Richard, we need to go meet with Toby’s mom.” She led her husband away. When Josie looked up at Chance, she saw hurt and bafflement in his eyes, and she sighed.

  “Oh, sweetie, you really weren’t expecting that, were you?” His expression changed from hurt to anger.

  “How dare she treat you that way!”

  “Chance, she didn’t treat me poorly. As a matter of fact, she was very polite. I respect that. Just because we’re here in Fate Harbor, doesn’t mean everyone is going to approve of our choices.” It was at that moment that Josie realized Chance had lived a more sheltered life than she and Sam. Hell, she was surprised Ruth hadn’t told them they were all going to hell. The fact that Ruth had expressed her intolerance so politely was a blessing, as far as Josie was concerned.

  “Come on, you need to either take me to dinner, or fix me some dinner. I’m starved.”

  “How can you be starved? We had plenty to eat!” Chance scoffed.

  “You had plenty to eat! I was lucky to get that one pretzel. Rooting for Sam’s team gave me an appetite!”

  As soon as Sam came through the door that night, Chance told him about the incident with the Neelens. Sam kissed Josie as he headed toward the kitchen, to pull out the leftover lasagna from the night before. “What’s the big deal, Chance? It sounds like Ruth was pretty polite,” he said as he put his dinner into the microwave and popped the top off his beer. Josie smothered her grin at Chance’s outraged expression.

  “She was a bitch to Josie,” Chance said, handing Sam a napkin, as he sat down at the kitchen island.

  “No, she wasn’t. She was nice. Hell, Chance, she was nicer than some of the other folks I’ve run into since I began coaching. One father pulled his kid off the team after he found out. Said I was immoral and would tempt his son to sinful ways. Said it right in front some of the kids on the team.” Sam shook his head sadly.

  “Did you hit him?”

  “Of course I didn’t hit him. I told you, it was in front of the boys.” Sam frowned at him. “Instead, I scheduled a parent meeting, wherein I informed them of the facts regarding our lifestyle. Then some of the parents wanted me to answer questions that their boys had asked them. That was kind of awkward, but I think I managed it with some aplomb.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” Chance demanded.

  “Because—I knew you’d react exactly like you are, right now. Hell, Chance, what did you expect, that this would be nothing but rainbows and unicorns? We’re lucky we’re doing this in Fate Harbor, where we can do this out in the open. Frankly, I was stunned that they let me coach the team in the first place.” Sam rinsed his dish and put it into the dishwasher.

  “Chance, how do you think it was for me, growing up with a white mother, and being half-black, or Hispanic, or whatever I am? How do you think it was raising my two white sisters? There were always a lot of questions. Hell, my own mom said some really nasty things to me growing up. She called me a lot of hateful names.”

  “Oh, Zee.” Chance grabbed her into a big hug. “You’re beautiful. You’re wonderful! How could anyone be cruel to you?”

  “All I’m saying is that this is nothing new. I went into this with my eyes wide open, and I’m pretty sure Sam did, too.” She looked over at Sam, who was nodding his head. “I’m just sorry that this is hurting you.” She hugged him hard.

  “I can handle this, Josie, I just want to wrap you in cotton and protect you.”

  “Well you can’t, honey!” She rubbed her cheek against his chest. “But I appreciate the thought. I really am a big girl. Now, I’ll tell you what you could do for me.”

  “Anything you want, love,” Chance offered, anxious to make things better for her.

  “Do you really mean it? Anything, Chance?”

  “You name it, honey.”

  “Good. Since my Sex Classes, you two have neglected the development of my sexual education, badly. You can’t just ignite a love for learning, then leave a willing student twisting in the wind. I’m motivated, I’m interested, and I’m really ready to move on to Sex 301. I’ve always heard that when the student is ready, the teachers will appear. I sure hope it’s true…” Chance’s eyes got bright, and she turned to Sam.

  “Don’t look at me, baby. Chance is the one who worries that we pushed you too much the other night. I, on the other hand, knew you were a bright student, possibly ready to advance a couple of grade levels!” Sam gave her a slow grin, and held out his hand.

  By the time they got to the bedroom, Josie’s whole body was jittery with nerves. Sam seemed so much more intent, and Chance, well, Chance seemed nervous, which told Josie that there was definitely something new on the menu. She was excited. She wondered briefly if she should be nervous, but how could she be when Chance was the one who was. That just meant her men cared about her and she was about to experience something new and wonderful.

  “Hey, baby. Quit looking over at Chance, and concentrate on me.” Sam was standing at the foot of the bed. He’d already taken off his shirt and unbuttoned the top button of his slacks. She’d never seen him in slacks before, and she’d been admiring his ass all through the game. Now, her mouth was watering at the sight of the outline of his cock as it tapered down his thigh, contained in his boxer briefs.

  “I’m concentrating on you, Sam,” Josie assured him as she licked her dry lips.

  “No, yo
u’re not. You’re concentrating on my cock. I want you to come closer and look into my face.” Josie walked up to him, and forced herself to keep her hands at her sides, knowing from his words that she wasn’t allowed to touch yet. She looked into the emerald fire of his soul-searching eyes.

  “Are you hurting?” Josie shook her head, and Sam arched his eyebrow.

  “You were sitting on the bleachers, with no back support for over an hour and a half.” Josie looked down, and he tilted her chin up. Josie swallowed.

  “Sam, I took a pill while you were eating lasagna. I want this.”

  “Baby, I’m not going to deny you. I’m just glad to know you took care of yourself.”

  “Damn it, Zee, we could have found another seat for you,” Chance said coming up behind her, brushing her hair in front of her, so he could nuzzle her neck. Sam immediately gripped its lengths in his large fist, pulling her head close for a kiss. Josie felt dizzy. She could smell both of them, the cologne that Chance wore, and the musky male scent that was all Sam. Sam’s tongue was invading her mouth like a marauder, and Chance’s hands moved to the front of her blouse, and started to unbutton it, one slow button at a time.

  His hands came to rest on her brace, not a pretty corset, because she had known she would be sitting on the bleachers. She reached down to undo the buckle, when Sam’s hands stopped her.

  “It stays on.”


  “On.” His tone brooked no argument, but as she looked into those beautiful green eyes, she realized he was telling her something important. He needed her trust, and if she didn’t give it to him, it would hurt him.

  “Okay.” She reached up to Chance and took a kiss, and as she did, Sam’s hands slipped down her abdomen and undid the button and zipper of her jeans, sliding them and her panties off her legs.

  As soon as she was nude, except for her brace, Chance picked her up and placed her onto the bed. When she looked up, she saw that Sam was as naked as she was, and Chance was getting out of his clothes as fast as he could. She couldn’t help but grin.

  “It looks like you’re wearing Fet Wear. How sexy is that?” As Chance was looking her up and down, his blue eyes glimmered.

  “What’s Fet Wear?” Josie asked.

  “Fetish Wear. With all those buckles, we just need to get you a brace made in black leather, get the buckles done up in chrome and we could take you to all sorts of wicked places, Zee.”

  “We’re not taking her anywhere,” Sam said calmly as he lay down beside Josie, and cupped both of her breasts, taking one into the warm cavern of his mouth. Oh God, that felt wonderful.

  “Think about it Sam, she’d be beautiful.”

  “Chance, our woman is only going to be naked for us.” Even though he was using his dominant voice on Chance, Josie felt her pussy pulsate at the sound. Chance walked over to the nightstand to get the condoms, and came back to the foot of bed.

  “I got carried away.” Chance laid the items by her hip, tracing a calloused hand down her leg to her ankle. He was able to easily spread her legs apart, since she so wanted to be open to him. “You’re right, Sam, I only want you and I seeing this pussy.” Sam’s hand stretched down and parted the lips of her sex, rubbing softly, causing her to arch up. Josie lifted her head, and saw the warm teak of his skin with soft tufts of hair laid over the front of her utilitarian brace, and could only find feelings of sexual satisfaction, no embarrassment. She pushed up higher on her elbows as she saw Chance move up further on the bed, and knew that at any second she would feel the wonder of his lips and tongue. Before he lowered his head, the rascal gave her a quick wink and she tilted her head back and laughed. Who knew sex could be wrapped up in laughter? But with just a lick, she was brought back to sparks and tingles flowing from the mouths that were consuming the petals of her sex, and engulfing her throbbing nipple.

  Josie lost the ability to keep herself upright on her elbows, and dropped back down on the mattress, getting closer to the state of bliss that she found only in the arms of these two men. As if they choreographed their moves, Chance’s tongue forced its way into her tight passage of her vagina and Sam started playing with her swollen clit. She bucked up, and was immediately pressed back down into the bed by the strong arm Sam was pressing over her brace and abdomen. Every time the pleasure got so intense that she bucked, he would push down, and say soothing words at her breast, calming her. “Wait for it, baby, it’ll be so much better, if you wait for it.” As soon as he would say that, Chance’s tongue would still and Sam would stop the mind-blowing circles that he was rubbing on her clustered nerves. Instead he blew a gentle stream of warm air across the wet, sensitive crests of her breasts, encouraging her to allow her orgasm to build up slowly and sweetly.

  Josie found herself begging. “Please, Sam, let me come. Please, oh, please.” She rolled her hips, trying to push her body against his agile fingertips. She was clenching the walls of her cunt around Chance’s tongue, trying to lure him deeper into her body. Sam looked into her needy dark-caramel eyes, bearing witness to her glory as she arched, keening for release, sprouting a slight sheen of perspiration. How this woman claimed her right to passion and her belief in herself was a gift that he would always cherish. He bent and took the tight tip of her nipple between his teeth and gently bit, while circling and pressing, signaling Chance to begin thrusting deep into the velvety depths of Josie’s warm pussy. Sam released her nipple, and said, “Come for us now, baby. Give us everything.”

  It was bigger than anything that had come before. The climax had been trying to break to the surface for what seemed like hours. She’d tried so hard not to come, she’d tried to obey. Okay, she might have tried to steal an orgasm, but Chance and Sam had not allowed it, and now she was experiencing pleasure past the point of no return. She didn’t pass out. This time she was clearly aware of both of them teasing and soothing her body. This time she could hear them talking. It was as if she were floating above the bed, because even though her eyes were closed she knew exactly where they were, and what they were doing.

  Is she still with us?

  She’s in the zone. I think she’s in the perfect relaxed state for what we have planned next.

  She seems pretty small, and you know she hasn’t done this before. Josie knew that was Chance. She stretched out her arm, found his hand, and squeezed it.

  Buddy, she came so hard the other night, and you know she’s going to come even harder tonight. She likes anal play, and I like it. Now you don’t have—

  Oh, I’m playing! She gave his hand another squeeze.

  “You with us, Zee?” Chance asked. It was like she was coming out of anesthesia.

  “Mmmmhhh, I’m here.” She smiled blissfully. “I’m ready for anything.” She let go of Chance’s hand and stretched her arms over her head, her legs sliding restively against one another.

  “I know you are, baby. Let’s get you up on your hands and knees, okay?” Sam helped her to roll over. She loved the feel of his hands guiding her into the new position. “Keep your hands over your head like they are and rest your head on the bed.” Josie loved how she was displayed. It was like an ass-elevated yoga child’s pose, but with the added bonus of four hands stroking her butt.

  “Josie, you have the most beautiful heart-shaped ass I have ever seen,” Chance said, his voice thick with emotion. Josie believed him. Well, she believed that he thought so, and that felt so liberating. She wiggled her ass, and she heard him groan. Then she heard the cap of a bottle snap open.

  “Chance, hold her open, I want to see that pretty little asshole.” Hearing her ass was pretty was one thing, but her asshole? She clenched, and immediately she felt the quick heat of pain as Sam slapped her right butt cheek. “Relax and open up, baby. We like looking at what’s ours. Every part of you belongs to us, and we love every part of you.” Josie took in a cleansing yoga breath.

  “I really like the parts that play nicely with my dick,” Chance added. “I like your mouth, I like your hands, I li
ke your pussy, and despite what Sam thinks, I’m going to love your tight little asshole.” On Josie’s second relaxing breath Chance splayed open her cheeks, and then she felt Sam’s gentle fingers applying lubricant against her anus.

  “Jesus, look at how she flutters open and closed, like she can’t decide if she wants to let us in our keep us out…it’s so fucking sexy,” Chance breathed.

  “Oh, she wants to let us in,” Sam assured him. Then he slowly slid his index finger in to the second knuckle and smiled at Josie’s sigh of pleasure. “Good girl. Do you like that? Do you want more?” They saw her head nod, and Sam spread more of the ointment onto his hand, and this time pressed in with three fingers. They watched as her head thrashed, and listened as she hissed. “Too much, baby?”

  “I think it’s too much, but I need more. You know?” She looked over her shoulder at the two of them, her eyes awash with confusion. She suddenly arched her flanks upward, catching Sam by surprise, causing him to go deeper. Both men’s eyes were pulled to the sight of her anus being stretched so tightly, but then they turned toward her and saw that she was breathing deeply and smiling in satisfaction. “That’s better,” she breathed, “but I need you to move. I still need more.”

  Sam looked over at his partner, “Go sit up at the headboard, you’re going to hold her while I do this. I want you to make sure that she’s not asking for more than she can handle.” Chance nodded his head. He immediately got into place, while Sam went to the bathroom and washed up. Chance lifted Josie so that they were chest to chest, her soft abdomen nestling his hard cock. He brushed the mass of black curls out of her eyes, and kissed his way from temple to chin. “Loving you is the best thing I’ve ever done, Josie Decker.” Josie’s chest tightened as she leaned in for a kiss, humbled by this man who could have anyone, but had chosen her.

  “I want you to straddle my legs. Will that be comfortable for you?” Josie did as he asked, and felt the bed shift as Sam got in behind her. Two sets of fingers immediately delved into the cleft of her sex, one from the front, one from the back. Josie watched as Chance took his finger that was now wet with her juices and sucked it into his mouth. She was mesmerized, as she felt Sam’s fingers stroking the moisture he had pulled from her pussy back to the sensitive rosette of her anus, combining with the lubricant that was already there. Chance grabbed a handful of her hair, tilted her head and crushed his mouth to hers. His tongue mastered hers, and then she realized that besides tasting the unique and wonderful flavor of Chance, she tasted her very own arousal. That ratcheted up her excitement. It was at that moment, that she felt Chance’s hand leave her hair, and reach down to part her buttocks, and then there was the gentle press of Sam’s penis at her forbidden entrance.


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