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Promise To Keep

Page 51

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Stepping forward quickly, he seized her arm and pushed her down onto the couch roughly.

  Simon Says??? Forget the meds, this woman has completely flipped her wig..Bitch has gone cuckoo for cocoa puffs! Aisha thought, but remained silent. She had to think about the safety of her unborn children.

  “Keep an eye on her.“ she commanded, then began walking around the room slowly, looking at the nearly new furnishings and pictures. I should have been living like this instead of living in the compound… she thought bitterly. The home was beautiful, inside and out, and was the kind of place she had always dreamed about living in when she was a little girl. One framed photo in particular caught her eye and she stopped, studying it closely. It was Aisha and a white woman. They were standing on a beach, both wearing grass skirts with halter tops, arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders, and with their free hands holding wine glasses up in a toast. Wherever it had been taken, it was clear they had been having a very good time hamming for the camera. It was also clear they cared deeply for one another, you could see it their body language. Why couldn’t she have loved me? she thought forlornly.

  “Mary, please listen to me. If you go through with this, you do know you’ll go to prison for kidnapping, don’t you?”

  Giving her an indignant look, she replied, “The laws of man don’t concern us. The only laws we have to obey are the laws of our Prophet,” she snapped. Not that I actually give a shit about that old fool or his laws, but these idiots, especially Samuel, need to hear it. And as for you and you sister, Aisha, I just want to see you two both suffer, just like the rest of us… she thought.

  “Listen, if you have to take someone, take me, but leave Zamora alone..”

  “Simon Says for the bitch to be silent until she’s spoken to!” she nearly screamed.

  To placate the lunatic, she averted her gaze, silently praying for Connell to return.

  Turning back around, she looked at another framed photo, this one with Aisha and a large white man, whom she assumed was her husband. Almost as if reading her mind, she said, “You can forget about hubby coming to the rescue any time soon. Right now he’s having some engine trouble with his pickup, Samuel saw to that while the fool was busy checking on the property’s security lighting.“ she smirked as she turned back around to face her. Seeing the look of surprise on the woman’s face, she hissed, “Oh yes, that‘s right! We’ve been watching all of you from a distance, studying your habits, your routines, for several days. Now, there you go again, thinking you’re smarter and better than everyone else! What, you thought any of us would be stupid enough to simply barge into a stranger’s house? That little bitch sister of yours managed to slip past us somehow, it seems, but she was lucky. Must’ve happened while we were at the hotel packing, making the final preparations. But we’ll get her, trust me, we will.”

  At that moment the two men returned and said, “We checked everywhere, she’s not here.”

  Zamora please, please, don’t come back…Aisha prayed frantically. But her heart sank as she heard the front door open yet again.

  “Samuel..” Mary commanded.

  Bending down, he yanked Aisha to her feet and murmured, “See who it is, and for your sake, don’t try to be a heroine.”

  Before she had taken half a dozen steps another three intruders stepped into the room, one of them a tall, handsome black man, the other a young boy, and a black lady. This time, however, recognition came a lot quicker. Unable to believe her eyes, she took another step towards them and asked hesitantly, “Ezekiel, Momma, is it really you..?“

  Selma’s trembling hands flew to her mouth as she gazed lovingly at the child she once thought she would never see again. “Ohhh, my baby….it’s really you…” she sobbed.

  Suddenly, Samuel grabbed Aisha’s arm, restraining her.

  Stepping forward, Ezekiel’s eyes narrowed and his fists clenched, as he demanded, “Let her go, Samuel, and I mean RIGHT NOW! And the rest of you, stay back, and I mean especially you, Mary. How dare you come in here with three of dad‘s goons, to terrorize my sisters!” he glared at her menacingly.

  With hellfire in her eyes, Mary shrank back, then turned and disappeared into the kitchen.

  “And you three, get the hell out of here before I call the police! Tell my father we won‘t be returning. Mary can, if she wants to, but for now, I want to deal with her myself. Now go!”” he snarled at Samuel and the two elders.

  Letting her go, Samuel stepped back uncertainly as she rushed into the waiting arms of her long lost mother, both of them sobbing.

  Quietly, all three men left.

  After several moments, Aisha stepped back, wiped her eyes, then walked unsteadily to her older brother, who embraced her emotionally.

  “Sister girl (his nickname for her when they were small children), oh are you a sight for my tired soul.” he whispered, kissing the top of her head over and over, while rocking her back and forth.

  Burying her face into his chest, a sense of peace and contentment washed over her. “I’ve missed you so much, wondered about you so much. Please stay, don‘t ever go back, you or mom,” she sobbed. “Mary, Mary said that father sent them to come get us, against our will?”

  “There there, sis, everything’s gonna’ be Ok now. Me and mom, we figured out what they were planning, and that’s why we’re here, to stop this madness. I didn’t want to get the police involved because my….wife was crazy enough to get mixed up in the middle of this.”

  Stepping back, she approached her mother once more, wanting to get a better look at her now that the tears had subsided. Her dark hair was salt and pepper, pulled back in a bun, and her dark skin was still as smooth and flawless as she remembered. She had always thought her mother looked a lot like Angela Bassett. Embracing her once again, she sighed contentedly and said, “Oh mom, I’m so glad you’re here..”

  After a moment Selma stepped back, and with a twinkle in her eye asked, “So, when is the baby due?”

  “Well, I’m seven months along, and I’m having twins!” she replied happily. Looking down at the little boy, she already new who he was, the resemblance to her older brother was unmistakable. “Hello, and who might you be?“

  “I’m Gabriel Thomas Woods, proud to make your acquaintance ma’am.” he said shyly as he half hid behind his grandmother.

  “Well, I’m your Aunt Aisha, pleased to meet you as well, young man.” she beamed.

  A low, crazed growl was suddenly heard by everyone in the room, and they whirled as one to see Mary standing in the doorway once more, a maniacal look on her face. Clutched in both hands was a .38 caliber handgun. “I’m not leaving without her..” she said, motioning to Aisha with the gun barrel, “or Zamora, so what say we all have a seat and wait for her.”

  “Mary, put the gun down…” Ezekiel said, his mouth suddenly dry.

  ‘SIMON DIDN’T SAY SPEAK!!!” she screamed, making them all flinch. She felt good, great, in fact. For the first time in her life she felt powerful, and she planned on enjoying it to the fullest. Her entire body body was humming with excitement, adrenaline making her heart pound. Glad I thought to sneak the gun out of the old man’s desk drawer! I’m in control now, ME! I should just kill everyone in here and leave, but I want them all to suffer slowly… she thought.


  Zamora remained quiet all the way home, her mind preoccupied with sour thoughts, concerning Ed Thompson. She was starting to feel foolish about the silent treatment she was giving Jonus, none of what his father had said was his fault. So why am I treating him like this… she wondered. Sighing, she reached over and placed her hand on his forearm, and felt his arm tense. “I’m sorry I got so upset and took it out on you. You did try warning me that your father was…difficult.”

  “Difficult? That’s probably the kindest thing anyone could say about him. Sad, but true.” he said as he glanced at her and chuckled morosely. As he turned into the long driveway to the farm, she unbuckled
her seatbelt, slid right up next to him, leaned her head on his shoulder, and sighed contentedly.

  As they finally pulled up to the house, they both noticed two vehicles parked there, that neither of them recognized, a conversion van, and a small Saturn.

  “Guess your sister has company.” he muttered as they came to a complete stop and he killed the engine.

  Zamora wasn’t really concerned about company, all she was thinking about was the man sitting next to her. Nervously, she looked at him and said, “Well, I guess I’ll see you at breakfast.” She didn’t want him to leave, but didn’t want to pressure him either.

  Turning to face her, he looked into her eyes. “Listen, I know the date was a disaster, and again, I’m really sor…..” he began, but was cut off as she lunged at him, grabbed his shirt, and planted a toe-curling kiss on him. Good Lord, this woman is killing me! he thought.

  Finally breaking the kiss, she ran her hands through his hair. “I should go in…Aisha is probably peeking out at us.” she giggled. Kissing him one last time, slowly, she pulled back and looked him in the eyes. “Jonus, I know you’re trying to go slow with me, but I want you to know I love you. I really do, Jonus, I love you. Not puppy love like Aisha believes. You really move my heart. I read once about soul mates, you know, two people who are created just for each other, for all eternity? You’re my soul mate, my love, I can feel it. You don’t have to say anything, I just wanted you to know that. Good night.”

  Before he could reply she had gotten out and shut the door. He watched as she stopped at the front door, turned, waved to him, and blew him a kiss.

  Starting the engine, he began backing out the drive, whistling happily.


  Stepping inside and closing the door, Zamora heard several familiar voices coming from the den. Ohhh no no no no no no, it can’t be! she thought as dread enveloped her. Walking to the den on suddenly unsteady legs, she saw her mother, brother and sister all seated on the couch, and she whimpered in fear as she saw Mary standing in front of the fireplace, pointing a gun at all of them.

  “So, the Jezebel has returned from fornicating with the white devil” Mary sneered at her.

  Aisha suddenly felt lightheaded and nauseous when she turned and saw her baby sister had returned. “Momma, I don’t feel well.” she said as she clutched her stomach and tried to stand.

  “Honey, sit back down.“ Selma said, then helped her be seated. Feeling her stomach and pulse, she calmly said, “You’re going into labor.” She had been delivering babies at the compound for well over thirty years, and didn’t need high tech monitors to tell when a woman was getting ready to give birth. and it was common for women carrying twins to deliver early.

  Aisha’s eyes grew wide with alarm, and tears began falling down her cheeks. “It’s too soon!” she cried. Looking at Mary imploringly, she begged, “Please, we have to find my husband, and get to a hospital.”

  “Now that Bitch Junior is here, we’re not going anywhere but back to the compound.“ she replied in a deceptively calm, matter-of-fact voice, then pointed the gun directly at her.

  Ezekiel looked at the woman he had married, and realized she was a complete stranger, and always had been. “Mary, if you don’t let her to go the hospital, and something bad happens to her, I’ll make sure you never see Gabriel again.”

  “You think I care? Keep him! Every time I look at him it just reminds of what I had to do with you to have him! You’re a pig!” she screeched, then spat on the floor. Completely enraged, she turned her attention back to Aisha and screamed, “As far as your precious sister goes, the one who was ALWAYS TOO GOOD FOR ME…….”

  “No! Don’t!” Ezekiel screamed as he saw her pull the hammer back, then wrap her finger firmly around the trigger.

  Screams echoed throughout the house, followed by a loud bang, then silence.


  Hearing a gunshot, Samuel and the two elders all exchanged worried glances, then flew out of the van where they had been hunkered down only moments earlier, to avoid detection by whoever had dropped Zamora off.

  Running inside the house, Samuel stopped so suddenly at the sight that met his eyes the two elders ran into him from behind, nearly knocking him off his feet.

  “My God, you killed my brother! You insane fool, you killed your son’s father!” Zamora screamed, then ran to Ezekiel.

  Selma fell to her knees, cradling her bleeding and unconscious son‘s head in her lap.

  Frantically, Aisha snatched a baby blanket Abby used for her dolls, folded it into a compress, then pressed it on the wound on her brother’s side. So intent on saving her brother, she ignored the pain that was radiating from her stomach to her back. Quickly checking his pulse, she cried, “He’s still alive, but we need to get help!”

  Gabriel began to cry.

  Still in shock, Samuel looked at Ezekiel laying on the floor, bleeding, and thought My God, what have we done? This has gotten out of hand, it’s not worth losing my freedom over. Looking at Mary, he babbled, “We need to get out of here, fast!”

  A wild look still in her eyes, she snapped, “Grab Zamora!” When he hesitated she pointed the gun at him. “I. SAID. GRAB. HER!”

  Fearful that she would shoot him as well, he quickly went to Zamora and snatched her up from the floor.

  Screaming wildly and kicking his legs, she tried to tear free of his iron grip.

  “Stop it, you little bitch! Keep resisting and I’ll shoot the rest of you! It’ll all be your fault!” Mary screamed.

  Fearful for the safety of her mother, sister, and nephew, she went limp.

  “Let’s go!” Samuel said as he picked her up and carried her out the door.

  Mary looked at the women on the floor with contempt, then her son and husband, and her finger itched to pull the trigger. She had never felt such power. What little sanity remained urged her to cut her losses however, and she slowly lowered the gun and walked out.

  Staggering to her feet, Aisha grabbed her cell phone and dialed Connell’s number, with hands that were trembling badly. After the fourth ring, he answered. “Connell, Connell, I need you here, something terrible has happened! I can’t explain right now, I have to call 911. Just get here as fast as you can!”

  “What’s going…..”

  Hands still trembling, she broke the connection, and dialed 911.


  Cursing, Connell quickly dialed 911 himself, making up a story on the spur of the moment, then hung up and dialed Jonus.

  After the third ring, the young man answered.

  “Jonus, listen, Aisha just called, in a complete panic. Something bad is happening at the house, I’m not sure what. Something is wrong with my truck, I need you to come get me, quick! I’m on the north end of the property, only a hundred yards or so from that old logging road! Hurry!“


  Running back to her brother, Aisha kneeled down and called his name softly, assuring him that help was on the way.

  His eyes fluttered open and he said hoarsely, “I’m sorry, sister girl, I really thought I could stop her. Please take care of my son, and momma. Send someone to get Zamora.” With a low moan, he passed out again.

  She let out a wounded sob, and doubled over in pain.


  Connell ran inside the house, followed by Jonus. His heart began racing even harder as he heard crying and shouting. “My God what happened!” he yelled as he spotted his wife on the floor crying, cradling a man’s head in her lap. Running to her, he yelled, “Aisha, what‘s going on? What happened? And who are these people?”

  Looking up at him, she sobbed, “This is my brother. My father sent my sister-in-law and some men to get me and Zamora, and she shot him! He was trying to protect us! They’ve kidnapped Zamora! You have to stop them!”

bsp; Jonus felt his heart drop, but knew from his training in the service that the wounded man was in desperate need of medical attention. Instinct kicked in and he said, “Aisha, let me have a look at him. I saw a lot of gunshot wounds in Afghanistan, and I was EMT certified…”

  Selma held her grandson tightly as he cried, praying for strength. God, please, save my son and bring Zamora back to me, give me one more chance to be a mother to my children….


  Jonus paced back and forth, extremely pissed. The deputy who had responded to Aisha’s 911 call refused to let him leave until the shift supervisor arrived to speak with him. For whatever reason, the deputy refused to believe he knew nothing. Feeling completely helpless, and needing something to occupy his mind, he dialed all of Connell and Aisha’s friends, letting them know what had happened. He knew that they would need their friend’s support right now, more than ever.


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