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Promise To Keep

Page 50

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Smiling at her overprotective older sister, she said, “That won’t be necessary, no matter what happens, I’ll still be leaving with Jonus. He gave me his word we would cross that bridge together.“

  “Alright, that’s good enough for me then.”


  “ I can’t believe you’re putting together such a big spread for this girl! I mean, you’re acting like she’s freakin’ royalty or something! I’m telling you, woman, she’ll be just like that sister of hers, low classed and mouthy, just you wait and see!” Ed snapped, annoyance clear in his voice and expression. With a sour look, he watched as his wife prepared Bourbon Pecan chicken and maple dill carrots, and that was just two of the dishes she was preparing for the dinner, She hasn’t made me a meal like this in years. But of course, she WOULD go out her way like this for Jonus! he thought miserably.

  Glancing at him timidly, she replied, “Ed, please don’t start! Patrick and Timothy both say she’s a real beauty, and as sweet as can be. Ed, I want my son feel like he can come home without fear of having a fight with you. This young lady obviously means a lot to him, so this occasion should mean a lot to us as well.”

  Crossing his arms over his barrel chest, his lips puckered with annoyance, and he wondered for the hundredth time exactly when, or how, he had ever lost control over his house. Even his normally docile wife seemed to be rebelling against his wishes these days. People don’t respect the man of the household anymore, not like they used to when I was growing up.. he thought.

  At that moment Patrick strolled into the room with a smile on his face. He grabbed a freshly baked roll and took a bite, earning a playful slap on the hands from his mother. Speaking with his mouth full, he mumbled, “They’re here, they’re coming up the drive now.” Looking at his father, he continued. “She’s a really nice girl, dad, and her and Ebony are becoming close friends, fast.” he added, knowing how much he liked Ebony, and that he might just give Zamora a chance for that reason alone.

  The comment was answered with a single grunt, then he left the room.


  Jonus took Zamora’s trembling hand in his, smiled down at her reassuringly, then opened the front door. “Relax, sweetheart, they’ll love you.” he murmured as he led her through the large house. Please, please, just once, let dad act half-way decent… he prayed silently.

  After introducing her to Martha, who was on her way out to head home, he led her to the sunroom.

  Stepping inside, he made the introduction. “Mom, this is Zamora.

  “Oh, Joe, she looks like an angel.” Darcy said as she surprised Zamora by rising to her feet, ignoring her extended hand, and giving her a warm hug instead. “Welcome to our home, and family, dear.”

  Much to her own surprise, Zamora began to relax almost immediately, as Darcy patted the cushion beside her, indicating she wanted to sit next to her. For the next several minutes she answered polite questions, flattered that the mother of the one she loved was so interested in her. After filling them in on her sparse background, Patrick and Timothy showed her all the horse breeding awards and pictures the family had taken. Right in the middle of an anecdote by Patrick, the room went quiet suddenly, and everyone but her was staring at the doorway with dread.

  Ed stepped into the room. With a piercing gaze, he looked the new girl up and down, and silently admitted to himself, somewhat grudgingly, that his son Patrick had been right about one thing, she was a very lovely young woman.

  Clearing her throat, Darcy nervously made the introductions. Touching Zamora‘s arm, they both stood as she said, “Ed, dear, this is Zamora, Aisha Riley’s sister.”

  With a stiff nod, he crossed the room to the bar, where he poured a triple shot of his favorite, Chivas Regal. In a critical tone of voice, he replied, “I’m well aware of who she is, Darcy.” Looking at Zamora, he commanded, “Sit down, young lady.” Tossing the drink back with one giant gulp, he grimaced, then reached into a wooden box that sat atop the bar. Pulling out a thick cigar, he lit it with a gold Zippo and puffed noisily.

  Everyone in the room but Zamora and Ed exchanged nervous looks.

  Zamora could sense everyone holding their breath. Well, Mr. Ed Thompson seems like a bully, just like father… she thought. Determined to maintain her dignity, she sat down as gracefully as she could, and never broke eye contact with him. “Why thank you, and it’s very nice to make your acquaintance too, Mr. Thompson.” she replied in a slightly sarcastic, yet elegant manner.

  So she’s a smartass, just like that sister of hers he thought. Noticing his son’s attempts to conceal their amusement at her flippant attitude, he began to get angry. “So this is how it’s going to start out, is it? You come into my home and crack wise with me the very first time we meet? So you’re just like that sister of yours, aren‘t you? God knows she has no self respect!” he snapped as he poured another drink, then took a slug. “Marrying her supposedly best friend’s husband before that sweet woman was even cold in her grave! That’s right, I knew Jenny Riley, she tended to our horses! She was a fine vet, and as a human being, was one of only ten people on the face of this stinking planet I’ve ever liked or admired. But back to your sister, you know they have a name for women like her, don’t you? Wanna’ know what it is?”

  “Ed!!!” Darcy cried out, horrified.

  Leaping to his feet, Jonus rushed to Zamora‘s side and stood, glaring at his father. “You have NO RIGHT to speak to her like that!!” he yelled.

  Tossing the rest of his drink back, he slammed the glass down on the bar and strode forward till he the two of them were standing toe to toe, eye to eye. “Boy, this is MY house, and I can say whatever the hell I want!”

  “Well, how the hell did you expect her to react, huh? The first words you ever speak to her, and you make her feel like a little schoolgirl who’s just gotten into trouble, dad! What IS IT with you?”

  Slowly, Zamora stood, stunned. Because of Jonus’s earlier warning, she had thought she was mentally prepared for meeting his father, but nothing could have prepared her for this sort of venom. With as much dignity as she could muster, she said, “I would like to go home now, Jonus, please.”

  “Oh no you don’t.“ Ed replied belligerently, whirling around to face her. “My wife went to a lot of trouble to..“

  “Spare me, Mr. Thompson….“ she interrupted, lifting her hand in a halting gesture. Giving him a contemptuous look, she said, “Mr. Thompson, you know next to nothing about my sister, and even less about me. But you know what? After being in the same room with YOU, just for three minutes, it’s clear you’re a judgmental person who’s so filled with self-hate, you want everyone else to fill bad about themselves. I know your type very well, believe me. You and my father….peas in a pod, two miserable human beings. You two really should get together and go bowling sometime. You want to hear one of the many things my mother taught me, Mr. Thompson? You can’t spell “assumption”, without the letters A-S-S. Which is what a person ends up looking like when they run their mouths about something they know absolutely nothing about. I’d say she was correct, wouldn’t you, sir?”

  Speechless, he stared at her in slack-jawed disbelief.

  Turning to Darcy, she said, “Mrs. Thompson, it was very nice meeting you, Ma’am, and I’m sorry you went to so much trouble for nothing, but I’m sure you can understand why I don’t want to stay. Please, feel free to visit me, anytime you wish.”

  Jonus literally shook with anger as he watched Zamora turn and leave. Glaring at his father one last time, he gritted his teeth and growled, “Dad, I’ve had it with you. You just insulted the woman I love, the woman I want to marry some day, have children with, your grandchildren. All my life I’ve tried and tried to get close to you, but it’s never been good enough, has it? You simply can’t love me for me, can you? I guess wanting to own a hardware store makes me less of a human being, doesn’t it? Well, I give up. I never want to see you ag
ain, dad. Never. Oh, and just one more thing….you‘re never going to be happy yourself, dad, and you want to know why? Because you‘re afraid of letting anyone love you, that‘s why.”

  Stunned by his eldest son’s words, he thought, What have I done?

  Turning, Jonus began walking to the door.

  “Wait, son, Son! I didn’t mean..” he croaked, then turned slowly to see Patrick, Timothy, and his wife all looking at him, obviously disgusted.

  “You know what dad? Jonus is right!” Patrick snapped. “You really never see what an ass you’re being, do you? THAT is the very reason I’m gonna’ find a way to get Ebony to leave with me, and when that day comes, I swear I’ll never look back.” he finished as he threw both hands up in the air in frustration, then walked out.

  Darcy swallowed her tears, then looked at him defiantly and said, “Ed….if you alienate just one more person in this family…I’ll leave too. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go lay down, I feel a migraine coming on.”

  As he watched her leave the room he sat down heavily in one of the leather chairs near the bar, still stung by his wife’s words. She had never said anything like that to him before, and it sickened him to think he actually could lose the love of his life. Feeling defeated, he looked at his youngest son, and said in a disheartened voice, “Well, boy, you gonna’ say your piece now? Why not, everyone else is kicking your old man around, so why don’t you just go ahead and tell me what a piece of shit I am.”

  Timothy shook his head sadly and said, “Dad, I’m trying to understand your anger, where you’re coming from, but just I can’t. Jonus was right, dad. I’ve seen him try and try, and so has Patrick, for that matter. But you’ve got to let us be who were are, dad, not who you want us to be. Dad, I don’t love you because you’re a coal mining typhoon, I love you because you’re my father, and that wouldn’t change if you were a plumber, a sanitation worker, or an out of work musician. Why can‘t you understand that? Why can‘t you just love us for who we are?”

  Blown away by the wisdom in his youngest son’s simple logic, something inside him suddenly snapped, and eighteen-plus years of memories came flooding back, painful memories. Him yelling at his children for their choices in friends. Watching them play football and baseball in junior high and high school, them wanting to simply have fun, but him screaming at them to WIN, WIN, WIN!!! And angry afterwards if they didn’t. Ridiculing and browbeating them about their choices of jobs or future careers. Accusing their mother of babying them when one of them got hurt, when all she had been trying to do was comfort them and ease their pain. Thousands upon thousands of delicious meals she had cooked for him over the years, and never one word of thanks or recognition from him. And here all of them had stood, today, still trying to reach out to him. But he had pushed them away, perhaps for the last time. “Oh God, what have I done…” he wailed miserably, then lowered his head into his hands and began to weep.


  Struggling to control her tears, Zamora sat in the truck, waiting for Jonus to come out of the house. I guess I wasn’t as strong as I thought I was… she thought. She saw him emerge from the front door, looking angrier than she had ever seen anyone, including her father. Getting in behind the wheel, he slammed the door shut nearly hard enough to shatter the window, making her flinch.

  “Goddammit..” he muttered angrily as he fumbled with the keys.

  “Please, just take me home.” she sniffed.

  I knew this would happen! Damn it, why did I ever agree to this, I KNEW better! he thought angrily as he finally got the keys in the ignition, started the engine, and peeled out of the driveway.


  Chapter 16

  In the living room, Aisha eased down on the couch, clutching her belly. For the past several hours she had been feeling a bit off. Leaning back onto the pillows, she let out a sigh of relief as she propped her aching legs up. Grabbing the remote, she turned on the flat screen television that hung on the wall. Clicking through the various channels idly, she quickly became irritated, and mumbled “Jesus, since when did pop stars going into rehab become breaking news? All the people dying in the world, and that’s the best hard hitting news these ass-clowns can report?” Disgusted, she turned it off, tossed the remote on the coffee table, and picked up a good, but very thick novel she had been reading, called ’Swan Song’.

  *****************An hour later*******************

  Sitting up suddenly, she looked around, momentarily confused and fuzzy headed. Looking down, she saw the book had slid off her lap, onto the floor. Must’ve dozed off.. she thought, before a muffled sound grabbed her attention. She heard what sounded like car doors being closed, and muttering, and it seemed to be coming from outside. Her first thought was that it was Megan, returning home with the kids. She had left earlier to go to Wal-Mart to buy them ice cream.

  As she struggled to get off the couch, she heard the front door open and close. “Megan, Abby, is that you?” she called. When there was no answer, a sudden feeling of dread swept through her, and she got to her feet, where she stood and listened carefully, fearful of moving. Her breathing became erratic and her heartbeat picked up as she heard what sounded like multiple footsteps approaching.

  Seconds later, there were people standing in the doorway, staring at her, all of them black. One was a heavy-set female, and the other three were all men. Shocked at their boldness and becoming frightened, she tried to let her outrage manifest, but could only manage a hoarse croak. “Who…who the hell are you people, and what the fuck do you think you’re doing, just waltzing into my home like this?”

  “You know damn well who I am, you high-society, my-shit-don’t-stink bitch!“ Mary growled, her face radiating pure hate as she gazed at the woman she had both secretly loved, and hated, for years. It was obvious the whore was pregnant, but it still didn’t take away from her beauty. How could she want to carry that white man’s leech? she thought with disgust. She had never been able to understand why any woman would want a man rutting on top of them, and bearing their life suckers, she had never even wanted her own child. Mesmerized by Aisha’s long, sable hair, she wondered what it would feel like if she could only run her hands through it as they were locked in a passionate embrace.

  “No, I don’t know you, any of you. What do you want?“ she asked fearfully. She knew Connell was on the other end of their property, and the alarm with the panic button was on the wall beside the front door. There was no way she could get to it unless she went through all four of them first.

  Mary’s eyes narrowed when she saw the beautiful wedding rings that glittered on her left hand. “Your father sent us for Zamora, and you, too.”

  Shocked even more than she had been at the intrusion, a distant, best-forgotten memory threatened to surface, and she felt faint. Looking closely at the woman’s face and baggy, frumpy dress, she thought she looked vaguely familiar, but was unable to come up with a name, for the moment. “What would my father want with us? And you still haven’t answered me, who are you? And I find it hard to believe that he sent you, he’s never trusted a woman in his life..”

  “Of course you wouldn’t remember me.” the woman sneered.

  So much hate and rage was on the woman’s face that she couldn’t help herself, and took a step back.

  “You wanna’ know why you wouldn’t remember me? Because when you lived at the compound you were always the stuck-up little princess with your nose up in the air. I wasn’t worthy to be in your presence, none of us were, and you thought you were better than everyone else. That much was evident by you running away. And that goes for that nappy-headed, bitchy little sister of yours, too. But now the Prophet realizes I’m the only one who can truly be trusted, unlike his whoring daughters. Need me to refresh your memory, you little tramp? It‘s me, MARY!!!” she finished, nearly screaming.

  Somebody needs their medication... she thought just
as the unwanted memories came flooding back. Mary! Her father was the reason I ran away, I was going to be forced to marry the sick bastard.

  “So, you gonna’ answer me? Where is the little whore?”

  Outraged by the name, fury suddenly overcame her common sense. “FUCK YOU! She’s not here, and even if she was, she wouldn’t be leaving with YOU! Myself, I’m certainly not going anywhere near that hellhole you mentally deranged fuckers call home! So I suggest you leave, NOW! Believe me when I say you DO NOT want to deal with my husband!“

  Ignoring her outburst, she turned her attention to two of the men standing behind her and commanded, “You, and you, check the entire house, and Samuel, you stay here with me.”

  Nodding, the two men she had indicated turned and left to search.

  Turning her attention back to Aisha, she smirked and said, “Samuel, Simon Says…grab the little princess bitch and make her sit down.“


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