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Until Ireland

Page 18

by Tl Reeve

  Together, after unstrapping the bike, we walked the Triumph into my garage and closed the door. I’d show Ireland what we’d done after she was awake and had eaten something. “Thanks, man.”

  “Not a problem,” Wes said. “You’re going to have to deal with this shit though. Bad enough you got tangled in the fucking web, but your woman is too.”

  I realized that. “Next thing on my list of shit to do.” I smacked him on the back as I walked him to his truck. “This shit is far from over.”

  Wes grunted. “Seeing Ireland’s bike gone will stir the fucker up, but it’s not like he can file a stolen property report. He’d have to explain how he got her bike in the first place.” Which was why I wanted to do it this way.

  “Exactly. It’ll make a shit ton of paperwork for Cobi in the end, but it’ll also show we’re not to be fucked with.” I glanced at the house. “More importantly, she isn’t to be fucked with.”

  “Sure enough.” Wes glanced at the window overlooking the garage area. “Go take care of your woman and keep me posted about your car.”

  I nodded. “Thanks for tonight. I appreciate it.” I shook his hand, grateful we got her bike and humbled the MC had my back.

  Wes lifted his hand as he opened the truck door and climbed in. When he was halfway down the drive, I stepped into the house and quietly made my way back to my office. Since it was close to seven, I knew Marcus would be up, probably perusing the auctions for a vintage 1970 Porsche 917K. The asshole had been on the hunt for one for about twenty years. Cobi said Marcus was number four on his list of people to call, which meant my time was running out. It still churned my gut to inform my friend what happened to his Aston Martin.

  Marcus picked up on the second ring, jovial as ever. “Mackinley, what a pleasant surprise. What do I owe the honor of your phone call so early this morning?”

  “Won’t think it’s such an honor when I get done telling you something,” I muttered.

  Marcus laughed. “Out with it. Then we can talk about the rare find I’m looking at right now.”

  “Are you sitting, Marcus?” I hedged.

  “Yes, of course, of course,” he replied, his tone becoming serious. “What’s happened, Mack?”

  “What if I told you I know where your missing Aston Martin is?” I hated this. I hated I had to tell my friend and associate that I’d been the one to buy his car after it’d been stolen.

  “I’d pay you a finder’s fee and rejoice,” Marcus said. “I love my Aston Martin more than my obnoxious children.”

  Of that, I had no doubt. Marcus was in his sixties, and his children were all spoiled rotten because of their mother. Each of them thought they would get a hefty amount of money from his estate when he passed, but little did they know, Marcus had other plans.

  “I bought it.”

  “What?” Bewilderment filled Marcus’s tone. “You bought my car?”

  “Indeed, I did.” I then explained how I came to be in possession of his vehicle. “None of us knew who it belonged to until the VIN had been run by the police. Had it not been for Ireland and her brother Landon’s eagle eye and attention to details, you’d have never received this phone call from me.”

  “The car has been missing for years,” Marcus murmured. “At least five.”

  Yes, at least that long. “It was placed up for auction a few months ago. I happened to put in the winning bid for another customer. Low ball, of course.”

  “Of course,” Marcus sputtered. “It had mechanical issues. Paint was peeling. I’d had it scheduled to go to the shop the day after it was stolen.”

  “I still need to inform my client so he can pursue charges against the auction house. I had no idea. I wouldn’t have bought the vehicle if I’d known.” I scrubbed my face. “Which leads me back to calling you. I’d like to have the Aston Martin fixed at my expense then shipped back to you.”

  “Nonsense,” Marcus snapped. “Like you said, the car would have been gone forever, but for your mechanic. Answer me one question.”

  “Anything,” I replied.

  “Have you paid for the parts to be shipped?”

  “Ireland purchased them and was in the beginning stages of fixing the car,” I answered.

  “Then let her finish. I’ll call the police department and let them know I want the vehicle returned to her garage,” Marcus replied. “There is no reason why she should be punished for doing her job.”

  “You’re taking this really well. I expected you to yell and cuss at me,” I said, astonished by how calm the man was.

  “Mack, did you intentionally steal my car?”

  “No,” I answered. “I respect you too much to ever do such a thing.”

  “Then I have no reason to be angry with you or your friends. Although, I do have one more question,” he said.

  “Shoot. I’ll answer as best as I can.”

  “Do you know who had my car and how they obtained it?”

  “Yes and no. The auction house where your car was sold is called Lux Automobile Auction. Edgar Lux owns it. As for who brought it to him, I’m not sure.”

  “You can find out for me though? Or someone can?” he hedged.

  “Of course. You know I won’t leave any stone unturned.”

  “Perfect. Then tell your Ireland I expect great things from her. When she has a firm date of completion, I will schedule a trip to retrieve my car. Then I can meet her too. Not very often you find a female mechanic.” His tone took on a mischievous quality. “Have you bedded her yet, my boy?”

  “She is mine,” I replied.

  “Good for you, Mack. Now, if you don’t mind, I have to let my insurance know the car has been found.”

  “Right. I’ll send you the information for the detective who has been assigned to your case and the car.” Cobi would be at work by now, and if I knew Weatherby, he’d be dialing Cobi’s number before he disconnected with me.

  “Perfect. Thank you for calling me, Mackinley. You’ve made my day.” Once we exchanged goodbyes, I hung up then went to wake Ireland.

  As I stepped into the bedroom, I heard the shower and crossed to the bathroom. Steam covered the glass door, but I could still make out the lithe form of her body as she washed her hair. “Good morning.” I closed the distance between us, kicking off my clothes as I went. “Need a hand?”

  She turned, giving me a playful look. “Always. Maybe you could scrub my back.”

  “You read my mind.” I closed the door behind me and wrapped her in my embrace. “I have something to tell you, but first, let me help you out.”

  She moaned. “You’re insatiable, Mackinley Redman.”

  “And you’re not complaining, Ireland Banks.”

  She gave a throaty laugh as she wiggled against me. “Never.”

  An hour later after we were both showered and thoroughly fucked, I guided Ireland back into the kitchen and pointed her toward the back door. “Before we go out there, I need you to know everything I have done was to protect you and help you. I didn’t risk anything, and I’d never do something to bring harm to you.”

  “You’re scaring me, Mack.” She licked her bottom lip as she stared up at me. “You’ve been different since I explained what happened to me.”

  “You’re right. I’m more determined to protect you and make sure the past never interferes with our future again.” I opened the door. “Go ahead. It’s behind the small door on the garage.” I nudged her out the door, following at a distance.

  Even with the damage to her ignition, the bike was in pristine condition. It could have been a hell of a lot worse. They could have stripped it completely or sold it already. However, I had a feeling they were saving it for a coming auction. That bike alone could fetch at least a quarter of a million dollars if the right people put in bids. Or he could’ve been waiting for her to come get it. That idea pissed me off. It’d be a cold day in hell before the fucker got anywhere near Ireland.

  She grabbed the knob and glanced back at me. I motioned for he
r to keep going and grinned. She took a deep breath then swung the door wide. There, sitting next to my bike was hers. Her gaze snapped to mine, filled with questions and shock. She took a tentative step forward before I joined her. Her fingertips lovingly caressed her bike as she took in every detail and I suspected, catalogued everything to be sure it wasn’t a total loss.

  “You need a new ignition. Whoever snatched it fucked it up,” I whispered.

  “How, Mack? How did you get it back? Where was it?” She shook her head, still staring at the machine like she couldn’t believe it was there.

  “Followed your intuition,” I said with a shrug. “Jax was in Nashville for a job anyway, and I asked for a favor.”

  “I don’t understand how you got it back though.” She crouched down to take a look at her ignition system. “They’re stupid fucks, for sure.” Ireland held up two wires, a yellow and a blue one. “All they needed to do was combine these wires to turn it over. Or better yet, pop the ignition with a screwdriver, drop it into neutral, and kickstart it. This mess will take a month to sort because I’ll have to rewire the whole bike.” She scrubbed her face.

  “We have our ways,” I said then frowned. “You know, I have people who could fix this, so you don’t have to.”

  She snorted. “Not happening. I fix her.” A bit of the remaining tension filling my stomach released. There’s my girl. She glanced at her bike once more. “You didn’t shoot anybody did you?” She cocked a brow as she stared up at me.

  I laughed. “Nope. No one was there when we grabbed your bike.”

  “You stole it back?” She laughed, shaking her head. “Feels like a giant game of tag, to be honest.”

  “Ah, but in this situation, who is going to rat us out?” I challenged.

  “You have a point. Plus, who knows when he’d sell it.” So, she’d figured it out too. “Or if his intention was to get me to come back.”

  It was good to know we’d been thinking along the same lines. I smothered a yawn as I stretched. “I have one more thing to tell you as well.” I locked the garage up and guided her back to the house. “I talked to Marcus, the original owner of the Aston Martin, like I promised Cobi I would.”

  Her gaze dropped to her feet, and her whole demeanor changed. “Oh, what did he have to say?” She was bracing herself. I could see it in the tension of her shoulders and jaw. As much as she was told none of this was her fault, she took on the responsibility anyway.

  “He would like you to complete the repairs and when you’re finished, he’ll personally come to retrieve his car and meet you.” I grinned. “He’s not mad at either of us. Of course, he wants the people who stole from him to pay, but Marcus is a good person, and we trust each other implicitly.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” Ireland’s eyes went round with surprise. “He’s asked for me to finish the work?”

  “Yep, said he’d pay for it too,” I replied. “He knew about all the repairs and had been prepared to send the car to his mechanic the day after it’d been stolen. This way, he’ll have a rebuilt car and fresh paint job.”

  “Holy fuck.” Ireland pressed her palm to her forehead and stared at the kitchen counter. “Holy fuck.”

  “I’m guessing those are good holy fucks?” I pried, trying to read her emotions.

  She nodded then jumped into my arms for a kiss. “Very good.” Relief filled me. She peered up at me. “Thank you, Mack.”

  I pressed me forehead to hers. “You never have to thank me for taking care of you, cupcake. It’s my pleasure.”

  A sneaky twinkle sparked to life in her emerald eyes. “Prove it.”

  “Don’t have to tell me twice,” I said as I carried her back to our room.

  Chapter Eleven


  * * *

  “Surprised Mack finally let you out of the house, let alone allowed you to come to work,” Hunter teased as I strolled into the garage two days after we took the hit to our business.

  I’d made the choice this morning. I could no longer hide out at Mack’s ranch house. Not when my brothers were here dealing with whatever fallout we’d gotten for housing a stolen car. “It wasn’t an easy argument to win.” I shrugged before dropping my bag on the countertop where we checked customers in. “If you want to get technical, it was our first official fight as a couple.”

  Mack had raised some good points, but I wasn’t going to run and hide. I was done with both. So, I did what I should’ve a year ago. I stood my ground. Besides, Mack was returning to work today, so why shouldn’t I?

  “I bet.” Hunter smirked.

  Arguing with me wasn’t always pretty because, duh…I had a temper.

  My eldest brother had kept in constant contact with Mack over the last two days. To say Hunter worried about me was an understatement. He’d been my rock when the shit had gone south last year. And, although I hated to admit it, I’d shut down on the situation because in my mind, I was weak. Edgar’s abuse had done something to me. His actions had broken me in a way I couldn’t explain. Healing from the damage left me jaded and a bit more standoffish too.

  Hunter told me it was because I’d always seen myself as this force of nature, nothing or nobody had ever been able to stop. Edgar had when he put his hands on me. It made me realize I wasn’t the Billy Badass I believed I was. My stomach churned, flipping and turning like it always did when I thought about how I suffered because of Edgar. Mack now knew everything since Hunter couldn’t keep his trap shut. He had zero issues telling Mack all the nitty-gritty details I’d glazed over when I told him then Cobi about my experience with Lux and the owner.

  Which reminded me. “I’ve got a bone to pick with you, big brother of mine.”

  “Me?” Hunter paused in his typing to lay his hand on his chest as if an innocent bystander. “What the fuck did I do?”

  “All the calls with Mack.” I held up my index finger. “What are you two? Best buddies? I didn’t need you saying shit to Mack about Edgar. You even blabbed about my bike being stolen. I didn’t give you permission to say shit to anyone.” I gave him the stink eye. “Asshole.”

  Hunter snorted. “Color me surprised you hadn’t told him.” He pointed at me. “You were wrong not to explain what was happening to him, and you know it. So, you better think hard if you want to continue down this road.”

  I rolled my eyes, not willing to give in that easily. Instead, I quickly changed the subject. “How’s business been?”

  “Steady,” Hunter said as he clicked through the ordering program. He didn’t look as stressed as he did the other day. In my mind, that was a good sign. “It’s not like we knowingly took in a stolen car, Ire.”

  “I know but—” Small towns could be odd in how they dealt with things like this. From what I’d learned from the people and area over the last year, I’d hoped and prayed they wouldn’t ostracize us before realizing what had happened wasn’t our fault.

  “Also, we reported it the second we noticed the problem.” He paused, looking at the screen in frustration. Hunter needed glasses when working on the computer but damned if he wore them, claiming they made him look nerdy. As if a pair of glasses could do that to my brother. “Besides, Cobi seems like a decent guy. I highly doubt he’s going to be airing our dirty laundry to the townsfolk.”

  I nodded in agreement. Mack had assured me of the same.

  “Listen.” I leaned on the counter, eyeing my brother up. “Do you happen to know if Mack saw those pictures you took of me after everything with Edgar?”

  Hunter stopped typing and looked at me. “Not from me. I sent them directly to Cobi. Matter of fact, when Cobi was asking me about them, Mack hung back, giving us time to talk. Why?”

  I shrugged. “It’s embarrassing.”

  Hunter pushed the chair back, placed his elbows on the counter, and stared at me for so long it made me nervous. “Yeah, it sure as shit is. But not for you, Ire. Those bruises are a stain on Edgar. Not you. Told you the same the night it happened.”

bsp; “Yeah, you did. Still…” I left the rest of what I was going to say unsaid. Hunter had been the one I’d run to after Edgar had laid his hands on me. Truth be told, it could’ve been worse. Much, much worse. Edgar had threatened me with other horrors, and I never told Hunter, nor Mack, or Cobi. I’d worked hard to put the shit with Edgar behind me, and I hoped I was stronger for it. But finding out Mack had purchased the Aston from Lux had thrown me back into the dark. Thanks to Mack, I’d come to see the light, though I was carrying around my guilt.

  Lux, specifically Edgar, was still in deep and selling stolen cars. It was not okay, and I was planning on doing something about it. Not that I was going to tell my brother or my overprotective Alpha boyfriend. Both of them would lose their ever-loving minds.

  “Are you working a full day?” Hunter asked absentmindedly as he went back to keying part numbers into the computer.

  “No,” I confessed, not wanting to clue my brother in on the other errand I planned to do later. I hadn’t even told Mack. “I’ve got to order some parts for the Aston that we missed from our initial assessment. Plus, I need to buy a new ignition and wiring harness for the Triumph.”

  Hunter’s brow furrowed. “Ire, the car is gone. We’re not going to get it back. I know you were excited to work on it, but once the police are done with it, it’ll be sent back to the owner.” Hunter’s tone was pissing me off. I wasn’t a two-year-old who didn’t know how things like this played out. “Wait, what do you mean you need to buy a new ignition and wiring harness for the Triumph?”

  Oops, had I forgotten to tell him?

  “Mack knows the owner of the Aston, and he stated to Mack when the car was released from impound, he wanted us to finish the repairs.” I tapped on the counter with my knuckles. “I think…I mean, I hope getting the car back to finish will help take the spotlight off the shop.”


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