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Omega in the Middle (The Rogue Pack Book 5)

Page 8

by Samantha Cayto

  “What the fuck!” he hissed.

  Carr turned his ice-blue eyes in his direction and grinned. “Got a problem, Beta?”

  Daniel kept his gaze focused on the man’s face and not how he continued to work his dick. “Do you have to do that here?”

  Even as he said the words, he winced inwardly. Shifters weren’t modest, nor were the humans in the clubs he frequented. He’d seen lots of men of both species jerking themselves or others off, or giving and receiving blowjobs. Adolescent pups often turned into single-sex balls of horny teenagers, gratifying each other. He’d been in the middle of both on many occasions. This time shouldn’t be any different. Yet, for some reason it was.

  Carr stuttered out a soft groan. “Feels good to be doing it lying down. Destin makes us do it where Loki can’t see, which means leaving our tree-bough pallets in the cave to spill out in the woods. Like the brat isn’t playing with his own dick already every time he beds down. This makes for a nice change.” Groaning again, he turned his head to shoot Daniel a taunting look. “Of course, if you want to blow me, I won’t say no.”

  “Fuck off,” he snarled in response and flipped onto his side in the opposite direction. Ignoring his own dick’s interest and the other man’s low chuckle, he slammed his eyes shut.

  Sleep was impossible. The throbbing of his cock and balls coupled with the muted erotic sounds of his neighbor made it impossible. He finally gave up and slipped his hand past the waistband of his underwear. He felt like an idiot, but he reminded himself that this was nothing he hadn’t done before. Sure, the presence and inadvertent aid of the irritating Carr was an ick factor. Still, getting off tonight might mean he wouldn’t be a walking hard-on tomorrow. All the aroused male hormones that he and the gamma had tossed at poor Ben couldn’t be good for the boy.

  The warmth of his palm as he steadily stroked his rigid shaft eased some of the strain inside him. Pre-cum leaked out, easing the way once he swiped it with his thumb. He bucked his hips to fuck his fist. He shifted his ears without giving it any thought in order to hear Carr’s heavy breathing and slapping skin better. His skin tingled with the building pleasure. He dropped his canines and elongated his snout. Carr’s musky scent filled his nostrils, egging him on.

  He picked up speed, not caring if the gamma could hear him. What did it matter? Carr had been right about their need for release being no big deal. It was natural to their species. Had he been away from pack living so long that he’d forgotten that? He knew that if he rolled over and grabbed the gamma, he wouldn’t be rebuffed. In the throes of climax, nothing mattered more than slaking that need.

  But, he didn’t do it. Instead, he allowed himself to picture Ben—that slender body and taut ass. It would be tight and hot when he claimed it, squeezing his dick with a slick, swollen channel. Milking him dry, mewling sounds of encouragement to go faster and deeper…His breath caught as his balls emptied into his hand.

  Beside him, Carr groaned and thrashed with his release. The sound sent another wave of cum pulsing out of Daniel’s dick. He stifled his long moan into his bedding. His body twitched and shuddered with aftershocks. He breathed harshly as he came down from the high.

  “It’s not the same.” Carr’s whispered statement sent one more wave through him.

  Rolling over, he gave the gamma a heavy-lidded look. “No. It’s not.” He pulled his hand free and wiped it on the blanket.

  Carr was cleaning himself up with the towel he’d carried in. “It will have to do. For now. The boy will go into heat soon. I don’t care what the healer says about his lack of nourishment. He’s been mounted too often and is ripe for breeding.”

  Daniel’s stomach churned at the frank assessment, but he couldn’t argue against it. Kurt had primed the pump, it was true. Male omegas were susceptible to maturing early, and Ben had already reached breeding age, regardless.

  “No,” he agreed reluctantly. “It won’t be long.”

  “He’ll have to be serviced.”

  Daniel rolled his eyes at the statement. Like that wasn’t obvious. “By you, you mean.”

  Carr flung one long arm above his head. “You said you were only dropping him off.”

  He tried not to squirm under that plain truth. “Maybe I’ve changed my mind.”

  Carr flicked his gaze over to him. “You’re going to join the pack?”

  “I might.” Even as he gave the retort, he knew that was not what he meant at all. He loved his life the way it was. “It has to be Ben’s choice about who breeds him.” That was hardly a complete answer, merely a true one.

  “In that, we are in agreement. He needs some space, though. We hovered too much today. Lorcan won’t tolerate our fighting over the boy, and it won’t help Ben feel any safer.”

  “I guess we’re in total agreement, then. We give the boy space and make ourselves useful to the pack in the meantime.”

  “I already do.”

  Daniel huffed. “Fine, then I’ll make myself useful.” He paused a second. “Are we good?”

  “For the time being.”

  He nodded, although the gamma wasn’t looking at him. He had the urge to hold out his hand for a human style shake. But, given what they’d both just done—ick. So, he rolled over and closing his eyes, willed himself to sleep.


  Carr entered the kitchen, having taken a good, long run that had swept away the fatigue from a bad night’s sleep. The longhouse was too warm for an Arctic shifter. He’d do better bedding down outside or in one of the working sheds. That way he wouldn’t wake up sticky from sweat and dying for a cool bath. But, the reason why he couldn’t indulge his own nature was the first thing he saw when he entered the dwelling. There was more at stake than his comfort.

  There was Ben.

  The omega stood by the counter, buttering slices of toast. The fact that the boy was already doing chores for the pack spoke well of him. It increased Carr’s desire to claim him. If that happened—when that happened—he would need to provide adequate shelter for his new mate and their pups. That meant heat, running water, soft bedding and whatever comfort the boy needed or even simply wanted. His own preference for cool temperatures would have to change. No sacrifice would be too much for him to make.

  Intending to uphold his end of the late night bargain with the beta, he tried to slip past the bustling kitchen workers. Something about his presence must have been felt by Ben, however, The omega turned with his knife poised and looked right at Carr. For a second, their gazes locked. When Carr offered up a good-morning smile, though, the boy averted his eyes and went back to work.

  That was okay because Carr didn’t sense that Ben’s reaction was born from fear or disgust. No, the clear impression was that he was merely shy. Throughout the previous afternoon, when he’d showed the boy around, Ben had occasionally gotten closer to him. Whether he understood that his wolf was instinctively drawn to Carr’s dominant one, was unknown. Still, it bode well for their future pairing. Carr liked the idea of having a sweet-natured and biddable mate.

  Unfortunately, the omega had acted similarly with the beta. Daniel had stuck to the boy’s side, not giving an inch for Carr to slip past. Ben had not only allowed it, but had encouraged it by clinging to the beta in times of fear or uncertainty. No surprise there. The beta had rescued the boy from a terrible situation. Naturally, he’d see Daniel as a protector.

  Speaking of which, the beta almost ran into him as their paths crossed in the doorway to the great room. “Here.” Daniel thrust something wrapped in wax paper at Carr. “Lorcan wants us to eat in his council room. We’re going to discuss a new rotation schedule for the border.”

  Carr took the offering. “We’re?”

  “Yeah, you, me, the alpha and whichever betas and gammas aren’t running the perimeter right now.”

  “I take it you’re planning on staying.”

  “I said as much, didn’t I, last night?” True. After their mutual jerk-off session that had been more erotic and intertwined than
he’d planned, they’d come to an understanding. He’d hoped maybe the guy had changed his decision.

  Glancing back at Ben still standing by the counter, he knew that had been a ridiculous hope. Who in their right mind would give up the chance to mount such a beautiful and enticing boy? Not him, that was for sure. He’d been running with Destin and the others too long. Not that he’d regretted his decision to follow his friend in leaving the pack. Destin had been right to do that. He was lonely, that was all, and of an age when mating and siring pups held a great deal of appeal.

  Duty first, though. He followed Daniel down the hall, biting into the egg sandwich with cheese and bacon that he found in his package. The taste of something other than raw meat made his saliva flow and his eyes droop in temporary bliss. And his human nose had no trouble sniffing out coffee when he entered the alpha’s office. There was a carafe and mugs clustered in the middle of the long conference table.

  Destin was already seated on the far side. Carr nodded to his superior and knew a moment of indecision about where he would sit. Always, their small band of Arctic ferals had set themselves apart from the Rogues. The two groups were still trying each other on for size, as it were. He wanted to change that now because he wanted to mate with Ben. He couldn’t do that if he wasn’t part of the pack. After a moment’s hesitation, he took a seat beside Daniel.

  Destin, no fool, noticed the deliberate choice and gave a curt nod in approval. Although he hadn’t had time to discuss with the guy his full plans about Ben, the beta could do that math easily. Besides, Destin was where he wanted to be—next to Deidre. Having a female beta wasn’t unusual for their species of shifter, and whether she was in human or wolf form, she was very attractive. Carr’s interests had always run toward males, but Destin liked the females. Back in their old pack, he’d had a veritable harem of them chasing after him. Destin’s interest in Deirdre had been obvious to Carr from the beginning. Hard to tell if the female noticed. If she did, she hid it well.

  “Please close the door, Craig,” Lorcan said once they were all assembled. “I don’t want the sigmas or omegas to overhear us and worry.”

  “Sure thing, Alpha.” The gamma did as told and sat on Carr’s other side.

  There were never fewer than two on perimeter patrol. Other than Bard, who was undoubtedly watching over Loki, only Caleb and Liam were missing. Most everyone was still eating their breakfast on the fly and washing it down with coffee. Carr poured himself a cup. He’d never had it before meeting up with the Rogues, but one taste was all it had taken to hook him. He wondered idly if Ben knew how to brew it. That led him to picture the omega cradling a pup in their home while Carr sipped his morning cup.

  Something of his thoughts must have showed on his face because the next thing he knew, Daniel had kicked him in the shins. He glared at the beta over the rim of his mug.

  “Knock it off,” the guy warned him with a hard look.

  “Is there a problem down there?” the alpha demanded.

  “No, sir,” they replied in chorus.

  Lorcan didn’t look convinced. He let it go and got to the point of the meeting. “Destin and I have been talking, and we’re convinced that Haldon is gearing up for a confrontation.”

  That got everyone’s attention, including Carr’s. He banished all thoughts of how Ben might please him and instead focused on how he could keep the omega and the others protected.

  “Destin and I have agreed that Loki will be relocated to the compound. He’ll live with Craig and Mabel for the time being because Destin isn’t comfortable having the boy stay in the communal men’s bedroom.”

  “Oh, joy,” Craig muttered under his breath.

  Destin heard, naturally, and shot the guy a wry grin. “Rest assured, he’ll behave himself. I’ve already given him a stern lecture on the matter. And, if he doesn’t, you’re to tell me immediately.”

  Craig nodded. “Thanks, I’ll do that, although if he thinks Mabel is a pushover, he’s going to be in for a disappointment.”

  “We appreciate your help on this, Craig,” Lorcan interjected. “We need every beta and gamma on rotation. Plus me. With Daniel sticking around, that gives us ten active fighters. We’re going to have two on the outer perimeter, two on the inner one, and two roaming at-large in eight-hour shifts for the foreseeable future. It’s going to be grueling, yet necessary. I suggest that when you’re on your down-time, you use it to rest and eat as much as possible. Deirdre has worked out a schedule.” He nodded at the woman.

  “Here,” she said sending pieces of paper scooting around the table. “Thanks to our new computer and printer, it was easy. Any problems, let me know, otherwise this schedule is fixed for the next month. After that, I may tweak it depending on feedback.”

  Looking at the schedule, Carr noticed that he and Daniel were always together. He shared a glance with the beta before raising his hand. “May I ask a question? Two, actually,” he amended.

  Lorcan didn’t give him a chance. “You and Daniel are paired up because I watched you bat that boy between the two of you yesterday as if he were a rabbit, or something.”

  The alpha held up his hand when both Carr and Daniel started to protest. “I don’t want to hear it. Ben needs time to settle in his new home without the constant distraction, and I’m not interested in either of you trying to score points while the other is on rotation. So…” The man’s expression made it clear that he would brook no argument.

  “I understand, Alpha,” Carr replied before Daniel could say anything. He deliberately used the honorific, as well, to confirm his intent to be a full member of the pack. Because Lorcan didn’t correct him, he felt hopeful that his indirect petition was viewed favorably.

  “But, as to my second question—”

  “You want to know what’s going to happen when the omega goes into heat.” Carr nodded. “Deirdre will adjust the schedule accordingly based on whomever the boy picks to breed him.” He gave them a stern look. “Everyone knows that you both want him. However, it will be Ben’s decision. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir.” Once again, they answered together.

  “Good and given that your first tour on the outer perimeter starts as soon as this meeting is over, I want Carr to show Daniel around. Run the border so that he can learn it.”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  “I’m eager to help, sir,” Daniel assured him.

  Kiss ass, Carr thought. He could tell by the beta’s expression, he thought the same about him.


  There was nothing like a full-throttle run to clear one’s head. Once he and Daniel had shifted after the meeting, Carr had led the beta around the borders at a fast pace. He knew that was all it would take for the guy to know the limit of the pack lands. Despite his earlier shift, he still had pent up energy that needed tending to. Having spent the better part of three years living as a wolf, he wasn’t used to the more sedate pace of his human form.

  Daniel had kept up, nipping at his heels any time Carr had slowed. Hardly surprising given that he was leading a city life passing as fully human. It sounded like torture to Carr. Nothing beat four legs pounding on the ground on a daily basis. Obviously the beta was enjoying the freedom to do so.

  They ended up by the cave where Destin had made their temporary home while considering joining the Rogues. The scent of his pack brothers was dissipating, testament that Destin had already moved Loki into the compound and that the others were sticking closer for pack security. As he lapped up cool stream water, he wondered if they would ever return to this spot. Probably not. Lorcan was proving to be an acceptable alpha for them. With Carr’s own intentions of joining being clear, it made sense that Destin would choose to join, as well. Where Destin went, so did Loki, and where Loki went, Bard was sure to follow.

  All of that was too much thinking for him to do in wolf form. So, once they’d slaked their thirst, he led Daniel to the farthest corner of the pack lands to start a more measured patrol. This close to Haldon’s territory
, the scents changed. The ordinary ones he associated with the forest, such as small game, damp earth and rotting vegetation, were overwhelmed with those of other shifters.

  He stopped and stuck his snout in the air. Something new caught his attention. Someone new, actually. He paced another few yards and sniffed again. Then he growled, a low warning more for Daniel’s benefit than a signal to the other shifters to back off. There were two of them, and while they weren’t on Rogue land, they were closer than he liked.

  Coming up to stand beside him, the beta scented the air. He turned his head to stare at Carr before yipping in assent. They turned as one, surprisingly in sync, to lope along the invisible border. The beta’s ease with his duty pleased Carr. The guy hadn’t forgot what it meant to be a shifter with territory to protect. They thread their way through the trees in tandem.

  The scent of the other shifters grew stronger. Through the boughs of the pine trees, a pair of amber eyes showed. Another, darker pair popped up beside the first one. Carr stopped and growled in warning. Daniel joined him and did the same. That was all, though. As much as he disliked the sight of the intruders, they were actually past the Rogue’s boundaries, so well within their rights to be there. It still represented an increase in the Haldon Pack’s aggressive behavior. Even in his short stay in Rogue territory, Carr had rarely glimpsed the others.

  Daniel paced past him, his gaze still fixed on the others. Then he bared his teeth and growled more loudly. Not to be outdone by a beta, Carr did the same. He even lunged a couple of feet forward, still staying on his side of the line, yet making it clear he wanted the others gone. The strange shifters responded in kind for a few seconds before taking off.

  Lifting his snout up, Daniel howled in satisfaction. This time, Carr didn’t join in. Instead, he continued his pacing back and forth until he could no longer detect the others. He yipped at Daniel to catch his attention before continuing on the slow patrol around the pack lands. Daniel followed. There was no more interaction with Haldon’s boys, but they were out there just the same.


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