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Omega in the Middle (The Rogue Pack Book 5)

Page 9

by Samantha Cayto


  “How’s this for dinner?” Ben held up his basket for Joey’s inspection. The newish father was in the middle of feeding his pup right there in the garden.

  Joey looked over and nodded. “That good. I’m going to stir-fry them with beef strips. It’s a pack favorite.”

  Ben tried not to make a face, but he didn’t like broccoli. He wondered if he could get away with picking around it and just eating the beef and rice. Doubtful, given his overly attentive suitors.

  “Here, bring them to me and I’ll start cleaning them,” Will said. He was sitting in a wooden lounge chair that Ben had dragged over for him. “Come on,” he insisted when Ben hesitated. “I’m not an invalid. My mate just thinks I am.”

  Ben snorted out a laugh, and the easy mirth felt good. In basically one day, he was already relaxed with his fellow omegas. “Okay, thanks. That will free me up to do a bit of weeding.” He hefted the basket over to Will and set it down by his feet.

  “You don’t have to do any more work on the garden,” Kyle chimed in from where he, himself rooted around the pumpkins. “You haven’t stopped since the sun came up.”

  Stretching to work out the kinks in his back, Ben said, “I’m fine, Alpha Mate. I like being useful in a pack again.”

  “Kyle,” the guy reminded him.

  “Sorry, Kyle.” That was something else he really liked. Everyone in the pack was so friendly. Even the alpha was, although he still scared the crap out of him. “I hate sitting around doing nothing.”

  Life with Kurt had been a lot of that. When he wasn’t servicing the gamma or human men, he’d spent too much time watching stupid television shows. Being productive for the benefit of the pack suited him better.

  “Tell me about it,” Seth groaned. He was lying down on a quilt on the grass, his legs propped up by pillows. “Bedrest sucks.”

  Will tsked. “Better safe than sorry. Remember how scared you were when you thought you were losing the pups?”

  Seth sighed. “Yeah, I know. I have nothing to complain about. Ow!” He rubbed at the side of his pup bump. “There has to be gammas in here. They’re so active.”

  Seeing the two pregnant omegas made Ben a little uneasy. Soon, that would be him, whether he liked it or not. He tried not to dwell on his imminent fate, but it was hard not to. He already felt as if something inside him was changing. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, yet it was there. A restlessness that was new and a strange kind of itching, as if his skin didn’t quite fit anymore. He tried to put it aside and kneeling down in the dirt, inhaled the earthy smells that he loved.

  “Don’t worry,” Kyle said without looking up.

  “Sorry?” Ben knew something of what he was thinking must have shown on his face, but he pretended that he didn’t understand anyway in the hopes that the other boy would drop the subject.

  “Breeding.” No such luck, apparently. “I know it looks frightening. It’s actually amazing bringing a pup into the world.”

  Ben dug his fingers into the dirt and blinked back sudden tears. “I know it’s going to hurt. That scares me,” he admitted.

  “Hurt?” Joey snorted. “It’s excruciating.”

  “Joey!” Kyle and Will admonished him together.

  The omega looked up. “What? There’s no point in lying to him.” He looked over at Ben. “It’s okay because in the end, you have this.” He smiled down at the pup at his breast with a heartbreaking amount of love. “I’d walk through fire for this little guy.”

  Ben had to look away. He focused on the rich, brown earth sifting through his fingers. “It’s okay. I knew that already. I’ve heard my dam scream during all of my younger siblings’ births. And, I know firsthand how painful the mounting part is.”

  It took him a few seconds to realize everyone around him had gone still and quiet. He glanced up. “That’s okay, too. It’s what being an omega is like.” He shrugged, feigning indifference. “It’s no big deal.”

  “Oh, sweetie,” Joey said in a low, sad voice. “It’s not supposed to hurt.”

  Ben snorted. “It’s not?” He knew better. The past year of his life had proven Joey’s words were nonsense.

  “No!” Will’s vehemence startled him. “I understand why you think that. I had the same experience for years. My precious Annie was conceived with brutality.” The omega rubbed his belly in a slow circle. “But this one wasn’t.” He lifted his gaze to Ben. “When it’s done right, it’s wonderful.”

  Ben blinked back more tears and sat on his haunches, his task forgotten. “I suppose if you’re mounted by someone you love…”

  “Not necessarily.” This from Seth. “I don’t think anyone here can say that he was in love with his mate when being bred. That came after. At least, it did for me.” The others nodded their assent. “What matters is the care your man takes with you. Seems to me the two guys vying for the privilege of breeding you are both trustworthy.”

  “I guess that’s true.” He gnawed on his lower lip as he pictured both Daniel and Carr. “They seem like good men. I’m not sure I trust that, though. That sounds stupid, huh? I’m an omega, and whoever said that omegas get to decide their own fates?”

  “Lorcan does.” Kyle came over and put his arm around his shoulders. “Don’t worry, it will all work out. Trust in our alpha, if no one else. He won’t let anyone hurt you. I promise.”

  Leaning into the embrace, Ben took the comfort offered. “I believe you. And, a good thing, too, I guess because I think I’m going into heat soon.”

  To his utter mortification, he burst into tears. For the second time in about as many days, his control slipped, and he let loose with unstoppable grief. He clung to Kyle and buried his face into the boy’s chest while he cried in muted, yet vicious sobs that racked his body.

  His fingers clutched at Kyle’s shirt. “I hate this! It’s not fair!” His breath hitched as he ranted. “I wanted time to myself. Just a little. I know I have to breed, but does it have to be now? I’m tired of being bossed around and have no control over my own body. It’s just not fair!”

  He wailed like a little pup denied a treat. His behavior mortified him, and yet, he couldn’t stop the tirade. He’d kept so much inside for so long. Now, it came rushing out—his resentment and anger and fear.

  Kyle held him close, rubbing his hand down Ben’s back and rocking him. “I know. I know. It isn’t fair, but it will be okay. I promise. We won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

  The alpha mate’s words were meant to be comforting, and on some level they were. There was only so much the boy and even the alpha could do for him. Nature had her claws in him and soon what he wanted, or what anyone else wanted, wouldn’t matter at all. His very life depended on his body being filled with a dominant shifter’s seed. He might have been able to escape Kurt, but there was no escaping his destiny.

  Chapter Six

  The alpha mate, Kyle, blocked Daniel and Carr from passing through the kitchen the moment they entered. “Hold up, you two.” Despite his diminutive size, the omega with the skunk stripe down his otherwise black hair caused them both to stop in their tracks.

  “Is there a problem?” Carr asked.

  “Is it Ben?” Daniel’s heart rate picked up at the notion something was wrong with the boy. He did a quick scan of the kitchen and found it populated with all the omegas except one. “Has something happened to him?” He took an urgent step forward.

  Kyle stayed put, so unless Daniel wanted to knock the guy aside, he had no choice but to abort his exodus. Beside him, Carr quivered, telegraphing that he also felt the need to rush to wherever Ben was. Knowing that they had to tread lightly around the omegas, Daniel reined in his impulses and waited with jangling nerves for an answer.

  “He’s fine,” Kyle replied. “For the most part.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Daniel barked out the question before his better sense could stop him.

  Kyle arched an eyebrow, managing to give the appearance of looki
ng down his nose at the taller men. “It means he’s had an emotionally difficult afternoon. His heat’s starting,” he added with a frown as if it were somehow Daniel’s fault. And, it kind of was, given that he’d been the one to bring Ben into contact with Lorcan’s pheromones.

  Carr sighed. “He must be frightened.” Damn, leave it to the Arctic feral to put his finger on the pulse of the matter first.

  Another omega, Joey, joined Kyle. “He is terrified. You should understand that better than anyone given that you rescued him from that abusive gamma.”

  Daniel shut his eyes for a second as a vision of Ben in that alley with his cheek red and tears in his eyes popped into his head. “Yeah,” he said with a grimace. “I should and I do. This will be different, though, if no other reason than his heat will make him want to be mounted.”

  He could tell the moment the words left his mouth that it was the wrong thing to say. As one, every omega turned toward him, and started letting him know what they thought of that sentiment.

  “If you think you can use his heat against him…”

  “What, do you think that means you don’t have to be careful?”

  “Do you think he can’t feel pain?”

  “Be scared?”

  “Asshole!” That last one word condemnation came from the female omega who was wielding a knife she’d been using to chop vegetables.

  Their words hit him like a wall from all sides. Even the two pregnant omegas hurled abuse at him from where they sat. He took a step back as if they lashed him with claws. Carr caught him by the arm and grunted.

  “Excellent, Beta. We’ll be lucky not to end up in the dinner pot for this.” He held up his free hand. “Please, he didn’t mean it like that.”

  Tugging himself free, Daniel hissed, “I can speak for myself.”

  “Then do it, or I’ll be forced to beat you into the ground just to save my own hide.”

  “I’m sorry.” Daniel pitched his tone to one of contriteness, and softened his gaze as he looked each omega in the eye one-by-one. “You’re all absolutely right. I chose my words poorly. I only meant that hopefully his heat will help him overcome his understandable fear enough for me to show him how pleasurable mounting can be.”

  He focused on the alpha mate. “I do know how badly he was treated. He deserves every bit of patience and kindness I can give him.”

  Carr butted in. “Or, I can give him.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Daniel muttered. “So, can we please go to him now?”

  Kyle looked at the others as if taking a vote. The hostile look in everyone’s face abated somewhat. “I suppose,” he said giving both Daniel and Carr a narrow-eyed gaze. “He’s taking a nap on the pallet that Andrea keeps in her room for patients.”

  “He’s okay, though, right?” In the aftermath of the omegas’ verbal assault, Daniel was back to worrying about Ben.

  “Yes. He’d been very upset about his heat starting, so I thought it would be a good idea for Andrea to check him out.”

  “And?” Carr prodded.

  “And, she confirmed that he’s close. She had hoped he’d have more time, but…” Kyle shrugged. “You can go see him so long as you promise not to disturb him.”

  “Absolutely,” Daniel pledged.

  “Yes, sir,” Carr agreed, ever the proper shifter.

  Stepping aside, Kyle said, “All right, then.”

  Daniel made himself move slowly, even though his wolf urged him to run to Ben. He didn’t want to do anything to disturb the boy’s rest or the peace of the pack, either. Carr must have been on the same page because he kept pace with him without trying to get ahead. They’d both thrown their clothes back on when they’d returned to the compound, but neither had bothered with footwear. Their bare feet made little noise as they padded down the hallway.

  The door to the healer’s room was ajar. She looked up from whatever she was reading at her desk when they entered. Holding her finger to her lips, she tipped her head in the direction of the pallet in the far corner. The sight of Ben’s small body curled on its side made Daniel’s knees weak. The omega looked so small and lost, with his fist tucked under his chin and his face blotchy.

  He’s been crying. Kyle hadn’t said that in so many words. Still, it was easy to tell even from across the room. Everyone knew omegas could be emotional, especially when their heat was upon them. Why would Ben be any different? Although Kurt had robbed the boy of his innocence, sexual experience didn’t change the natural vulnerability of the omega nature.

  He and Carr crept closer together in some unspoken agreement. He flicked his gaze at the gamma and could see his own emotions written on the other man’s face. Like his, Carr’s heart ached for the boy. They hunched down on the floor a few feet away from Ben, again as one. Then sat fully when their presence didn’t seem to disturb him. His lips huffed out wet puffs of breath, and he twitched on a low moan. Whether that was from his imminent heat or bad dreams was impossible to tell. It didn’t matter. Unless the healer chose to wake Ben, Daniel and Carr were going to have to sit and wait helplessly until the boy woke himself.

  He lost track of time. At some point, he became aware that the healer had left the room. The light outside her window dimmed, then disappeared altogether as dusk came and went and night fell. His back started to protest being bent over, and his knees ached where he held them to his chest. He was vaguely aware of being hungry. None of that mattered. He watched Ben’s every twitch and listened to the sound of his fitful breathing. All of Daniel was on high alert.

  Although it was a new situation for him, he realized at some point that he was guarding the boy, much as one would do a mate. Carr was doing the same thing. The gamma had been even more still and attentive, if that were possible. Daniel didn’t stop to ponder the oddness of his own behavior. Nor, did his usual resentment of the gamma rise to the surface. It was sufficient that Ben was cared for and protected. At the moment, he understood that fact was all that mattered.

  Ben was all that mattered. Not Daniel’s human need to fuck, or his wolf’s urge to mount and claim. Nor his ego over the possibility of losing out to his rival, Carr. In fact, it was as if he’d come to grips with the idea that he and the gamma had become a team. Maybe it had been running the perimeter together and staring down the Haldon shifters out in the woods. Or, it might have simply been the fact that they were bonding over their mutual worry for Ben. Whatever it was, he no longer concerned himself about beating Carr at anything. They had a common duty and a common goal. They might not be pack mates exactly, yet there was a connection that pleased him and his wolf. He trusted Carr, was the bottom line.

  Ben stirred, rolling onto his back. Then his eyelashes fluttered open before he rolled onto his side again. His eyes focused on them. There was a sadness lurking deep inside that broke Daniel’s heart in two. Carr made a soft sound in the back of his throat, indicating that he was equally affected by the sight.

  “Is something wrong?” Ben asked in a small, uneasy voice.


  “Not at all.” Once again, he and Carr were in sync. “We came back from our border patrol and were waiting for you to wake up,” Daniel added. He gave what he hoped was an encouraging smile.

  “How do you feel, little one?” Carr asked in a voice so gentle, it made Daniel feel good.

  “I’m okay, I guess.” Sitting up, Ben pushed his blanket aside. “I feel twitchy and achy. That’s my heat coming on, everyone says.”

  Daniel jumped to reassure him. “It’s going to be fine, Ben.”

  The omega looked at his lap. “Everyone says that, too.” His tone indicated he wasn’t convinced. And, given what he’d been through, why should he be?

  Carr leaned forward. “Are you hungry? Would you like us to bring you some food here?”

  “That’s a good idea.” Daniel wasn’t even bothered that he hadn’t thought of it first. Taking care of Ben was paramount.

  The omega shook his head. “No, thanks. I’d like to go eat with the

  “Okay.” Standing, Daniel offered his hand.

  Carr did the same, and after a moment’s hesitation, Ben reached up to accept both offers of help. They pulled him to his feet. He’d slept fully clothed except for his sneakers. They didn’t seem to be around anywhere, and because Ben wore socks, his feet getting cold wasn’t an issue. Flanked by Daniel and Carr, the boy walked out of the room.

  The longhouse was unusually quiet. As soon as they entered the great room, they understood why. Dinner was over. A few sigmas were clearing up, but everyone other than Kyle, Lorcan and their daughter were either in their own homes or on patrol.

  “Oh, we missed dinner,” Ben said in a soft voice.

  “Hey, Ben,” Kyle called out. “Did you sleep well?”

  Ben shrugged and padded over to the couch. He smiled down at Hope, who sat on her father’s lap. She ignored him in favor of some kind of hand-clapping game she played with her sire. Ben nevertheless watched her for a few seconds, before answering Kyle.

  “It was fine, thanks. I feel less worn out.” What he didn’t say spoke volumes. His imminent heat was making him anxious and uncomfortable.

  Kyle patted the empty spot beside him. “Come sit down. Joey left a plate of food warming for each of you. I’m sure Daniel and Carr would be happy to bring yours out.” He gave them a pointed look.

  Gods, the alpha mate was one fierce omega. He was right, though. Both Daniel and Carr shot off to the kitchen. The gamma reached the food first, and surprisingly, held out the plate with the smaller portion, along with a fork and napkin.

  “Here, this must be for Ben. He’s probably more comfortable with you. I’ll bring out ours.”

  Daniel took the offering. “Thanks. I’m not so sure about what Ben thinks of me…” He didn’t finish the thought, merely returned to the couch.


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