Her Father, My Master: Mentor

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Her Father, My Master: Mentor Page 8

by Mallorie Griffin

  With smooth, purposeful movements, he crossed the room, and kneeled down in front of me. My heart leapt to my throat just then. Was he proposing to me? Don’t be stupid, I admonished myself. You know that’s not where this relationship is going, and besides, that box is far too large. Mr. Hendricks, ran his fingers along the edge of the box, finding the catch, and then his flipped it open.

  Inside was a very plain metal ring, with another small ring attached to it. It was far too large to be a ring for a finger, or even a bracelet. I looked up at my master in askance, and he chuckled that low chuckle of his. “I love your innocence,” he said simply, and with a single hand, he drew the ring out and cast the box aside on the bed. “If you choose to accept my terms, you will belong to me in every way possible.”

  “What are your terms, sir?” I asked, cautiously reaching out to finger the cool surface of the metal. He didn’t stop me.

  “Instead of going to a traditional college, you will come live with me.” My eyes widened hugely at that. What would my parents think?

  “I know what you’re thinking, and this is why I’m giving you all summer to consider this. You do not have to accept this collar now, or ever.”

  “Is that what that is?” I realized dumbly that the ring was supposed to go around my neck.

  “Yes. And if you choose to accept it, you will live with me, full time. I will be your master in every way.”

  “What will I tell my parents?”

  “Tell them you’re going to college. I’ll have you enroll in online classes here.”

  “But I can’t pay for that! And they’ll be suspicious if I never ask them to pay for college.”

  “Tell them you got a scholarship. A full ride. I’ll pay for your courses.”

  I paused at that. College was not cheap, but Mr. Hendricks was pretty wealthy. He must want me badly. “Why?” I asked, feeling a little overwhelmed. “Why me? Why now?”

  He laughed again, and I felt a little stupid for asking the questions at all. “We’re in a unique situation, my pet. And I don’t want to lose it. I don’t want to lose you.” I stared numbly at him as he spoke. This was too good to be true.

  He brought up his hand again, stroking my cheek. “You don’t have to decide yet. As I said, you’ll have all summer. Though if you decide not too, I suggest you choose a college soon.” He smiled at me again. He was always looking out for me.

  “Okay,” I said quietly.

  “Do you have any other questions?”

  “What about breaks and stuff? What will we do over Christmas, when Maddie comes home, when I have to go home?”

  He shrugged. “She’ll come home, and you’ll go home.”

  I stared down at the ring. He really had thought everything out. This was too good to be true. Could I really do this, with him? I wanted to, badly, but I knew it had the potential to ruin my life. I knew my parents so wanted me to go to a normal college and live a normal life. I knew it because of the way they were treating Kandace right now. I knew if they found out what I was even considering, they would kill me.

  I had to think about it. I looked up at Mr. Hendricks and opened my mouth to speak, but quick as lightning, he placed a finger over my lips. “Don’t decide yet,” he said. “I want you to think about this. I don’t want an answer until after graduation, at the earliest.” I nodded.

  “Now,” he picked the box up again, and placed the collar back inside, then set the thing on his nightstand. “I think it’s time to expand your education. What do you know about spreader bars?”

  Chapter 12

  I learned a lot about spreader bars that night, and about other types of bondage associated with them. Mr. Hendricks had various hooks in the ceiling; they were innocuous enough, and I’d only noticed them in my third session, but I never thought to ask about them. Now I knew.

  He tied up my hands and pulled them above my head, attaching the rope to one of the hooks. Then he fastened the spreader bar to my ankles. It was a good 3 feet long, maybe even longer. I was completely naked throughout the entire process.

  He instructed me to stand as still as I could and I eagerly obeyed him, but after 30 minutes, I was shaking. My arms were on fire from having to hold them aloft for so long, and my knees were growing weaker and weaker. But I had to hold myself still, because my master was there, watching me.

  When he felt I'd had enough training for the day, he rewarded me. First, he teased my breasts and nipples with his nimble fingers, an then those fingers moved even lower, between the folds of my moist vulva. I knew he wanted more, I could see it written on every line of his body.

  But I also knew the teasing was yet another form of training. He told me to remain still, and I had to, at all costs, even in the face of his delicious touch. And it truly was amazing, every touch of his was electricity on my skin, sending thrilling sparks down to my very bones. I wanted to press my body into his sensual hands, to moan and just beg him to take me now, but I knew I failed, if I did that. I knew my master honored obedience above all else.

  Finally, after an hour of teasing and training, he had mercy on me and unhooked my arms from their tether. He didn't untie me, though, he merely had me walk awkwardly over to his low bed and then bend over, with all the bondage gear still on. At first I was mortified by how silly I must have looked, waddling like a penguin over to that bed. But then I realized this must be another test. Everything was tests with my master, and I supposed it made sense. I was his faithful student, after all. And I was supposed to be learning humbleness and humility now. It was all right for my master to see me in such an uncomfortable and awkward position.

  As he lowered me to the bed - I was having trouble leaning over without falling on my face - I grasped another facet of this session. It was all right for me to rely on him. He was my master, and I could depend on him to provide for me. If I agreed to what he proposed, I would never have to make another choice again. Mr. Hendricks would do the choosing for me.

  I didn't have time to ponder long, for I could feel the thick trunk of his impressive cock sliding against my ass, working its way downwards. He paused for a minute at my other hole, and pushed. My eyes flew open and I braced my body. I didn't know much about anal, other than the fact that it hurt, but I trusted my master to care for me.

  But after that slight push, he was moving on again. "Good girl," he murmured, and I knew it was because I didn't protest at his presumed invasion. I would have let him.

  Instead, the head of his cock slipped between the folds of my sweet pussy, and he quickly found his mark. "Very good girl," he grunted as he pushed. Soon, he was inside me to the hilt, invading me in the most pleasurable way possible. I wanted to moan, to buck against him and show him exactly how much I wanted him, but silence was a permanent part of our play these days. I knew the way I could show my pleasure to him was by doing exactly what he commanded me to do.

  So I endured his cock in silence, letting my master rail me exactly as he wished. Every once in a while, when a squeak or a moan would escape my mouth, he would slap my ass forcefully. It took all my will to not moan even louder at that, as the pain of the slap was transformed into pleasure in my mind. I wanted him to spank me, but I wanted to please him by obeying him even more.

  When he was finally done with me, coming inside me with a loud bellow, only then was I allowed to be untied. Only then was I allowed to speak again. I didn't though - these days it only felt stranger and stranger to speak to him, after a session. I tried to get all my talking out beforehand.

  "Remember what I said," he told me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded silently as I headed for my usual shower, to wash the evidence of our play away from my parents' prying eyes.

  When I finally went home, two hours later, sore in many places, I realized I had a lot to think about. What Mr. Hendricks was offering me was nothing short of amazing. And I wanted it, I wanted it so badly. I wanted nothing more than to be with him for the rest of my life. This dynamic was a strange one, but it was o
ne that I loved. And I didn’t grow to love it, but I immediately enjoyed it from the start.

  I loved being submissive. I loved being commanded. I loved being dominated.

  But I couldn’t let my passion run over my future. I knew if I did this, there was a good chance I was screwing myself over. After all, my parents were more than willing to pay for my entire stay at college, and I would be throwing that away if I stayed with Mr. Hendricks instead, though he offered to pay the tuition for online courses. Even the best online college didn't have the same kind of reputation that a traditional one had.

  And if it ever came out that I was staying with him, I would be throwing them away, too. They wouldn’t approve of this relationship, that much was obvious. The way they were behaving around Kandace was proof enough. My mom spent as much time as possible alternately telling her not to marry that professor, and begging her to not do it.

  But this was so important to me, it was worth the risk.

  I felt like I was on another plane of existence when I got home, and I supposed I was. One thing occurred to me – I couldn’t talk to anyone about this. I had no confidants, I knew of one in a similar situation. It was the strangest thing.

  Hypothetically, I could ask Kandace about it, but I was afraid she would spill the beans to my parents, to take some of the heat off of her own unusual arrangement. It wasn't above her to behave in such a petty way, and no matter what she said; I highly doubted that she'd matured that much in college.

  I sighed as I entered my house, my mind changing tracks to more mundane subjects. I wasn't looking forward to school this upcoming week. Everyone would be buzzing about the prom, and I felt so strange, not going. I was the only cheerleader on the squad not going - Ash, Sophie, and Jess were all attending, as well at the other girls on the squad that I wasn’t as close to. But they all had dates. I was the odd man out, and I wouldn't be made a laughingstock by my own classmates again by going stag. Maddie had done a good enough job of that a few weeks ago.

  Scowling as I made my way to my room, I carefully shut and locked the door. My parents were in the den, watching some show or another. I didn't know which one, nor did I care. I stripped myself down to my underwear, and climbed onto my bed. Flicker was purring there, and he gave me the most piteous meow as I crawled up next to him. He was such a sweet cat.

  A thought occurred to me as I idly scratched him between his ears. What would happen to him when I left? Whether I went to college or Mr. Hendricks' house, I would have to leave him behind. I didn't like the thought. Just as Mr. Hendricks wanted to take care of my completely, I was the sole caretaker of Flicker. My parents tolerated him but didn't much care for him. I knew they wouldn't get rid of him when I left, but he wouldn't get the kind of care that I felt he deserved.

  "Oh Flicker," I murmured, running my hand along his soft fur as I dragged my laptop towards myself. I needed to check Facebook and Twitter.

  I rolled my eyes as I scrolled through the backlog of messages. It was mostly prom related. I had a couple of private messages as well. One was from Jess, lamenting my absence from their prom dress shopping. At least she didn't force me to go with her. She knew the whole prom thing was still a very fresh wound for me. I shot her reply, asking her to show me the dresses when we were at lunch on Monday. No sense in bringing the moods of those girls down with me.

  There was another message as well. From Joey.

  I practically growled when I saw that, but I checked it all the same. My curiosity was burning. Why did he suddenly care about me now? Was it because he couldn't get a date to the prom? Welcome to my world, buddy. Not that I particularly wanted a date.

  The message read: Please, please Krys, give me another chance. I will do anything. Anything. Just please let me take you to prom. I'll make this right.

  I rolled my eyes again, and then tapped out a hasty reply: Leave me the fuck alone, you bastard. Then I hit the send button. And then I contemplated blocking him.

  But I didn't it. It was so strange. Even after all he put me through, the idea of blocking him seemed so petty, so childish. Besides, I had to admit I kind of like the attention, in my own immature way. It was nice to know that someone else was thinking about me, even if it was that bastard.

  I scrolled through Facebook, and surfed the Internet in general for a few more hours. In truth, I was curious to see if Joey was about and if he would reply to me, but he didn’t.

  Eventually I heard the heavy tread of footsteps on the stairs. My parents were going to bed, and that was a sign that it was pretty late. I glanced at my computer’s clock, and my suspicions were confirmed. Midnight.

  I decided to turn in as well. There wasn’t much else to do, tonight, but dream of Mr. Hendricks.

  Chapter 13

  Monday came fast, far too fast. I was thrust into school once again, with a bunch of giggling high schoolers. I couldn’t help but feel aloof, above it all. I had something so much more important than these boys and girls.

  Still, I sorely missed the idea of going to prom, and I briefly contemplated going, as my friends assailed me at the lunch room table. I knew this trend would continue all week.

  “Did you see my dress?” Ash leaned forward, staring at me intently, because she knew I was the only person at the table to brag to. “It cost 300 dollars. Three. Hundred. Dollars. I can’t believe my parents let me get it!” She squealed and dropped back in her seat before pulling out her iPhone and brandishing at me. On the screen was a smear of satin fuchsia. Ash’s dress, I gathered. I plucked the phone out of her hand to examine the dress more closely.

  Other than the color, it was wasn’t bad looking. It had some tasteful sequin art on the front panel, and it was floor length, with some gathered pleats and kind of a princessy bustle. I was glad Jess hadn’t picked this one. With her red hair, she never could have pulled it off.

  Sophie’s dress was by far the most demure of the bunch, I noticed as I flipped through the digital photos. It was a slim sheath, and a simple midnight blue. It matched her personality quite well. Beautiful, but subtle.

  I snorted when I saw Jess’s dress. It was forest green and huge and poofy. It matched her perfectly, and she looked stunning.

  I felt a pang of envy. Not only were all my friends going, they all had dates. They all had someone to be with.

  For the first time in weeks, I felt myself longing for a simple, traditional relationship, just so I could have these experiences as well. But I shook my head ever so slightly, and handed the phone back to Ash. I had something different. Something better.

  “What do you think?” All three girls were looking at me intently. I was still the ring leader, after all, even if I was going to be absent from this little soiree. They needed my approval.

  “They’re beautiful.” I was all smiles, but inside I felt the pain of how different I was from them already.

  I pointedly ignored Maddie. Not only had she taken this away from me, she was preventing me from sending my master on Saturday. I already decided that I wouldn’t hang out with her on that night. I couldn’t bear the thought of being so close to her father, and not be able to be with him on that deeper level that I craved.

  I couldn’t believe she even had the guts to still be sitting at the same table as me. Little did she know, the only thing keeping our tenuous friendship going was her father. My master.


  School was a rush this week. We were either reviewing for finals, or talking about the prom. By the time Saturday rolled around, I felt an odd mixture of relief and anxiety. I was glad for the break from school, but I knew tonight that two things would be happening. Prom, and the fact that I wasn’t going. Or going to Mr. Hendricks’ house.

  I was mopey, and my parents knew it. They knew about the breakup, of course, but they didn’t understand why I didn’t just get over it. Like I could ever begin to explain my complicated situation to them.

  I was continuing my day long pity party into the night with a pint of Ben & Jerry's and a rom
antic comedy when I heard a knock at the front door, at 6 in the evening. Strange. Mom and dad weren’t expecting visitors, and I certainly wasn’t.

  “Krystal!” my mom shouted up the stairwell, to my confusion. Who could it be? “It’s Joey!” Well, that answered that question.

  I stabbed the spoon into my ice cream, trying to decide if I should go down the stairs and scream at him one last time. Even as I was deciding, I slid off the bed, and made for the door. I guessed my mind was made up.

  I wasn’t exactly dressed nicely – I was in a ratty old pair of gray sweatpants and an equally tattered shirt, but I did not care. I didn’t care what he said, either. I just wanted him to leave me alone.

  My jaw dropped when I approached the door. Joey was standing there, with a bouquet of flowers, a corsage, a box of chocolates, and he was in a full-blown tuxedo, tails and all. I craned my neck and peered behind him, seeing a stretch limo. It was exactly as we’d talked about, all those weeks ago. Except for the part where he’d fucked Maddie. And the part where I now hated his guts.

  My mom was still standing by the open door, looking completely perplexed. “What’s going on?” she asked, gripping the steel door. “I thought you and Joey broke up, honey.”

  “I’ll handle this, don’t worry about it,” I said tersely, shooing her away from the door. She was eager to get out there. My mom wasn’t stupid, she knew how teenagers were, and this was going to be a massacre.

  “What do you want?” I stared Joey square in the eye, and he blushed beet red.

  “I thought I’d give you one last chance. To, you know, go to prom with me.”

  I shook my head in disbelief. “You’re giving me one last chance?” I wanted to slam the door shut right in his moronic face. “I don’t want to go to prom with you, asshole.”


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