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Locke Brothers Series

Page 3

by Ashley, Victoria

  “What have you heard about the Lockes?” I want to hear her speak, want to know what she knows. Hell, I want to be pressed right up against her, her small body so soft where mine is hard.

  I want to breathe the same air as her.

  I want to fucking own her.

  What the hell?

  She swallows again, her breathing hard, fast.

  She’s nervous.

  I lower my gaze to her chest, see the way her tits press against the stretchy material of her shirt. Her nipples are hard, and my fingers itch to touch them.

  I might be a dangerous bastard, a violent fucker, but I don’t touch a girl without her wanting me to. I’ll wait until Kadence begs me, asks me to push my dick deep inside her, making her mine.

  “I heard you guys aren’t to be messed with.” Her voice is low, really damn low. “I heard you keep to yourself, aren’t social, and if someone crosses you guys…” She trails off, and I lift my brow, wanting more. “That you take care of it in the only way you know how.”

  “The only way we know how?”

  She nods and licks her lips. “With guns and bats, hammers, or whatever else you can find to make it bloody.”

  I chuckle low. That’s about right.

  “And you thought it was a good idea to let one of us in your room, this close to you?”

  She shrugs, and I see something shift over her face. She’s trying to be strong.


  “Maybe not, but too late now.”

  I grin again. Yeah, it’s too fucking late now.

  There’s something about her, something that grabs hold and won’t let go. I don’t want it to. I want to suffocate from it, need her to as well. I want her to feel the intensity, crave it, become addicted.

  Would she really be scared knowing the depth, the lengths I go with my brothers to make any fucker who crosses us pay? Does she really understand exactly what I’d do to anyone that even so much as breathes wrong in my direction?

  No, I don’t think she really understands.

  For her own good I should walk away, leave her alone so she doesn’t have to deal with my shit.

  But I’m not.

  “Do you want to know more about me?” I stare into her green eyes. She’s expressive but also cautious. I wait a heartbeat for her answer, already knowing what she’ll say.


  God, that’s really fucking good.

  “You’ll know more about me soon enough.” I grin and lean in just an inch, so close our lips are almost touching. It takes a hell of a lot of self-control not to just kiss her, take her, knowing she’d love it. “Until then.”

  I turn and leave her there shaking, going out the window and feeling more juiced up than I ever have before.



  Leaning my head back, I close my eyes and press my hands against the shower wall as the water beats against my sore muscles, relaxing me just a small bit after tonight’s shit storm.

  Truthfully, nothing ever fully relaxes me. Nothing has for a long fucking time now.

  This lifestyle keeps me tense as hell, ready to take on whatever the fuck is thrown at me. But when you’ve seen what I have—lived through what I have—on edge is the only way to survive.

  I’m doing everything I can not to take that next step that sends me falling into complete blackness that’ll swallow me up whole.

  Hurting motherfuckers who have hurt others has been my only way of doing that so far. My only way of feeling just a little bit alive.

  Swallowing, I run my hands through my wet hair, my mind trailing back to last night when my body was so fucking close to Kadence’s.

  Fuck, how I wanted to feel her under my fingertips. How I wanted to taste every inch of her fucking body, leaving my mark on her.

  I wanted to own her, make her scream my damn name as if she needs me inside her to survive.

  The only problem with that is that I’m dark as shit. I need to know for sure she’s ready to let me into her light.

  There’s nothing gentle about me. Not the way I talk. Not the way I handle others, and definitely not the way I fuck.

  I feel myself becoming hard. I imagine my hand wrapped tightly around her sexy little throat as I bury myself deep between those slender thighs of hers, making her scream my name until it hurts.

  Her roommate would definitely hear, and probably even the neighbors.

  “Mmm… fuck,” I growl while taking my length in my hand and stroking it to thoughts of her.

  I don’t remember the last time I’ve wanted a woman as badly as I want her right now. One look across the street two nights ago, and I knew right away I needed to touch her. To feel her shake beneath me as she comes undone.

  I’ve still yet to do that.

  I bite down on my lip, moaning as my strokes become fast and hard, bringing me close to losing my shit.

  Fuck, I bet her pussy is nice and tight for me. It’d be a struggle to fit my thickness inside her, but I crave the challenge like I crave the darkness.

  With just a few more strokes I feel my balls tighten. I release my load down the shower drain, gripping the wall with one hand as I slowly come down from my temporary high.

  This isn’t enough for me, imagining being inside her. I want more. I need more.

  Stepping out of the shower, I quickly dry off and slip my jeans over my naked body before throwing on an old shirt and reaching for my leather jacket.

  I barely make it to the top of the basement stairs before Sterling calls out my name, asking me to meet them in the living room.

  “You going to tell us what the fuck happened to your hand last night?” He nods down at my wound that’s still bandaged up, the dressing soaked from the shower. I could tell he wanted to ask me about it all night, but I knew he’d wait until our job was done first. “And why the hell you didn’t answer your phone when we called ten motherfucking times.”

  “I cut it on the mirror downstairs.” It’s not a lie. It’s just not the full truth. “Then I went for a damn walk to clear my head. I needed to be alone.”

  Ever since my parents were murdered and I walked in at the end, getting stabbed three times and left for dead, you can say my brothers have been overprotective.

  If it weren’t for them, I’d be dead and those murderous motherfuckers who took our parents’ lives would be alive, roaming the streets, looking for some other drug addicts to take from.

  My parents weren’t good. They were fucked in the head. Consumed by their habits. The Locke family name is tainted as shit, and my brothers and I are the only ones left other than my uncle, Killian.

  My brothers don’t realize, though, that I can take care of my damn self now. I’m not that helpless fifteen-year-old that couldn’t defend himself anymore. I’ve been through hell and back many times that they don’t know of.

  And I’ve walked out, unscathed every single time, except that one.

  “Don’t make me remind your ass what happened to our parents,” Sterling says over his whiskey glass. “Everyone in this town paints us as the bad guys, the ones to be feared, but we know more than anyone there’s fucks out there a lot more dangerous and twisted than us, little brother.” His jaw flexes as he tilts back his glass, emptying it. “We’ve witnessed it.”

  “Don’t worry.” I slip my jacket on and pet King’s head as he comes to sit at my feet. He’s one of the most loyal pit bulls you’ll ever meet. He’s a mean fucker, you better believe that, but only when we tell him to be. “I’m always prepared.”

  “Good.” Ace nods down at his hammer, sitting next to his feet. “I’m ready to play anytime.”

  I smirk and head for the door. “Because you’re the most twisted Locke of us all.”

  As soon as the cool night air hits my face, I place a cigarette between my lips and light it, leaning my head back as I inhale.

  It’s a little earlier than last night, but I have a feeling I know where to find her.

  Exhaling, I make my way to
ward the trails close to Kadence’s house.

  There’s not one person brave enough in this town to run those trails at night, but I have a feeling Kadence isn’t as fragile as she looks.

  She obviously can’t be that scared if she let a damn Locke into her room in the middle of the night.

  Before long I find myself standing off in the darkness, watching Kadence from afar as she slowly jogs between the trees, stopping occasionally to catch her breath.

  She seems unaware of anything around her, making me nervous that she chooses to run these paths alone, so late at night.

  What if it wasn’t a Locke brother lurking in the night, watching her? What if someone far more dark and twisted than me decides they want her just as badly as I do?

  Then what?

  I’ll be around to find out what. That I’m making sure of now.



  Being out here, alone, in the middle of the night, feels freeing after being stuck in a stuffy coffee shop, taking orders all day.

  The cool air hitting my face calms me, making me feel alive as I take these trails each night, knowing I’m the only one around for miles.

  At least so far.

  In the two months I’ve been running at night, I haven’t once seen anyone else out here. It’s as if everyone’s afraid to come out after dark in this little town.

  As if everyone expects the Locke brothers to be lurking around every corner, ready to get their hands bloody.

  Even though I’ve heard the stories of how dangerous they are, a part of me has always been curious about the brothers, wanting to know why they are that way.

  What drives them into the darkness they seem to survive in.

  When the youngest Locke, Aston, looked at me from across the street for the second night in a row, I was quick to let him in, wanting a chance to get to know about him.

  It was as if my body had a mind of its own, going right for the one thing that was keeping us apart.

  Having him in my room, so close, his breath against my lips, had me going crazy inside.

  My heart has never beat so damn fast in my life. Not even during my nightly runs, and if I have to be honest, I haven’t stopped thinking about him since.

  There’s no denying I hope he comes back.

  The sound of leaves crunching behind me has me stopping and turning around to see if someone’s following me.

  My heart is racing like crazy as my gaze scans the darkness around me.

  I don’t see anyone, so I take off running again, going faster this time.

  Of course, the moment I begin to think I’m always out here alone, some crazy person might just pop out of nowhere, proving my ass wrong.

  I run for a good three minutes before I hear someone come up behind me, right before I’m yanked back by a hand grabbing my mouth.

  I scream, but it’s muffled, his hand covering my mouth and nearly my nose.

  My lungs start burning, the need to suck in a breath strong, making me fight for survival. I lash out, swinging my arms around, trying to hit him, hurt him.

  I make contact with his face, my nails digging into his skin.

  He grunts, and the pleasure fills me. I got the fucker. Good. But still he drags me back, farther into the darkness, away from the pseudo-protection of the park lights.

  I know if I don’t stop this, he’ll rape me, hurt me. He’ll make me his victim, and that I won’t stand for. I won’t allow him to dig into my soul, crushing me, making me afraid for the rest of my life.

  “You stupid fucking cunt,” he grits out. His voice is deep, but it sounds fake, like he’s trying too hard to disguise it.

  He’s a coward.

  Before I know what’s going on, he has me pushed up against a tree. The side of my face connects with the bark, scraping the skin, causing a burn and pain to take root.

  I try to turn around, to fight, even if he is stronger. But he has a forearm on my back, pressing me harder against the trunk, making me stationary for the violence he is about to deliver.

  I scream, knowing it won’t do a hell of a lot of good. It’s late, and that’s one of the reasons I come out here. I want to be alone with my thoughts, but it’s clear that was a foolish mistake.

  “I’m going to make you pay for that.”

  I know he’s talking about the scrape across his face. Good, I hope it bleeds, hope it leaves a mark forever.

  Then I hear his zipper being pulled down, and my survival mode kicks in. I fight harder, trying to be strong.

  Then, out of nowhere, the weight on my back is gone, and there’s a grunt behind me, a sound of flesh hitting flesh. I should run, leave, but my morbid curiosity has me turning and watching the scene unfold before me.

  Relief rushes through me, my heart rate slowing down a bit when my eyes lock on him.

  Aston is beating the shit out of my attacker, and as much as I should feel disgusted by the act of violence, all I can do is watch in awe.



  All I can feel is my fist going into this motherfucker’s face. Over and over I slam my knuckles into this bastard’s body, hearing him grunt in pain, smelling his blood coat the air.

  The metallic scent that fills my nose tingles, and makes me hungry for more violence.

  This prick thought he could touch Kadence. He’s about to learn the hard truth that she’s mine, and anyone who fucks with her deals with me.


  I hear her whisper, but I’m in my own world, the need to cause more pain, give more violence, rushing through my veins.

  My heart is pumping wildly, my head exploding with the power, strength, with the degrading things I still want to do.

  “You think you can fucking touch her, hurt her?” I say and pound my fist into his face again. We’re on the ground now, me straddling him, wailing on his ass. “You fucked with the wrong girl, asshole.” Blood coats my knuckles, splattered on my shirt, but I don’t stop.

  I can’t.

  “Enough,” she says softly.

  But I’m in my own world, wanting to hurt this fucker as badly as I can.

  “You’ll kill him,” she says again, and when I feel her hand on my shoulder, I make myself slow. I look at her, the shocked expression on her face piercing me deep.

  I’m breathing hard, my chest rising and falling, blood covering my hands, sweat coating my body. I stand, look down, and see the bastard still breathing. I would have much preferred to kill him, making him suffer.

  “He’s not worth it,” she whispers.

  She’s wrong about that, but I find myself turning toward her, wanting to touch her, make sure she’s okay.

  I take a step closer, and she moves one back. We do this several times until she is pressed to a tree trunk, her chest now rising fast and hard.

  “He’s not worth it,” she says again.

  I shake my head. “He deserves to be six feet under the fucking ground for even thinking he can mess with you.”

  I may have stopped, but I have no intention of letting this fucker pass. If she doesn’t want to see me take vengeance, fine. But I’ll find this prick later, and then real damage will be done.

  I lift my bloodied hand up, smooth a finger along her cheek, and stare at the smear of red on her flesh. I need her right now, want to combat this violence running in me with the feeling of her under me.

  She’s shaking, her breath moving in and out of her parted lips fast. Fuck, I can’t help myself, don’t even want to at this point.

  I wrap my hand around her neck, the hold loose, but letting her know I’m serious. I stare into her eyes for long seconds, seeing her pupils dilate, seeing she is equal parts aroused and frightened.

  I’m a bastard, wanting her after what almost went down. But I can’t help myself.

  Feeling the need claim me, I kiss her, just slam my mouth down on hers and take her lips like I own her.

  I do fucking own her. She’s mine.

  I tighten my hand on her t
hroat, press my body to hers, and feel my dick get hard. Fuck, I want her right now, want to part her thighs and slide my cock into her tight little pussy.

  I bet she’s tighter than a fucking fist wrapped around my cock. Once I have her, I know she’ll be wet for me too, so damn juicy my dick will be soaked, the sheets damp beneath her.

  I groan against her mouth, sliding my tongue deeper between her lips, making her take it all, knowing she loves it.

  But she breaks away, panting, her lips red, swollen. We stare at each other for long seconds, and finally I take a step back.

  “Come on,” she’s the one to say, and I let her take my hand.

  I know where we are going. Tonight I’ll show her exactly how much I want her.

  Tonight she’ll see that she is mine.



  The room is filled with silence. Kadence is moving around slowly to clean my hands, as if she’s worried her roommate will wake up and find me here.

  She can be quiet all she wants while she works on my busted-up hands, taking care of me, but there’s no way she’ll be able to be quiet once I take care of her and make her mine.

  I’m going to make her scream so loud I’ll feel it in my fucking soul, overpowering all the darkness around me, allowing me to get lost in her for a short time and forget about this hell.

  “Thank you for doing that.” She lifts her green eyes up to meet mine, her lips slightly curving into a thankful smile as she wraps the last of the bandage around my hand. “There’s no doubt he would’ve hurt me badly if you hadn’t been out there tonight. I’m glad you were there, Aston.”

  Tightly clenching my jaw, I stand over her small frame, allowing her to take me in. She gazes up and down my sweaty body as if she wants to reach out and run her fingers over every dip and curve.


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