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Locke Brothers Series

Page 4

by Ashley, Victoria

  Anger is still swarming through me at the thought that that piece of shit believed he had the right to hurt her and take her without permission.

  Fuck that shit.

  I’ll rip that fucker’s throat out before he ever has the chance of that happening.

  I can hear her breathing pick up, see the fast rise and fall of her chest as I back her to the door and brush my lips against her smooth neck. “No motherfucker will ever touch you without your permission,” I growl. “Not as long as I’m around.”

  But what I don’t say, at least not just yet, is that the only motherfucker who will ever touch her is me.

  She lets out a small breath of air as I move my mouth around to the front of her neck then brush up to her lips. “You want me to touch you? You want my hands all over this tight little body of yours, Kadence?”

  I hear her swallow before she lets out a quiet, “Yes,” across my lips, confirming what I already knew from the first moment our eyes met.

  As soon as the word leaves her mouth, my hands are gripping her waist and flipping her around to press her front against the door.

  Before she has a moment to catch her breath, I quickly rip her pants down her legs and slam my body against hers from behind, letting her feel my roughness.

  A small, needy moan escapes her pretty little lips once she feels my hardness pressed against her ass, ready to take her.

  Pressing her harder into the door with my hips, I lift her shirt over her arms before pinning them to the door and grazing my teeth over her throbbing neck, tasting her sweaty flesh. The salt on my tongue has my cock jerking.

  “Nothing is gentle about me,” I grit out. “You’re about to find out just how fucking hard I am.”

  “God, yes.”

  That’s all I need to hear.

  Reaching between our bodies, I quickly undo my jeans and slide them down my hips before yanking her panties down her thighs and thrusting into her tight little pussy, fast and deep.

  I do it so fucking hard that she turns her head and bites into my arm, almost drawing blood, to keep from screaming.

  Groaning against the back of her neck, I wrap my fingers into her thick hair and pull as my other hand reaches around to grip the front of her neck and squeeze.

  My thick cock fills her completely, easily sliding in and out from her wetness coating me, our sweaty bodies slapping together with force.

  She’s so much wetter than I imagined she’d be for me. I can feel her arousal dripping down to my balls.

  Fuck, she likes my roughness…

  This has me fucking her harder, being so rough that her body moves up the wooden door, her face smashing against the surface with each thrust.

  “Aston,” she pants while gripping at anything she can grab on to. “Keep going… don’t stop.”

  I yank her hair back and smirk before running my tongue over her hot neck, all the way over to her ear. “I don’t plan to.”

  Pulling out of her, I flip her around and crush my lips against hers, tugging and pulling with my teeth until her lips are red and swollen. “Not for a long fucking time.”

  A surprised breath escapes her lips as I pick her up and roughly toss her onto her bed before walking over to stand at the foot of it.

  She’s breathing heavily, gripping at the blankets as I grab the bottom of my shirt and rip it off over my head, tossing it aside.

  I see the expression on her face change the second her gaze scans my chest and abs, taking in the long, jagged scars.

  Her focus stays there, examining them, but she doesn’t say anything as I lower my jeans, stepping out of them.

  I stand here in silence for a moment, my chest quickly rising and falling as she takes in the sight of me, naked, in front of her.

  There’s no mistaking she’s completely turned on by what she sees, but also scared and concerned about what happened to me in the past.

  If she knew half the shit I’ve been through, the suffering and pain I’ve endured, there’s no doubt in my mind that she’d run and never fucking look back.

  Now it’s time for her to really feel me.



  I stare at Aston, my pussy sensitive from when he shoved all those hard inches into me, but my body still wants more.

  I crave more.

  I look at the inked-up skin he reveals, the scars I can see intersecting the art. What must he have gone through? What fucking horrors did he see to make him broken on the outside?

  Sure, physically he’s strong, powerful, but those scars had to have given him a lasting effect. They had to have chipped away at him.

  I want to ask him about them, to comfort him, but a part of me knows better than to pry. I don’t want to push it, don’t want to cross that line.

  Maybe, given time, I’ll open up and find the courage to ask him, to let him know I want to make sure he’s okay.

  But I can see right now talking is not in the plan. It’s clear in his eyes that he wants to fuck me, and do it hard.

  “Take off the bra. Now,” he demands.

  I rise up slightly, remove my bra, and once naked I rest on the bed again. He looks me up and down as if he’s doing it to get his fill. Goose bumps pop out along my flesh, and I feel myself getting wetter.

  “How primed are you for me?”

  I don’t answer, just brace my feet on the bed and spread my thighs wide, showing him I’m ready for him to take me, to claim me.

  He makes this deep rumble in his chest and grabs his huge, thick cock and starts stroking himself. God, the sight of him jerking off while he looks at me is so damn hot I can barely handle it.

  And then he’s on me, pushing my legs wider apart, settling between them. He doesn’t wait to shove back into my body, stretching me, making the pain and pleasure rise to this burn, this high.

  The grunt he gives when he’s to the hilt inside me, his balls pressed to my ass, has me gasping. I arch my back, thrust my breasts out, and ride the wave of pleasure as he starts fucking me.

  In and out. Faster, harder, no fucks given.

  He has his hand on my throat, cutting off my breathing slightly, making the intensity wash through my body.

  I feel myself go higher, the root of his cock stroking my clit, the weight of his hand on my neck getting me off.

  And then he’s gently biting my shoulder, soft at first, but with more force the faster his thrusts become. Just when I think I’m going to climax, he pulls out, flips me over, and smacks my ass.

  At this point I don’t care if Melissa can hear me.

  He spanks me hard, the blood rushing to the surface, no doubt my skin becoming ruby red. And then he’s pushing my thighs apart, thrusting back into me, and fucking me like a madman.

  I grab the sheets, curl my hands around the material, and let myself feel it all.

  God, he’s so big, so fierce. He thrusts in and out, hard and fast, hitting this deep part of me that has my toes curling and my body feeling as if it’s on fire.

  Grunting, he presses his hand on the center of my back, making me take all of him.

  I feel myself going higher, know I’m going to come. Then it hits me almost like a distant memory, like a dream. He isn’t wearing a condom. But in this moment I can’t even find it in myself to care.

  The youngest Locke brother is inside of me, proving just how fucking rough and raw he is, and it feels too damn good.

  “Come on, baby, fucking come for me. I want to fucking hear it.” He thrusts deep inside me. “Let me feel this tight little cunt clenching around me, sucking at my cock, needing that cum.”

  His hand on my back hurts, but it also feels incredible.

  And just like that, because he demands I let go, I get off, my body shaking as I dig my nails into his arm, most likely drawing blood.

  This doesn’t make him stop though.

  He pumps harder and faster, his balls slapping my clit, his dominance making me wetter, needier with each thrust.

  “That’s it.
Fuck.” He gives my ass a hard smack. “This is only the fucking beginning. You’re mine. Only mine.”

  He buries his cock in me, and I know he’s coming. I can feel him filling me up, sense it slipping out from where we are connected.

  My thighs are sticky with his cum, the sheet damp below me. I know I’ll have bruises come morning, bite marks to prove he claimed me.

  And all I can think is that I want more.

  I need more.



  Fuck, how I love watching my cum drip from her tight little pussy and cover the bed below her, showing her she’s mine.

  Nothing has ever even come close to feeling this damn good, making me feel alive. And I know the moment I leave here, that all I will feel is the emptiness that swallows me whole.

  But that’s what I’m used to. That dark, empty feeling that consumes me.

  It’s how I live, how I survive.

  It’s how I stay alive … feel alive.

  It’s not something that can be changed so damn easily, no matter how fucking badly I wish it was so.

  Standing from the bed, I look down at Kadence’s naked, flushed body. I watch the rapid rise and fall of her chest as she looks up at me while fighting to catch her breath.

  Her legs are still spread for me, her sweaty body on display for my viewing as if she’s letting me know she’s mine.

  The cum dripping from between her beautiful legs already confirmed that, and we both know it.

  Walking over to the window, I open it and pull out a cigarette, lighting it and inhaling a long drag as the night air hits my naked flesh.

  Her gaze roams over my body as I stand here, taking in every hard inch of me as if she can’t believe I just took her. It’s like she can’t believe that I just fucked her so good that the neighbors no doubt heard her cries of pleasure.

  No doubt her roommate heard, as well.

  I know I should be leaving now. Should be walking out that damn door and hiding in the solitude of my basement, but I don’t want to.

  Not tonight. Not while her body is covered with my scent… my sweat mixed with hers.

  Taking one last drag, I snub it on the ledge and toss the cigarette out the window and close it.

  I tilt my head when she gets ready to reach for something to clean off with. “Don’t.”

  Locking eyes with her, I crawl back into her bed and roughly pull her body against mine.

  Fuck, she smells like me. That has the possessive side rising up in me.

  The little moan that escapes her lips is enough to let me know she wants me here just as badly as I want to be here.

  “I want me all over your fucking body till morning.” I drag my teeth over her sweaty neck and growl before whispering in her ear. “I want my cum inside you, Kadence. I want you to remember the way I fucked you and claimed you while you sleep.”

  She doesn’t say anything.

  She doesn’t have to.

  * * *


  I wonder how long Aston will stay. I don’t want him to go, but I also know that maybe this won’t last.

  Maybe what I feel isn’t what he feels?

  He pulls me close, this possessiveness coming from him.

  “What happened?” I find myself asking, wanting to know about the scars, wanting to know his truth. I reach out and touch the closest scar to me, one that’s across his tight abs.

  He pulls away, lying on his back, staring at the ceiling. His jaw is clenched, his focus seeming intense.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, knowing I probably crossed a line.

  “It’s good.” He looks at me. “I don’t know if telling you about all this shit is the right thing. I’ll scare the shit out of you, if I haven’t done so already.”

  I push myself up, not caring that I’m naked. I don’t care about anything but this moment.

  He turns and faces me, pulls me in tightly, and I know that no matter what he says, I’m not going anywhere.

  I want Aston.

  I want to be owned by him completely.



  Shit, she wants to know about my scars, about how I got them. I am one cruel motherfucker to anyone who crosses me, but a part of me wants to be … gentle with her.

  A part of me wants to tread lightly. I’ve never felt like that before. I’ve never given two fucks about what anyone thought.

  If they are stupid enough to ask about us, they get the cold, brutal truth. They find out the hard way who we are.

  “My parents were worthless. They were druggies, and we’d have dealers come to the house frequently.” I run my hand along one of the stab wounds I got that night. The one across my abs. “My parents pissed a dealer off. It was a deal gone wrong, and he killed them.” I exhale, that night flashing through my mind. I stare at her and look into her eyes, wondering what she’s thinking right now. “Then the dealer turned that knife on me, meant to kill me.”

  I have to give her credit; she doesn’t look shocked or scared.

  “And that’s why the Lockes are this way?”

  I don’t speak for a few seconds, not giving a fuck that my parents are in the ground.

  “That’s why my brothers are so protective of me. That’s why we are so tight with each other and don’t let anyone fuck with us.”

  “Do you miss them?”

  How will she feel when I tell her I don’t give a shit about my parents? “Our parents were worthless pieces of shit. They deserved what they got and more. Them being dead doesn’t even begin to make up for the damage they did to me and my brothers. All the physical and mental hurt they caused us growing up.” I feel rage and darkness creep up on me, transforming me, making me feel whole.

  I feel its icy fingers stroke my skin, taking hold of my black heart, and squeezing. This is what I live for, and I will never back down from it.

  I’ll never let it leave me.

  If Kadence wants to be in my life, she needs to see every cruel, heartless, and black part of my fucking soul.

  “If they were assholes and hurt you and didn’t care for you the way they should, good, they deserved what they got.”

  I’m pretty fucking stunned by her words.

  “But I’m sorry you went through that, had to deal with it all.”

  “It made us stronger.” I sit up and start grabbing my clothes. I don’t want to go, but I remember I have to go help my brothers.

  They’ll track my ass down if they have to, and it won’t be pretty for anyone.

  As much as I want to stay here and fuck Kadence until she can’t walk straight, I have to go.

  Just as I get the last of my clothes on, there’s a knock on the bedroom door.

  I see Kadence immediately stiffen.

  “Kadence?” the roommate calls out. “Are you okay?”

  “Shit,” Kadence says under her breath. “I’m good.” She goes to get up, gets tangled in the sheets, and falls to the ground, cursing loudly.

  “Are you okay?” the roommate says as she opens the bedroom door.

  The roommate and I lock gazes, and I watch her terrified eyes grow wide.

  I turn and help Kadence off the ground, pull her in close, and kiss her, letting her roommate know she’s mine.

  I hear the soft moan come from her, and pride fills me. My cock also starts to get hard again.

  Damn, I want her.

  I pull away from Kadence, sure as fuck not wanting to, but needing to go.

  I walk toward the roommate, grinning, not caring that she clearly knows what we just did.

  Hell, I’m pretty fucking proud that I claimed my girl.

  She moves to the side, allows me to walk by her without any issues. She’s afraid, scared as fuck of my reputation, clearly.

  I look at Kadence, feeling all kinds of possessiveness slam into me.

  My girl.

  Then I turn to the roommate again, give a wink, and leave the room.

  If Kadence thinks this is the last ti
me I’ll see her, she really doesn’t understand what it means to be mine.



  My heart sinks the moment Aston walks out the door. Realization hits me that I have no idea if I’ll see him again.

  That thought has me feeling sick to my stomach. Worry washes through me, and I wrap the sheet around my body and walk through the living room to watch him out the window as he walks away.

  This feeling I have is foreign, strange in the best of ways. I want to see him again, want to feel him on me … in me.

  Melissa standing next to me with her hard, icy glare, making clear how damn angry she is with me, isn’t even enough to make me forget about the man who just took me like no other man has before.

  The way he handled me and made me feel like I was his and only his has me wanting and needing more of him.

  “You have to be insane,” Melissa whispers.

  Maybe I am, but if feeling this way for Aston makes me crazy, I don’t want to be sane.

  Aston has me completely wrapped up in him, and I barely even know him yet.

  But what I do know… is that he’s been hurt far worse than he’s probably ever hurt someone else before, and I hate the thought of him being hurt.

  It makes me angry.

  “You just had sex with a Locke brother?” Melissa says, pulling my attention away from the empty street. She phrases it like a question, but she knows the truth.

  I didn’t even get a chance to see him walk away. He must’ve taken a different route, disappearing between the houses.

  “You let one of those dangerous brothers into your bed and into your body? Kadence, what the hell were you thinking?” The panic in her voice is real. She looks me over, standing here naked, still holding the sheet to my body. “He was in our damn house. That’s not cool.”

  “He saved me tonight, Melissa.” I let out a breath and walk past her, making my way back to my room. I just want to be alone right now. The last thing I want to do is listen to Melissa put Aston down. “He’s not as bad as you think. He makes me feel… safe.”


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