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Annihilation 08: Searching for a Hero

Page 2

by Saxon Andrew

  “I thought he was alive when the order went out to find him a hundred years ago?”

  “No, it was determined that it was the proper time for him to appear. However, it was not known when it would happen. We now know he’s alive.”

  “So where is he?”

  “No one knows.”

  “What species is he?”

  “That is also unknown.”

  The young Cat stared at the elder cat and after a moment thought, “Then how do you know he’s alive?”

  The elder Cat looked up at the night sky above El Prado and said, “Look at the pressures.”

  The young Cat looked up and focused on the forces that held creation together. The forces that held everything in balance were slightly vibrating. The young Cat tore his vision away, “How long has this been happening!”

  “We don’t know?”

  The young cat was losing his patience, “Do you know anything?”

  The elder looked back up at the sky, filled from horizon to horizon with a breathtaking panorama of stars, “We don’t know how long the forces have been vibrating. One of the Elders took a look at them and made the discovery yesterday. They could have been doing it for hundreds of years or they could have started a moment before he looked. We have no way of knowing.” Rider smiled, “Someone is in harmony with those forces, causing them to vibrate. The one we’ve been charged to find must be the one doing it. We now have proof that he is alive.”

  “How do you know it’s a he?”

  “We don’t.”

  The young Cat snarled in frustration, “Then how do we find this being?” Rider moved his vision from the sky to the young Cat as he said, “I know, I know; you don’t know.”

  “Actually, we have an idea on where to start looking.” The young Cat’s ears went up and Rider continued, “We know the Three were the only ones with a connection; we start with those three species.”

  “Are you sure about this?”


  “Well, at lease you’re consistent in your lack of knowledge; since there’s nothing else to do, we might as well take a look at them.”

  Rider looked back up at the stars and sighed, “Those three species are scattered throughout Creation. They led the migration from the early Realm and have continued to expand. It won’t be easy to find him.”

  The cat sat down on his haunches, “You’re nothing but a huge pot of good news.”

  Rider smiled, “Aren’t I though.”

  • • • • •

  Ping sat in his room and thought about what to do. All of the fifteen year old students attending his school were scheduled to visit the King of the Stars Realm. Hundreds of thousands of students would arrive at the stadium on Ross to be addressed by the most powerful man in the Realm. He had watched a video that reported on the visit made to Ross by students from Glod two days earlier and the reporter was amazed at the size of the spectacle and the number of enormous cats that were present. The giant cats were about two hundred feet long and stood twenty feet tall at their shoulder. Ping watched the video closely as the giant cats moved through the massive crowds of students. He focused on them and saw they were searching for something…or someone.

  He was worried. He sighed and decided it was time. He went downstairs and found his mother in the kitchen. “Mom, do you have a moment?”

  Coryn looked up from her oven and smiled, “Let me start baking these treats and I’ll join you in the living room. Do you want to lick the bowl?”

  Ping smiled, picked it up and took it with him. Mom was the best baker on the planet…well, at least in his opinion. Licking the bowl only confirmed it. Coryn entered the living room and Ping put the bowl down, “What’s going on, Ping?”

  “Mom, I need your help.”

  “Sure, what do you need?”

  “I need you to help me avoid going to see the King this Friday.”

  Coryn stared at Ping for a long moment and then sat down, “Why do you want to avoid seeing the King? It’s part of your duty as a citizen of the Realm to attend that gathering.”

  Ping blew out a breath and picked up the remote control for the family monitor. He moved the channel to the story about the Glod students visiting the King and rewound it. He sat down beside his mother and he slowed it down when the video showed the giant cats moving through the massive crowd. “Mom, what are those cats doing?”

  Coryn stared at the video and after a moment she said, “It looks like they’re looking for someone or something.”

  She turned to Ping and he said, “I believe they’re looking for me, Mom.”

  Coryn moved her head back in disbelief and furrowed her brow, “What on Earth would make you think that?”

  “Give me a moment.” Ping went upstairs and returned a few minutes later with a small info drive he plugged into the monitor. He activated it and turned to his mother, “I’ve been collecting this for the last nine months.”

  Coryn watched as video after video showed the giant cats visiting various schools and cities. She saw them walking up major streets and they appeared to be listening for something. They would be seen in front of schools with their ears up and staring at the buildings. Coryn turned to Ping, “What are they doing?”

  “I believe they are looking for me.”

  Coryn looked in her son’s eyes and saw something, “Surely you’re not that paranoid? Why would they be doing that?”

  Ping took a deep breath, blew it out, and shook his head, “I believe they have somehow sensed me. I don’t know how, but I do know they are attempting to find me.” Ping saw the doubt in Coryn’s expression and he took her hands in his, “Mom, I’ve been sensing changes taking place in me for more than ten years. I determined in the first level that if anyone possessed talents different from those around them that they should hide them from the powers that be.”

  Coryn scoffed, “How did you make that determination?”

  “Thomas Gardner had to do it as a young boy. I have no desire to have the government looking over my shoulder at everything I do for the rest of my life. I want to be free to live my life unencumbered and not be restricted in what I choose to do.”

  “Ping, I honestly find this hard to believe. You’re no different than anyone else. What is it about you that has caused this imagined search?”

  Ping tilted his head, “I have some talents I’ve been deliberately hiding.”

  Coryn crossed her arms, “Such as?”

  Ping saw his mother staring into his eyes and he looked across the room at the bowl sitting on the table. He raised his hand and the bowl lifted, floated over to him and hung in the air in front of them. Coryn’s eyes went wide and Ping said, “I can sense things before they happen and I’m able to see things that are impossible.”

  Coryn forced her attention away from the bowl, “Such as?”

  “I can see the settlements on Mars. As I age, I think that vision will increase in distance. The point is; I sense they’re looking for me and I’m worried that if I go to that gathering on Ross, the cats might sense me. I don’t want to be forced to leave my home, Mom.”

  Coryn’s eyes narrowed, “Do you think that will happen?”

  “Mom, you know there have been numerous ads on the monitor asking anyone that possesses psychic talents to go to the government and discuss how to help the Realm. If the government discovers I possess mental abilities, what do you think they’ll do? I don’t think staying at home will be an option. Besides, that part of me that sees the future says I will lose my freedom if I’m discovered. I don’t want to take the risk of that happening by going to the gathering.”

  Coryn looked at the bowl hanging in midair, “I find it hard to believe they would take you away just because of some telekinetic ability.” Suddenly the bowl vanished. Coryn jumped and looked at Ping.

  “It’s in the kitchen on the table.”

  Coryn looked frightened, “Why haven’t you told me before now?”

  “I love you too much to cause you
to worry. However, I know you should know what I can do and now is as good a time as any to tell you; especially when I need you to help me avoid this trip.”

  “Aren’t you worried about someone reading my mind and seeing what you’ve told me?”

  “Not really; there aren’t many telepaths in the Realm and I believe the Cats are searching for some kind of reading that I would give off. The chance of someone that has telepathic ability questioning you is remote. At least that’s what I sense.”

  “Are you telepathic?”

  “Not yet.” Coryn gave a start. “Mom, my talents are constantly changing. I don’t know what I’ll be capable of doing as time passes.”

  “Do you trust this sense of yours?”

  “I do; it’s never been wrong.”

  Coryn sighed, “Let’s see what we can come up with that won’t cause suspicion.”

  “Thanks, Mom; I really appreciate it.”

  “I love you, Ping. I’m going to need some time to get a grip on what you’ve told me but I guess it’s not so outrageous; look at the former rulers of the Realm. I still don’t want to believe the Cats are searching for you.”

  Ping smiled and was glad he didn’t tell her about his reflexes and the full extent of his teleportation talent. He felt uneasy about the coming trip and knew he had to avoid going.

  • • • • •

  Mios looked up at the King of the Stars Realm and felt awe. He wished Ping was there to see the pageant. Jodie sat next to him and cheered with the thousands sitting around them in the stadium. Mios looked up and saw a giant Northern Mountain Cat walk down the aisle next to their row. The cheering stopped as the crowd was shocked silent by the mammoth size of the giant Cat. The cat looked to the left and right as it passed and Mios knew it was looking for something.

  Jodie sat down and said, “I wish Ping had come.”

  Mios looked sharply at her and held his finger over his lips. He watched the giant Cat move to another row and Jodie looked at Mios like he was crazy, “What was that about?”

  Mios looked off at the cat and said, “You know they’re telepathic?”


  “Well, I don’t want to discuss my best friend’s absence around them. I want that conversation to remain with us.”

  Jodie stared at Mios and he ignored her questioning expression. “Mios.”


  “Why has Ping refused to accept me as his girlfriend?”

  Mios turned to Jodie and his eyes narrowed, “I thought the two of you were an item?”

  “No, I do all I can to be around him but he treats me like a friend and nothing more.”

  “Jodie, you need to ask him that question.”

  “He’s never discussed his feelings for me with you?”

  Mios shook his head, “Ping is a complex person. He’s one of the funniest people I know but he can be the most intense person I’ve ever seen as well. No, he’s not discussed his feelings about you with me and I wouldn’t tell you if he did. That’s something the two of you should resolve.”

  “Why don’t you have a girlfriend, Mios?” Jodie immediately noticed Mios grow tense,

  Mios looked at the King and said, “I just haven’t found the right one, yet.”

  She stared at him for a long moment and then another cheer went up for the King and they joined in. As they exited the teleporter on Earth, Jodie grabbed Mios’ arm and looked him in the eyes, “You weren’t being honest with me.”


  “You found the right one; you just refuse to tell her.” Jodie stood on her toes and kissed him on the cheek. She spun and ran away to meet her parents. Mios held his cheek and shook his head. How could she possibly know?

  • • • • •

  Mios and Ping sat on the edge of the pond watching their corks float on the water. Ping knew something was bothering Mios but didn’t want to force him to talk about it. He waited patiently and after Ping’s cork went under and he missed setting the hook, Mios handed him another piece of bait and said, “Ping, how do you feel about Jodie?”

  “She’s a nice girl, Mios.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “Did she put you up to this?”

  “She asked if you have ever told me your feelings about her.”


  “I told her you haven’t and that even if you had I wouldn’t tell her.”

  Ping smiled, “Mios, I like her but nothing more than that. She’s beautiful, witty, charming, sweet, and all the other great adjectives one could use to describe a female.”


  Ping pointed to his chest, “She’s doesn’t touch me where it counts.” Ping stared at Mios and then he got it, “You care about her.”

  Mios looked up in misery, “I do; but she only cares about you, Ping.”

  “Tell her.”


  “Tell her. You won’t hurt my feelings and you might be surprised by what she says.”

  “Ping, I’m not near the prize you are.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short, Mios. You’re my best friend for a reason and you’re much more than you think.”

  Mios sighed and pulled his line as the cork disappeared below the water. He pulled in a nice perch and Ping smiled, “Besides, you’re a better fisherman than I am.”

  Mios laughed, put the fish on the string and baited his line. He leaned back on the bank next to the pond and looked off at the giant towers rising into the sky in Tampa. The huge city extended off into the distance covering the ancient cities of Orlando and Jacksonville. Future growth was prohibited to protect the farm lands in Florida, which provided the bulk of the fruit consumed by the planet. Nightfall was not far away and the almost full moon began adding its light to the ground around them. The two fifteen year olds looked up at the millions of floaters flying overhead and saw an occasional star break through the light of the city. Mios sighed and Ping said, “We’ll go out and see more stars than we believe, Mios.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “I do.”

  Ping reached over and gave Mios a small punch on the arm. Mios smiled; that was how they told each other how much they loved the other.

  • • • • •

  The next day Mios sat on the spinner in the playground before school opened. He missed the old one; it moved much faster than the current one did. He arrived early and didn’t want to go inside. He didn’t want to face Jodie.

  “Why are you out here?”

  Mios turned and saw Jodie standing behind him. He shrugged, “I just wanted some time to reflect.”

  “On what?” Mios shook his head. Jody smiled, “You know you love me; you might as well admit it.”

  Mios looked up at Jodie and she saw the pain in his eyes, “You love someone else, Jodie.”

  Jodie sat down on the spinner and gave it a small push with her foot, “My parents tell me I’m too young to know what love is, much less feel it.”

  “Parents aren’t always right.”

  “They are most of the time.” Mios looked at her with a furrowed brow. Jodie looked into his eyes, “Like where we are right now. I thought I loved Ping and I’ve been chasing him for six years.” Mios looked away. Jodie gave the spinner another push, “However, it’s been you and I that have spent the majority of the time together while I was waiting for Ping to notice me. You’ve picked me up when I was down, made me laugh when I felt like crying, and listened to my frustrations in getting Ping to feel for me like I felt for him.” Mios slowly shook his head. Jodie gave the spinner another push, “I looked up the meaning of two words this morning before I came to school; love and respect.”

  Mios’ brow furrowed and he tilted his head and looked at her, “Why did you do that?”

  “One component of love is not wanting to lose the company of the one you love. I realize I could live quite normally if Ping disappeared and went somewhere else. However, I would be miserable if you ever left and we
nt away. I discovered this morning that I highly respect Ping, but I don’t love him.”

  “You don’t?” Jodie shook her head. Mios stared at her, looked down and managed to say, “I’ve loved you from the first moment you asked me why they called him Ping.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Mios shook his head, “I’m not a Ping. He’s so much more than I am.”

  Jodie smiled that beautiful smile, “I know your heart, Mios. You’ve endured the pain of seeing me with someone else and you stood by me, never letting me see how much you hurt. You are more than you think.”

  Mios looked up, “Just being near you made my day brighter.”

  Jodie put out her foot and stopped the spinner. She leaned forward and kissed Mios on the lips. She broke the kiss and said, “Maybe we can brighten both our days from now on.”

  Mios stood up with her and they walked back to the classroom. Ping watched them from the window at the east end of the building and smiled. Two years later they graduated from secondary school and the vibration of the forces stopped.

  • • • • •

  The young Cat looked at Rider, “Why have the patterns stopped vibrating?”

  “What do you think happened to cause the change?”

  “Perhaps the one we’re searching for has died.”

  Rider smiled, “Or he has learned how to hide from us.”

  “Is that possible?”

  “The forces no longer vibrate; if they don’t feel him, it’s a good bet that we won’t sense him either.”

  “Are you telling me his talents are growing?”

  Rider smiled.

  • • • • •

  Mios received the notification in his terminal and ran out of his house. He saw Ping heading his way at top speed and Mios yelled, “I’ve been accepted.”

  “And I have, too.”

  Mios’ wrist com buzzed and he saw Jodie, “Please tell me you’re in!”

  Jodie’s entire face turned into a smile, “I am!”

  “We’re all going to the Academy.”

  Jodie yelled, “Tonight, George’s, at seven.”

  Ping yelled, “We’ll be there!”

  Coryn stood at her front door and saw Ping and Mios celebrating. She had learned over the last two years that her son was something special. She no longer doubted his talents. But she knew that people like Ping happened for a reason; she hoped he would not be harmed. She felt Paul come up behind her and she reached up to her shoulder and took his hand, “I worry so much about him.”


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