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Annihilation 08: Searching for a Hero

Page 3

by Saxon Andrew

  “He’ll be fine, love.”

  “I’m going to miss him so much.”

  Paul hugged her and whispered in her ear, “I’ll do my best to keep you occupied.”

  Coryn smiled and turned into his arms.

  Chapter Three

  “I’ve been told the Cats are searching for another.”


  “You know why they need him and you know who sent the message.”

  “Is it possible?”

  “You need look no further than your mirror.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Nothing…for the moment.”


  We’ll cross that dimension when we have to.”

  “You know what this means?”

  “I hope we’re wrong about that.”

  “How often have we been wrong?”

  “Let me think about it; I’m sure there’s been an occasion.”

  “Let me know when you think of it.”

  • • • • •

  The classes at the Academy were designed to accomplish two goals: educate the cadets and weed those out that wouldn’t put forth the effort to graduate. They were successful on both counts. The three close friends went into their studies with a purpose and working together they managed to survive the worst the Academy threw at them.

  Ping looked at Jodie, “Where’s Mios?”

  “Pederson has him cleaning another latrine.”


  “His collar pin was a hundredth of an inch off.”

  “This is absurd.”

  Jodie shook her head, “That upper classman has it in for Mios and I don’t know if he’ll get enough study time to pass.”

  An hour later Mios arrived. “I’m sorry I’m late.”

  Ping’s eyes narrowed, “Pederson again?” Mios nodded. “Well, we can’t allow him to continue to get away with this.”

  “What can I do? He comes looking for me.”

  Ping’s anger was clear. “Tonight we pay him back.”

  Mios started shaking his head, “I don’t like the sound of this.”

  Jodie looked at Ping, “What are you going to do?”

  “We’re sailors; it’s time he learned about the properties of water.” Mios did a double take and Ping smiled, “Meet me outside his dorm at two AM.”

  • • • • •

  Mios looked at Ping who was holding a fifty foot hose and two large cups. “What’s in the cups?”

  “It’s a special brew for tonight’s festivities. Help me carry this trash can.”

  The two cadets each grabbed the large metal trash can with one hand and one of the cups in the other. They arrived at the stairwell at the end of the hall on the fourth floor. Mios looked at Ping, “You know the camera will see everything that happens.” Ping reached into his back pocket and pulled out a can of shaving cream. Mios said, “There’s no way you can get to that camera fast enough to spray it before you’re seen.”

  “Ah grasshopper…one must make large jumps to accomplish one’s life goals.”

  Mios smiled and looked around the edge of the stairwell at the camera. It was located in the middle of the long hall and would snap around one way and less than two seconds later it would snap back in the opposite direction. Ping watched the camera and counted. “One…two…one…two. “ Suddenly, Ping disappeared and reappeared under the camera. He reached up and sprayed the lens with a huge glob of shaving cream. He reappeared at Mios’ side and said, “Follow me quietly.” The two carried the large trash can down to Eric Pederson’s room and propped it against the door. Ping then took each cup, folded the lid of the paper cup, and shoved it under the door. He took the fifty foot hose out of the trash can and ran down to the central bathroom and connected it to a faucet. He turned on the water and began filling up the trash can. Mios watched it fill and estimated there had to be about four hundred pounds of water in the barrel leaning against the door. Finally, it was as full as it could get without overflowing. Ping bent the hose to stop the water and went back to the bathroom and disconnected it from the faucet. He rolled it up and put it over his shoulder. He came back and whispered, “I’ve used the communicator in the library to order a wakeup call for our friend at two forty five. When you hear it, wait for him to turn it off and knock softly on the door. I’ll listen and when he comes to the door we stomp the cups and run out of the building. Got it?”

  Mios shrugged and nodded. They waited and at two forty five they heard Eric’s wrist unit go off. The waited and heard, “What the hell…” The alarm was turned off and Ping scratched on the door. He had his ear against it as he continued to scratch. He felt Eric arrive at the door and he nodded. Ping and Mios stomped the cups and ran down to the end of the hall and down the stairs. The two cups blasted their contents into Eric’s room and covered him for head to foot with a white liquid that smelled to high heaven. He heard the footsteps disappearing down the hall and turned the knob on his door to try and see who it was. No human could stop a four hundred pound barrel of water from pushing a door open. The door flew back into Eric, sending him sprawling on the floor as eighty gallons of water rushed into his room all the way to the far wall before it washed back out into the hall, taking most of Eric’s shoes and boots with it. The loud crash of the door and trash can woke everyone on the hall and Eric was heard cursing at the top of his voice. The officer in charge of the building notified security and they arrived just before the Academy Commandant. Eric was still yelling at the top of his voice as he tried to wash the smell off in the shower.

  The Commandant looked at the Lieutenant, “What happened here?”

  “It appears someone has it in for Mr. Pederson, Sir.”

  “Who did it?”

  “That’s the funny thing, Sir. The camera lens was covered before it could photograph the culprits.”

  “How could that happen?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Does our Mr. Pederson know who did it?”

  “He claims he does, Sir.”

  “Well get him out here and let’s see what he has to say.”

  Eric came out of the shower still cursing and saw the Commandant. He went to attention and the Commandant said, “Mr. Pederson, do you happen to know who dirtied up my dormitory?”

  “Yes Sir, I do. It was that plebe by the name of Mios LaSalle that did it.”

  “Did you see him in the act?”

  “No Sir, but I know it was him.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “He’s trying to get back at me for the pushups and larine cleanups I’ve made him do, Sir.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes Sir, it is.”

  “And I’m sure you’ve filed a disciplinary report every time you administered discipline.”

  Pederson was silent. The Commandant looked at the Lieutenant, “Go and fetch this Mr. Mios and bring him here.”

  Pederson remained at attention and the cadets in the hall remained to see what happened. Mios arrived in full uniform and was spotless. The Commandant looked at him and said, “Do you sleep in that uniform?”

  “No Sir. I’ve learned not to come around upperclassman Pederson without being in perfect uniform, Sir.”

  “Why not?”

  “I would be given pushups and latrine duty, Sir.”

  The Commandant looked at Eric and saw he was getting nervous. He looked back at Mios, “Just how many pushups have you done for Mr. Pederson?”

  “Three thousand, Sir.”


  “Three thousand, Sir.”

  “In what time?”

  “Over the last three weeks, Sir.”

  “And how many latrines have you cleaned in that time?”

  “Fifty six, Sir.”

  The Commandant turned to Pederson, “You will give me the copy of the disciplinary reports where you issued punishment to this cadet.”

  Pederson stared straight ahead, “Sir, I didn’t write any.”
The Commandant stared at Eric with a steely gaze and he quickly said, “No one reports every discipline they administer, Sir.”

  The Commandant knew if he pushed getting the reports, other upper classmen who had not abused the system would be caught up in the process and harmed needlessly. He made a decision, “Mr. Pederson, you obviously don’t know how to implement correct discipline to change bad behavior. In order for you to learn from your mistakes, you will double what you’ve made this new cadet do and you’ll have to complete it before graduation. I know we don’t have enough latrines on this side of the campus for you to clean, but I believe fifty six along with the six thousand pushups should allow you to see the error of your ways.”

  “Sir, I graduate in ten days.”

  “Not if you don’t complete this assignment. You must also take your finals and pass them.”

  Mios knew the assignment was not humanly possible. The Commandant was effectively making Eric fail after four years of struggle. He didn’t want it to be done because of him. “Sir, may I ask a question?” The Commandant turned to Mios and nodded. “I know that cadets from a lower class are allowed to share an upperclassman’s punishment.” The Commandant stared at Mios for a long moment and nodded again. “If I choose to assist him, what would be required of me?”

  “You would have to document what you have done and have it witnessed.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Is it my understanding that you intend to help Mr. Pederson?”

  “If I can.”

  “For God’s sake, why?”

  “If one of us is in need, pain, or danger…all of us are.”

  “I honestly don’t believe that was intended for someone like Mr. Pederson.”

  Mios just stared at the Commandant and he turned to Eric, “You will do whatever this plebe tells you; is that clear?”

  “Sir, yes Sir.”

  The Commandant turned and left the hall. Mios turned to Eric and said, “Meet me in my dorm in the morning at 5:45 AM.”

  “Yes Sir.” Eric turned and went into his room.

  • • • • •


  “I’m going to help him do his punishment.”

  “For God’s sake, why?”

  “You sound like the Commandant, Ping.”

  “He doesn’t deserve it; the man is a pig!”

  “Who won’t be allowed to graduate because of what we did. I’m not going to be a party to that.”

  “He deserves it, Mios. He tried to get you out of the Academy.”

  “But he failed; I’m not going to let this happen if I can do something about it.”

  Ping sighed, “Alright, count me in. How do you want to handle this?”

  “We’re going to ask for help.”

  “Do you think we’ll get any?” Mios shrugged.

  Eric met Mios and Ping in the lobby of the freshman dorm and stood at attention. He didn’t salute and Ping said, “Your salute technique is quite poor.”

  “I’m unable to lift my arms, Sir.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I did eight hundred pushups last night and I believe I’ve injured my arms.”

  Mios stared at Eric, “You mean you did eight hundred pushups from three in the morning until now?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Ping shook his head. The six AM bell sounded and the cadets came running down the stairs toward the lobby. Mios held up his hand and yelled, “May I speak with you for a moment?”

  Josh Bennett looked at them and said, “What do you want?”

  Josh was elected president of the freshman class and was number one in his class. Mios said, “Our friend here has been ordered to do six thousand pushups and clean fifty six latrines between now and graduation or he won’t be allowed to graduate. We need volunteers to help him complete the task.”

  Josh looked at Eric, “Why would anyone want to help this bum? He’s taken joy in causing suffering among us.”

  Mios said, “If one is in need, pain, or danger; all of us are together.”

  Josh shook his head, “Mios, you’ve suffered the most; why would you do this?”

  Mios’ eyes narrowed, “If one of us is in need, pain…”

  Josh shook his head, “That doesn’t apply to this bum.” He turned and walked out of the lobby and the cadets followed him out. Ping looked at Mios and shrugged. “Ping, we will do two hundred pushups before we go to breakfast. We will be here tomorrow and try again.”

  Eric shook his head, “You’ll only be rejected again.”

  Mios snarled, “Shut up.” He turned back to Ping, “Tonight, I’ll clean two latrines and you’ll clean two. I don’t think Eric’s arms will allow him to help.” Mios turned to Eric, “But you will be there while we do it. Is that clear?”

  Eric nodded and walked away with his head down. Ping watched him go and shook his head. “What are you thinking, Ping?”

  Ping looked at Mios still shaking his head, “I was against this at first.”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “He didn’t sleep last night. He did eight hundred pushups and injured his arms in the effort. He takes his graduation seriously and, you are right, we’ve taken it from him.”

  Mios sighed, “If you could have seen his eyes last night…I can’t live with this, Ping.”

  Ping went down and started doing his pushups. Mios joined him and cadets returning from breakfast saw them and shook their heads. However, just before they finished, three cadets went down without saying a word and did fifty pushups each. They signed the list of their contribution and Ping witnessed it. “Just four thousand six hundred and fifty to go.”

  Mios nodded and rubbed his arms.

  • • • • •

  Three days later, Jodie had their meals waiting for them as they entered the cafeteria. The serving lines had stopped an hour earlier. She looked at the two and sighed, “I just don’t see why you’re putting yourselves through this. There’s no way the three of you can do this in time. You only have two more days to finish.”

  Ping looked at Jodie shaking his head, “Jodie, this is the right thing to do. We’re responsible for what happened to Eric and he deserves our best effort.” Jodie stared yelling about what Eric did to Mios and Ping reached forward and put a finger on her lips silencing her, “What he did to Mios wasn’t right; but it wasn’t fatal. Mios was still able to keep up with his classes. What Eric is faced with is humanly impossible. Even if we fail, he deserves our best effort.”

  Jodie looked at Mios, “What about you?”

  “If we fail, I’ll carry this sorrow for the rest of my life. Eric’s life will be ruined because of what we did.”


  Mios looked at Ping and both of them shrugged at the same time. Jodie gritted her teeth and stormed out of the cafeteria. Ping watched her go, “She’s got quite a temper.”

  “You have no idea.”

  • • • • •

  The next morning Eric was waiting on them in the lobby and said, “I believe I can do some pushups to day.”

  Mios had a small smile and shook his head, “Don’t hurt yourself; you’re going to have to salute at graduation.”

  Eric stared at Mios, “I think you and I both know I won’t be graduating Sunday.”

  Ping looked at Eric, “Then why are you still here doing this?”

  Eric took a deep breath and exhaled, “The two of you deserve my best effort. I’m doing this to honor what you’ve tried to do for me. I don’t deserve it and I’m really beyond amazement as to why you did. However, I won’t quit as long as you’re here.”

  Ping smiled, “Well. Let’s get started.” The three hit the floor and started doing pushups.

  Josh Bennett sat on the top step and listened to the three in the lobby. He shook his head and went down the steps as the six AM bell went off. He walked to the double doors and stood in front of them. The mass of freshmen moving toward the doors stopped when he looked at them. Wh
en the lobby was full, Josh said, “I’m wrong…and they’re right.”

  Someone in the crowd yelled, “About what?”

  “When we start deciding which of our brothers to help, we lose that which binds us together.” He pointed at the three doing pushups, “They understand that. If one of us is in pain, need, or danger; then all of us are as well. Eric Pederson is in need and we’ve turned our backs on him. Whether you like him or not…he is one of us.” Josh walked over and looked at the documents on the table next to the door. Forty six latrines need to be cleaned by tonight for him to graduate and three thousand eight hundred pushups. Josh stared at the silent gathering and said, “I will do two hundred pushups right now and clean two latrines tonight. You have to decide if our code applies to you or not.” Josh looked at Eric, who had collapsed to the floor with arms that would no longer lift him, and said, “I’m sorry it took so long for me to understand.”

  Josh went to the floor and started counting out pushups. The crowd was silent except for the three counting their pushups. The entire gathering fell to the floor and started counting together. After thirty minutes they signed the document with their totals and seven thousand pushups were done. Five freshmen signed up for each latrine in the four dorms and they were completed and inspected that night. Ping and Mios collected the documents with Eric; they put them in his pocket, and walked him to the Commandant’s quarters at nine PM. Mios rang the bell and after a few moments, the Commandant appeared at the door. Eric went to attention, “Sir, with the assistance of my fellow cadets, I have completed my assignment.”

  The Commandant stepped out and stared at Eric. Mios stepped forward and took the documents out of Eric’s pocket and handed them to him, “I’m sorry, Sir; he can’t lift his arms.”

  The Commandant moved his face one inch from Eric’s and stared him in the eyes. Eric stared back at him without blinking. The Commandant said, “I’ll see you at Graduation.” He turned and went back inside. Eric turned and walked off the porch but suddenly collapsed and sat down on the top step and started crying. Mios and Ping watched him and decided to allow him time to work through his feelings. They patted him on the shoulder and left him sitting on the top step.


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