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Evans, Gabrielle - Hell's Tempest [Fatefully Yours 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove)

Page 8

by Gabrielle Evans

  And he really needed those brownie points for what they had planned later.

  “Stop thinking so hard,” Eyce instructed from the passenger seat. “Just grip the wheel like I showed you and press lightly on the gas. Imagine you’re barefooted and using your big toe.”

  “I can’t do this!” Echo sounded close to tears, and it went a long way to deflating Syx’s amusement.

  Glancing over at Myst where the warrior sat across from him on the bench seat, he saw a similar look of distress on his lover’s face. “Echo, what’s wrong?”

  “I suck at this,” Echo answered dejectedly. “It’s not supposed to be this hard.”

  Syx sighed and stared out the window. They were parked on the side of their long, meandering driveway and hadn’t even made it to the main county road yet. “Have you ever driven a car before?”

  “You know I haven’t.”

  “Then why are you being so hard on yourself? It takes practice, just like anything else. When you first started using your powers, could you control them as easily as you can now?”

  “Well…” Echo thought it over. Syx could hear his thoughts as clearly as though he were speaking aloud. “No,” he answered slowly.

  “How about reading, writing, or tying your shoelaces? Were those easy when you first learned?”

  “Okay, I get it.” Echo took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. Hesitantly, he wrapped his slender fingers around the gearshift and eased it into drive. One more huge breath, his fingers grasping the steering wheel in a white-knuckled death grip, and Echo eased his foot off the brake.

  The SUV crept forward smoothly, without a jerk or jump. “Now give it a little gas,” Eyce instructed. “Remember, just press the pedal, don’t mash or stomp on it.”

  “I can do this. I’m not a child, and adults know how to drive cars. I might need to drive some day in an emergency, so I need to know how to do this. I just want them to be proud of me.” Echo was broadcasting very clearly just then.

  Syx kept his mouth closed, but he felt his chest swell at his mate’s determination. Echo wasn’t one to whine or complain, so he still didn’t understand where the self-doubt had come from a minute before. This was much more like the Echo he knew.

  “You can’t do this. Why would they ever be proud of you? What can you give them? You’re stupid and weak. You can’t even drive a car.”

  Syx tensed, his body going rigid as the words seeped into his mind. The thoughts were coming from Echo, but it wasn’t him thinking them. The “voice” was deeper, colder, harsh and unforgiving.

  “I’m not stupid!” Okay, that had been Echo. What the fuck was going on here?

  Syx sat up a little straighter, leaning forward slightly, concentrating intently on the battle commencing inside Echo’s head.

  “You know I speak the truth. This is too hard. You’ll never learn it. Maybe it would be better to give up than look like a fool in front of your lovers. They can barely tolerate you as it is.”

  “Shut up!” Echo screeched inside his head so loudly that Syx flinched.

  “They will leave you,” the voice continued. “They will grow tired of watching you fumble your way through life.”

  “They love me,” Echo said mentally. The conviction in his voice went a long way in soothing Syx’s fears. Still, this was Bad with a capital B. Whoever, or whatever, was playing inside Echo’s head was digging right in, preparing a nice place to set up residency.

  “Have they told you? Syx says they were better off without you. Eyce and Fiero love each other. What do they need with you? You will do nothing but get them killed.”

  “Stop the car!” Syx shouted.

  Echo obeyed, jumping in his seat and slamming his foot down on the brake, throwing Syx forward so that his face bounced off the back of the seat in front of him. “What? What did I do?” Echo asked anxiously.

  “Put it in park and turn off the engine,” Syx replied a tad softer.

  Echo did as he asked, then shifted so he could look around the headrest. “What’s going on, Syx? Did I do something wrong? I thought I was finally getting it.”

  “You were doing fine, Echo, but we need to go home. Let Eyce drive.” Everyone stared at him as though he’d grown horns and a tail. “I’ll explain when we get there.” Syx only wanted to say this once, so he’d wait until they’d all assembled. “Just hurry.”

  “What happened?” Eyce threw the car door open and hurried around the front of the SUV. Echo unbuckled his belt and slid over to the passenger seat. “Tell me,” Eyce growled as he slid behind the wheel, jammed it into reverse, and sped backward toward the house.

  “You’re starting to scare me.” Echo turned in his seat, sitting sideways as he tried to look at all three of them at once. His face look pale, his eyes wide, and his lower lip trembled.

  Syx met his lover’s eyes steadily, though his heart galloped against his ribs. “You’re starting to scare me, too.”

  * * * *

  “That was quick.”

  Syx gave a quick shake of his head, and Vapre understood that whatever the reason, it wasn’t a good one. “Get everyone, and I mean everyone.”

  Vapre hesitated for only a heartbeat. The quicker he rounded up the residents of the house, the faster he’d find out what the hell was going on. Syx seemed pretty determined to keep a tight lip until he had everyone gathered, and there’d be no point in arguing the issue.

  “Hex, Myst, and Fiero are in the kitchen,” he said over his shoulder as he darted up the staircase and hurried down the hall, beating his fist against doors as he went. “Everyone up and downstairs. Move your asses!”

  The door to Gage’s room swung open, and the big werewolf looked mighty pissed off. “Mac still isn’t ready to talk to anyone.” At least he made an attempt to be civil, though he hadn’t fully succeeded.

  Vapre shook his head. “I’m sorry about that, but he’s going to have to put his big girl panties on and deal with it. No one’s asking him to talk, just listen. Syx said everyone needs to meet in the living room, and he looked almost sick when he said it.”

  “What happened?” Ah, now he’d gotten the man’s attention.

  “I don’t know, and Syx won’t say until everyone is downstairs. I don’t want to hurt you, Gage, but I’m thinking it has to do with Echo, so I want to know what the fuck is going on, and I want to know five minutes ago.” Vapre could still picture the look on Syx’s face when he’d walked through that door. He didn’t know what could have happened in the half hour they were gone. They’d barely even left the damn driveway!

  “Something happened to Echo?” Mac appeared at Gage’s side looking pale and thin. His voice sound raspy and unused, his dark hair stood on ends, and his eyes appeared a bit glazed. “Let me get dressed, and we’ll be right down.”

  “Mac,” Gage said tenderly. “Baby, are you sure?”

  A fierce determination crossed Mac’s face, and Vapre suddenly felt a great fondness for the guy. “My friend is in trouble. I’m going to help.” Then he spun on his heels and disappeared back into the room.

  Gage sighed but dipped his head. “We’ll be right down.”

  Vapre didn’t waste time with further conversation. As he trotted back down the hall, the shifters filed out of the room they were sharing, jumping when they saw Vapre running at them. “What’s going on?” Pax asked once he’d recovered.

  “Downstairs,” Vapre growled. He gave Sage the once-over, still trying to decide if he could trust the man or not. Their conversation of the night before hadn’t exactly endeared him to the man. If he was the source of their newfound problems, Vapre would crush his larynx without blinking an eye. No one fucked with his mate.

  Pushing past the trio, he took the stairs two at a time, barreling into the living room to find the rest of the house gathered there, sans the vampires. Not a lot they could do about that considering it was only nine o’clock in the morning. The sun spilled through the windows, bright and lethal to those of Syn and Jinx’s particu
lar persuasion.

  “Talk,” Hex said, pointing a finger in Syx’s face.

  Instead of replying, Syx turned to Echo, placed his hands on their mate’s shoulders, and stared right into his sapphire blue eyes. “Who’s in there with you?”

  Echo’s eyes widened almost comically, and he began whipping his head from side to side. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Syx, you’re acting fucking creepy.”

  “Baby, I heard him. Who’s inside your head?”

  Echo froze, his entire body going rigid. He looked like a gentle breeze would plow him right over.

  It scared the shit out of Vapre.

  Stepping forward cautiously, he paused and jerked his head up when he heard their guests enter the room. All six of them gathered near the foot of the stairs, looking confused and worried. All except Mac. The little man hurried forward, pushing Syx out of the way and cupping Echo’s face in his hands. “Look at me,” he demanded.

  Echo blinked several times before his eyes finally focused on Mac. Vapre swiveled his head, looking around the room at his lovers. None of them seemed to have an idea what was going on either. The fact did little to calm his anxiety.

  “That’s right,” Mac said calmly. “Right here, keep looking at me.”

  Echo nodded, but it seemed more of an automatic response than a purposeful motion, and he just kept doing it. The longer his head bobbed on his shoulders, the more Vapre felt his gut tighten and his stomach churn. “What’s wrong with him?” he whispered.

  “I can’t tell.”

  Everyone swung around to face Syx. “What the hell do you mean you can’t tell?” Fiero exploded, causing everyone in the room to jump. “You heard something. Well, hear it again, goddamn it!”

  “I can’t.” Syx’s eyebrows drew together, his brow wrinkling, and he stared intently at Echo. “I can’t hear him. It’s more like a muffled buzzing sound, as though his mind has been wrapped up in cellophane.”

  “Shit!” Eyce’s long fingers shoved through his hair, fisting it and yanking roughly. “What do we do?”

  “I don’t know,” Syx answered sadly.

  “At least he’s not screaming.” Myst pressed closer to Hex’s side, his face drawn and his eyes shuttered.

  “This is your fault,” Fiero growled at Syx.

  “Stop it,” Mac called over his shoulder. “It’s no one’s fault, and your bickering sure isn’t going to help your mate. Now shut up and let me think.”

  “He’s hot when he gets all demanding, huh?” Sony whispered to Gage.

  “Hush,” Gage scolded lightly as he wound an arm around Sony’s shoulders and kissed the top of his head.

  Mac ignored them all. His fingertips roamed over Echo’s face as though mapping out every dip, valley, and subtle curve. His eyes were closed, his lips pressed together in a thin line, and his nostrils flared occasionally as he breathed deeply through his nose.

  Trying to tame his impatience, Vapre shuffled over to Syx’s side, wrapping his arm around the warrior’s waist and squeezing his hip. Syx looked so downtrodden, like his entire world was crumbling before his eyes, and it broke Vapre’s heart. He nuzzled against Syx’s cheek for just a moment before whispering in his ear, “Not your fault, yeah?”

  Syx shrugged halfheartedly but leaned into Vapre’s embrace.

  No one spoke after that, and Vapre wondered if they were all holding their breaths as he was. Then Mac’s eyelids flew open, his head snapped to the group still standing near the entryway, and a very impressive, though human, growl escaped his snarling lips.

  Before anyone could do or say anything, Sage hissed once before throwing his head back and cackling madly.

  Gage looked shocked for just a moment before comprehension hit him, and he reached out to grab Sage by the throat. The smaller man’s laugh died away, and he grinned at them maniacally. “Ciao,” he rasped and then simply vanished in a mist of putrid-smelling smoke.

  Echo cried out, his knees buckling, and crumpled to the floor where he began to shake and sob. Vapre reached their mate first, kneeling beside him and rolling him gently to his back. “Echo, look at me. Are you okay? Are you hurt?” The words spilled from his mouth in an anxious whisper. The thought that he should probably be asking, “Do you know who I am?” flickered through his mind, but he swatted it away.

  The sobbing quieted, and his eyes were open, but Echo still shuddered where he curled on the carpeted floor. Reaching up to brush the hair out of his face, he gripped a handful of the locks and sat up sharply. “What the hell happened to my hair?” he cried.

  “You cut it,” Eyce said matter-of-factly.

  Vapre didn’t trust himself to speak. He could feel the hysteria bubbling up inside his chest. Please, gods, let him be okay.

  “I cut it?” Echo sounded skeptical. “Why would I do that? You love my hair.”

  The knot in his chest loosened a fraction, and Vapre breathed a little easier. If Echo remembered that they had loved his long, golden hair, then maybe everything was going to be fine.

  “Well, we like this, too,” Hex replied cautiously. “Don’t you like it, baby?”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” Echo shrugged. “What happened to me?”

  “I’m not really sure,” Syx whispered, and he sounded ashamed for not having the answers that their mate sought. “I’m going to find out, though.”

  “Is Sage gone?”

  “Is that who was inside your head? He sounded different.”

  “Yeah, I think so, but I know what you mean. The voice in my head was deeper, almost evil. It didn’t really sound like Sage, but I have this…impression, I guess you call it.”

  “It was him,” Mac said from behind Echo. His eyebrows drew together, and he cocked his elbow out, sniffing at his underarm. Then he jerked his head away and wrinkled his nose. “Sweet hell, I reek.” He patted his stomach. “And I’m starving.”

  “Do we have to leave?” came a tiny voice from near the front door. Jet bit his lip, shifting from foot to foot as his fingers fumbled together in front of him.

  “We’ll talk about it,” Vapre answered icily. Logically, he knew they hadn’t been the ones to hurt his mate, but reason had taken a temporary vacation from Vapre’s thought process. Jet and Pax had allied themselves with the enemy, therefore forfeiting any friendly consideration he’d felt for them.

  “What is wrong with you?” Echo gasped. “Of course they can stay!”

  “We’ll talk about it,” Vapre repeated just as coldly, his eyes boring holes into the shifters.

  A soft palm caressed his cheek, and Vapre couldn’t stop himself from leaning into the touch. “They hurt you,” he whispered. “We can’t trust them.”

  “Sage hurt me,” Echo replied firmly. “He tricked us all, but that doesn’t mean we should condemn Pax and Jet just because they knew him. In fact, they may be able to help us.”

  He struggled to his feet with a groan, gripping Vapre’s shoulder to steady himself. “Now, I’m hungry, I know Mac is, and I guess we’re having another meeting.” He sighed as though he found this quite irritating. “Oh, and Mac, be a sweetie and shower first. You’re burning my nose hair.”

  Chapter Ten

  Men moved around the kitchen, talking in hushed voices and casting furtive glances at Echo. He ignored them as he rubbed his temples, trying to massage away the deep ache and constant throbbing. He’d felt a little off since his episode in the living room, as though his head wasn’t quite attached to his shoulders, but floating somewhere just above.

  Things seemed murky and unclear, and he had to think extra hard before he could answer any questions that were tossed his way. His other hand pulled absently at the end of his chestnut locks. He vaguely remembered being all fired up about chopping it off and casting aside his “golden boy” image. He just couldn’t remember why. His mates loved his hair, and he’d never had a problem with it before, so why had it seemed so imperative at the time?

  “You’re thinking too hard,” Eyce whispered in
his ear. “Relax and breathe, baby. We’ll figure this out, and if you’re that worried about your hair, we can always dye it back. It’s just hair, sweetheart.”

  Echo gave his lover a lopsided grin in gratitude. No one had called him sweetheart before, and he thought he might like that even better than baby. “I know, and it’s not the hair exactly. I just can’t remember why I felt the need to cut it in the first place.”

  “Do you remember what happened in the car?” Syx sat up a little straighter in his chair and bent forward, folding his arms on the table.

  After a moment’s hesitation, Echo shook his head slowly. “I know there was a voice in my head telling me all kinds of nasty things, but it’s all muddled like a dream you can’t quite remember when you wake up.”

  Mac entered the kitchen then, followed closely by his mates, and headed straight for Echo. Eyce rose instantly, moving to the next seat over to allow Mac to sit beside Echo. “How are you?”

  “I should be asking you that.” Echo leaned forward and pecked his friend on the cheek. “We’ve missed you around here.”

  Mac’s cheeks heated, and he smiled shyly. “I’m better now, thank you.”

  They were being awfully formal, each tiptoeing around the other. Some things you just have to jump into with both feet, however. “What happened out in the woods?”

  Everyone stopped, and all heads turned to Mac, waiting for his response. Gage seemed the most interested in the answer, moving around the table to sit on Mac’s other side to lend his support. Echo smiled at the former guard and nodded his approval. Sony stood just behind Mac, his fingers drifting through his mate’s curly brown hair. “You can tell us, Mac,” Sony whispered. “Did you see something?”

  “Not exactly,” Mac began, and everyone listened with rapt attention. “Everything went black with kind of a tangled red haze at the edges. I felt like I’d been plunged into a bucket of ice water.”


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