Book Read Free

Untamed Wolf

Page 39

by Wade, Cara

  “I can get a sitter for one night, it won’t hurt for you to have one night off. This has been pretty full on after all.”

  “Are you sure?” I clutched my hand to my chest, excitement tearing through my veins. This was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for me, I couldn’t believe he was willing to do so much just to spend some time with me. I was so touched.

  “Of course I am, it’ll be really fun.”

  “Right, okay, thank you.”

  I moved back out into the hot sun, yearning desperately for the man back inside. God he was gorgeous, I couldn’t wait until I got to explore his body all over again tonight. It was weird, I already felt like I knew everything about his body, much more than I did about Max’s, which proved to me just how non-sexual our relationship had been. As it turned out, Taylor and Max did me a huge favor by screwing around behind my back… not that I was about to offer them my thanks any time soon.

  “Did you want to go to the beach? Your dad will meet us there.”

  “I think we should just stay here today,” Lorna groaned slowly. “I’m far too comfortable.”

  “Yeah, I want to swim in the pool.”

  Okay, well if the kids wanted to stick around then I was more than happy to comply. I took the sun lounger next to Lorna and I pulled out the book from my bag.

  “Ali?” she asked before I could start on the first page. “Do you think you can stay around forever? Me and James don’t want you to leave, ever.”

  I didn’t even have Meghan as an argument, she was going too. “Oh well I don’t know,” I tried to be as honest as I could without hurting her feelings. “I only got hired to come on this business trip with you, I have no idea what’s going to happen when we get back home.”

  “I’m going to ask daddy to hire you forever,” she smiled, totally oblivious to the knots twisting up in my stomach. “We love you, you’re the best nanny we’ve ever had.”

  I nodded, but I wasn’t sure that was the best idea ever. Sure, that was what I wanted, and I really did need this job, but the fling we were having couldn’t last longer than a month. If it did, we risked developing feelings, but I wasn’t sure that we could just go back to being friends too.

  Shit, maybe I shouldn’t have let this happen, maybe I had complicated things more than I needed to.


  As Friday night rolled around, I realized that Evan hadn’t mentioned the business dinner again, which left me a little confused. Maybe I had been a little distant with him, ever since my talk with Lorna, which left me debating whether or not I wanted to put my career or my desires first. But still... surely he would’ve told me if it was cancelled?

  “Oh my God,” I wandered into my bedroom in a haze, not really thinking about anything in particular. I was just aimlessly wondering whether or not I should bring the subject up myself. “What is this?”

  I found myself staring at a large parcel on my bed – not that I’d slept in it much – with my name scrawled across it. I didn’t need to ask to know that it was from Evan, I would recognize his handwriting anywhere, it was all over the paperwork dotted around the villa.

  I ran my fingers along the soft wrapping paper, my heart racing in my chest. I knew that Evan had told me that he would sort me out a dress, but I hadn’t really given another thought about it until now. Now I had no idea what to expect, and I was freaking out inside. I had no experience with designer clothing, so it was a little weird to consider doing now…

  Still, this trip was all about me trying new things.

  I tore at the paper quickly, my mouth running dry with fear as I went. I was anxious, excited, and thrilled all at once. As the paper fell away and the gorgeous silky red material revealed itself, that feeling intensified about a million percent. This dress probably cost more than I ever made in a year, how could I wear it without feeling super guilty?

  But as I held it up against me, and I imagined how it would feel against my skin, the excitement started to take over. I could just tell that it’d feel incredible, and that it would probably look good too.

  Damn it, I really wanted to wear it!

  Then I noticed something else too, another parcel in the box, which I ripped at rapidly. There I spotted the most stunning nude pair of heels that I’d ever seen. In them I would probably look almost as tall as Evan, which would make us appear much more like a couple. Not that we were a couple, but it didn’t hurt for the rest of the world to believe that we were, just for one night. I slipped them onto my feet and teetered around the room. Much as they were sky high, they were comfortable enough for me to walk with relative ease, and as I glanced in the mirror, they made me legs look good too.

  With a big grin on my face, and an intensive thrill about the night to come, I screwed the paper up, only stopping when I spotted a white lacy material slipping to the ground, with a note wrapped around it.

  ‘To Ali,

  I hope you like the dress, I won’t be offended if you don’t but I’m pretty sure it’ll look lovely on you if you just give it a try.”

  God, he knew me so well.

  ‘I took the liberty to get you some shoes too, and these panties which I’m sure will look incredible on you. If I know you have these on, then I’ll barely be able to keep my hands off of you.’

  Of course, that had me absolutely hooked. The illicit thrill of what we were doing in secret had me turned on most of the time as it was. Being able to express a little of it in public, also knowing that we had some private time later on was almost too much to handle.

  ‘So take the rest of the day off, get yourself ready. I’ll spend some time with the kids. Come out whenever you’re dressed. I can’t wait to see you. The car picks us up at eight pm.

  Evan xxx’

  I dropped the note onto the sheets and smirked happily to myself. This was going to be the most incredible night of my life, and now I had two whole hours to get myself ready for it.


  “Oh… my… goodness…” Evan gasped excitedly as I finally made my way back out into the kitchen where he was waiting for me. I had the dress swishing around my hips, my cropped hair framing my face, the shoes completing the look. “You look wonderful.”

  “Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself.” I’d seen Evan in suits, but never in a black tuxedo. He looked absolutely incredible, he actually had my heart hammering loudly. Lust and desire coursed right through my body.

  I moved closer into his body until I was near enough to reach up and kiss him lightly on his lips. The children were in bed now, I’d heard them going off, so we were safe to express our feelings.

  “I actually have something else for you,” he reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. I was just about to freak out when he opened it and tugged out the most amazing diamond necklace that I’d ever seen in my life. “I would love it if you wore this tonight.”

  “Oh my goodness, really?”

  He turned me around and slid my hair out of the way. As his fingers brushed my neck I felt an intense prickle running all over me. It took all that I had to keep myself fixed in the same position. All I wanted to do was turn around and kiss him.

  The necklace snaked around me, and as Evan fastened it up I felt exactly like a princess. This was officially a date like no other. Maybe it was only a holiday romance, but it was the best that I’d ever felt.

  “There,” he spun me back to look at me. “Now the look is complete.”

  “Thank you so much,” I replied sincerely, running my fingers lightly down his cheek. “I really appreciate you inviting me out tonight. I’ve never done anything like this, so I’m very excited.”

  “Trust me, I’m the one who should be thanking you. It’s been a very long time since I’ve had a pretty girl on my arm.” He rested his forehead against mine, staring deep into my eyes. “I’m so glad that you said yes.”

  There was a romance to the moment, an intensity that I soaked up. It seemed like we were totally stepping out of character today, that w
e were upping this thing between us for one night only. Actually, I didn’t mind. I felt like it was going to be really interesting to know what it would be like to be Evan Hawlin’s girlfriend.

  “Are you ready to go? The limo is waiting outside…”

  “Limo?” I squealed happily. “You’re kidding me.”

  “I figured that I might as well go all out, since this will be the first night out I’ve had in ages that I’m looking forward to. So let’s go…”


  I stepped out of the limo, feeling like I was living in a dream. That car was so huge that it actually had booze, food, and a television screen back there. I probably could’ve lived in it given half the chance. Of course, Evan wasn’t fazed at all, but he didn’t seem to mind that I was so ridiculously happy.

  However, that all changed as we got inside. Living out my fantasy in the car with Evan was one thing, but standing among a massive group of extremely wealthy people who seemed to see right through me no matter what I looked like, was something else entirely. My insides froze over, I felt sick to my stomach, all I wanted to do was turn around and run.

  “Come on,” Evan smiled at me, totally ignoring the rest of the crowd. “Let’s go and get another drink. I’m going to have to get a little tipsy if I want to put up with these bores.”

  Hearing him put himself much more in my category than theirs helped somewhat. If we were both outsiders, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

  “Thank you, I might just pop to the bathroom. I’ll meet you at the bar if that’s okay?” I just needed a minute to myself, to recover from the initial shock of walking in here. I loved that sensation of feeling special and princess like, and I really wanted to reclaim that.

  “Yeah, I’ll see you in a minute.”

  As I raced past the luxurious tables set out throughout the room, I kept my gaze fixed on the floor. Any confidence that I’d developed over the last few weeks was now long gone, and without it I wasn’t sure how to behave. Still, a moment alone in one of the stalls, practicing some deep breathing would have me back on an even keel, I was sure of it.

  I staggered in and locked myself away, before sucking in some air. All I needed to do was calm down the panic tearing around inside of me, I just needed to sort myself out, once I was calm everything else would be okay.

  Just as I felt ready enough to unlock the door and let myself out, I heard the door creak open and some people enter. I wasn’t anywhere near ready to face anyone in this close a proximity so I decided to remain where I was until they left. Hopefully this would only be a quick make-up trip, I didn’t want Evan to start wondering where I was.

  “Oh my God, did you see who Hawlin was with?” A bitchy voice rang out, causing me to freeze dead where I stood. “Who do you think she is?”

  I wasn’t sure that I could sit here and listen to these strangers talking badly about me, my heart wasn’t strong enough to take it. Still, I couldn’t leave now, how humiliating would that be?

  “I don’t know,” someone replied. “But I haven’t seen him with anyone since his wife. I even messaged my friend from back home who goes to all the same social events as him and apparently they all thought that he would never move on.”

  This was a very strange conversation to be having about someone who only lost his wife eighteen months ago, but then again these people were totally different from me, who the hell was I to judge?

  “Do you think she’s new money?”

  I could almost hear the disgust rolling off her tongue, like ‘new money’ was a dirty word. I had to stifle a laugh at the thought of them discovering that actually I was ‘no money’.

  “I don’t know, no one seems to know her. Maybe I would’ve expected Evan to be with someone a little… more, but each to their own, I suppose.”

  I wondered if Evan knew what he would unleash by bringing me here. Did he realize that he’d made us into something a lot more monumental? I would probably be the talk of the town for a very long time now.

  “Yeah, it pains me to admit it because we all know how much Clarissa had her eye on him, but he actually looks happy.”

  Oh wow, I thought that I was going to be hated, I assumed this eavesdropping would have me running for the hills, but this was the total opposite. Okay so these girls obviously didn’t think that I was good enough for Evan – and I couldn’t help but agree with them – but they thought I made him happy, and that was the most important thing of all. I actually had tears welling up at the mere thought of it.

  “Anyway, food will be served soon, we better get back out there.”

  I remained frozen in the same spot for a little while after I heard them leaving, slowly working up the courage myself, but as I eventually left I felt a lot more positive. I could do this, I could face off anything to make Evan happy, even if it was only for tonight.

  “Hey,” I pinched his sides as I joined behind him. “How are you?”

  “I got you a champagne, I hope that’s okay.”

  As he handed it to me, and I took a sip, his arm flew over my shoulder. I couldn’t help but glance at the image of us in the mirror on the nearest wall, and for once we did look even. I could see how these people had mistaken me for something I wasn’t. It might only be for tonight, but we actually matched, and that felt nice. The rest of the time despite the fact that he went out of his way not to make me feel like that, I was acutely aware of our positions.

  “Shall we take our seats? I think they’re going to serve food in a minute?”

  “Please, lead the way.”

  As his fingers interlocked through mine and I followed him to our seats, I had the magical feeling that this would be the happiest moment of my life. I wanted to remember every single minute of it. If this night committed to my memory, nothing would ever be able to bring me down again, I was sure of it.

  All I had to do was never mention the dreaded Clarissa who had been eyeing him up forever more…

  Okay, maybe after a couple of drinks I would mention what I’d heard, just to tease him and to try and work out how he felt about her. Hopefully she was nothing to him, because much as it’d be a joke, I wasn’t sure how I would react if I discovered he wanted her too.


  As we fell into the limo, me and Evan were laughing wildly like absolute loons. The night had gone amazingly, much better than I ever could’ve hoped for, and now I couldn’t wait to find out what was going to happen next.

  “So, I have to ask you,” Evan leaned in close to me as he whispered, “are you wearing the panties I sent you?”

  I wiggled excitedly in the seat, glad that I was. “Maybe,” I replied seductively, “but you’ll have to wait until we get back to the villa before you find out.”

  “The hell I will!” he exclaimed, as he pressed a button to close the partition between us and the driver. “We have all the privacy we need right here.”

  “Are you serious?” I gasped in shock. “This isn’t private.”

  “Trust me, he can’t see a thing.”

  I tried to resist, but as Evan kissed me hard it was very difficult. I found his mouth incredibly intoxicating, every time I experienced it I was left wanting more. In fact, I got so distracted by his lips that it took me a moment to realize that his hand was up by my underwear.

  “Oh God, you are,” he groaned excitedly. “And you’re so wet too. You feel amazing. I don’t think I can resist.”

  “Well you’re going to have to try,” I attempted to use a bossy tone but it fell on deaf ears. The issue was it was hard to keep trying to put someone off wanting me when my feelings matched his exactly. “Oh shit.” My resolve fell apart as my head lolled to one side. He was inside my underwear now, pushing his fingers deeper and deeper into me, and that combined with the vibrations of the car rumbling along the road was sending me off to somewhere else entirely.

  His fingers roughly massaged my insides, he was hitting spots I didn’t even realize that I had, and much to my utter humiliation I fell deep into the a
byss of sheer pleasure almost right away. It was as if my body had been preparing for this moment all night long, and the mere brush of Evan’s fingers had pushed me over the edge.

  “Fuck,” I cried out much louder than I intended to. If the driver was dumb enough not to know what was going on before, he did now. Maybe he couldn’t see us, but there was no chance of him not hearing. “Oh my God, Evan.”

  He held me close as I shuddered violently because of him, and as soon as I collapsed into an exhausted mess, he sent me a smirk that proved he was pleased as punch with himself.

  I decided right there and then that I would turn him into a quivering mess too, just to get my revenge…


  The moment came around the second we got back into the villa. I had my strength back, my desire too, but this time all I wanted to do was give Evan some raw, thrilling pleasure. I let him pay the babysitter and send her on her way, while I waited naked in the bedroom for him. All I had left on was the high heels and the diamond necklace – a classy and slutty combination all in one go.

  He’d barely even made it through the door when I pressed him up against the nearest wall, a dirty glint in my eye.

  “What are you…?” he started, before he saw me drop to my knees in front of him. I wasn’t messing about here, there was no time for tenderness and kissing, I was delving right in there.

  I kept my eyes fixed firmly on his while I unbuckled his trousers. I felt them fall to the floor, but still I didn’t look. I wanted to make sure that Evan was watching the whole time. His breaths had started coming out sharp and ragged, clearly the pleasure was already making this a little hard for him, but he refused to move his gaze too. It seemed that he already knew that he wanted to watch me do this, which suited me just fine.

  I pulled his thick, throbbing length free from his material prison and I slowly ran my fingers up and down his shaft. I noticed that his groans got louder the quicker I moved which meant I knew exactly what to do as soon as I moved my mouth to him. If he was in the mood for quick, hot, and passionate, then that was what he’d get.


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