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Baker (The Skulls Book 14)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  The music turned down to a slow number, and he tugged her out of the booth. “Come on, let’s dance.”

  He led her onto the dance-floor with several other couples. Baker pulled her into his arms, and she wrapped hers around his neck, staring up at him.

  “How is my date?” he asked.

  “The best I ever had.”

  “You’re comparing me?”

  “Not comparing you. Just comparing how I feel.”

  He grabbed her ass, pulling her close. The rock hard ridge of his cock pressed against her stomach.

  Millie liked this side of Baker. He wasn’t holding back. Every time he looked at her, she couldn’t help but feel beautiful.

  He didn’t look at any other women. His focus was on her, and she loved it.

  The world could have stopped moving for her. For once in her life, she was happy, and she didn’t want anyone to destroy that.

  “Millie,” he said.


  She looked up at him. The moment she did, he pressed his lips against hers, and his tongue ran across wanting to gain access.

  “Open for me, Millie.”

  Opening her mouth, she moaned as his tongue plunged inside. Touching hers to his, he squeezed her ass even tighter, rubbing his cock against her.

  She didn’t know how much time passed, only that the song had changed from a slow number to a fast number.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” he asked.

  “Would you like to come back to my place?”

  “Yeah, I would.”

  “I’m not ready for—”

  He silenced her with a kiss. “I would never pressure you. I want you, Millie. Only when you’re ready, and I’m a good guy. Doesn’t mean I can’t tease you with all of this hotness.”

  Cupping his cheek, she ran her thumb across his lips. “Don’t stop. Promise me.”

  “Babe, it’s a guarantee. I’m here for you, and you alone. We’ll go at your pace. Just know that as far as I’m concerned we’re exclusive.”

  “Yes. I wouldn’t cheat, Baker. That’s not the kind of woman I am.”

  “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  After they paid for their food, they left.


  Lash wrapped his arms around his woman, breathing in her vanilla scent. “You owe me big time.”

  Angel giggled. “Why?”

  “You didn’t warn me how crazy those kids can be. They were all screaming, and making noises of all of the animals. Fucking crazy.”

  “Even Anthony?”

  He knew Angel was worried about how quiet their son was. Anthony was a good kid, but he’d always been a bit of a loner. Angel worried that the club life was affecting him, and had even asked if she should keep him away to see if it was their influence. Lash had talked with Anthony for a long time that night. His son was simply content with his own company. He adored the other kids, but again, Anthony was just different.

  “Even Anthony. You should have heard him making pig noises with Daisy.”

  “That’s good to know. I want him to have a normal life, Lash.”

  “He will. There’s nothing wrong with The Skulls. We’re just our own people, Angel.”

  “I know, I know. I just worry is all. I want Anthony to make his own mind, and to know what he wants to be.”

  “He will.” Lash kissed her neck. “Stop worrying. Daisy will bring him out of his skin. Haven’t you seen how he watches her?”

  “Yeah, he likes her to read to him.”

  Lash chuckled. “I think it’s a little more than that. Did you get Millie ready?”

  “I helped. I adore her. She’s a little confusing at times.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Some days I get the feeling that she just wants to belong, and to be part of all of us. Other days it’s like she is almost afraid of getting close.”

  “I’ve never seen Baker look so happy. You should have seen him. He was even whistling.”

  “The club is changing, Lash. Are you happy about that?”

  “Years ago, before I met you, I couldn’t imagine The Skulls being any different. Now, after everything we’ve faced, the people we’ve lost, the shit that has happened, I don’t want to go back to the way things were. This is the club. We’ve grown up. We’ve got a family, and with that, we have to learn to adapt.”

  “You don’t miss the drug runs, or the guns? The action, the stuff that almost got you killed?”

  Lash turned her around to face him. “I nearly lost you, Angel. Not just once either. We lost a baby, and I nearly lost you. I wouldn’t trade that shit for you. Never. You’re my life, my heart, everything. If I can’t have you, Angel, then I don’t want anyone else. That’s it for me.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and he wiped them away as they spilled down her cheeks. “Sometimes, Lash, you say the most beautiful things.”

  “My wife’s been showing me how to be a better man.”

  “She sounds awesome.”

  “She really is.” He kissed her lips, and that first touch was like the first time, every single time. Angel was his entire life. Lash would fight heaven and hell to make her safe. He’d nearly lost her so many times, in so many different ways, he just couldn’t do it. He couldn’t go back to the way The Skulls were. As President of the club, he was making changes that he was determined to see stick.


  Sally went onto her toes trying to reach up to grab the box of fettuccine but it was just out of her reach, and it was really starting to hurt seeing as she only had one foot to use.

  “Here, let me,” Steven said, reaching up behind her, grabbing a box.

  “Thank you. I’ve been trying to grab that for ages.” She held it up. “I’m starving. Do you want to join me in some fettuccine alfredo?”

  “If you’re cooking, I’m eating.”

  “Lacey is a horrible cook, so I learned how to do it.” Sally already had the other ingredients out of the fridge. It was late and her knee was hurting, but she was determined to cook herself some food without the use of her crutches. The drive back from college had been longer than she anticipated. By the time they hit Fort Wills, Drew hadn’t had much time. He dropped her off at the club with her bags.

  “I’ve tried some of her food. Woman should be banned from eating.” Steven didn’t move away. He stood beside her as she started to cook.

  Pain started to radiate from her knee, up her thigh. She rubbed the spot, trying not to draw attention to what she was doing.

  Sally noticed Steven took over with all the heavy lifting, draining the pasta as she finished up the creamy cheese sauce.

  By the time they finished, Steven carried their food to the table, and she lowered herself down, rubbing at her leg.

  “Drew didn’t stop off for food?” Steven asked.

  “We didn’t have much time. His family was waiting for him. I don’t mind.”

  “Still, any guy could see you’re in pain.”

  “It’s not his fault.”

  “No, it’s our fault.”

  She glared at him. “Are you here to do a pity party or something?” Sally asked.

  “Just speaking the truth.”

  “I don’t consider that the truth. It wasn’t the club’s fault, and I’m not blaming anyone. It is what it is.” She truly didn’t blame the club. No, her anger was at the asshole who did it, who also happened to be dead. So, she was more than happy with it. “What’s wrong with you anyway?”


  “You’re miserable, and that’s not an attractive quality.”

  “I worry about you, Sally. Always have. Always will.”

  She smiled. “Steven, I remember a time when you were worried about me having a crush on you. Believe me, you don’t have to worry. The doctors have said that I’ll have pain, and some days it’ll be worse than others. Please, don’t worry.”

  “Do you have a crush on me anymore?” he asked.

  Sally stared at hi
m. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  Her heart started to pound as she stared at the man opposite her. She did have a crush on him. A few years ago she’d heard him talking to another club member, she couldn’t remember who, and he’d sounded a little disgusted at the thought of her having feelings. So she’d told him that she didn’t have a crush.

  “I don’t see what you’re hoping to achieve.”

  “I want to know the truth, Sally. Do you have feelings for me, or have you moved on?”

  Before she got a chance to answer, Whizz and Lacey entered the kitchen, surrounding her.

  “You’re back,” Lacey said, pressing kisses to her cheek.

  She scrunched up her face as Lacey kept on kissing her.

  “I get it, I get it, you missed me.”

  “Totally missed you, and wish you had never left us.”

  Kiss, kiss, kiss.

  Whizz kissed the top of Sally’s head and squeezed her shoulder.

  She didn’t know if she was happy with them interrupting her and Steven or not. When she looked at him, she saw that he was staring at her, waiting.

  Holy crap, what was she going to do?

  Chapter Four

  Entering her home, Millie turned on the lights, and waited for Baker to enter. Closing and locking the door, she made her way up the stairs. Other than The Skulls women that afternoon, no one else had been in her home.

  “Do you like living and working in the same place?”

  “I do. I love being my own boss. I couldn’t stand the thought of taking orders from someone I don’t like.”

  She turned the light on and moved some of the clothes that Lacey had thrown to one side on the sofa. Wrapping it up, she threw it into her room. “Sorry. The whole afternoon was spent going through all my clothes.”

  “I don’t mind. You see being part of The Skulls, the old ladies come with it.”

  “I find that term weird. Old ladies.” She tucked some hair behind her ear, and walked into the kitchen. “Do you want a coffee or a tea, or maybe some juice?” she asked.

  “I’ll have a coffee.” He was standing right behind her.

  She gasped as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. In the next second he had her pressed against the fridge and his lips were on hers.

  Her pussy went wet as his tongue plundered her mouth. She was so shocked by the sudden attack on her senses that at first she didn’t kiss him back. He rubbed his cock against her stomach, and she moaned, finally giving in to her need. Holding him close, she sank her fingers into his hair, holding onto him.

  As suddenly as the kiss started, it stopped.

  He pulled away just enough for his breath to fan her face. “I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

  “That’s a shame. I rather liked it.”

  Baker moaned. “I’m trying to be the good guy here.”

  “You are the good guy. I’m not ready for it to go any further. I’ve never seen this side of you, Baker, and I want to get to know him before anything else happens.”

  He stroked her hair and stepped away. “I’ll go and take a seat.”

  Her lips tingled from the kiss, and she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. Everything was out of a fairytale. Well, a biker fairytale, but she loved it.

  She made them both a coffee, and made her way into the sitting room. Baker was standing beside her book collection. She was a sucker for romances and cookbooks. Other than that, there was nothing else on her shelves.

  “Angel has similar collections,” he said, turning toward her.

  “I know. She was the one that recommended some of those books.” She put the coffee onto coasters and took a seat, watching him.

  This was the first time a guy was in her home, and especially a guy she actually liked.

  He moved and took a seat beside her. Resting her hand on her head, she smiled at him.

  “I enjoyed tonight, and I enjoyed that kiss.”

  “Thank you, for giving me a chance. I know it mustn’t have been easy for you to do.”

  “It wasn’t. I believe you, and I wanted to go out on a date with you.”

  “You know from the first moment I saw you, I knew you were going to be trouble.”

  “You didn’t say a lot if I remember,” she said, smiling. “The Skulls had ordered a lot of gifts, and you were there to help bring them into the club.”

  “I was. I wanted you there and then.”

  “You wore your wedding band.”

  “I did. Katie was still with me.”

  Millie stared into his eyes, and she no longer saw the pain that had once been in his eyes. He really had moved on.

  Baker took hold of her hand and stared down at her plain fingers. To her they were fat chubby fingers. Brian had complained that he’d have to expand his grandmother’s ring because they were too big.

  Wow, twice in one night she’d thought of her ex.

  Maybe with Baker moving on, it was time for her to do so as well.

  “You look sad. What’s up, baby?”

  “Nothing. Just thinking about the past, and another lifetime. It’s nothing. I’m going to move on, and completely forget about it.”

  “If you want to move on, what do you think of making out?”

  “I think I’d really like to do that.”

  “Have you ever done it before?” he asked.


  “Not even with your ex?”

  “No. Like I said, I thought he was a sweet guy who was considerate. I didn’t know at the time that he was screwing someone else. I haven’t made out with anyone, nor have been felt up before.”

  Baker’s hands moved to her hips, and Millie squealed as he moved her over his lap so that she was straddling his hips.

  “Then we’ve got to rectify that.”

  His hands moved up and down her back, grabbing onto her ass.

  “Wow, you’re very grabby.”

  “You’ve not seen anything yet.”

  His hands moved from her ass, going up to her hair and tugging on the strands. He claimed her mouth, and she cupped his face, kissing him back with a passion that started her. This time, she plunged her tongue into his mouth. Grinding her pussy onto his cock, she wished there weren’t any clothes between them.

  “Fuck, baby, you don’t know what you’re doing to me.”

  “I can feel it, Baker. I don’t have a clue what I’m doing.”

  “You’re doing everything right.” He pulled her hair, and she followed his hands. Baker sucked on her neck, sliding his tongue down. “I could quite easily sink inside your tight pussy right now, but I’m not going to. Instead, I’m going to touch you. Is that okay, Millie?”

  “Yes, hell yes,” she said.

  He flicked open the catch of her jeans, and his hand slid inside, touching her pussy. That first touch made her jump, and then his fingers were moving through her slit, touching her clit, stroking her.

  She jerked back to stare into his eyes. Baker didn’t stop. Two fingers explored her clit, running back and forth so lightly.

  “You’re wet for me, baby.”

  “Oh, God,” she said, closing her eyes, arching against his fingers, she thrust her pussy onto his fingers.

  “Ride me, Millie.”

  Her shirt gave way, and she opened her eyes in time to see him working the buttons.

  Seconds later her bra was fingered open and his lips were on her breasts, sucking on her nipples.

  It was all too much.

  There, on Baker’s lap, with his fingers rubbing her clit, Millie found her first orgasm.

  When it was over, she collapsed against his neck, panting.

  “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  She chuckled. “That’s my first.”

  “I’m honored to be your first. Whenever you need me, just give me a call, and I’ll come running.”

  “Are you offering to be my go-to dildo?” she asked, a little startled.

; “I’m offering to be your anything.”

  She pushed her hair out of her face, and Baker removed his hands.

  Millie watched as he sucked his fingers.

  “You taste beautiful.”

  Words failed her.

  One date, and he already had his hands in her pants. There was no way she was going to be able to hold out for long. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.


  “Someone is in a good mood,” Lash said.

  Baker smiled as he walked in for coffee. It had been a good night, a good date, and even though he’d not wanted to leave her alone, he had.

  “I am.” He poured himself some coffee that always seemed to be waiting. “My date went really well with Millie last night. The girls did an awesome job. I think they helped me crack her a little bit.”

  Millie had been more open last night than any other time.

  “Crack her? What the hell did you do?” Lash asked.

  “I found out that she was once engaged. Shocked the shit out of me.”

  “For real? Is this like what happened to Kelsey?”

  “Nah, completely different. Millie caught the guy she was going to marry cheating on her, on her wedding day. Asshole.” Baker didn’t like the guy, and he didn’t even know who he was.

  “Oh, do I hear some detective work needed?” Whizz asked, entering the kitchen.

  Out of all of The Skulls, Whizz was the best of the best. He was a computer genius, a nerd of the highest order, and a brilliant hacker. He gathered information faster than fucking lightning.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Her name is Millie Levy, right?” Baker nodded. “I can have all of her past information to you in a nice neat little file, just for you.”

  Baker thought about it.

  He wanted to know everything there was to know about the woman he wanted. Millie, she was special to him. There wasn’t a moment that went by where he wasn’t thinking about her.


  Whizz stared. “Are you sure? I can do it, and she’ll never have to know. Completely top secret shit.”

  “No. I’m not going to do that to her. Whatever she wants me to know, I’ll find out through her. Some things are better left not known.” He trusted her, and the last thing he wanted to do was pry into her past. Everything she wanted him to know, she’d simply tell him.


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