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Baker (The Skulls Book 14)

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “You know it’s about to get crazy. Kids are due down in minutes,” Lash said, moaning. “Why, oh, why did we agree to deal with them in bulk in the club around trip season?”

  “Because it does actually work,” Whizz said. “One by one, we get through it. Also, it’s easy.”

  “I don’t know. Have you seen how much food we get through?”

  “As a club, we get through loads,” Baker said. “Anyway, I’m out.”

  “Where are you going?” Lash asked.

  “I’m going to go and visit my girl.”

  “Is this what you did for your first wife?” Whizz asked.

  “Pretty much. I was always around her, and she couldn’t get rid of me.”

  He saw Lash and Whizz shared a look.


  “You didn’t go crazy on us. Whenever we mentioned your wife in the past, you went crazy. Wow, you must really be ready to move on.”

  Baker shrugged. “I told you I was happy, and I’m ready. Now, I’ve got to go and convince the girl of my dreams to be my old lady.”

  “It’s not exactly a good way to ask her,” Lash said.

  “Yeah, women really don’t like the whole old comment,” Whizz said. “Believe me. It stops you getting head, or any kind of action at all.”

  “I bet with Lacey, you nearly lose your dick, right?”

  Whizz thought about it. “Yep, pretty much. Good thing for me, Lacey has really sensitive tits, so we’re both equal.”

  Baker shook his head. “I really don’t need to know this crap, okay? I’m happy pretending none of you fuck.”

  “Actually, we do it a lot. Have you seen my old lady? Angel is fucking perfect.”

  Now he knew they were doing it on purpose. Lash would never, ever talk about his woman.

  “Ugh, you’re both doing this on purpose. When I bring Millie around, you both better be on your good behavior.”

  “You know what would be good for her?” Lash asked.


  “Some of your awesome baking. Sort of, ‘hi, Millie, I want your pussy, here is a brioche loaf. I made this, spent all day doing it’.”

  Baker stared at his Prez. “And how exactly would you know brioche takes all day to do?”

  “I told him,” Angel said, entering the kitchen with Chloe on her hip. “He even helped me to do it. I’d safely say that my boy can make the best brioche loaf there is. He even filled it with chocolate chips.”

  “Is that right? Maybe I should take your load, and let Millie have a taste.”

  “Go right ahead,” Lash said. “She’ll fall right into my hands, wouldn’t she, baby?”

  “Any woman who tasted your brioche would.” Angel kissed his lips. “But you’re mine, Lash.” She turned to Baker. “You’ll be making your own girl brioche. Not my man.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m happy to do it all myself.” He winked at her. “But I’d be happy to take you off his hands.”

  Lash growled. “If you respect your life, you’ll stop trying to poach my woman.”

  “Think about that when you speak of Millie. Same feeling, brother,” Baker said, glaring at him.

  “Excellent. I can’t wait for her to be part of the club. You’ll stop being a pain in the ass. Love you, brother, but you’ve got the worst scowl in the world.”

  Angel placed Chloe in Lash’s arms.

  “Daddy,” Chloe said.

  “Hello, sweetie. Do we think Baker is miserable?” Lash stuck his lip out, looking all miserable.

  “Yes! Baker sad.” Chloe copied pulling a face.

  “That’s not fair. She’ll do anything you say.” Baker walked away laughing. “Whatever. I’m heading out to see Millie, and try not to get into too much trouble.”

  “We’re trouble with a capital T,” Lash said.

  Baker heard them all laughing, and he made his way out of the club toward his bike. Straddling the beauty that had brought him to the club, and to his future, he turned over the ignition, loving the growl of the machine. “That’s right, beauty.”

  Pulling away from the parking lot, he headed out toward the town of Fort Wills. He made a quick stop at the florist in town before moving toward Millie’s shop. The sign saying she was open was already displayed, and he entered in time to see her bent over with her full round ass begging for him to touch.

  “Fuck, baby, that is a beautiful sight.”

  She let out a little squeal and stood. “Baker, I wasn’t expecting you.”

  Placing the flowers down on the counter, he moved toward her, and tugged her into his arms. “I’ve wanted to do this all morning.” Slamming his lips down on hers, he gave her a searing kiss.

  He finally released her, seconds later, giving her a chance to breathe.

  “Wow,” she said, shooting him a dazzling smile. “What happened to the real Baker?”

  “This is the real me, baby.”

  She tilted her head, staring at him. “That’s strange. I’ve never seen this Baker before.” She touched his chin, turning his face this way and that. “Nah, it can’t be you. This man has to be an imposter.”

  “You’ve never seen me like this before, but I can promise you, this is me.” He ran his hands down her back, enjoying the feel of her in his arms. She felt so right that he knew he’d fucked up by keeping her at arm’s length.

  “I think I like this guy.”

  “Good. He’s here to stay.”

  She bit her lip. “For real?”

  “Yes, for real, and I was thinking. What do you say you and I go away for a little bit?”

  “Away? Like a vacation?”

  “Yes. You, me, and just each other. Time.”

  Millie stared into his eyes. “Is there going to be some kind of special catch to this?”

  “No catch at all. I’ve seen how time alone has helped Charlotte and Gash. I think it’s only fair we give it a fair shot as well.”

  “I’d like that. I really would.”

  “When do you think we can do it? I can talk with Lash, and we can organize some time away.”

  “How about this weekend? I’m my own boss. We can go wherever you want to go.”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Consider it done.”

  “I feel like I’m dreaming.”

  “This is not a dream.” He kissed her one last time, and left the shop.

  A vacation away was exactly what they needed.

  Chapter Five

  Angel winced as the tip of the blade cut her finger. Sucking the wound into her mouth, she glared down at the brownies. They were perfectly cooked, only the blade was too damn sharp.

  “You okay?”

  She turned to see Tiny leaning against the doorway.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I just cut my finger. I’m a klutz.”

  “You know you don’t have to keep every single cookie jar and cake display full with goods.”

  Angel baked roughly four times a week to keep the clubhouse supplied in sweet stuff. It was strange. She would rather they eat the baking she provided rather than buying it. Also, she liked the random tips that Baker gave her when he was in the mood to share. He was such a talented guy. She did believe his talents were wasted, and even asked Lash to try to convince him to open up his own bakery. They had been planning to do it, but Baker had told them no. Now that he was moving on, and things seemed to be going well with Millie, she wondered if he’d consider it again.

  “I like doing it. You guys are my family, and I like taking care of you all.”

  “Eva never did it, nor did Patricia before her.” Patricia was his first wife who’d died of cancer. She was the mother to Tate.

  “I know I’m not what you imagined as an old lady for Lash.” For the longest time she’d felt Tiny’s judgment. She never told Lash about it. Her husband was very protective, and he would more likely hurt Tiny for inadvertently hurting her. “I try my hardest to be a good wife, a good old lady.”

  Tiny stepped into the room. “Lash wanted you from t
he first moment he saw you. Your dad, he owed the club, and we had you…” He stopped. “Angel, I’m not perfect, okay. I did things that even now I regret. I cheated on my first wife, and I kept Eva at arm’s length. I caused this club a lot of bad shit, and I got us out of it, and back into it. Some would say I’m not a very good man, but I do my best.”

  “You’ve been the best, Tiny. You shouldn’t think anything else.”

  “Still, I know I could do better. Lash has had the club completely without any enemies for over three years. Look at this place. It’s thriving better than I’ve ever seen it. Everyone is so happy, and you know what? I’m happy. This is how I always hoped the club would be. Only I was never good enough to get it that way. I didn’t have the vision that Lash had. I have the ideals, and the hopes. He’s been determined to make this place a home.” Tiny took hold of her hand. His large hand completely swamped hers. Tiny was a deadly force, and Lash had warned her to never cross him. “Angel, I couldn’t be more proud than if you were my own daughter. You’ve helped mold Lash into the man he is today. Without you, he wouldn’t be the same. Don’t ever believe for a second that you’re not good enough. I’m the one that is not good enough. You are exactly like your name, Angel. You’re an angel.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

  Tears sprang to her eyes as warmth spread throughout her entire body.

  “Thank you.”

  She dropped her head, unable to let him see her tears.

  “No, Angel. Thank you.”

  “You’re making my woman cry?” Lash asked.

  Angel burst out laughing. “They’re happy tears. You know. I tell you about them all the time.”

  “Still doesn’t mean I like them.”

  Tiny stepped back. “She nicked her finger. You might what to look at it. I’d be careful of those knives if I was you.”

  Seconds later he was gone from the kitchen, and Angel couldn’t stop smiling.

  “What is it, babe?” Lash asked.

  “He likes me, Lash. He actually likes me.”

  “Of course he does. I’ll hurt anyone who doesn’t like you. You’re my girl.”

  “No, it’s not that. I’ve always been weaker. I’m not like Tate, or Lacey, or Prue.”

  “I don’t want to be married to any of them. First, Tate is like a sister, yuck. Lacey is too damn scary, and I’d probably have my balls chopped off before the end of the day. Prue is not my type. She argues too much. Besides, I love you, Angel. No other woman would ever compare to you.” He kissed her lips, and any concern melted away.


  Tate watched her husband where he was fiddling with his bike again. They weren’t at the club, but at their home. It was strange how much time they spent away from the club nowadays. She stared at the scars decorating his face. He’d gotten them during an attack, when his bike blew up. Tate remembered being terrified because everyone thought he was dead. She was a bitch most of the time, and knew a lot of people couldn’t stand her. When it came to Murphy, she never wanted anything to happen to him. She loved him so much that it hurt even the thought of anything happening to him. For a long time after he’d gotten the scars, he wouldn’t look at her, or even bed her. He’d withdrawn completely from her, not that she’d told anyone at the club. It had taken her some time to find out what was bothering him. Everything went back to his scars. He truly thought he was ugly and no longer deserved her. Tate’s heart had broken a little that day.

  She was a first class bitch. She knew it, accepted it. When it came to Murphy, the love she had for him would rival no other. He was the love of her life, and the fact he thought a few scars would scare her away had broken her.

  “Mommy,” Isabella said, tugging on her skirt.

  Bending down, Tate picked her little girl up, smiling at her. “Shall we go and see what Daddy is up to?”


  Giggling, she walked out toward her man.

  “How are my two beautiful girls?” Murphy asked without even looking up.

  “How did you know it was us, Daddy?” Isabella asked.

  He looked up, and tapped his nose. “A Daddy always knows.” He stood up, and Isabella reached out for him. “How is my little girl doing?”

  “I want you to play with me.”

  “In a bit, sweetie.”

  “Now, please. I got a tea party. Simon’s playing when he gets home.”

  “Poor Simon,” Murphy said. “Run in, and get it ready. I’ll be in in a minute. Maybe we can get Mommy to pull that banoffee pie out of fridge. Let us all have a slice early.”

  “Yes!” Isabella ran into the house screaming and cheering.

  “You spoil her.”

  “Ah, I spoil both of my girls.” Murphy pulled her in close, gripping her ass. “So how is my big girl?”

  She scrunched up her nose. “That just sounds wrong, Daddy.” She raised her brow, and Murphy shook his head.

  “Yeah. There’s no way I’ll ever be your daddy.”

  Tate burst out laughing. “Sometimes I wonder about us. How we got here.”

  “A lot of hard work, and scars.” Murphy touched his face, and she sighed.

  “Your scars are never going to be a problem to me. I love you, Murphy, and your wicked tongue.”

  “You really can’t go long without my wicked tongue, can you?”

  “Why would I want to? It’s all mine.” Cupping his face, Tate pressed her lips to his, sliding her tongue across them until he opened. Plunging inside, she felt the stirring of his cock, and moaned. Neither of them could do anything about that right now.

  “You know how to tease me.”

  “There’s something I want to ask you.” Taking his hand, she made her way toward the kitchen. She stopped at the sitting room. “I’m just going to cut that pie, baby, okay?”

  “Yes, Mommy.”

  Isabella was a good little girl. Being a mother to her was a dream to Tate. She’d always wanted to be a mother for as long as she could remember.

  “What is it?” Murphy asked.

  She grabbed the pie from the fridge, and turned toward Murphy. “I’ve been having a lot of thoughts just lately, and there’s something I want to ask you.”

  “The suspense is killing me.”

  “The club is safe. The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds, nothing bad has happened in nearly four years now. So, I was wondering what you’d think of possibly relocating.”

  “You want to move?”

  “Yes and no. I want to move and I want to stay here. Fort Wills, it’s in my blood. It’s our family home.”

  “I don’t know where this is coming from?”

  “Ugh, it’s hard for me right now to understand. I love you, Murphy. You’ve done wonders for the club, but if you would like a fresh start, then I’m with you. If you’d like to move, and for us to just be a family of four, I’d like you to know you don’t have to stay here. Just recently I’ve seen how sad you are. You’re not happy here. I don’t know if it’s me or something—”

  Murphy silenced her with a kiss. “Shut up, babe.”

  “I’ve been happy for so long. You’re all I ever wanted. This and you, and the kids. All of it is my dream. This is my fantasy, and I get to live it every single day.” Tears filled her eyes and started to fall down her cheeks. “Damn, I promised myself I wouldn’t cry.”

  “Baby, what has brought all this on?”

  “I’ve been so selfish. All of my life, I used my mother’s passing as a way of getting what I wanted. The poor little biker princess lost her mommy, and now, I don’t know. I guess I’ve finally grown up, and I see the error of my ways. I see it now more than ever before, and I don’t like what I see. When I look in the mirror, I’m not who I wanted to be.” She pressed her lips together. “I see my mother, and, Murphy, she wasn’t a very nice woman. I’m not a very nice woman. I want to be better than her.” She wiped away the tears, no longer able to stand them. “So, whatever you want to do, or wherever you want to go, I’m here, and I�
��m willing.”


  Friday morning, Baker whistled as he parked the car outside of Millie’s home. He’d spent the past week organizing for them to go away, and he intended for this to be the best time away. Knocking on her door, he stood back as a second later she came out with a case.

  “Is that all you have packed?”

  “Yes. We’re going away for the week right?”


  “Then this is it. I’ve always been a light traveler.” She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail.

  He grabbed her case and dumped it into the trunk of the car. “So, I couldn’t exactly go far.”

  “Alright, so where are you thinking?”

  “We’re heading to Vegas, baby. Alex let me have a room at his hotel.” A few years ago, Alex had remained a permanent resident of Fort Wills, leaving his Vegas casino behind. However, he still owned the casino, but he left it to a manager that he trusted.


  “Yeah, so stopping off at the airport, and then guess who is meeting us at Vegas to take us to the casino?” he asked.

  “I have absolutely no idea.”

  “Butch. He’s coming to meet us.”

  “Oh, I don’t think I’ve met him before,” she said, frowning.

  “Don’t worry. He’s a good guy that has been out in Vegas for awhile. He came home to help the club during Andrew’s anger.” He kissed her hand, tugging her close. “Let’s go and have some fun.”

  For the next few hours, neither of them really got a chance to talk. From parking the car, he carried both of their cases through the airport, and then it was a waiting game. Baker sent a text to Butch, to make sure he was ready to pick them up. Alex had said that he, Sunshine, and their baby girl, Candice, may be paying a visit to go and see his son, Michael.

  Yeah, that was a little drama. Cheryl, Butch’s old lady, had had a child with Alex, who was also a member of The Skulls. She hadn’t known that Alex was a club member, and when she met Butch, Michael had been nearly five, or a little older. Baker couldn’t remember the complete ins and outs of it.

  Five to six hours later, they were touching down in Vegas, and that had been a damn good turn around, especially as there was also a little delay in the flights. Holding Millie’s hand, he grabbed their luggage, and found Butch waiting for them with Michael beside him.


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