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Rules of Engagement

Page 4

by Lynn Hagen

  With pity.

  That was the last thing Chavez needed. His past was what it was, and there was nothing he could do to change that. All Chavez could do was move forward, which was easier said than done.

  “This is my mate we’re talking about. I don’t take a backseat to shit.” Chavez walked out, heading toward the bedroom. When Reno exited the bathroom, Chavez said, “Ya’ll find a spot to bunk down. We’ll regroup in the morning.”

  Chapter Four

  Lenny had fallen asleep waiting on Chavez to return. Now his eyes were open and it was dark in the room. He looked at the clock on his nightstand and saw it was past midnight.

  He started to get out of bed and realized he was about to step on someone. The moonlight showed him it was Chavez, sleeping on the floor. Lenny pulled his legs back and stared down at the guy, unable to stop drinking him in.

  All six feet three inches of pure muscle. Chavez had his arms tucked under his head, his lips slightly parted, still fully clothed. His handgun was even still tucked in the back of his waistband.

  Lenny just bet the guy could jump into action in the blink of an eye. He also felt like a pervert for watching Chavez sleep, but it was the only time he could drink his fill without his mate knowing he was ogling him.

  His heart stuttered in his chest at the knowledge that his guy was his mate. Honestly, Lenny never thought he’d have one, according to his dad who’d said it might not be a possibility.

  What was holding Lenny back from giving himself over? His self-esteem. Oh, he could be downright indignant when the situation called for his wrath. But his cousins on his father’s side had constantly reminded Lenny when they were growing up that he was a half-breed, a mutt, unworthy of a mate.

  The taunts had stuck with Lenny, destroying his self-worth. It was amazing how nasty comments from juveniles took root and grew in one’s head.

  And now, as he stared at Chavez, Lenny wished he could be the mate the guy deserved. The mate his strong, confident, and amazing father had been to his mother.

  Lenny wiped at his eyes, wishing his dad were still alive. But he’d gotten into some trouble with a few demons and they had killed him, depriving the world of such a wonderful man.

  As far as Winnie knew, Drake Daniels had died in a car accident. It had been a necessary, bitter lie that Lenny had gone along with. He still didn’t know who the demons had been, but even if Lenny knew, what was he going to do, seek vengeance?

  That was laughable considering he couldn’t even shift and was all of five feet two inches and one hundred and twenty pounds soaking wet.

  Lenny scooted to the foot of the bed. Nature was calling, and he didn’t want to take the chance of stepping over Chavez, only to step on the guy.

  He’d started for the door when his ankle was grabbed. Lenny suppressed the gasp when he realized it was Chavez holding him back.

  “Where’re you going?” His voice was filled with sleep, deeper, gravelly, sending Lenny’s body into overdrive.

  “Bathroom,” he whispered.

  Chavez rolled over and sat up, stretched, and yawned.

  “You don’t have to shadow me.” Lenny waved a hand at the door. “There’re three bodyguards in my living room.”

  “And you live on the first floor. Anyone could sneak in through the bathroom window.”

  Like Chavez wouldn’t hear that. Lenny suspected his mate’s need to follow him had nothing to do with someone breaking in and everything to do with his friends in the other room.

  His dad had told him how possessive a mate was, especially when first finding him or her. What did Chavez expect, one of his friends to jump Lenny’s bones in the hallway?

  Lenny was too tired to argue as Chavez got up and headed for the door. He just wanted to use the bathroom and crawl back into bed.

  Chavez checked the bathroom before nodding. “I’ll wait in the hallway for you.”

  The need to roll his eyes was strong, but Lenny held back. “Are you sure you don’t want to pat me down for contraband?”

  The side of Chavez’s mouth twitched. “Unless you’re smuggling something in your ass, you don’t have anywhere else to hide smuggled goods. Unless you’re in the mood to get patted down just for the thrill of it.”

  Lenny was in his boxers and a T-shirt. He felt his face heat up as he slipped into the bathroom. Why did Chavez always have a way of making him blush?

  Knowing his mate was right outside the door, Lenny turned the faucet on. When he was finished and his hands were washed, he cracked the door open. “Is it safe to come out, or was the hallway invaded in the last three minutes?”

  Chavez looked around and took a step away from the door, like he was really concerned for Lenny’s safety against some invisible burglar. “If we hurry, we might make it back to your room before a battle ensues.”

  Lenny chuckled. He really did like his mate’s sense of humor. “You’ll protect me, not my novio.”

  “With my life.” But Chavez wasn’t smiling. His face was a mask of stone as he said those three words. All seriousness, the humor gone.

  Lenny edged past Chavez’s large frame, his body brushing against his mate’s. He returned to his bedroom and felt Chavez right behind him, almost breathing down Lenny’s neck.

  He stood where Chavez had been sleeping. Lenny twisted his hands in front of him. “You don’t have to sleep on the floor.”

  “I don’t mind.” Chavez closed the door. “I’ve slept on worse.”

  “You could…um, sleep in my bed. It’s a lot more comfortable than a hardwood floor.” Lenny felt his cheeks heat up again. If he kept blushing this badly, his head would catch fire. He had a queen-sized bed and still doubted the two of them could fit comfortably in it. Chavez really was a big guy.

  Chavez’s smile was genuine and sweet in the light of the moon. Lenny saw himself totally falling for this guy. It wouldn’t be a hard thing to do. “I promise to keep my hands to myself.”

  And Lenny’s head just caught fire. His blush was so hot that he pressed a hand to his face to make sure tiny sparks weren’t erupting.

  “You get in first,” Chavez said. “I’d prefer to sleep closest to the door.”

  Lenny’s bed was against the wall, which cocooned him in when Chavez joined him. He pressed his back against the wall, trying to give his mate as much space as his broad physique needed.

  “If you hug that wall any closer, you’ll become a part of it.” Chavez pulled Lenny close and curled around him. “Much better.”

  Maybe for Chavez, but the way the guy was wrapped around him had Lenny thinking about nakedness and fucking.

  And the damn guy let off a lot of heat. In no time Lenny was sweating his ass off. He wished he’d turned the central air on before they’d gotten into bed.

  He wiggled, trying to put some space between them so he could cool off, but every time he slid a little away, Chavez pulled him right back against his hard body.

  “I’m gonna drown in my own sweat,” Lenny complained. “You’re a freaking furnace.”

  He also wanted to get away because he was getting a boner being so close to Chavez. Lenny turned onto his stomach and stared at Chavez, although it wasn’t easy to fully see him in the dark, even with the help of the moon casting its glow into the room.

  “We need a fan on us.”

  Chavez waved his hand in front of Lenny’s face. “Better?”

  “I’ll let you know after I’m finished drowning.” He batted Chavez’s hand away. His mate caught Lenny’s fingers and entwined their hands together.

  Lenny’s heart went into overdrive as Chavez caressed Lenny’s hand with his thumb. The gentle circling action did nothing to relieve the ache in Lenny’s groin, and made it extremely hard to think. It was like Chavez was gravity and Lenny found himself moving back toward his mate, a magnetic pull.

  Lenny couldn’t have dragged himself away even if he’d wanted to. And he didn’t want to. He’d told himself that he wanted to get to know the wolf shifter be
tter before committing to anything, before binding their souls together, but that decision was being tested.

  His lips parted and his eyes widened when his mate untangled their hands and cupped the back of Lenny’s head, drawing his face closer to his.

  “I can think of a few ways to cool off,” Chavez said quietly.

  Lenny couldn’t help it. A tiny laugh worked its way up his throat. “That’s not cooling off. That produces more body heat.”


  Their lips touched, and a spark ignited inside Lenny. He could no more resist than he could stop breathing. They rolled, and Chavez hovered over him, taking the kiss deeper as the two tried their best to get undressed while their lips were still locked together.

  Lenny felt insane, giddy, and terrified. Chavez was passionate, his tongue taking over, dominating the kiss, placing ownership on Lenny in ways Lenny thoroughly enjoyed.

  Their clothes were gone, nothing but skin gliding over skin. Lenny was losing the ability to breathe from Chavez’s deep kisses. If he died because he no longer had air in his lungs, he wouldn’t care.

  Then Chavez started talking in his native tongue. The words sounded sensual and erotic, making Lenny wish he’d paid attention in Spanish class. For all he knew, Chavez could’ve been telling him what he wanted for breakfast or how Trails was gonna kill them all.

  Lenny’s body didn’t care what his mate was saying. The more Chavez talked, the more fire filled his blood. His mate was dangerous in so many ways, yet all Lenny could think about was belonging to the wolf shifter.

  Lenny gasped and groaned when Chavez kissed his way down his body, lingering at his nipples. It was sweet, teasing heat against his body. Lenny writhed, spreading his legs farther apart, his muscles spasming and jerking.

  The way Chavez was working his body had Lenny ready to give the guy any damn thing he wanted. They hadn’t even had sex yet, and Lenny was close to coming.

  Chavez nipped Lenny’s left nipple then bathed the hard pebble with his tongue, lashing it across Lenny’s skin. The way Chavez leaned over him, his stomach rubbed over Lenny’s cock, trapping the hard flesh, adding pressure, but not friction.

  Chavez gave Lenny a wicked grin before he moved lower, kissing each of Lenny’s hips, and then he engulfed Lenny’s cock, swallowing him to the root as he held Lenny’s hips down.

  In the back of Lenny’s mind he knew they weren’t alone, that Chavez’s friends were in the living room, but he couldn’t stop the keening wail from escaping. He thrashed his head from side to side as he thrust deep into Chavez’s mouth.

  Lenny’s lips parted as he drew in shallow breaths, arching his back as he groaned. He was overwhelmed by Chavez’s talented skills, and within moments, his orgasm crested and pulled him under, his cum erupting down Chavez’s throat.

  As Lenny tried to refocus, Chavez crawled up his body, licking his lips as he settled between Lenny’s legs. “Lube?”

  “Nightstand.” Lenny threw a limp arm out toward the drawer.

  Chavez mouth covered Lenny’s hungrily, his tongue sweeping inside. He sucked on Chavez’s tongue as his mate reached for the drawer.

  Lenny heard the snick of the cap, and then a thick finger was probing between his cheeks. Lenny pulled his legs back, pressing his thighs against Chavez’s sides.

  Lenny almost couldn’t breathe through the pleasure as he gripped Chavez’s arm and held it there, mewling when his mate crooked his finger and grazed Lenny’s prostate, his ring of muscles squeezing down on the invasion.

  Chavez wiggled his finger in Lenny’s ass, stretching his opening to force in another digit. Just that fast, Lenny’s cock thickened again, his erection pulsing against his stomach.

  A flame of desire entered Chavez’s green eyes as he pulled his fingers free.

  One hard thrust buried the thick, steel-hard erection into Lenny’s ass to the hilt. They both paused and sucked in a deep breath, frozen for a moment, thrilling in those first few seconds of being joined together.

  “Pure heaven,” Chavez whispered against Lenny’s lips.

  The rumble of pleasure echoed through Lenny’s chest, making him shiver. He slid his legs around Chavez’s waist, resting the heels of his feet at the small of his mate’s back.

  Chavez rested his forearms on either side of Lenny’s head, kissing him. Lenny raised himself to meet Chavez mouth, devouring his mate’s lips as Chavez pulled back until only the head of his cock remained inside Lenny’s body.

  Chavez slammed forward, his balls slapping against Lenny’s ass. Lenny closed his eyes, braced his hands against the headboard, and pushed back.

  He’d resisted being with Chavez, of letting his mate anywhere near him, but Lenny was so fucking glad he’d caved, so glad he hadn’t missed out on this mind-blowing experience that put his other sexual encounters to shame.

  Chavez reared back, gripped Lenny’s thighs, and pistoned into Lenny’s ass, rattling Lenny’s brain. All Lenny could do was keep his hands pressed into the headboard and hang on for the ride.

  He watched as Chavez’s canines lengthened and knew the claiming part was near. Lenny’s heart thundered, and for a moment, he felt panicked. He was about to tether his soul to this wild, beautiful warrior.

  As he looked up at the sexy god, watching his facial expressions, the rapture, the way his green eyes turned so dark with pleasure, Lenny’s nervousness evaporated.

  He wanted to belong to Chavez. Lenny craved someone in his life besides himself and his now-absent cousin. He didn’t want to go this alone, not when he had this magnificent man who would do everything in his powers to make Lenny happy.

  Chavez swept downward, slid his arm under Lenny’s shoulders, and lifted him slightly. His mate sank his canines into Lenny’s soft flesh, sealing their fate, soldering their souls as Lenny cried out.

  His second orgasm shook him harder than his first. Lenny tossed beneath his mate as Chavez thrust harder, deeper, and then buried himself as he came. Chavez licked the wound and sucked in a breath, his movements slowing to a leisurely rock.

  They hissed when Chavez eased out of Lenny. Chavez dropped to his back and pulled Lenny until he was resting on Chavez’s chest, listening to his mate’s heartbeat as the sound soothed him to sleep.

  * * * *

  Lenny wandered around the house, poking his head in closets and checking out each bedroom. He liked the shiny wood floors, and the kitchen had a gazillion cupboards. “Why doesn’t the safe house have any furniture or dishes? There isn’t even a potted plant here.”

  “Because the owner doesn’t know we’re using it as a safe house,” Chavez said. “He thinks you and I are renting it.”

  The house was pretty big, maybe around sixteen hundred square feet. Lenny wished he could afford a place like this.

  The house he’d grown up in hadn’t been this big or this nice. It didn’t have four bedrooms, either. Lenny had had to share a room with Winnie, which he hadn’t minded. They’d stayed up late at night, dreaming about their futures and how Winnie wanted to do interior design and Lenny wanted to own a sanctuary for strays.

  Maybe now that Winnie was mated to a wealthy man, his dream could come true. Lenny’s never would. Not when he was broke and lived in an apartment.

  He’d loved animals since he was a kid, but his parents never allowed him to have one. They’d barely been able to feed the family.

  “We got our gear in my Jeep,” Reno said. “Bedrolls and pillows. We can grab some paper products from the local grocery store.”

  “I’ll make that run,” Nelson volunteered. “It’ll give me a chance to check things out and see if Frost is anywhere close by.”

  “Lunch?” Lenny asked. “Can anyone grab some lunch?”

  He knew the menu at The Diner Train by heart. Nelson pulled out his phone and jotted down everyone’s order after Lenny rattled of what they had. He started to pull out his wallet, but Nelson shook his head.

  “I got this. My treat.”

  Reno and Korby
went into the backyard to have a look around. They’d had to go into the den and out the sliding glass doors to get there, and Lenny was in love with the den.

  There was a fireplace. A real freaking fireplace, which he’d always wanted to have. On either side of the fireplace were built-in bookshelves. The carpeting was a wine color and plush, and Lenny was dying to walk over it in his bare feet.

  When you came from a poor background, a house like this felt more like a mansion. Lenny couldn’t believe he would be able to spend some time in it, even if there wasn’t any furniture.

  “What do you think?” Chavez asked.

  “About?” Lenny spun around to look at his mate, still blushing from what they’d done last night. Even now, Lenny wanted to sneak off to one of the bedrooms and strip Chavez down.

  “This house.” Chavez walked to the kitchen, and Lenny followed.

  The space was open and wide, and he loved every inch of it. The counters were made of a dark marble and the cupboards were a dark wood, but it was the stone flooring that he loved the most. And the breakfast nook. The large windows he could look out of when he was enjoying a meal.

  “It’s beautiful.” Too bad it wasn’t theirs. Lenny needed to stop drooling over it. Soon he would return to his apartment in the downtown area, and this place would be rented out to people who could actually make it a home.

  “Well…” Chavez rubbed his jaw. “I did sign a lease, and although I like your apartment, I’m kinda digging this place.”

  Lenny’s heart leaped into his throat. “What’re you saying?”

  Chavez pulled Lenny into his arms and kissed the tip of his nose. “I’m saying that we could make this home ours if you wanted to.”

  “But—” Lenny bit his lip. “I can’t afford a place like this. Hell, I might not be able to afford my apartment if I don’t get back to work.”

  Even so, Lenny let himself hope, allowed himself to dream that this house could actually be theirs. Lenny was also feeling overwhelmed. So much was going on, and for a guy who didn’t like change, a part of him wanted to bolt out the door and race back to his apartment.


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