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Rules of Engagement

Page 5

by Lynn Hagen

  Then again, he’d been shot in his apartment, so no place felt truly safe to him right now.

  “Hey.” Chavez cupped his face. “Are you okay, novio?”

  Lenny gripped his mate’s wrists and nodded then shook his head. “Having a tiny crisis right now.”

  “I get it.” Chavez curled a muscled arm around him. “When I first left my pack, no matter how dysfunctional it was, it was familiar to me. Striking out on my own felt overwhelming.”

  “That’s the word.” Lenny blew out a few breaths. “Overwhelming.” He looked into Chavez’s pretty green eyes. “I never do well with change. That’s why I tried to get Winnie back. Well, one reason. I needed things to go back to normal but things’ll never go back to the way they were.”

  Chavez tilted Lenny’s head back until they were staring at one another. “Change can also be new and exciting, can take your very breath away, and bring you happiness you never knew existed before.”

  With his hands still wrapped around Chavez’s wrists, Lenny nodded. “I know. Meeting you was one of those moments.”

  Chavez chuckled. “But you ran when you met me.”

  “Stop poking holes in my logic.” Lenny leaned up and slid his tongue across his mate’s lips. “But I’m starting to feel better. I just needed to have a quick meltdown before I felt grounded again.”

  Lenny really was. When it had been just him, with Winnie gone, he’d been lost and adrift, like he had when his father was killed. But with Chavez in his life acting as Lenny’s anchor, his chest didn’t feel so tight with anxiety.

  “So what do you say?” Chavez waved a hand to encompass the room. “Shall we make this our home?”

  Before Lenny could answer, Nelson returned with lunch. The kitchen became crowded as everyone grabbed their food and settled in the empty den.

  It was Lenny’s mate who was asking to build a life together, not a boyfriend or husband who could up and leave him. Chavez was it for him, his entire world, and the more Lenny thought about it, the more the idea took root and began to blossom.

  Chapter Five

  The rental house was located on the outskirts of town. There were other houses around them, but they were spread far enough apart to give a modicum of privacy.

  Chavez was in the backyard, phone pressed against his ear as he scanned surrounding trees. Reno and Korby were in their wolf forms, walking the perimeter, keeping an eye on things as Chavez talked to his boss.

  “Did you have to check on me at two in the morning?” Mr. Winter said in a sleepy voice. “Things are fine here.”

  “Sorry,” Chavez said, hating that he’d woken the guy. “I’m on leave for my mating, but that doesn’t mean I still don’t worry about you and Winnie.”

  “And I’m not an idiot.” Sheets rustled on the other end. “I have a lot of connections, and some of them are telling me you’re in trouble.”

  The Bengal tiger’s reach always astonished Chavez. The guy wasn’t exaggerating when he said he knew a lot of people. Before Mr. Winter retired, his business dealings hadn’t exactly been legit. And just because he was no longer in that game didn’t mean he’d cut all ties with the shady men he’d dealt with over the years.

  Chavez didn’t have that kind of reach. He’d always stayed in the background, blended in while guarding his boss. Even when working black ops, Chavez had stayed in the shadows while his teammates made connections all over the world.

  “Tell me what’s going on.” Mr. Winter’s tone had grown serious, deadly, reminding Chavez of who he was dealing with.

  “It’s complicated.” He didn’t want to get the tiger involved. Mr. Winter wanted a quiet life with his mate and pulling him into this bullshit wouldn’t be doing the guy any favors.

  Chavez also planned on taking a page from his boss’s book. Once Benjamin Trails was taken care of, Chavez planned on retiring. Being a bodyguard was full-time work, at least working for the tiger, and Chavez didn’t have that kind of time to devote to the job anymore.

  Not when he had Lenny to take care of.

  “It’s always fucking complicated,” Mr. Winter said with a long sigh. “When is life ever that easy? But I consider you a friend, your loyalty proven time and again. Now tell me what I can do to help you out.”

  “There’s nothing to help me out with.” Chavez still refused to get the guy involved. “Sorry I woke you. I’ll check in on you in a few days. If you need anything, you have my number.”

  Chavez ended the call before his boss could strong-arm him into telling him everything. He had his team here, and if that wasn’t enough, then they were screwed.

  Chavez had started back into the house when the hairs along his body stood on end. He gazed around the yard but didn’t see anyone. That didn’t mean no one was there. Covertly, he sniffed and smelled a human close by.

  Tucking his fingers into his lips, he gave a short, loud whistle. Seconds later two wolves were crossing the yard. Chavez tapped his nose. The wolves spread out. Lenny appeared at the back door, but Chavez gave an imperceptible shake of his head, and his mate moved away from the door.

  One of the wolves snarled, and a moment later, a very naked Reno was hauling some guy toward them, his hand a vise grip around the stranger’s slim bicep.

  This had to be one of Trails’s men. As Reno pulled the guy forward, Chavez noticed a gun in his friend’s hand. Reno had confiscated it from whoever this person was.

  It didn’t take a genius to figure out what the stranger was about to do with it.

  Chavez opened the patio door and stepped aside so Reno could take him inside. Korby shifted and joined Chavez as they entered the den.

  The stranger appeared pale as he glanced between Reno and Korby. “What are you?”

  “The more important question is who are you?” Chavez towered over the guy. “Talk or my friends will shift and play with you, but not in a pleasurable way.”

  The man paled even further. Chavez grabbed the gun from Reno and pressed the end at the man’s forehead. “Talk.”

  Chavez became acutely aware of someone behind him. He twisted his head just enough to see that it was Lenny. His mate’s gaze bounced between everyone before settling on Chavez.

  Lenny didn’t need to see the ugly side of this. He was sweet and innocent, and Chavez didn’t want his view of life jaded.

  “Go to our room,” Chavez said.

  Lenny did no such thing. He was as stubborn as ever, just like when Chavez had been trying to get his mate go to his bedroom when the team arrived.

  That resolute look was back as Lenny marched forward. His eyes narrowed as he approached. “Are we interrogating this scumbag?”

  Reno smirked, and Korby looked stunned. Chavez knew how Korby felt. “There is no we when it comes to this,” he said. “Now go back to our room.”

  “He’s not gonna listen,” Reno said under his breath, that fucking smirk still stuck on his face. Chavez wanted to punch it right off. The guy’s humor wasn’t helping matters.

  “I got pulled into this mess,” Lenny argued. “And I might’ve had a mini meltdown earlier, but we’re in this together. Should we waterboard him, or should I go get the battery out of the car so you can shock him?”

  “Damn.” Korby snickered. “Your mate’s bloodthirsty.”

  Chavez growled and glanced between his two teammates. “You two go get some damn clothes on.” Chavez turned to his mate. “You’re not sticking around for this.”

  Lenny walked around to the stranger’s back, damn near giving Chavez a heart attack at how close he was to the guy. Lenny reached into the man’s back pocket and took out his wallet.

  “Or we can do this the easy way.” He dug into the leather billfold and extracted the guy’s driver’s license. “Wylliam Roach.” Lenny waved the piece of plastic at the stranger. “Who the hell spells William with a Y? Or do you say your name like Wyle am?”

  He tossed the wallet and ID aside. Chavez was too stunned, and a bit curious, to stop Lenny. He still had the
gun trained on Wylliam, ready to blow the guy’s head off if he made a single move.

  Reno and Korby came back into the room, fully clothed. “Did we miss the waterboarding?” Reno asked.

  Lenny jabbed a finger at Wylliam. “His name is Wylliam Roach.”

  “Wyle am?” Reno’s brows furrowed. “Don’t you mean William?”

  “That’s what I said!” Lenny turned back to Wylliam. “Did Jack Frost send you?” He raised his hand but kept it midair. “I’m gonna smack the taste out of your mouth if you don’t answer me.”

  The guy glared at Lenny. “About my name? Because that was the only question you asked.” Wylliam’s gaze swept over Lenny. “I highly doubt your slap will induce me into talking, though it might help the itch I have on my face.”

  Lenny’s eyes became slits. “Are all bad guys this uncooperative?”

  Reno let his claws slide free and shoved them against Wylliam’s neck. “Sooner or later, they break.”

  Wylliam didn’t look so smug anymore. His gaze rose to Reno as he visibly swallowed.

  Korby shrugged. “We already know Benjamin Trails sent you. We could kill you and bury your body.” He leaned in close to Wylliam’s ear. “For one, I hope you resist. I’m all for digging a deep hole and dumping your carcass into it.”

  “Where is Benjamin Trails?” Chavez asked. “Where is the bastard hiding out?”

  No way would Trails be in town and not secure a place to lay low. If they could get an address, they could turn the tables and become the hunters instead of the hunted.

  “I’m more afraid of Jack Frost,” Wylliam said. “So go ahead and kill me. I’m not telling you shit.”

  Chavez really wanted to work this guy over, but with Lenny standing there, he didn’t want his mate to look at him as if he were a monster. They’d finally gotten past the whole brainwashed/cult thing, and Chavez couldn’t chance his mate having another meltdown and leaving.

  “Either kill me or let me go. I don’t have all night,” Wylliam said. “I gotta take my nana to the doctor in a few hours.”

  “I’ll go get the water,” Lenny said as he headed out of the den, but Chavez grabbed his mate’s wrist and hauled him back.

  “Stay put.” He hadn’t taken his eyes off Wylliam. Chavez didn’t trust the prick.

  Reno leaned in again. “Trust me when I tell you we’re a hundred times worse than Frost could ever be, Mr. Roach.”

  “Oh my god.” Lenny ground his teeth. “How do you say your damn name? It’s driving me crazy!”

  “Can I talk to you in the kitchen for a second?” Korby asked Lenny.

  Chavez gave an appreciative nod when the two walked out. When his mate was gone, Chavez turned to Wylliam. “I don’t give a fuck how you say your name or that you have obligations in a few hours. Tell me where Trails is, or I’m tearing your throat out.”

  When Chavez let his canines show and his claws slide free, he grabbed Wylliam by the throat and shoved him against the wall. He let the tips of his claws penetrate the human’s skin, drawing blood.

  Wylliam’s eyes went big as his gaze darted between Chavez and Reno. “I don’t know where he is. He just paid me to do a job. I swear!”

  “Who were you sent to kill?” Reno asked.

  Wylliam swallowed. “All of you, including that bloodthirsty little guy.”

  If Chavez let Wylliam go, the guy would only be back to finish the job. Benjamin Trails didn’t accept failure and would have Wylliam killed if the guy just walked away.

  Besides, Chavez didn’t trust that Wylliam would simply leave. He had his mate and team to think about. He shoved Wylliam toward Reno. “Dispose of the body.”

  “No.” Wylliam fought to get free. He shoved his elbow into Reno’s gut and spun, diving for the gun in Chavez’s hand. He grabbed it, and Chavez jerked back, refusing to let Wylliam get his hands on it.

  The gun went off. Wylliam fell to the carpet. Chavez cursed. He hadn’t been in the house a full day and he had blood on the carpet. It was gonna be a bitch to get it out.

  Reno stood there staring down at Wylliam. “Guess his nana is gonna have to find another ride.”

  Chavez glared at him.

  “Too soon?” Reno picked the body up and walked out the back door just as Lenny ran into the room, Korby right behind him.

  “You shot him?” Lenny’s eyes were bulging.

  “He shot himself.” Chavez tucked the gun into his waistband. “Idiot tried to wrestle me for the weapon, and it went off.” He left out the part where he’d just told Reno to take the guy outside and kill him. Lenny didn’t need to know that detail.

  Unfortunately, they weren’t out of the woods. When Trails found out that Wylliam had failed, he’d send someone else. But how had Trails found out about their safe house?

  He was watching them, which meant he was close by. Real close. Chavez and his team needed to find the bastard before Trails sent another thug to take them all out.

  * * * *

  Lenny had no idea what had gotten into him. He wasn’t the bloodthirsty type. He hadn’t wanted to be excluded from what was going on, but…shit. Some guy had just died in the den.

  He walked out of the room and headed upstairs, feeling a bit queasy. Lenny had never seen a dead body and was thankful Wylliam had been taken from the house before he caught a glimpse.

  What the hell had he gotten himself into? What madness was he being swallowed up by? It was one thing to find his mate, but the baggage that came with Chavez? Lenny wasn’t so sure anymore that he could handle this.

  Some guy had just been shot in the next room over from him. The sound of the gun being fired still echoed in his ears. Wylliam’s face kept popping up in his mind. True, Lenny had just been shot himself, but it was different when you knew a life had been taken.

  Lenny ran to the bathroom and dropped to his knees, throwing up his lunch as tears sprang to his eyes. He didn’t even care when the bathroom door opened and Chavez walked in.

  “Shit.” Chavez rubbed his hand up and down Lenny’s back. “I’m so sorry you’re involved in this. I swear I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”

  With no towel or toilet paper in the bathroom, Lenny used the hem of his shirt to wipe his mouth. He flushed the toilet and got to his shaky legs. “You didn’t mean for any of this to happen?” Lenny balled his hands into fists. “If you hadn’t tracked me down, I wouldn’t be involved. I wouldn’t have witnessed a guy being killed. I wouldn’t have some lunatic after me!”

  Lenny was losing his shit. He thought he could play the tough role, but he wasn’t built that way. It was the dead body. That was what was freaking him out the most.

  He sucked air in through his nose and slowly let it out through his mouth. That wasn’t helping. The only thing he was doing was making himself dizzy.

  “Whoa.” Chavez got onto the floor with him and sat with his legs crossed, taking Lenny’s hands. “You’re doing it too fast. You’re gonna hyperventilate.”

  “Is this what you do for a living?” Lenny’s stomach hurt from throwing up. He wished he had some mouthwash, but it was packed in his bag in the bedroom, and he wasn’t sure his legs would support him right now.

  “Watch someone shoot themselves?” Chavez ran his hands up and down Lenny’s arms. “That was a first for me.”

  His mate’s touch soothed Lenny in ways nothing else could. His posture slumped, and all he wanted was to be held, to feel Chavez’s strong arms curled around him.

  Lenny scooted closer then inserted himself onto his mate’s lap. Chavez held him close, kissing his jaw and neck.

  “Don’t even think about kissing my lips.” Lenny held a hand to his mouth. “I have dragon breath.”

  Chavez nuzzled Lenny’s neck. “Will probably singe my face off.”

  “Rude!” Lenny elbowed him. “I got stank on my breath, but you don’t have to agree. Every once in a while you can sugarcoat things for me.”

  “Okay.” Chavez kissed his skin. “Your breath is as fre
sh as the dragon’s anus.”

  “Oh my god! I’m gonna kill you.” Lenny tried to tackle Chavez, but the guy was just too damn big and didn’t go down. They laughed then sighed before pressing their foreheads together.

  “No,” Chavez said. “That’s not what I do for a living. I believe in keeping the casualties as low as possible, but sometimes that’s not my reality.”

  “Do you think we can defeat Jack Frost?” Lenny asked.

  Chavez tightened his arms around Lenny. “With you at my side, I think anything’s possible.”

  “Then let’s take him down.” Lenny pursed his lips. “But I think I’ll take a backseat to the violence. How about I just hold down the fort and make sure everyone is well fed and their laundry is clean.” Lenny’s eyes widened as he waved a hand at the bathroom door. “Did you see the laundry room? There’s already a washer and dryer in there, and they look brand-new!”

  “Are you that easy to please?” Chavez asked with wonderment in his eyes.

  “Just feed me, fuck me, and love me. I’m not a complicated guy,” Lenny said with a smile, and then realized what he’d said. “I mean I know the loving part will take a while. I just meant—”

  “You said it perfectly.” Chavez kissed the tip of Lenny’s nose.

  Damn it. Now more than ever he wished he could brush his teeth. Lenny wanted a blazing kiss, not a toddler-style show of affection.

  “And just so you know, I’m already falling in love with you, novio.”

  Lenny let out a happy gasp before an unrestrained smile spread across his face. He felt weightless as warmth infused his body. “I fell in lust with you as soon as I laid eyes on you,” he admitted with a chuckle. “But that feeling has definitely grown into something more.”

  “Come on, not my novio. Let’s get out of the bathroom.”

  “Hey, that’s my line! You can’t steal it from me.” Lenny got up, and they exited the bathroom. He went straight to his bag and dug out his mouthwash, toothbrush, and toothpaste, feeling way better than when he first came upstairs.


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