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Promises Unbroken: A Hot Paranormal Shifter Romance (Hidden Hills Shifter Book 5)

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by Vella Day

  Promises Unbroken

  Hidden Hills Shifters

  Book 5

  Vella Day

  Copyright © 2015 Vella Day


  Copyright © 2015 by Vella Day

  Kindle Edition

  Cover Art by Scott Carpenter/Sahara Kelly

  Edited by Carol Adcock-Bezzo

  Proofed by Tammy Thompson

  Published in the United States of America

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-941835-17-3

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author except in the case of brief questions embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Other Books by the Author

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  A blinding headlight passed in front of the police station and speared Officer Selena Niles in the eye. She blinked, slid her chair to the side, and returned her attention to finding that damned report she swore she’d filed. Despite the occasional inconvenience, Selena loved working the night shift.

  Recently, though, she’d been thinking about switching to days. The new hire—Jackson Kenner, who was a panther shifter—had changed to this time slot, and his mere presence distracted her.

  Stop thinking about him and focus.

  Needing to locate the file for her boss ASAP, Selena leafed through the papers on her desk, searching for the missing copy of last week’s gas station robbery. Got it! It had become wedged between a domestic disturbance case and a drunk running a red light. Ah, the life of a cop.

  Her cases weren’t always this dull. She’d had a real exciting one a few months back when she’d been allowed to help with a sting operation. Being undercover had been exhilarating, and nabbing the jerks had been so sweet. The only sour note had been when Jackson, who wasn’t even on the Force at the time, had rushed out to save her after the assailant had knocked her down. The man trying to steal the money had been human, and in her cheetah form, he was no match, but Jackson thought she needed help. Sheesh.

  Because of that one act, the good citizens of Hidden Hills, North Carolina, claimed he was some hero, and her boss offered him a job, which Jackson accepted. Sure, he had credentials up the ying yang, but she didn’t want him around. She knew what he was, and she didn’t like it one bit.

  “Selena.” Chief Hardy tapped his knuckles on her desk, startling her out of her musings. “Can you step into my office, please? I need to speak with you about something.”

  “Sure.” She picked up the requested file, hoping he hadn’t noticed her daydreaming.

  Of late, these overpowering lustful desires had snuck up on her at the worst times, urging her to seek out her nemesis—Jackson Kenner. Only she wouldn’t—or rather she didn’t dare.

  Selena pushed back her chair, smoothed a hand down her pants, and flicked the wisps of hair from her face. While she could look presentable with a few hand swipes, she could do nothing about the butterflies beating against her stomach.

  Her boss didn’t seem angry, implying she hadn’t messed up, but everyone knew that being summoned usually didn’t bode well for that person. She followed him down the hallway, but as she neared their destination, that familiar and unwelcome blast of attraction grabbed her.

  Jackson was near, and she could almost smell the pheromones floating off him heading straight toward her, trying to capture her in a web of desire.

  Her boss opened his door and motioned her inside. “Have a seat.”

  The moment she stepped in, Selena stilled. He was there. Close. Too close. “I don’t understand. What’s Jackson doing here?” The moment the bitter words left her mouth, she regretted it. “I mean, I thought you wanted to speak with me alone.”

  Her boss merely smiled and slid behind his desk. “About a half hour ago, someone robbed Kraft’s Liquor store. Our men are there now processing the scene, and I’d like you to be lead on this case.”

  For a brief moment she almost forgot about the man who stole the air from the room. Mixed emotions slammed into her. One was sadness for Mr. Kraft’s loss, and the other was excitement that she’d finally be able to take charge of a case. Despite the opportunity, a trickle of disappointment edged in, as she’d been wishing for something juicier than a theft, but she shoved the frustration aside. “Thank you, sir.”

  “And take Jackson with you.”

  Whoa. She hadn’t seen that coming. Her stomach flipped at the command and she nearly crushed the paper in her hands. “Excuse me?”

  From the moment she’d met Jackson three months ago, she’d been battling the knowledge that he was her mate—and that didn’t sit well with her at all. She’d always believed her true love would be another cheetah and not some hotshot panther. Hell, she’d never even met his kind before.

  “He’s the new man on the block, and you’d be perfect to show him around.”

  “But, sir, why not ask Cord to help?” Jackson and Cord used to work together in Washington for the DEA. In fact, Jackson had been visiting him when the sting operation went down, which was how Jackson had been asked to help with videotaping the money drop in the first place.

  “Cord’s been here less than a year whereas you’ve lived in Hidden Hills your whole life and know the town inside and out. You can introduce him to more people.”

  She wanted to say this man distracted her and interrupted her every thought, but her boss wasn’t a shifter and would never understand what it was like to be around a mate. Hell, even she didn’t know how this dark haired, broad shouldered, chiseled-bodied man had been able to worm his way under her skin so fast—especially since she’d blocked the lust at every opportunity.

  Selena sat up straighter. “All due respect, sir, I can handle the case myself.”

  Hardy glanced over at Jackson. “Would you mind giving us a moment?”

  “No problem.” Jackson stood, but she didn’t miss the beginning of a grin. Damn him. He knew what being around him did to her.

  No doubt her boss would tell her she didn’t have a choice in the matter, that cheetahs—especially cheetah women—should do as they were told. She and her mother had pretty much been treated like dirt their whole lives, and her mom always claimed a man’s joy in life was to see a woman struggle.

  The door clicked close and the Chief leaned forward on his elbows. “You seem to have an issue with Jackson. Want to tell me why?”

  Damn. She wasn’t about to say that he made her nerves jangle and her heart sputter when he was near. According to every shifter she’d ever met, mates were destined to be together forever, but she planned to make damn sure she was the exception. Only during one or two brief insane moments had she considered giving into her strong need and seducing him, hoping that w
ould eliminate him from her system. She decided against that option because she couldn’t be sure it was even possible to stop the erotic pull with a mate. Having sex with someone as strong, virile, and handsome as Jackson Kenner would certainly lead to disaster. “I’d prefer not to say, sir.”

  “Okay then. How about telling me what put that chip on your shoulder. You’ve worked here three years and yet you frequently bristle every time I ask you to do something.”

  Was that true? Her pulse did a rapid tattoo. “I’m sorry, sir, if I’ve appeared uncooperative. I love working here.”

  Hardy leaned back in his chair. “Perhaps, defensive is a better word.”

  She had a list a mile long to explain her behavior, but she had no intention of sharing it with him. “I was hoping for some juicier assignment, that’s all. Like that sting operation I was on.”

  He lifted his fingers to his lips and looked off to the side for a moment then returned his gaze to her. “All of my officers are required to work their way up, and while your performance has been exemplary, if I let you investigate something like that, the men who’ve been here longer wouldn’t appreciate it.”

  He did have a point. Even Cord, who’d been here seven months, hadn’t been given the best cases. “You’re right sir. Thank you for this opportunity to work this case with Jackson.”

  “I’m glad you understand. Think of him as a partner in training.”

  Partner? “Is this pairing for more than this one job?” Sweat pooled under her arms.


  He gave her a brief rundown of what the officers on the scene had radioed in, but she had to fight to remember everything. Working with Jackson for any length of time would put a huge strain on her.

  “Now, get going and find out who robbed that store,” he commanded.

  She stood. “Yes, sir.”

  It took a lot of effort to keep from telling her boss the real reason for her hesitation. Heart racing, she stepped out of the office in search of her new partner, only he wasn’t nearby. Relieved she’d have a few moments to compose herself, she headed down the hallway—slowly. In all honesty, she thought he’d have his ear to the door.

  Voices filtered out from the break room. As she neared, the pull began, dragging her closer. Damn, this sucked. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to solve this case with Jackson so close, but if she wanted any chance of advancement, she had no choice.

  * * *

  Jackson was both relieved and thrilled he’d finally been assigned a case with Selena. If he hadn’t been given this chance, he wasn’t certain how much longer he could have lasted. He needed to claim her. It was why he’d been sending out some not-so-subtle hints to his new boss that she’d be the perfect person to show him around. It didn’t matter he was capable of investigating crimes by himself.

  From the moment he’d walked into Hardy’s office three months ago to help with the sting operation, he’d known Selena Niles was his mate. Her thick, light brown hair framed a delicate face, and her long legs were meant to wrap around him. Having a cop for a mate would enable them to bond in additional ways. He could picture the two of them sitting around the fire discussing cases, and then becoming so excited that they’d rip off each other’s clothing and fuck endlessly on the floor, savoring the passion and erotic scent.

  Too bad that was only wishful thinking, because Selena fidgeted whenever she was around him and even had a hard time making eye contact, clearly fighting a fierce battle with herself to deny their destiny.

  He’d asked her out, to prove that resistance was futile, but both times he suggested they go out for a drink, she’d turned him down, saying she didn’t date coworkers.


  If he thought that was the real reason, he would have quit the Force. He didn’t need the money. Jackson only worked for the fulfillment and satisfaction of helping people.

  At least now with being her partner, not only could he make certain she remained safe, but it would be a way to show her they were meant to be together. However, if the last three months were any indication, forging a lasting bond with her would be an uphill battle.

  “Hey, buddy, slacking already?” His friend Cord stepped into the break room then poured himself a cup of coffee from the machine.

  “I’m waiting for Selena.”

  Cord’s brows rose. “That so?”

  Jackson had already told his friend about them being mates. “The Chief is giving her a pep talk about playing nice. At least, that’s my guess.” He filled Cord in on his assignment.

  His friend chuckled. “Good luck with her being lead.”

  Having recently found his mate, Cord would understand how being around her would affect him. “Why do you say that? I thought you liked Selena.”

  “Oh, I like her just fine, but she’s had a hard life, and I don’t see her accepting you right away.”

  Damn. His father told him that when he and Jackson’s mom met, they’d instantly embraced each other as mates. “Because we’re different breeds of shifters?”

  “I doubt that’s it. I haven’t spent all that much time with her, but she’s always been nice to me and we’re different.”

  Great. “Do know why she’s so skittish when I’m around? I always thought mates embraced each other.” He really needed to understand what he was up against.

  “I can take a guess. Storm, her Alpha, filled me in somewhat before our little sting operation.”

  Jackson sipped his coffee and snatched a bag of chips someone had left on the table. “Care to share?”

  Cord looked behind him, pulled out the chair at the table, and sat down. “Keep an eye on the door. Selena wouldn’t appreciate having her life’s story divulged, but since you’re her mate, you should be aware of where she’s coming from.”

  “I’d appreciate any info.”

  Cord glanced once more to the door. “The short of it is that her mom fell in love with some playboy wolf-shifter who wasn’t her mate. They diddled around for a while and eventually she became pregnant with Selena. Apparently, the dad stayed for a year or so, then took off saying he was no longer in love with the mom and wanted nothing to do with a kid who wasn’t a wolf.”

  “No wonder she’s pissy around men.” Her trust meter probably hovered around zero.

  “That’s not all. Shortly after Selena was born, the dad was driving the mom somewhere and they wrecked. Messed up the mom’s leg really badly. Since then, she’s had a hard time holding down a job.”

  Jackson hissed in a breath. “Can her leg be fixed?”

  “It can, but it costs a lot of money, which neither of them has.”

  Before he could learn more, the door opened. Selena made eye contact briefly then stiffened. “Jackson, let’s go.” Selena acted in charge but sounded none too happy about it.

  He worked to keep a straight face. Jackson nodded to Cord, tossed his coffee in the trash, and strode toward her. “Everything go okay?”

  She shrugged. “Yup. You heard the boss. I’m in charge.”

  “Sure thing.” For a split second, he was tempted to remind her that he wasn’t some rookie, that he had a ton of experience with robberies, drug deals gone bad, and a host of other shit, but he kept quiet. He didn’t need to upset her anymore than she already was.

  Growing up without a father figure had to have been hard. If her mother hadn’t been able to support them very well, Selena would have had to work for everything. What he liked about her was that she didn’t seem to feel sorry for herself, though she could use an attitude adjustment toward men.

  “I’ll drive,” she announced.

  “Fine.” As they made there way to where she’d parked her cruiser, she didn’t say a word, clearly trying to come to grips with him being there. “I won’t get in your way, if that’s what’s worrying you.”

  She looked over at him, but there wasn’t any love radiating from those eyes. “Like when you charged in to save me from a human?”

  “Ouch. I apologized
for that already. When I saw that ass kick you, I didn’t think. I just rushed in.” She had to realize that as mates, he was bred to react that way.

  “Just don’t let it happen again.”

  He refrained from laughing. Cord had said Selena could handle herself in a fight, but he bet she didn’t weigh more than a hundred pounds when in her animal form. Regardless of her skill level, guns could kill.

  He slipped into the passenger seat and buckled up. “Did the boss tell you anything about the robbery?”

  “Some. Apparently, two men in masks came into the liquor store the moment it emptied out. It’s highly unusual to find Kraft’s Liquor vacant at 10:30 on a Saturday night, so they probably were outside waiting for their window of opportunity.”

  “What did they take?”

  “Money and some booze.”

  “Was anyone harmed?”

  “No, though one of the men had a gun.”

  “That wasn’t very bright. It would have been smarter to break-in after hours and steal the cash, assuming the owner left some in the drawer. That way, they wouldn’t be charged with armed robbery once they’re caught.”

  She turned down Crescent Street. “That’s the thing. Everyone knows George Kraft drops off the money at the bank around three every morning. He brings backup with him, too. These robbers probably knew that, implying they’re locals. If I planned to rob the store, I’d try to take it from him as he’s leaving for the night and before he meets with his bodyguards.”

  Jackson smiled. “Good thing you’re not a thief.”

  She narrowed her eyes, but then a small smile lifted her lips. What a pretty sight that was. A minute later, Selena arrived at the store. She parked next to a cruiser, killed the engine, and jumped out.

  Not wanting to upset this fairly normal working relationship, Jackson followed her inside where flashing colored lights illuminated the entire interior. The crime scene unit was dusting for prints, but Jackson thought it best not to mention it was a waste of time.

  Selena strode up to a man who was speaking with a fellow officer. “Thanks, Chris.” The officer nodded and stepped over to the CSU techs. Selena turned to the older gentleman and placed a hand on his arm. “George, I’m very sorry this happened.”


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