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Promises Unbroken: A Hot Paranormal Shifter Romance (Hidden Hills Shifter Book 5)

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by Vella Day

  “Me, too, Selena.”

  She introduced him to George Kraft, the owner, and then explained the two of them would be handling his case. This was her first time taking the lead, and Jackson was curious how she’d handle the questions. To his delight she delved right in, asking the owner to go over the series of events. “Can you describe the men?”

  “As I told the other officer,” Mr. Kraft said. “They wore masks.”

  “Did they say anything?” she asked.

  “Told me to hand over the money, which I did, but not before I pressed the emergency button to notify you all. Before the first patrol car showed up, though, those two hightailed it out of here.”

  When she glanced over at Jackson, her brows rose. He’d been taking notes without her asking. Thankfully, she appeared pleased.

  “What kind of car were they driving?” she asked.

  “They were on scooters.”

  Jackson would have to give them some credit. Scooters were more mobile.

  “Could you tell by their voices how old they were?” she asked.

  Good girl. That was the next question he would have asked.

  “Sounded kind of young to me. At most, early twenties. Neither had much muscle on him.”

  Jackson made note of that. All the facts so far seemed to be consistent with the thieves being kids or guys in their early twenties.

  “I know you have surveillance cameras, but were they on?” she asked.

  “Sure were.” The owner stepped to the counter behind him, picked up a flash drive, and handed it to her. “Made you a copy of the video, but as I said, they wore masks.”

  She nodded then slipped the information into her top pocket. “This might help. How much money did they take?”

  The man’s face paled. “Over two hundred dollars. Thankfully, most folks pay by credit card nowadays.”

  Selena looked over at Jackson. “Anything else you want to add?”

  He was pleased she’d asked. “I think you’ve covered it.”

  He swore a hint of a smile lifted her lips. “If you remember anything else,” she said to the owner, “give me a call. We’ll be in touch when we know more.”

  Ms. Professional turned and strode out. He enjoyed how her curly ponytail bounced when she walked. And those hips and long legs made his mouth water. Jackson caught up to her as she reached the front door and held it open. He wondered if she planned to look at the video tonight or if he could convince her to stop at the Cove Bar for a drink. They were officially off duty at midnight, and it was past that now.

  “Care to celebrate our partnership with a drink?” He tried to keep his voice as light as possible. He didn’t care that she’d turned him down before—they were partners now—in more ways than one.

  She glanced at him as she climbed into the cruiser. “I… ah…”

  Chapter Two

  Selena had been hesitant to accept Jackson’s invitation, just as she had so many times before, but she couldn’t keep putting off this unspoken desire any longer. Letting him know that she had no intention of becoming his mate was the only solution. “Sure.”

  “Great.” A grin flashed across his face, but she refused to address what that did to her insides.

  She hoped this wasn’t a mistake, but her urges had been growing exponentially stronger from the moment he slipped into the cruiser this evening. In all honesty, she expected him to take over the investigation, but instead, Jackson jotted down notes and let her feel her way through the questioning. She had to admit it was good to be given such respect.

  After she drove back to the station to drop off the cruiser and log the flash drive into evidence, she followed him to the Cove Bar in her personal vehicle. All during the mile trip, she was tempted to drive on by, but that wouldn’t solve anything. No, tonight was about clearing the air.

  Jackson parked first, jogged over to her car then opened her door before she had the chance to do it herself. “Thank you,” she said.

  With her purse slung over her shoulder, they walked side by side toward the entrance. Thankfully, he kept a few feet between them, but even with the space, he radiated sex.

  I should just jump his bones and get it over with.

  No, she couldn’t and wouldn’t. Disaster would follow.

  Once inside, she glanced around, hoping none of her friends were near. This town was full of gossips, but if anyone questioned her, she’d say the two of them had a long night of fighting crime and were blowing off some steam. Stating he was her partner in training should quell any wagging tongues.

  Bumping into her friends, however, wasn’t her biggest threat—keeping her hands off him was her main concern. For months she’d wanted to run her palms over his handsome face and then up and down his chest, if only to enjoy his bulging muscles. Too often, her cheetah side would dream about what was under that plain brown uniform, and her arousal would wake her. Damn man was causing too many unfulfilled nights.

  That’s why I’m here—to put a stop to all this.

  She inhaled to gain some control, but the moment Jackson placed a hand on her back, instant lust bloomed. She had to find a solution quickly to her unwanted reaction or she might do something stupid.

  He led them to the bar and faced her. “What do you want to drink?”

  If she didn’t need to keep her wits about her, she might have asked for a double Jack Daniels. “A Coke is fine.”

  He nodded and ordered one for her and a beer for himself. She didn’t worry about him drinking a glass or two then driving since a shifter’s metabolism was much faster than any human’s.

  Once the bartender delivered the two drinks, Jackson paid and led them over to a table along the far wall. That suited her fine, as she didn’t need anyone listening in on their delicate conversation. Then again, with the fairly loud music, she doubted even the table next to them would be able to eavesdrop.

  Jackson set the drinks down then helped her with her chair. As much as she didn’t want him to think of this as a date, she did enjoy the chivalry.

  He must have sensed her unease about being with him as a small smile claimed his lips. Damn man was enjoying her struggle with this whole mating concept. To make matters worse, he sat next to her instead of across from her. He leaned back and brought the beer bottle to his lips—make those full, lush, sexy lips. If he dragged his tongue around the rim to tease her, she’d have to leave.

  He was trying to tempt her but she wasn’t sure how she could put a halt to it without coming across as a bitch. As if he was attempting to make her squirm even more, he raked his gaze up and down her body, and the corner of his mouth quirked upward once more, dimpling his cheek. With each pass, her insides heated, making her increasingly more uncomfortable.

  She leaned forward to give him a piece of her mind, but all that accomplished was to wet her panties when his pheromones blasted her. Ignore it. “I know what you’re trying to do, and forget it.”

  He gulped some beer then put down his drink, this time the smile fully claiming those tempting lips. “You do? Tell me. What am I doing?”

  Damn. She thought her direct approach would unnerve him, but apparently it didn’t. She could handle him. Selena had been dealing with determined men her whole life. “You think just because we’re mates that I’m going to fall at your feet and do everything you say.”

  He huffed out a laugh. “Seriously? Who have you been talking to?”

  She wasn’t certain what he meant. “Well, we are mates, right?” She couldn’t have misinterpreted her longings or intense needs.

  “We are indeed. There’s no doubt about it. What I want to know is why you think I’d even ask you to fall at my feet? More importantly, I’d like to set the person straight who fed you that line of bullshit.” His brows pinched and his fist clenched.

  “Men in general.” She wasn’t about to tell him how her father had treated her mom, or about the men Selena had dated. True, they hadn’t been mates, but why should that make a difference?
r />   He twirled his beer around. “What about the women? Have you spoken with Cheyenne Durant? She’s your Alpha’s mate. I’m betting she could set you straight on what it’s like to be happily mated, or so I’ve been told.”

  “I have spoken with Chey recently in fact. Storm is now a cheetah, though.”

  His brows rose. “Ah. So you don’t like that I’m a panther?”

  Selena didn’t like lying. “No. It’s that I see no reason to be with one.”

  From the humor glinting in his eye, he almost seemed delighted with her answer. “Now, you have me curious. Lustful feelings aside, don’t you want to have a man who will always be there for you?”

  She nearly spit out her drink. “Be there for me? I’ve never known one who has been. Men are full of broken promises.”

  “I feel sorry for you then.” He reached out and clasped her hand, but she didn’t want his sympathy and eased out of his grip.

  She’d never tell him that she longed for stability. Hell, who wouldn’t want a man to be by her side and love her unconditionally, but that only happened in romance books. If she let herself become lost in love, when he failed her, it could be at a moment that might cost her life.

  Tell him this must end now. “I know the Chief assigned us as partners, and I’ll help you in anyway I can—but that courtesy extends only to when we are on a case. When we’re not, I don’t want more of your sexy glances or asking me out on dates. And please, keep your distance.”

  From the shine in his eye, he wasn’t taking her seriously. “So that means I can flirt when we are on a case?”

  “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

  Jackson sobered, his eyes pooling with despair. “Sorry. The problem is that I’m not sure I can keep from watching you when I want you so much. While the human part of me realizes I need to take it slow, the panther in me wants you unconditionally.”

  Clearly, the man wasn’t willing to listen to reason. She pushed back her chair. “Well, I don’t want you.”

  Liar, liar.

  She rushed out, not daring to look behind her for fear the tears would fall when she saw his face.

  * * *

  Dumbfounded, Jackson couldn’t even move. He was completely blown away by her negative reaction to having a mate. Never in all his years had he heard of someone so adamantly against the whole idea, but he wasn’t going to be deterred. Selena and he would be together—forever—and he’d make damned sure she was the one who begged him to stay.

  No question, he faced many challenges. The first was how to keep from making love with her when he was going to be with her day in and day out. Shifting in front of a witness or when faced with danger could be deadly, but his urges had been building for months, and if he didn’t satisfy them soon, he wasn’t sure what he would do.

  Cord said that the desire would wane somewhat with time, but only after the two mates had consummated their relationship. Selena clearly had issues with men, and sad to say, she seemed to have good reasons. All he could do was convince her that he wouldn’t be like the others.

  Jackson tossed back his beer. It was late, and tomorrow he and Selena would have to figure out who’d robbed the store. If the young men were locals, he’d need her expertise to help find them.

  After finishing his drink, he stood then spotted her purse on the chair. Damn. She’d had her keys in her hand when she stormed off, but in her haste, she’d forgotten her bag. Hmm. As soon as she arrived home, she’d probably notice it missing, and he didn’t want her to have to return to town. The best solution was for him to take her purse to her. While he doubted she’d ask him in, perhaps her gratitude would overshadow her unwillingness to be with him. Right, and I’ll sprout wings and suddenly be able to fly.

  Not knowing where she lived was only a mild setback. Normally, he’d never search a woman’s purse for the information, but he had little choice.

  He grabbed her bag and headed out, hoping no one asked what he was doing carrying a lady’s handbag under his arm. Once in his truck, he searched her wallet for her license. Knowing Selena, she’d be pissed, but he’d deal with her anger later.

  Finding her house was easy, but when he realized the kind of low-income neighborhood she lived in, his protective spirit flared. His first instinct was to offer to move her into a nicer home as he could easily afford it, but she’d balk. Selena was too independent, and he had to be careful not to come across as a controlling jerk. She seemed to think that was what men did to women—control them.

  He cut the engine, hopped out of his truck, and jogged up her steps. Not wanting to scare her, he knocked then announced he was at her door. “Selena, it’s Jackson. You left you purse at the bar.”

  That should convince her to open up. Even with the wood separating them, the sexual energy was pouring out, making his dick hard. His rational side knew he should take his time when exploring her delicious body, but he wouldn’t be able to do so if his libido didn’t calm down. Selena was skittish enough without his panther side trying to burst out.

  The door eased open and light from inside backlit her hair flowing over her shoulders. Holy crap. Not only was the thin tank top and bottoms enough to make a man drop to his knees, her scent instantly invaded his soul and took away all thought.

  Give her the purse. “You left this at the bar.”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh, I didn’t realize I had left it there.”

  As if on autopilot, Jackson stepped inside and closed the door behind him. It didn’t matter she hadn’t invited him in. “I figured you’d need it since your license is in there. Don’t need an officer of the law driving without one.” He couldn’t remember the last time he babbled this much.

  “Thank you.” She glanced to the side and set her purse on the table near the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  Her words sounded like a dismissal, but her body was screaming take me. Selena’s luscious lips were slightly parted and her breathing had increased—not to mention her protruding nipples were rock hard and clearly visible under the almost transparent material. From her clenched fists, her inner cheetah seemed to be warring with her human part, and he’d be damned if he let her human side win. Doing anything against her will, however, went against everything he stood for. Jackson could only hope he could convince her to help ease his ache.

  “Selena,” he whispered as he stepped closer. She didn’t tell him to stop, nor did she back up, which he considered a positive sign. His pulse raced. “You know things will be easier if you satisfy your inner beast.”

  She wet her lips and he had to close his eyes for a moment and inhale deeply to keep from taking what he wanted.

  “We shouldn’t,” she said.

  The fact she didn’t say she didn’t want to, stirred his feral side even more. Selena gripped the lapels of his open jacket and looked up at him, lust pooling in her eyes. The scent of her arousal sent a strong signal that she was ready for him.

  “Tell me you don’t want me and I’ll walk away,” he said, his voice wavering. His jaw then tightened as he waited for her to answer.

  Her mouth opened and then closed. Yes! She couldn’t deny him. Sweet victory was within his grasp, but Selena needed to make the first move. Even though she seemed to desire him, he needed to know if she would act on those needs.

  Without giving thought to the consequences, he dragged a knuckle down her cheek, and its softness nearly undid him. “So sweet.”

  “If we make love, things will never be the same,” she said, her voice cracking.

  With as much control as possible, Jackson let out a breath, and when he moved his other hand to the small of her back, heat soaked into his skin. “You’re right. Things will be better. Take a chance, Selena. You won’t regret it.”

  Chapter Three

  Selena should tell Jackson to leave, but she wasn’t capable of forming the words. It was as if a sexual haze had clouded her brain. His alpha presence was undermining everything she’d been taught. Sure, she wa
nted to believe what he said about protecting her and always being there, but she knew better. He’d break his promise and then her heart.

  Living in the present, however, had always been her motto and that looking back never helped, but right now Selena wasn’t sure what to do. As for the future, she wasn’t convinced things would be better if she made love with him.

  Jackson increased the pressure on her back and drew her closer, sending heat between her legs. Acting on pure instinct, she slid her hands under his jacket and around his firm waist. Touching him set off every internal need that had been building since she met him, and her imagination ran wild.

  Selena wanted to believe that the only way to purge him from her system would be to learn there was nothing special between them, that this mating concept was all hype. Jackson was like a drug. Her cheetah needed him, but as long as Selena went into this with no expectations, she’d come out unscathed—or so she hoped.

  She inhaled. Forget tomorrow. Live for today.

  If she never learned what it was like to be with him, she’d end up spending too many restless night and frustrating days wondering.

  I don’t have a choice. Take him.

  She dragged her palms up his back and tilted her face upward. When she opened her mouth to say something, Jackson leaned down and their breaths mingled. It was as if her cheetah had suddenly woken up after all these years, and it scared the shit out of her. Then a sense of calm surrounded her as Jackson’s breathing slowed, drawing her into a sensual lull, full of promise and desire.

  His lips neared and her fingers curled on his back. He pressed his hips against her body, and as soon as his erection formed a seal with her belly, flames caught fire inside her.

  “Kiss me,” she said, even though the words didn’t sound as if they’d come from her mouth.

  Jackson stepped from her embrace, shrugged out of his jacket then returned to cup her face. “I want you bad.”


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