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Promises Unbroken: A Hot Paranormal Shifter Romance (Hidden Hills Shifter Book 5)

Page 3

by Vella Day

  His eyes shimmered, alternating between dark brown and iridescent green. His panther seemed to be attempting some kind of release which served to confirm that he was as out of control as she was.

  When their lips touched, heat consumed her. Not able to stop herself, she dipped her tongue into his mouth, and the tang of hops sent her lust soaring. Jackson smelled of leather and soap, and she wanted to experience all of him. As if she no longer had a say over her body, she tugged on that damn brown shirt, because if she didn’t see what was underneath, she’d expire.

  Jackson clasped her wrist. “Are you sure? ’Cause once we start, I won’t be able to stop.”

  For once in her life, she didn’t think. She’d deal with the regret tomorrow. “Yes.”

  As if his life depended on it, Jackson toed off his boots and literally tore off his shirt, the buttons flying and dropping on the carpet. He stepped out of his pants and Selena froze, her hot sex going crazy.

  Black hair sprouted on his thick, muscled chest and when his teeth sharpened, she’d never been more turned on in her life. Looking like a panther on the prowl, Jackson eased toward her, his gaze never leaving her face. While she couldn’t be sure, it seemed as if he was trying to learn her desires before she knew them herself. She lowered her gaze to his glistening cock and found it to be larger than anything she’d ever seen. Boy, she couldn’t wait to have him inside her.

  When his hands encompassed her waist, her inner walls contracted in anticipation of having this massive man possess her, and the animal within her was eclipsing all normal thoughts. Selena was no longer a cop, but rather a cheetah in great need of release.

  His lips descended again and her pulse soared. Every particle in her body seemed to transform, eliciting a near shift. What the hell? She never changed without danger looming, and a trickle of fear edged in at the unknown.

  Selena pushed back. “I don’t know…what’s happening to me.”

  Jackson lifted his hands to her chest and palmed her breasts. “You’re confused, right?”

  The frustrating man was doing it again—trying to get inside her mind. “Yes, but it’s more than that.”

  He smiled and then dragged his thumbs across her nipples, cutting off all of her objections. “Your cheetah wants to be released, but your other half is trying to control your urges.”

  “Yes.” He understood, though he must be wondering if she could say more than that one word.

  “It’s what happens when two mates are together. Do you have any other questions because I’m about to burst if I don’t taste you?”

  His sincerity nearly undid her. For once in her life, she wanted to let go and enjoy. “Not at this exact time.”

  As if they’d entered another dimension, his lips devoured hers and his fingers explored her breasts, squeezing, massaging, and then plucking her nipples. Each contact made her more desperate, and she found herself reaching between them and grabbing his cock. Hell, she was barely able to encircle it. His dick pulsed and throbbed, and she released it before it exploded. Holy shit.

  Jackson groaned and slid her fingers back over his cock again, his tongue never taking a break probing and thrusting. His scent invaded her body, cascading straight to her core. As much as she loved his kisses and how he was exciting her nipples, she wanted more.

  Selena broke the kiss. “Take off my clothes.”

  One eye cocked. “How about closing your eyes?”

  “Why?” She was distrustful by nature.

  His chin dipped. “Because I asked?”

  Wasn’t he smug? To her surprise, she really did trust him and finally did as he requested. With his hands on her waist, he walked her backward until her butt hit the arm of the sofa, and she had to grab his biceps to keep from falling. The moment her fingers touched those muscles, something snapped inside her. Desire flooded her veins and her need grew to epic proportions.

  “Be quick,” she begged.

  “Where would the fun be in that?”

  She was tempted to open her eyes, but then he lifted her top off and cool air pebbled her nipples. She could smell his heat as he licked one nipple and cupped the other one. Needing more, she arched her back.

  She swore he chuckled, but right now she didn’t care, just as long as he didn’t stop. His tongue was creating waves of erotic lust coursing through her at a rapid rate. She scraped her nails along his shoulders, loving how with each lick, his muscles bunched. This panther-man was melting all of her resolve.

  He leaned back. “I need you naked. I can’t wait any longer.”

  She wanted—or rather needed—to experience him in his rawest form. “I’m on the pill.”

  He huffed out a breath. “You are a true wonder. I was just tested when I was hired on at the department.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?”

  Instead of tugging down her pajama bottoms, he kept his hands on her hips and pressed his face against her pussy. She hadn’t even sensed he’d dropped to his knees, firmly convincing her that she was mentally slipping.

  His loud inhale made her a bit self-conscious, but when his fingers clasped the elastic waistband and lowered the material, her heart nearly stopped. Her feral needs took over and she clamped her hands on his head.

  “Take me,” she growled.

  Without another word, he took them off and she kicked her bottoms aside. This was the moment she’d been dreaming about. Selena tucked away all of the objections, needing him too much to question if this was the right thing to do.

  He widened her legs and her inner walls coiled in anticipation. Tightening her hold, she pressed her hips forward.

  “Don’t,” came his plea. “You have no idea how hard I’m working not to shift.”

  That wouldn’t be good if he did, but she was struggling herself to keep from changing. Selena stopped moving and let up the pressure on his head, but her breaths were coming out way too fast. Keeping her off balance like this was driving her crazy.

  He inhaled and when he swiped his tongue across her opening, her knees bent from the phenomenal spikes of pleasure rushing through her. Not even in her dreams had she believed something this wonderful could ever happen to her.

  Jackson’s tongue swirled around her little bundle of nerves, sending her close to the edge. Needing to end this torment, she sat on the sofa arm and stretched out her legs. Only he didn’t stop. Instead, he sucked on her clit and her body exploded. Her nails grew as her cheetah tried to claw its way out.

  She opened her eyes to stop the torrent of emotion from taking her over the edge. “Jackson. Please. Now.”

  He leaned back and smiled. “Too much ecstasy at once?”

  “You’re a bastard, you know that?” Her damn lips quivered and her pulse throbbed in her neck.

  “You bring out the best in me.” He winked.

  He tugged her hips forward so that only the middle of her back was resting on the sofa arm. She dropped her head, hoping the rush of blood would bring some common sense to her brain.

  Instead of straddling her, he stepped in front of the sofa, picked up three decorative pillows and placed them under her head. “Don’t want you to strain your neck.”

  No man had ever been this considerate. “Thank you, now hurry up before you lose your chance.” If she shifted, he wouldn’t be pleased.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Jackson slipped between her legs, but instead of impaling her, he leaned over and lifted her hair, fingering the strands. His growl came out strained as if he, too, was working to contain his beast.

  He brought her curls to his nose and inhaled. “You smell so fucking good.”

  Selena reached out, grabbed his forearms and drew him near. Being bold sexually wasn’t her style, but something had changed inside her and she couldn’t stop it from taking over her soul. “Kiss me.”


  As Jackson possessed her mouth, their tongues clashed and jousted for position. While each thrust and swirl of his cock against her clit pu
shed her closer to her climax. Selena arched her back and pressed up on her toes, wanting more contact. Jackson seemed to be able to read her mind, for he placed his cock at her wet entrance and then stopped.


  Why wouldn’t he put her out of her misery? Did he want her to beg? She would if she thought it would do any good. He broke the kiss and dragged his mouth down her jaw and across her neck. Her basic instinct had her tilting her head to the side, but she didn’t want him to bite and claim her. She never wanted that.

  Just as she was about to tell him, he drove his cock into her, causing every fiber of her being to rejoice. His huge size stretched her to the point of burning, but her inner muscles convulsed and clenched, demanding more.

  “Try… not to do that.” His words seemed to take effort.

  She wasn’t certain what he meant until she clamped down on him again, and his lips curled back and his eyes closed. His grip tightened on her hips, and only then did she realize he was about to burst.

  Wanting more of him on top of her, she drew him closer. This time, she kissed him, taking her time to enjoy his lush lips. He supported himself on his elbows, and nibbled her bottom lip. “I really need to fuck you now,” he stated.

  She nodded her consent. Jackson withdrew and pounded right back in, making her reel. Bolts of electricity rippled up her spine, and it was like she’d been struck by lightning.

  Selena slipped more of her body off the sofa arm, allowing her to lift her hips to meet each powerful thrust. Nothing mattered more than having him in her and possessing her. Their rhythm increased and turned as wild as the feral beasts in each of them. Jackson lowered his head and gently bit her nipple. That one act had heat swamping her and a climax descended.

  “Jackson!” She bit down on her lip and clawed his arms.

  As he fucked her hard, his mouth opened and a roar escaped. His hot seed pummeled and burn her insides, and she spiraled out of control. He slipped his arms around her back, and with him still deep within her, he raised her to a seated position.

  “You okay?” he whispered as he pressed his lips against her shoulder, sounding as if he’d spent all of his energy.

  She was more than okay. “I’m good.” Lowering an arm, he slipped it under her butt then stood with them sealed as one and walked toward the hallway. “Where are you going?”

  “We need to clean up.”

  Her emotions came tumbling down around her as reality charged in. No way would she let him into her messy tiny bathroom.

  “There’s a towel in the kitchen you can use.”

  “You’re in charge.”

  She didn’t believe that for one minute, but he did change directions. Once in the kitchen, she pointed to the drawer next to the sink. Somehow, he managed to keep them sealed together while he turned on the faucet and wet the towel.

  “Hop down,” he said.

  She unhooked her legs and when she lowered them to the floor, his dick slipped out. Just as he was about to wipe her clean, she grabbed the towel and dragged it across her opening. Wanting to do the honors to him, she turned the towel over and ran it across his cock.

  “Be careful there, or I’ll have to take you again.” Jackson’s eyes glinted.

  “Thanks for the warning.” Despite being amazed and overwhelmed, it was time to end this insanity. She tossed the towel in the sink. “We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” She hoped he’d take the hint and leave.

  He moved closer and her breath caught. Oh, shit. He better not think her comment was an invitation to spend the night. He dipped his head and kissed her again, forcing Selena to push down her inner cheetah.

  Jackson broke the kiss. “Are we good?”

  Chapter Four

  Selena didn’t know what he meant by, Are we good?

  They hadn’t bitten each other, so they weren’t fully mated, a fact she was very happy about. True, the sex had been beyond anything Selena could have imagined but to admit that to Jackson would only encourage him.

  “Sure.” That seemed a safe thing to say.

  “I’d ask to stay the night, but I need to head home and repair my shirt. Can’t have my chest exposed for work tomorrow, now can I?”

  She blinked away the erotic image of a half naked Jackson. “Wouldn’t want that. You need to be more careful when stripping.”

  He stepped closer and her body went crazy again. Stop reacting! He then did that sexy thing again of dragging his knuckle down her cheek. “Perhaps I should ask you to be in charge next time.”

  Once was enough to make her realize how incredibly dangerous this man could be to her mental health. If she hadn’t cared about hurting his feelings, she would have told him never to try anything like that again.

  “T-shirts are safer.”

  Amusement lit his face. “Sure they are.”

  He led her back to the living room where they dressed in silence. He scooped up his shirt buttons and jammed them in his jacket pocket.

  Guilt claimed her. If she had any sewing supplies, she would have offered to do it for him. “Do you know how to sew them back on?” she asked.

  “Got it covered.” He cupped her shoulders, leaned over, and kissed her lightly. “See you at work tomorrow.”

  “Thank you for delivering my purse.”

  “Sure thing.” And then he was gone—without any argument or pleading with her to let him into her life.

  Selena expected relief to rush through her, but only emptiness resided. Damn. Nothing about this mating stuff was what she’d anticipated. Adrenaline and hormones were still swirling inside her, meaning that rational thought was close to impossible. Right now, it would be best to take a shower and hit the hay, but given her state of arousal, she doubted she’d sleep, and dwelling on what just happened would only lead to trouble.

  * * *

  No surprise, Selena only managed about three hours of shuteye. As a result, she was tired and testy the next day, which wasn’t a good combination. While her shift didn’t begin until three, she headed into work early in order to arrive before Jackson. Delving into the case without him being near would hopefully keep her mind off what happened last night.

  She’d gone over the events a hundred times and didn’t like how she’d totally caved the moment he stepped into her house. Selena didn’t want to feel anything for the man, yet she did—or at least the animal part of her did. Having a man in her life would complicate things. Experience had taught her that much.

  Stop obsessing and work! The man wasn’t even there and had managed to mess with her head.

  Selena inhaled. Being lead on this case meant she needed to decide the direction of the search. While she wasn’t one to typecast, in the past, the cheetah clan had spawned many of the town’s juvenile delinquents. A few she recalled drove scooters. When Jackson clocked in, she’d take him to speak with the potential candidates. While the young men would deny all knowledge of the crime, it was good to put the fear of arrest into their hearts. Besides, the threat of juvenile detention or prison might loosen a few lips.

  If something didn’t pan out, a few of the good kids she’d connected with might be willing to tell her what she needed to know.


  Hearing her name jarred her out of her reverie. She looked up and forced a smile, not in the mood to chitchat. “Hey, Danielle.”

  Danielle was the office dispatcher who worked the night shift, too. She was a wolf shifter who’d met her mate more than ten years ago, had instantly fallen in love, and now had three beautiful children.

  Her coworker pulled up a chair and faced her. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  She couldn’t possibly know. They might be friends, but Selena hadn’t told anyone about Jackson and her being mates. She painted on a confused look. “Why would you think anything’s wrong?”

  The dispatcher smiled. “Oh, I don’t know. You look like you haven’t slept much in days, you’ve been irritable ever since Jackson Kenner came to work here, and now you two are partne
rs.” She leaned closer. “Heard from a little birdie that you were with him last night. What gives?”

  Selena was about to say they went to the Cove Bar to blow off steam, but she needed some advice. “Okay. I’ll tell you, but you can’t say anything to anyone about this.”

  If their boss found out, her chances for advancement would slip to zero.

  “My lips are sealed.”

  Selena told her almost everything, leaving out most of the details about the sex. “As soon as he came into my house, I was totally powerless to stop him—or myself—from making love.”

  Danielle held out her palms. “That’s because you’re mates.”

  She was afraid she’d say that. “So what am I supposed to do? I can’t live like this.” The purpose of agreeing to sex had been to purge him from her erotic memory, and that turned out to be a major fail.

  Selena glanced over to Jackson’s desk to make certain he hadn’t arrived, though if he had, her body would already be reacting.

  A twinkle came to Danielle’s eye. “Let me ask you this. Did you complete the mating process?”

  “No! And I have no intention of biting him or being bitten.” Her fate would have been sealed if she’d done that.

  “He did try to bite you, though, right?” Worry laced her friend’s face.

  “No. Why?”

  She looked off to the side. “Seems to me if he wanted you as much as you claimed, he would have tried to make it official, so to speak.”

  Selena leaned back in her chair. “Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe he was just horny.”

  As soon as the words left her lips, she recognized that wasn’t true. A blast of erotic lust suddenly crashed down on her, forcing her to look up. There he was. She wanted to focus on anything but Jackson, but the draw was too strong. Gaa. She hated this feeling of helplessness.

  Wait a minute. Jackson didn’t even glance her way. What was up with that? If they were mates, he’d have to sense her presence.

  Danielle must have caught her staring and pushed back her chair. She grinned. “Gotta get back to work. Keep me posted and good luck.”


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