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Promises Unbroken: A Hot Paranormal Shifter Romance (Hidden Hills Shifter Book 5)

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by Vella Day

  On the trip over, he mentally figured out how he could make Selena’s life easier. For starters, he’d find an in-home nurse to care for her mom. Selena would balk, but there would be times in their relationship when he’d have to do what was best for her. She was just too damned set in her ways.

  Danielle waited for him by the entrance. “Be prepared to meet her animal side. Selena’s scared and doesn’t know what to do.”

  “I’m glad she has you for a friend,” he said.

  Danielle blushed and knocked on the door. “Selena, it’s me.”

  The power of his mate’s heat radiated through the door, and he wanted to bust it down and carry her away. But he wouldn’t. For her sake.

  The door eased open and his instincts shot to high alert. The first thing he noticed was her scent, and it wasn’t the good kind.

  Her eyes widened as she spotted him. “What are you doing here?”

  He had a long list of reasons, but he didn’t want to be discussing it in the hallway. “I’ve called many times.”

  She looked off to the side. “I never received any messages.”

  “Did you remember to charge your phone?”

  A mixture of dismay and perhaps fear skated across her face. “I don’t remember.”

  That wasn’t like her at all. She was usually so careful. He placed a hand on Danielle’s arm and led her inside then closed the door. The stale odor assaulted his senses, along with Selena’s bloodshot eyes and tangled hair. “Can we talk?”

  Without a word, Danielle stepped out of the way and headed down the hallway.

  “I, ah, need to check on my mom.” Selena glanced behind her where Danielle had disappeared.

  That was totally lame. He wasn’t going to let her give any more excuses. She needed help. With a hand on her waist, he led her over to the sofa. The fact he practically had to hold her up worried him. “Selena, have you looked in the mirror?”

  Her hand shot to her hair. “I’ve been busy.”

  “I can see that, but what good will it do if you fall sick?”

  She sat up straighter then groaned as if that much movement was difficult. “I’m fine.”

  This denial was pissing him off. “I’m your mate, and I’m going to make sure you stay strong.”

  Danielle came out from the hallway. “You’re mom is sleeping, but I’m staying for a while.” She practically glared at him. “Jackson, how about getting her cleaned up?”

  That was his plan. He stood. “Come on, smelly girl.”

  Despite her narrowed eyes and messy hair, she looked cute. As she stood, her legs gave way, and she plopped back onto the sofa. In one quick move, he scooped her up in his arms.

  “I can walk,” she said as she rested her head against his shoulder.

  Her purse was on the kitchen counter, and Jackson nodded toward it. “Mind handing me that?” he asked Danielle.

  In typical motherly fashion, she looped the strap over his neck and smiled. “Take good care of her.”

  “I plan to.”

  Chapter Ten

  Selena wanted to tell Jackson to set her down, that she was perfectly capable of walking to her car and driving herself, but she didn’t have the energy to battle with anyone at the moment. Taking care of her mom’s every wish had drained her.

  “Here ya go,” Jackson said, buckling her into the front seat of his truck.

  He rushed around to the driver’s side. As much as she wanted to have her car with her, Jackson would bring her back here if she asked. She did a mental head slap. Here she thought when he didn’t call that he’d decided to wash his hands of her—or else her biting him had freaked him out. Clearly, the stress from the last few days had messed with her ability to think logically. Forgetting to charge her cell convinced her she needed some rest.

  “How is your mom doing?” he asked.

  She loved his profile and the way his large hands gripped the wheel. His strong shoulders made her yearn to be in his arms, and her inner cheetah wanted to be intimate with him worse than anything. She’d honestly believed that if she didn’t see Jackson for a few days that the urge to be with him would lessen. Boy, had she been wrong. The opposite had been true, which was why she’d thrown herself into taking care of her mother.

  He asked me a question. “Huh?”

  “Your mom. How’s she doing?”

  The cop in her shook her out of her lustful thoughts.

  “She’s healing, but she’s in a lot of pain. I bet it will be months before she’s walking like the rest of the world.”

  “I take it the doctor was confident that the operation was a success?” He glanced over at her.

  More guilt descended. Jackson had offered to pay for the operation and yet she hadn’t kept him in the loop. He must think she was ungrateful. “Yes. Mom’s back might never be like before her accident, but she will definitely walk better.”

  “She must be happy.”

  “Happy might be a stretch. I’m not sure she realizes how this operation can change her life. I keep telling her how much better things are going to be, but she’s not buying it yet.”

  “I hope it all works out.”

  When Serena actually took a moment to notice where they were, she was a bit disappointed that they’d driven past his place and were on the way to her home. Without saying anything else, he pulled into her complex.

  “I want you to pack up a few things. You’re staying with me for a few days.”

  Her pulse soared. Whether it was from excitement or fear she’d say something she’d regret, she didn’t know. If she could get one good night sleep, she’d be able to go back to her mom’s and take care of her.

  Her door opened and Jackson unbuckled her seatbelt. She swatted his hands. “I can do it.”

  “But you didn’t. You were staring straight ahead as if were trying to remember how to open the door.”

  He was exaggerating—mostly. She swung her legs out of the truck, and when she stood, the blood drained from her head and she had to grab the door for support.

  “Maybe you should wait in the car while I pack for you.”

  She wasn’t an invalid, though at the moment, her thoughts weren’t clear. “No. I can do this.” Inhaling, she grabbed onto Jackson’s arm and let him lead her inside.

  “Need help?” he asked. “I wouldn’t mind packing some of your clothes.”

  She almost laughed. “You’d forget underwear.”

  He followed her into the bedroom. “That’s highly overrated apparel anyway. It is sexy on you, but you look best naked.”

  Just the word naked coming from his lips had her body sizzling with need. “If I didn’t think I’d fall asleep in the middle of having sex, I’d suggest we go at it like the animals we are.” The cheer on his face disappeared faster than a drop of water on a hot griddle. He’d practically said the same thing before. “Shit. I’m sorry. My filter left the moment my mom broke her leg.”

  And the moment I bit you.

  “Don’t worry about it. Let’s get you packed.”

  Jackson was immeasurably helpful, especially since she’d used her only suitcase to bring a few things to her mom’s. He suggested they stuff her clothes and some remaining toiletries into pillowcases, but even doing that much exhausted her. Maybe Danielle had been right in saying she needed to take a break and rest.

  “I’m ready.”

  Jackson carried her stuff and escorted her back to his truck. The whole time, his gaze burned a hole in her, acting as if she’d collapse into a heap in the middle of the drive. While she wanted to tell him she could take care of herself, his overprotective behavior brought her comfort.

  She must have dozed in the truck because suddenly they were at his house. He opened the truck door, slipped his hands under her legs, and lifted her out. The door slammed and she was being transported. If she hadn’t been exhausted, she would have told him to put her down.

  Inside his place, he placed her on the sofa. “I’ll be right back.”

>   A moment later he returned with her stuff and disappeared down the hallway. She closed her eyes only for a moment—or at least it seemed like a few seconds when Jackson returned. “Time for a bath. You smell.”

  She opened her mouth. “I do not.”

  “Panthers have excellent noses, as do cheetahs, but one never notices one’s own scent.” Without waiting for her to answer, he lifted her up and carried her down the hallway.

  This time, a quick shot of adrenaline woke her up when he pushed the bathroom door open with his foot and set her on the edge of the tub that had steam billowing up from the water.

  “When did you fill this?” She looked up at him.

  “While you were dozing.”

  “Thank you.”

  Jackson knelt down and pulled off her shoes and socks. If her inner beast hadn’t been so tired, she would have been more excited. As it was, Selena was working hard to figure out what the hell was going on.

  “Once you bathe and sleep for a few hours, we need to talk.”

  “About what?”

  He shook his head. “I’m not having this conversation with you in your condition.”

  She wasn’t in a condition. “Are you pissed because I got carried away and bit you?” At least that was what she told herself had happened.

  He slipped off her shirt, and when he undid the back of her bra and lowered her straps, her body reacted. Need rushed through her faster than ever before. She reached out to touch his face, but he clasped her hands in his.

  “Bath first.”

  Jackson slipped her into the water and the warmth seeped straight through her. “You can’t imagine how incredible that feels.”

  “Trust me. I’m highly jealous of the water right now.”

  By the time his comment registered, he’d picked up the bar of soap and rubbed it along her arms. She nabbed it from him. “I can do this. Any more touching, and I’ll shift.” Not really since she didn’t have the energy.

  A smile flitted across his lips. “Fine, but I’ll be checking on you. Here’s the shampoo.” He handed it to her from off the counter. “If you need help, holler. And another thing. Don’t drown.”

  Before she could come up with a comeback, he disappeared.

  * * *

  Not making love with Selena when he’d been so desperate for his mate had been one of the hardest things Jackson had ever done, but he had to think of their future. Selena was not ready to admit that she wanted him for a mate, and he wasn’t sure what more he needed to do to convince her.

  She wasn’t the type to ask him for expensive jewelry or to be taken on some exotic vacation. He’d be willing to do those things if for one second he believed she’d love him more—or love him at all.

  While she was busy taking her bath, he made the bed in the spare bedroom. Selena might balk that they weren’t sharing the same bed, but if she was naked and anywhere near him, his resolve would disappear. He’d end up biting her and completing the mating process. As wonderful as that sounded, he wanted a woman who loved him—not someone who’d made a mistake one night and bit him first.

  Next, he set about preparing some food for her. He wasn’t much of a cook, but he could make a mean breakfast. It didn’t matter it was past dinnertime.

  The bathroom door opened and Selena walked out fresh faced with wet hair and wearing a cute pair of pajamas. As much as he tried to stop the desire from bubbling up inside him, his teeth grew and the hair on his body popped through the surface.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said before dashing outside. Shit. Staying away from her was close to impossible.

  It would be best if he spent the night at a hotel, but he didn’t dare leave her alone. She was confused and upset, and he wanted to be there in case she had a nightmare. Not wanting her to think he was having second thoughts, Jackson stepped back inside. He smiled. Selena was at the table with her head down, fast asleep.

  He debated waking her and insisting she eat, but she probably needed sleep more. As carefully as he could, he lifted her out of the seat and carried her into the spare bedroom. His princess didn’t wake—proof that her body needed time to heal.

  * * *

  A ray of sunshine speared Selena in the eye, but she didn’t react other than to pull the blanket up over her head. She’d been running wild in the woods with Jackson by her side, and she wanted to stay in the dream a little longer. Only when the rich aroma of brewing coffee seeped in under the door, did her body rouse, aching for the caffeine.

  Discarding the blanket, she cracked open an eye and looked around, startled at the unfamiliar surroundings. She inhaled to gather her wits and only then remembered Jackson charging into her mom’s place, telling her she smelled bad, and then whisking her away to his home.

  More memories came flooding back. He’d drawn her a bath, and she remembered luxuriating in the warmth but nothing else.

  Noise emitted from the kitchen. It was probably Jackson’s subtle way of letting her know it was time to get up. After a good night’s sleep—the first in days—she felt ready to take on the world. Keeping him waiting wouldn’t be right.

  She slipped out of the bed and noticed he’d laid out a set of clothes for her. No one could be nicer.

  Then why am I upset that I bit him?

  Right now, she couldn’t come up with a valid objection. Then she remembered. She believed he’d leave. It was what men always did. Still wearing her pajamas, she stepped into the hallway and halted when she heard his voice. He was on the phone, his back to her. Eavesdropping for a minute, his serious tone had her stomach twisting into knots. While she couldn’t understand all that was going on, the caller appeared to be a former colleague that Jackson referred to as Agent Arnold.

  She grabbed the doorjamb. Was he being asked to come back to work in Washington? She knew it was too good to be true that he’d stay here with her. He claimed he left his former job because he didn’t like the rat race, but perhaps he found Hidden Hills too small for his taste.

  He must have sensed her presence because he turned around and motioned her near. Even though Selena feared the look of rejection would be written all over her face, she stepped toward him, her body shaking.

  Jackson moved toward her and wrapped a comforting hand around her waist. “I’m honored that you asked, sir, but my answer is the same. I love it here in Hidden Hills and plan to stay and raise a family.”

  Jackson looked down at her with what could best be described as love.

  Wait a minute. Did he just say he wanted a family? For real? Her heart nearly burst. As soon as he disconnected, she twisted in his arms to face him. “You’re really staying? For good?”

  He dragged a knuckle down her cheek. “It’s what I’ve been saying all along. I never planned to leave. When I saw you in the Chief’s office that first day all those months ago, I knew we were mates. Destiny brought you to me and I wasn’t going to let you go.”

  Tears shimmered on her lids, and she almost didn’t want to believe someone as wonderful as Jackson was real.

  She needed to fight her fear and accept his love. He wanted her.

  Jackson cupped her face. “As much as I’m dying to make love with you right now, I want to make certain you’re fully recovered before we take that final step. I don’t want the worry of your mother’s health or the department duties to get in the way of us.”

  “Are you kidding? I want you for my mate. Forever.”

  Her blurted revelation even stunned her in its intensity. Jackson had slowly been worming his way into her heart for weeks if not months, yet she’d been too stubborn to admit it. Relief at opening her heart flooded her with joy and excitement.

  Jackson’s insistence that they wait before they committed to being mates, coupled with the way he appeared to be in pain telling her no, made her insides snap. It was almost like she’d died and been given her life review. Selena had let bitterness get in the way of true love and had judged Jackson without giving him a chance. They’d been together
for more than three months and not once had he let her down.

  While the days of broken promises might surface now and again, they probably wouldn’t be coming from him.

  As if he, too, couldn’t believe her vehement pronouncement, he studied her. His dark eyes slowly lightened to green swirls and his face took on a ruddy hue. Even his breathing sped up. “Are you sure?”

  “More than sure. I know I can be willful, but you’ve shown me what a wonderful man you are. I misjudged you, and for that I’m sorry.”

  “You have no idea how happy that makes me.” He hugged her then stepped into the kitchen.

  What? He was walking away now? He should be ravishing her, stripping her naked, and kissing her silly. Men. She’d never understand them.

  Guess she’d just have to take this mating thing into her own hands. Selena ducked into the kitchen then moved toward him with as much sex appeal as she knew how, but she suspected the baggy pajamas weren’t helping her cause.

  “Hey,” Jackson said as he poured two cups of coffee.

  “Hey, back.” She stepped behind him, and when she tried to untuck his shirt from his pants, he set down the pot, turned around, and clasped her wrists.

  “Whoa, there. You aren’t ready to be making any decisions about when we mate. How about we eat first?”

  Being told no went against the very fiber of her being. “I’d rather eat you.”

  He chuckled. “You need time to process everything that’s going on in your life and what our mating will mean.”

  “Do not.” For the first time in her life, she knew what she wanted. “I want you more than life itself.”

  He leaned in close, which only messed with her head more. “That might be because you bit me and we’re now half mated. Both of our desires have increased tenfold, but there’s a difference between pure animal lust and passionate desire.”

  He was talking gibberish. “Semantics. What’s the real reason you don’t want to make love with me?”

  She reached between them and grabbed his cock. It was hard and ready and her feral needs soared.

  “Do you trust me?” He gazed down at her with eyes that spoke of love and wonder.


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