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Promises Unbroken: A Hot Paranormal Shifter Romance (Hidden Hills Shifter Book 5)

Page 9

by Vella Day

  “Completely.” She meant it.

  He led her over to the kitchen table. “When we mate fully for the first time, I want the reason to be other than our bodies demand it. I want you committed to our relationship, and I’m willing to wait until you are absolutely sure this is what you want.”

  Now he was being foolish. “Like I said, I know what I want and it’s you, but if you want to wait, I guess I can.” She leaned close. “How about making love without biting me?”

  That might satisfy her for a few hours.

  He laughed. “Sweetheart, I’m not that strong. The minute you’re in my arms, I’ll weaken and take you. I can’t tell you how many times in the past I’ve been tempted.”

  His explanation mollified her, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to try to change his mind. “How long do you plan to wait?”

  “Just as soon as I’m convinced you’re strong enough.”

  Did he expect her to run some kind of obstacle course as proof? Clearly, the man wasn’t going to listen to reason, but she’d find a way to get what she wanted.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jackson stepped back into the kitchen and she followed him. Damn man was going to drive her crazy.

  “I didn’t have a chance to go shopping,” he said, “so I hope scrambled eggs and bacon are okay. I made some last night for you, but you fell asleep.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He chuckled. “Don’t be. You needed the sleep.”

  He carried two plates filled with more food than she could eat in a week back into the dining room. Selena eyed the meal. “If I shifted, I bet my cheetah could eat all this, but I can’t.”

  “Try. You’ve lost weight.”

  Only a pound or two, but she’d play his game and do as he asked. Yes, she was terribly worried about her mother, but now that her operation was done, it would only be a matter of time before she healed. It would be hard working and visiting her everyday, but Selena would do it and find time to be with Jackson. He was the man for her.

  “Are you going into work today?” she asked as casually as she could.

  “Perhaps, but only if I’m convinced you’ll rest.”

  She wasn’t fragile. Last night’s sleep had done wonders. “Are you asking that I don’t visit my mom?”

  He scooped up a forkful of eggs and stuffed them in his mouth. He took his time eating them. “How about taking a day off? I was thinking of hiring someone to care for your mother while you’re at work. I can call and see if she can start today.”

  That implied he’d already asked around. That sounded like something he’d do. Selena was about to tell him that was unacceptable, that she could handle everything on her own, but there was something about his attitude that made her believe he truly wanted to help.

  I need to accept his love.

  Selena had been on her own for most of her life and it was hard to let someone lighten her load. “I’d like that.”

  His eyes shone. “You sure?”

  “Well, we are a team, aren’t we?”

  It was as if she’d said the magic word because his body began to transform right before her eyes. He stepped over to her and pulled out her chair. “I can’t tell you how happy you’ve made me.”

  “That so?”

  He glanced to the ceiling and inhaled deeply. Slowly his canines receded and the excess hair on his body disappeared. “You have no idea what it’s been like staying away from you these last few days.”

  “It couldn’t be any more difficult than what it’s been like for me.”

  He grinned. “What do you say we test out whether we’re compatible?”

  “Seriously? I thought you wanted to wait.” She couldn’t help but wonder if this need to wait had been a ruse to force her hand at admitting how much she wanted him.

  “You look healthy to me.” He winked.

  Jackson was something else. “So what do you have in mind? Fast and hard or slow and torturous?” She ran a hand down his chest.

  He lifted her pajama top over her head. “I was about to say both, but I’m not sure I can last with the slow stuff. I want you too fucking bad.”

  “That gives me an idea.” Selena stepped out of her bottoms and Jackson’s nails extended.

  He growled. “You better make it quick.” Using her cheetah speed, she slipped to his rear and drew his hands behind his back. “Selena?”

  His low voice turned her on something fierce. “Do you trust me?” She figured she could throw that line back at him.

  “You know I do.”

  As quickly as she could, she wrapped her thin pants around his wrists and secured them with a loose knot. He’d be able to get out of the constraint with one tug, but she hoped he’d let her have her fun for a while. She then returned to face him. “Close your eyes.”

  “Not on your life. I want to watch you.”

  She shrugged. “Okay, but don’t blame me if you shift.”

  Before he changed his mind about being tied up, she dropped to her knees, unzipped his pants, and pulled the material down to his thighs, taking his briefs with them.

  “Be careful,” he growled. “I’m really close to claiming you.”

  “Promises, promises.” She didn’t look up at him. If she had, she’d relent and tell him just to bite her now. She grabbed his thick shaft, and her mouth watered at the idea of driving him close to the edge then backing off. Images of having fun with this man for years to come flitted in her head.

  Deciding to tease him first, she dragged the tip of her tongue up his length then encircled his mushroom head, loving his earthy flavor. The problem was that after a few swipes, her sex began to cramp with need. Damn. She seemed to be the one who might give in first.

  “Suck on it.” The low toned command didn’t even sound like it had come from a human.

  She glanced up and his teeth were gritted and he was huffing like a dragon. Perhaps she’d pushed him too far already. Wanting to please him, she drew him into her mouth and sucked hard, letting his essence seep deep into her core. This was her mate and the man she would love for the rest of her life.

  Suddenly, his hands grasped her hair, and the material that had held him was now on the floor. So much for bondage!

  He lifted her to her feet. “You’ve had enough fun time.”

  What did that mean?

  He yanked up his trousers but left them open. In a flash, he lifted her in a fireman’s hold and carried her down the hallway. She beat on his back, but it did little good. He pushed open his door and when he dumped her on the mattress, she couldn’t help but laugh at his playful and unexpected action.

  Lifting up on her elbows, she grinned. “You trying to show me who’s boss?”

  “Oh, we know who has all the power.” He dipped his chin and stalked toward her. “You. You bewitch me at every turn and make me want to go all caveman on you every minute of every day.”

  His words thrilled her. “If I’m in charge, how about letting me take off your clothes? I need your skin on me.”

  He tapped her nose. “I didn’t say you were in charge. I said you had the power.”

  That was the same thing to her, but now wasn’t the time to argue word choice. “Okay, then would you be willing to ditch those shoes for starters?”

  Looking like he was fighting a smile, he took them off and tossed them on the floor. “Any other demands?”

  She didn’t want to push her luck. “Make me the happiest woman alive.”

  He crawled toward her on the bed. “You don’t have to worry about that. Be prepared to be loved.”

  He unbuttoned his shirt, and when he peeled it off, Selena couldn’t drag her gaze from his amazing body. It wasn’t just his muscles or the texture of his skin, it was his masculine scent and the way he moved that drew her. Being the most wonderful man she’d even known added to his allure. “Keep going.”

  “Will you be able to control yourself?”

  “I can try.” Most likely she’d fail, but that mi
ght be the best part.

  He slipped off his pants and briefs and his glistening cock seemed to beg for her attention. She reached out to touch him, but he blocked her path.

  “It’s my turn,” he said with lust and desire floating on each word.

  She couldn’t deny him, so she nodded her consent. He stretched out her legs and crawled between them. Even without him touching her, her body was already on fire. This was the moment she believed would never come. Being mated to a man like Jackson had been just a dream—but one that would now come true.

  Crawling on his elbows, he positioned himself so that his lips hovered above hers. Instead of the demanding kiss she expected, he gazed into her eyes and mesmerized her with their depth. “I love you for the woman you’ve always been and for the amazing person you will always be.”

  Her heart nearly stopped at his poetic words. As much as she wanted to tell him how much he’d changed her life, the words wouldn’t form. He then lowered his head and nibbled on her lips, taking away all rational thought.

  The hint of coffee and bacon mixed with his musky aroma drove her wild with need. “Kiss me, damn it.”

  “So demanding.” He grinned then pounced.

  The pressure on her body increased and her yearning doubled. When his lips met hers, it was like the universe had aligned. Together they opened up and plunged in, tasting, loving, and desiring. The more contact she had with his body, the closer she came to shifting, as every cell in her body became flooded with the urge to be one with him. Forging a mental connection as well as a physical one would be life altering. That thought should have scared her into fleeing, but it didn’t. She wanted Jackson more than she thought possible.

  He broke the kiss and trailed his lips down to her neck. She expected the bite, but none came. Instead, shimmers of delight blew across her skin like a welcoming warm wind. As much as she wanted him inside her, his caring and loving touch was healing her from the inside out.

  She ran her fingers through his hair, the texture exciting her further. Methodically moving down her body, he kissed and ignited every part of her. When he captured her nipple with his teeth, sparks shot straight to her core, and Selena sucked in her stomach, the desire to mate clawing her from the inside out. His groans and growls were becoming louder, ratcheting her need higher.

  “Please, Jackson. I can’t wait any longer.”

  “Me, neither.” He rolled her over then propped her up on her elbows and knees. “I want to be touching all of you.”

  His whispered words inflamed her so much that she sagged from wanting him. Jackson crawled behind her and the moment his cock slipped past her clit to her wet hole, the shift began.

  No, no. Not now. Please.

  He stroked her cheek. “Easy there, kitten. I’m close, too.”

  His words of comfort helped calmed her, but when his larger than life cock slid into her wet channel, she clawed at the sheets, her nails ripping the material. Selena lowered her head and sucked in some much needed oxygen hoping he’d claim her now.

  His chest pressed against her back and her vision clouded. She wanted to touch him but was unable to reach him. His cock slid in farther, and she drove her head to the mattress, pressing her hips back. He fondled her breasts, cupping them and twirling her nipples. Electric bolts lit her insides and stimulated her until she was ready to burst.

  “Please, Jackson.”


  With one thrust, he drove straight to the end, and her inner beast yearned to be free. His teeth scraped along her shoulder blade and his fingers worked on her breasts, alternating between massaging them and plucking the tips to make them hard. He was literally driving her out of her skin.

  Slower than she thought possible he withdrew and stilled. His breath cascaded over her neck, causing goose bumps of anticipation to form. He pinched a nipple, and her thoughts refocused on their wonderful joining and not on the final mating process. This was about loving him today. Right now. The rest would come in time.

  When she let out a breath and her body relaxed, he drove in again, stoking her fire. She might have been able to stop her climax had he not lowered a hand and rubbed her clit.

  “Can’t. Hold. Out.” She barely croaked out her words.

  He slid his hands around her waist in a crisscross fashion and cupped each breast. A second later, he withdrew and flipped her over. It took a moment for her to realize his intent. Her teeth sharpened and the wild animal in her sought release.

  “Now?” she asked.


  As he drove his dick into her, filling her to the max, he sunk his sharp teeth into her neck and bit down. Heaven descended. Selena lifted her head and drove her canines into him as well. Joined in every way possible, her climax tore through her faster than a speeding cheetah.

  She screamed his name and Jackson growled, though it sounded darn close to a roar. His hot seed pummeled her and her eyes rolled back into her head. Blood blocked her thoughts and her muscles gave way.

  Jackson rolled them over and held her. They lay that way until a trickle of blood dripped down her neck. Not wanting to stain the already torn sheets, she lifted her head. “That was amazing.”

  “It was more than I ever thought it would be,” he telepathed.

  His words resonated in her head. While she could communicate with others of her kind, it was so much more intimate knowing Jackson’s thoughts.

  She lifted up on her elbows. “You know what?”

  He smiled. “What, my little cheetah girl?”

  “Would you think I was crazy if I said I want you again?”

  He laughed. “Can you give me a few minutes? The mating process wiped me out.”

  “Oh, I think I can revive him.”

  She slid off him and headed straight between his legs.

  Chapter Twelve

  Three months later

  “You look gorgeous,” Jackson said.

  “You look rather dapper yourself, Mr. Kenner.”

  Selena couldn’t believe how much her life had changed in the last three months. Her mother was walking much better now, even though she still wore a brace. Just last week, she’d landed a good job in town and seemed to be thriving. Selena couldn’t be happier for her.

  Jackson had insisted she move in with him until they built the home of their dreams. Her only caveat to the construction process was that his father couldn’t help fund the project. She’d feel silly living in a mansion. It just wasn’t her.

  Another huge change in her life had been that she’d embraced the idea of having girlfriends. Growing up poor, she’d been shunned, and that had carried over into adulthood. But not anymore.

  Because Jackson spent time with both Storm and Cord, Selena had become rather closely acquainted with Piper, Cord’s wife. Both being cheetahs, she and Cheyenne had always been friends, but now they saw each other more often.

  He picked up Piper’s birthday present. “Ready?”


  When they arrived at Cord’s house, cars lined both sides of the street. “Did he invite the whole department?”

  Jackson laughed. “Piper works with a lot of people in the hospital. I think Cord said they’d invited close to fifty.”


  The sign on the door said to come in. Chatter and laughter filled the whole house and a wonderful calm settled about her. Being surrounded by friends and a loving man was everything she wanted in her life, though adding a few little wildcats of their own would be even better.

  Through the entranceway, she spotted a very pregnant Piper move from one guest to another. Before they stepped into the main room, Selena grabbed Jackson’s hand. “Have I told you how much I love you today?”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and purred. “Why, no. Do you?”

  Her arms slid around his neck. “More than words can express.”

  He grinned. “Well, I happen to have it on good authority that I love you more.”

  “Hey, guy
s, come join us,” Cord called from inside the living room. He seemed impatient to get the party started. It wasn’t her fault that Jackson couldn’t keep his hands off her as she was trying to get dressed.

  Hand in hand, they entered the room, packed with many of her coworkers. Tasha and Burke were there, along with Storm and Cheyenne. Dram, Chris, and her boss were off in the corner, looking as if they were discussing some case.

  “Now that my good friend and my coworker have arrived, it’s time for Piper to open her presents,” Cord announced.

  Selena and Jackson sat on two folding chairs and enjoyed how Piper squealed in delight with each item. Selena had purchased two cute outfits for the future twins—one for their son and one for their daughter. In addition, she’d found a shifter woman who was a master at handmade jewelry. Once Selena described how Cord was part panther and part bear, the artist configured a necklace made of onyx and a multicolored brown stone to represent Cord, and an opal to symbolize Piper.

  Jackson nudged her. “She’s opening our present.”

  The two baby outfits almost made Piper cry, but the necklace turned on the waterworks. “It’s amazing.”

  Selena couldn’t be more pleased. “It was Jackson’s idea and I found someone who could make it.”

  “I love it.”

  Cord clasped it on her and the group oohed and aahed. Somehow, Piper managed to get through the rest of her presents more or less with dry eyes. When she finished, Burke held up a hand. “I have an announcement. Or rather we have an announcement.”

  All eyes shot to Tasha. Could it be true? Whenever she’d had a day off, Selena had met with a bunch of the girls for their weekly get together, and she loved connecting with them. Tasha wanted a child worse than anything and hoped the sonogram she’d had recently showed she would be giving birth to a cub soon.

  “Spill it,” Cord said.

  “Tasha and I are expecting a little cub in about six months.”

  The whole party exploded with applause, and Selena couldn’t be more pleased. Once the excitement died down, Jackson stood. “As long as we’re making announcements, I’d like to ask a question.”


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