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Oath Of Seduction: Seducing Sharon

Page 10

by Marly Chance

  Liken gave a strangled moan and shook his head as if clearing it. When he spoke, his voice was pure temptation. “You have forgotten that I am in your mind,sherree. Your fantasies are quite intriguing. I do not share your reservations. Don’t you want to know what it would be like? Take the panties off for me and I will show you. I will touch and taste you exactly as you imagine. Take them off.” His tone started as a sultry request and ended as an order.

  She hesitated. Reaching down, she pulled one string and felt the knot come undone. His face grew harsher, a flush washing over his cheekbones. Swallowing past the lump in her throat and disregarding the inner voice whispering caution, she lightly tugged the second string and felt the panties fall to her feet.

  Liken stared at the curly hair of her sex for one long moment. Abruptly standing up, he watched her eyes widen as his hands went to his pants. With rough movements, he shoved open the buttons until his straining cock sprung free. Pressing the button to activate the hologram, he stalked toward her.

  Sharon felt a wave of apprehension. He looked savage. Seeing a sudden hologram of herself at that moment was a shock, even as the hologram changed to become both of them. He stalked around her until he was behind her, his hands coming up to grip her shoulders so that they faced the hologram together.

  She saw an image of contrasts. Her fair skin, although flushed, looked pale in comparison to his darker complexion. His hands looked huge on her shoulders. Her eyes were heavy-lidded and dark. Her breasts were full with hardened nipples thrusting outward, as if begging for his touch.

  He loomed behind her, his face etched in lines of aroused hunger. She watched with fascination as his masculine hands closed over her breasts and began to massage. She moaned at the sensation and leaned into his touch.

  The woman in the hologram did the same. Liken spoke in a seductive whisper next to her ear. “It is like making love while watching another couple. Or maybe like another couple watching us as we make love.”

  Sharon shuddered at the arousing thought. He knew exactly how to make her crazy. This whole thing was crazy. She tried to regain some control.

  She stepped back, but that brought her along the hard length of his body. She could feel his shirt and pants against her naked body. She felt his cock press against her lower back and the top of her ass. She wanted him so much it was nearly painful.

  Liken moved one hand to her sex and began caressing her heat. She was soaking wet. With a quiet hum of approval he played, teasing and circling her clit. He felt her weight sag against him. The couple in the hologram echoed their movements. It was all too much for him to withstand. He was tired of being patient.

  Roughly turning her, he placed her back against the left wall. His mouth latched onto one nipple, sucking strongly. Sharon moaned and looked down at him, but then her eyes were drawn back to the hologram. She watched the man’s cheeks cave in as he sucked, nearly swallowing the woman’s breast. The answering pull on her own breast nearly burnt her alive.

  Liken lifted her by the hips with her back still to the wall and then paused with her above his cock. Lowering her, he felt her sultry heat swallow him. He slid into her wetness and sunk to the hilt. As there bodies merged, he merged his mind with hers. Her legs came around him to cling to his waist.

  He pulled out and then thrust into her again. Sharon’s head fell back against the wall. He could hear the thoughts in her mind, feel their pleasure building with each stroke. He paused, still buried in her heat.

  Leaning forward, he whispered, “Remember,sherree, you must be quiet. If you are not quiet, the clerk will hear you.”

  Sharon tensed at his words. She had forgotten her surroundings. They shouldn’t be doing this here. She realized her hands were clinging to his shoulders, her fingers digging into the silky material, and tried to push against his shoulders. She began to protest softly, “Liken…”

  Liken covered her mouth in a passionate kiss. When he raised his head, he began thrusting again. He leaned forward and whispered quietly, tauntingly between thrusts, “You must not call out. Someone might hear. There may be others here, too. What if they discovered us fucking,sherree? How would you feel?”

  She moaned and then tried to muffle the sound. He thrust harder, his cock slamming into her now. Still his voice, not quite steady, taunted in her ear, “Are you going to scream for me,sherree? When you come will you scream?”

  She gritted her teeth as her body tightened. She felt his pleasure grow along with her own. The hard thrust of his length inside her, pumping hard was pushing her toward release. She craved it. The impulse to cry out was overwhelming. She clamped her mouth shut and tried desperately to be quiet.

  Liken felt his breath hitch and tried to suppress his own moan. She was so hot and tight around his aching cock. His words, meant to arouse her, were acting on him, too. He moved his legs forward to gain leverage and thrust harder.

  Suddenly, they heard the voice of the clerk from one wall away. “Isshal,is the outfit to your liking?”

  Liken never paused in his thrusts. He was not stopping even if the entire planet walked in at that moment. His muscles strained with the strength and depth of his thrusts.

  Sharon, on the other hand, was nearly hysterical with arousal and fear. Her heart felt like it would pound right out of her chest. She was right on the edge of release, dying to go over, and terrified of being discovered.

  The clerk’s voice was closer, rising higher with curiosity. “Isshal, I asked if everything is to your liking?”

  Liken growled in a low snarl, “Answer her.”

  Sharon whispered hoarsely, “Yes,” and repeated it more strongly. Liken slammed into her and she turned her face away in a desperate bid for control. Her eyes landed on the hologram couple fucking wildly next to them. Her voice rose into a scream as she yelled, “YES!” Her orgasm exploded through her like the detonation of a bomb.

  Liken let out a loud groan as he felt his own scalding release. He felt the pressure move from his spine and then outward as he came in an overwhelming flood of pleasure. He was mindless with the pure animalistic relief of it.

  Eventually, his legs grew weak and he shifted, making sure he would not drop her. Dropping his sweaty forehead to Sharon’s, he tried to find the strength to move. Sharon was in no better shape. There was a long moment of total silence.

  Then, the clerk said with some amusement, “I am glad you are pleased, Isshal. Take as much time with the outfit as you need. I can understand your enthusiasm. I will not bother you again.”

  They left the store with the new outfit, although Sharon never did try it on at the shop. Liken took care of the payment with his ID card. Sharon never quite looked the clerk in the eye again, although she thought the clerk sent one or two knowing smiles of understanding her way.

  But, neither Sharon nor Liken could stop smiling. When they were walking home, she found out the Shimerian term for a dressing room was a “trial booth.” She had certainly tried something new. Trial booth, indeed.

  Coming back to the present with a start, Sharon realized the memory of yesterday was enough to make her wet and aching. She could hear the sounds of Liken taking a shower. She knew she could join him in there, but they were getting ready for a trip to the local Earth library. She really wanted to see it, and Liken had looked so pleased with his little surprise when he announced their destination for today.

  Willing her aching body to relax, she focused on how much she had learned this week about Liken and Shimerian culture. It was a strange and beautiful planet, similar to Earth in so many ways and yet so remarkable in its differences. The people she had met were friendly, although seeing so few women and so many men everywhere was startling at times. She had even seen some families with children, although most of the children were boys.

  She knew Liken had been careful to shield her from the less pleasant aspects of Shimerian life. Although she had not seen any evidence of it, she knew they had crime, because Liken and Tair were cops. A few times on
theshimvehi she had seen angry-looking faces with exasperated commuter expressions, but there had been no outright violence.

  She and Liken had gotten along very well He was bad about arrogantly assuming he knew what was best for her, but she pointed it out to him quickly enough. There had been minor disagreements, but most of the week had been spent in getting to know each other and learning the little things about each other that only a lover can know. Liken had discovered that she was scared of heights, secretly read erotic stories, and had incredibly ticklish feet. She had discovered that he loved his job, that he hated Earth television, and that he was a total sucker when it came to small children.

  She had been amused to watch as a tiny girl, the daughter of one of his friends, begged him to give her adelheza ride. Liken had given her a helpless glance and then proceeded to place the girl on his back, running and hopping while making “delheza” noises. He looked ridiculous, but the little girl was laughing wildly.

  When Sharon and Liken had left his friends, she had teased him a little about it, but he had merely given her a red-faced shrug, as if to say, “What could I do? She asked me.” It was sweet. He could be so sweet.

  Sighing, Sharon walked over to the couch and sat down. She could hear the “red water” turn off in the bathroom. She imagined his naked body emerging from the shower. She was ready to either leave for the library or jump him in the bathroom. She wished he’d hurry up.

  Sharon noticed his ID card lying on the couch next to her. Picking it up restlessly, she turned it over and over in her hand. The ID card brought her back to the memory of their shopping trip. Watching him hand over his ID card at the shop that day, Sharon had wondered later about the Shimerian monetary system. Liken explained that all transactions were recorded on his card. Later, he showed her the computer in his home where he transferred the information.

  His ID card was similar to a debit card from what she could tell, although it also seemed to be a computer disk of some kind. His computer was linked to central computers maintained by the government. His paycheck was deposited in his account on his computer on certain dates. It was all paperless. The librarian in her admired the organization and efficiency of the system.

  Liken appeared in the living room archway, interrupting her thoughts. He looked clean and energized. He was wearing the usual black, but he looked happy and boyishly excited. He really wanted this trip to the library to be a special treat for her. He grinned, looking pleased with himself, and said, “Are you ready,sherree? I know you are anxious to leave so I hurried.”

  Sharon laughed and nodded. She knew what he had been doing. “You know I am. Don’t pretend you haven’t been lurking in my head.”

  He laughed with her and corrected, “I do notlurk,sherree. I was merely enjoying your memories of our time together.”

  Crossing the room and extending a hand to her, he grinned shamelessly. “Although perhaps we should squeeze in a quick shopping trip between the library and meeting Tair.”

  She shook her head in mock reproof. He had been lobbying for another shopping trip since that day. “You have to be the only man in the universe who loves shopping.”

  Putting her hand in his, she let him pull her up from the couch and felt his arms come around her in a hug. Leaning back to look at his face, she said, “Of course, we’ll go shopping again.” Her face went bright red. “Just not to that same shop.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. She was such a delightful mix of contradictions – sexy and passionate one moment, and then sweet and shy the next. Leaning down, he whispered into her ear, “As long as we go to a shop with a trial booth.”

  Sharon could feel heat spread through her at his words. She had been right when she first saw him. He was sex personified. He had only to look at her or say something to her, and she melted like wax. She cleared her throat. “I believe we were headed to the library, right?”

  Liken was experiencing his own surge of arousal at the thought of another shopping trip. Placing a quick kiss on her forehead, and taking his ID card from her hand, he moved away from her and said, “We’d better go. The librarian, Gar, will not be happy if we are late. He is eager to give you a tour.”

  The library was a wonder. Walking inside the outer archway of the building, she expected to smell the familiar scent of books. Instead, when they walked in, she saw row after row of disks. In the center of the room there were comfortable chairs in a large open space. Seated in the chairs were maybe thirty or so adolescent Shimerian males. They stared at her in apparent fascination until a warning look from Liken made them duck their heads to the notebooks in their hands. Liken took her by the arm and led her to a counter area.

  The librarian was a much older male. He had silver hair and an air of quiet dignity. He looked up with a welcoming smile as they approached. Stepping out from behind the counter, he approached Liken.

  Handing the man his ID card, Liken nodded his head respectfully and placed one hand on the man’s shoulder. The man mirrored his movements, which Sharon knew was the Shimerian form of shaking hands. When they stepped back, Liken put his arm around Sharon and said with obvious pride, “Gar, I would like to introduce you to Sharon Glaston, my pactmate. Sharon, please meet Gar Deyzan’can, the head librarian here and an old friend.”

  Gar gave Sharon an admiring glance and a warm smile. His voice was strong in contrast to his frail body. “I am most pleased to welcome you, Sharon.”

  Sharon gave him an answering smile and said, “Thank you. I’m pleased to meet you and very excited to learn about Shimerian libraries.”

  Liken was quick to add, “Sharon was formerly a librarian on Earth. It is a real pleasure for her to meet her counterpart here.” He knew that Gar was aware of that fact, but he wanted to remind him of their earlier conversation.

  He was assuming that she would stay here on Shimerian. Sharon didn’t appreciate his use of the words “former librarian”, but she let it go for the moment. She was really interested in the library and didn’t want to spark a disagreement with Liken right now.

  Gar seemed to have caught something of the discord in her expression. He said, “It will be a pleasure to show you, Sharon. Let us start your tour.” He walked quickly behind the counter and reached down. Pulling a flat notebook from a stack behind his desk, he showed Sharon how to operate the small reader. The entire front of the notebook was a display screen.

  Walking over to a row of disks, he placed one in the side of the notebook. He then inserted Liken’s ID card into a slot on the other side. With a little hum, the screen lit up and displayed the cover of “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens. The words were in English. He handed her the reader.

  Placing her finger to the option screen in the upper right hand corner, she learned how to flip from page to page and even how to choose which translation she wanted to read. The language options included Earth languages as well as Shimerian. She learned the disk contained all of Dickens’ works, as well as a biography of the author and all literary criticism.

  Gar gave a little sigh and told her, “You should have seen the lists of works and other information first, but someone has neglected to press the reset option to return to the main index. It can be frustrating.”

  Thinking of her own library, she gave him a look of sympathy and said, “I know what you mean. Back at my library, we can never seem to keep people from placing books back on the shelf incorrectly.”

  Liken saw the look of understanding pass between them and smiled. As Gar led Sharon on a tour of the building, explaining the organization and operation of the library, Liken trailed in their wake. Watching her expressive face, he could see her enthusiasm and love of books. Her curiosity and quiet sincerity charmed Gar just as it did anyone within her orbit. He could tell she was enjoying the outing tremendously. She was happy and he felt a swell of happiness himself that he had given her this experience.

  Then, he felt a flash of guilt as he wondered if she knew he had an ulterior motive. He had a
lready spoken with Gar about Sharon working at the library, but had sworn the older man to secrecy. This was, in a way, an informal position interview. Seeing Gar and Sharon in such accord meant she could probably work there on some basis.

  It was another step toward convincing her that she could be happy on Shimeria with him. Uneasily wondering if she would accuse him of managing her choices again if she knew, he hoped she would be too happy to examine his motives very closely.

  At the end of the tour, Liken and Sharon paused at the main counter. Liken removed his ID card and handed the notebook back to Gar. Placing his hand on the older man’s shoulder and nodding his head, he said, “Our thanks for your kind assistance, Gar. We enjoyed the tour very much.”

  Gar returned the gestures and said with a smile, “No thanks are necessary.” He aimed a smiling look Sharon’s way. “It is a pleasure to share the experience with a fellow lover of books. She is quite wonderful, Liken. Best get her pledged quickly.”

  Turning to Sharon, he said, “My thanks for your company. I hope I will see you again, Sharon.”

  Sharon gave him a bright smile. Gar was a knowledgeable and efficient librarian, and a charming man. She said warmly, “Your library is a marvel and I appreciate the tour. I enjoyed it so much. I’m hoping to see you again, too.” She wasn’t sure if she was staying on Shimeria or not, but now wasn’t the time to worry about it.

  With smiling faces, Liken and Sharon exited the building and began walking along the pathway outside. Placing her hand on his arm, Sharon looked up at Liken. “Thank you for today.”

  Looking into her shining eyes, Liken felt a fresh wave of guilt. Deliberately reminding himself that he would have brought her just to experience her enjoyment, he placed a gentle hand against her cheek. “You are welcome,sherree. It pleases me to see your happiness.”


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