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Oath Of Seduction: Seducing Sharon

Page 11

by Marly Chance

  The look held for a moment as they stared at each other. Removing his hand from her cheek and grabbing a hold of hers, he moved them forward. After a few steps, he looked down at her. His eyes held a teasing light. His smile widened into a grin and he wagged his eyebrows suggestively. “If you wish it, you can show me your gratitude later in private.”

  She laughed and swung their clasped hands as they walked. “Oh, how generous of you. Let’s see…what could I possibly do?” She cast him a sideways look under her lashes. “I could cook dinner tonight.”

  He stoppedand with a mock growl, shook his head. “I think you can do better than pushing the meal buttons on our transport machine. I had in mind a more intimate activity.”The look he gave her was hot with desire.

  She turned her head and made a great production of letting her gaze roam his body. Her expression was speculative. “I don’t know…what could be more intimate?”

  She appeared to contemplate the question. Stepping closer and bringing her free hand to his chest, she brushed her body against his. “This could take some thought.” She pulled her hand from his grasp and ran it teasingly down his chest to the top of his pants. “A great deal of thought.”She could feel his cock start to harden.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into the hard planes of his body. His eyes were dark with desire. “You are an intelligent woman,sherree. I have great confidence in you.”

  Abruptly breaking his hold, she danced away. Her face had flushed with desire as well, but her eyes were teasing. “Unfortunately, I can’t think about it now. We are late for supper with Tair.”

  His look said she could expect retribution later. “Yes, teasing does tend to make one forget the time.” He was secretly thrilled with her easy flirtation. She felt comfortable enough to tease him sexually.

  With a mock sigh and a glance at his time device on his wrist, he said, “We will continue this later. Now, I am sorry to say, you are right. We will be late if we do not hurry.”

  With matching smiles, they hurried along the pathways leading to the eatery where Tair waited. When they entered the building where they had met him the last time, Sharon barely noticed the sudden hush and the fascinated stares. Looking around for Tair, she spotted him in the far right corner of the room. Smiling and waving, she headed for his table.

  Weaving her way there with Liken behind her, she never saw Tair’s sweeping look around the room. His predatory gaze froze his fellow diners in place until they looked quickly away from Sharon’s form and focused on eating. The mental warning had been so brief and effective that Sharon reached the table completely unaware.

  With a silent nod of acknowledgement for his assistance, Liken sank into a chair next to Sharon. In contrast to just a few seconds earlier, Tair’s face had a gentle smile when he turned to Sharon. “You are looking quite beautiful, Sharon.”

  Smiling with obvious happiness, Sharon said. “Thank you, Tair. We went to the library today.”

  Tair frowned in mock astonishment. “So that is what has left you flushed and put a glow in your eyes?” He glanced over at Liken and shook his head in reproof. “We need to have a discussion, brother. “

  Watching the blush climb into Sharon’s cheeks, Liken said with a laugh. “I do not believe the library is solely responsible, Tair.” He leaned toward her and gently nuzzled her cheek. “Sharon has found other things on Shimeria that are also highly enjoyable.”

  Sharon felt like her face was on fire. They were ganging up on her. She was in too good a mood to let them get to her. She felt sexy and happy and powerful. She was not going to give in to embarrassment at their teasing.

  Clearing her throat, she decided to fight fire with fire. Placing her hand on Liken’s thigh under the table, she watched his teasing grin begin to fade. She gently stoked the taut muscles in his thigh, her fingers heading up toward his crotch. Liken had turned to stone at the first touch of her hand.

  Turning toward Tair, she leaned toward him and spoke in a throaty voice that spelled pure sex. “Oh, yes. I have found several activities to… arouse… my interests.”

  Tair seemed trapped in her heated gaze, his heart rate climbing at the sound of her husky voice. Deliberately moistening her lips, she smiled inwardly as both men stared in fascination. This femme fatale business was easier than she thought it would be.

  Carefully straightening her shoulders as she leaned back in her chair, her breasts rose to prominent attention. Again, both men seemed unable to pull their eyes away. Feeling the power of her allure, she smiled and raised her free hand to lightly stroke her throat. “Are you guys really hot?” Her mind filled with naughty images, the fantasies making her pupils dilate.

  Their eyes widened. Tair stared at her stroking hand and then dropped his eyes to her breasts. Her nipples hardened. Wetting his lips, he swallowed.

  Liken was in no better shape. Her hand under the table reached its destination. His bulging arousal was pushing against his pants, flexing under her fingers. He made a strangled sound and quickly moved one hand to hold her in place. He was rock hard and throbbing.

  In an innocent voice she exclaimed, “I think it’s hot in here, don’t you?” Deciding she had neatly turned the tables on them both, she looked around for a waiter. Catching his eye, she nodded toward their table. He walked toward them quickly.

  The waiter gave her an efficient smile and asked, “How can I be of assistance? Have you decided on your choices?”His wordsforced their attention away from her.

  Liken’s grip on her hand relaxed and she took advantage of the moment to pull her hand back into her own lap. Tair sat back in his chair and visibly worked to regain his composure. She looked from one man to the other. Other than the dark awareness in their eyes, they looked pretty normal.

  In a cool and natural voice, she said, “I think they could use something to cool off. What kind of refreshing beverage would you recommend?”

  As she discussed the various choices with the waiter, Liken and Tair looked at each other. Tair’s eyes were speculative as he spoke in their own language.“That one is deceptive. She has more fire than she knows.” He was still sweating a little from his reaction to her.

  Liken’s eyes were gleaming. Sharon was far bolder and passionate than most people realized, including herself. “Yes, I know. She is incredible.”

  Tair shook his head in disbelief. “A librarian. I thought she was the quiet one.”

  Liken laughed quietly.“She sees herself that way. To be fair, I don’t think she realized she was broadcasting herfantasies to the two of us. She is unaware of our link or the power of such images.”

  “You haven’t toldher of linking? Or what it means?” Tair was incredulous. He shocked that Sharon was unaware of the coming link. It was natural to hide the knowledge from prospective Earth mates until after the pact to lesson any fear, but he could not believe Liken had not explained to Sharon about it before now.

  Liken was exasperated.“I am only just now getting her comfortable with merging, brother. She was sexually inexperienced.I’m not going to scare her to death.”Sharon had been resistant to intimacy from the start. He had no doubt that she would react badly to the idea of linking. Human culture was so strange.

  Tair conceded that point. “Ican understand.You don’t have much time left,though. We must perform the linking tomorrow next. Shocking her at the last minute is not a good idea.”

  Liken grimaced. “I know. I have been planning to tell her tonight. I thought after an enjoyable day and some time in your company, she might notbe as shocked at theidea. You could play your part by staying non-threatening and charming.”It was more of a reminder than a request.

  Sharon spoke up at that moment, startling the two men. “Hey, guys, I hate to break up your little talk, but the waiter here needs to know what you want.” She was curious about why they were speaking Shimerian suddenly.

  When they turned identical charming smiles in her direction, she felt distinctly uneasy. What were they hiding?A
lthough she had picked up a few Shimerian words and phrases, she had no idea what they had been saying. If she stayed on this planet, she would need to learn the language. Being in the dark about what they had been discussing was making her nervous.

  When they each had given the waiter their choices for the meal, the waiter left for a back room. Silence fell between them. Liken and Tair could both sense her rising uneasiness. Hitting on something that would divert her attention and make her happy, Tair spoke quickly. “Sharon, I have good news for you.”

  His comment startled her. She couldn’t imagine what he meant. “Good news for me?”

  “Yes, I think it will make you very happy.” With a glance toward Liken, he turned to face her fully. “Kate is my pactmate.”

  Her shock was easy to see. “What?!”

  “I will be invoking the Oath after you return to take your pledge next week. You and Kate will be not be separated.” He waited for her look of happiness and relief. He had looked forward to seeing her reaction to this news for some time.

  She began laughing, which caught the two men by surprise. As her laughter rose in volume and her shoulders began to shake, their puzzlement grew.

  Tair, wondering if he should take insult, could make no sense of her reaction. “You find the thought amusing?”

  “I find the thought hysterical,” she choked out. “She’s gonna kick your ass.”

  He looked thunderous in response.

  Liken quickly cut in, “I am sure Sharon does not mean to insult you, brother.” He shot a reprimanding look at Sharon.

  She just rolled her eyes in response. She really hadn’t meant to insult him. The comment wasn’t directed at Tair’s abilities as much as it was Kate’s reaction. Bringing her laughter under control, she tried for a conciliatory tone. “I didn’t mean to insult you, Tair. Really, no offense meant.”

  Tair’s voice was still stiff. “You do not know me very well, Sharon.”

  Sharon realized he was serious. He felt insulted, his pride injured. Feeling bad, she tried to explain, “No, I know that. Idon’t doubt you or your…uhhhh abilities. I have to point out, though, that I do know Kate. She’s my best friend in the world so I can tell you the truth. Nobody walks on Kate. She can be a cast iron bitch if you try.”

  Tair’s shoulders relaxed a little. “I know about her temper, Sharon.”That temper was going to make things quite interesting between them. He smiled at the thought.

  She leaned forward. “That’s not really what I meant. Kate doesn’t do submissive. Liken’s domineering ways make me crazy and, believe me, I let him know about it. Kate, on the other hand, would’ve just killed him and been done with it. No need to compromise or explain. She might even be a little sorry afterward, but she’d get the job done. She’d never put up with Shimerian attitudes.” She looked at Liken to see if he, at least, understood.

  “Sharon, look at me.” It was an order, given by Tair in a voice that was intense and compelling. He didn’t sound like himself. She watchedas Tair’sface grew harsh. His eyes, which had looked gentle and charming in the past, took on a predatory hardness. His mouth held a touch of cruelty. “Do I look like I do not know how to get what I want?”The change in him was drastic to see.

  She said his name with a questioning note, “Tair?” Sharon felt a pang of pure panic. The man sitting next to her had become a dangerous stranger. He stared at her in silence. She swallowed. “I get your point.” She clasped her hands together in her lap and suddenly wondered if insulting him had been such a bright idea.

  Liken’s hand covered hers in her lap with a comforting warmth. Aiming a warning glance at Tair, he said, “My brother will make Kate very happy in the end,sherree. Do not worry.”

  Sharon wouldn’t place any bets on that statement. She was relieved to see the waiter approaching the table. As he placed their dishes in front of each of them, they remained silent.

  Even after he left, Sharon stayed silent, lost in her thoughts. She had no idea if she was staying on Shimeria, regardless of how well things had been going. The last week had been a kind of honeymoon period, but she knew there were bound to be conflicts ahead. She and Liken had spent most of their time in a sensual haze, not wanting anything to spoil the pleasure. They were both on their best behavior. It couldn’t last indefinitely.

  She wasn’t sure if she would stay, so the thought of Kate becoming Tair’s pactmate didn’t bring a lot of comfort. If she stayed, Kate might still file incompatible. If Sharon filed incompatible, Kate might choose to stay. It was unlikely, but seeing Tair in a new light, she knew it was possible. Kate was used to calling all the shots with men. Sharon had always figured the right man for Kate would be one she couldn’t walk all over. Maybe Tair was the right man. Or alien, in this case. Either way, the future was still uncertain.

  “You are not eating, Sharon.” Liken’s voice broke into her thoughts. “Are you truly upset by Tair’s news?”

  Liken knew by her face that she was upset. He was trying to stay out of her thoughts more, since they were both adjusting to the intimacy. He knew it made her uncomfortable, particularly when she was upset.

  Sharon made an effort to appear more relaxed. She took a quick bite of her food, but her turmoil made it tasteless. “Not at all. I’m fine.” Her voice said just the opposite.

  Tair felt guilty for ruining her mood. She had been radiant when she entered the eatery and sat down at the table. Hisvoice held unmistakable remorse when he spoke. “I thought only to bring you happiness with my news. My apology to you, Sharon.”

  She looked into a face that had grown softer. His eyes sought to reassure her. She liked Tair, even trusted him to some degree because he was Liken’s brother. He was trying to regain her earlier comfort with him. She wasn’t fooled.

  With serious eyes, she studied him. “Thank you, Tair, but the apology isn’t necessary. What happens between you and Kate will be up to the two of you. I would like you both to be happy. If you end up happy together, that would be terrific.”

  She wanted to put them on an easier footing as well. With more enthusiasm than she felt, she picked up another square-shaped bite of mystery meat and popped it in her mouth. In an abrupt change of subject, she swallowed and said, “What exactly am I eating again? This is delicious.” She picked up another bite and turned to Liken to answer her question.

  He regarded her solemnly. “I am glad you find it so tasty,sherree. It is calledufrantri and is considered quite a delicacy.”

  He waited as she put the bite in her mouth and began to chew. “The literal translation would be yellow worm in your language I believe.” Sharon choked a little as his words registered. Liken winked at Tair.

  Worm? They were feeding her worm?! Sharon felt the moist meat in her mouth and nearly gagged. Should she swallow it or find some way to ditch it in her napkin? She was pretty sure it was bad table manners to throw up the main dish in a crowded restaurant. Even on weird Shimeria. She decided then and there that adventure sucked. Exotic cuisine. Yeah, right.

  Liken did not let her suffer for long. “Go ahead and swallow it,sherree. It is not really a worm. I said that was the literal translation. It is actually not a meat at all, but a tubular vegetable.” He could not contain his laugh at the killing look she aimed his way.

  Tair began laughing, too. “It is similar to your potato, Sharon, but longer in length and more narrow.” As she swallowed and continued to glare at both of them, they laughed harder.

  Liken’s voice was apologetic but his eyes sparkled with mirth. “I could not resist.”

  Reaching down, he picked up another square shaped bite. This one was brown. Holding it out to her, he said. “Come,sherree, where is your sense of adventure? I would not feed you something abhorrent, would I?”

  Taking the brown thing in her hand, she examined it suspiciously. Her voice was dry. She said firmly, “I believe I prefer my adventure between the covers of a book.”

  “Not you,sherree. You are a woman of fire.” His voice held
a sultry warmth while his eyes dared her to put the bite in her mouth.

  Sharon keep feel the heat climbing into her cheeks at his passionate reference. He was driving her crazy on purpose. She was sure of it.

  “Oh, that’s right. I’m a new woman these days. I think nothing of interplanetary travel. I seek out new life and new civilizations. I boldly go where…” She slapped her free hand against her forehead in mock surprise. “Whoops, that not me. What was I thinking? I’m just the idiot who tastes whatever you give her.”

  She rolled her eyes. Pushing aside any thoughts on what it might be, she put the bite in her mouth. She was relieved to find it tasted pretty good.

  Liken watched her with satisfaction. “An idiot? I think not. I would say you trust me,sherree. And that makes you very smart indeed.”

  “I trust you not to poison me at least, “she said with an exasperated smile. Her voice was light. She wasn’t about to feed that colossal arrogance of his.

  His eyes held hers. “Progress is still progress, however small.” Both had forgotten Tair, who was listening to the exchange with great interest.

  She shrugged and looked away. “Or maybe I just can’t resist a dare.”

  She felt him lean toward her. His breath tickled her ear as he whispered, “We shall see,sherree. Soon. In that you can trust.”To Sharon, the words sounded part promise, part threat. With Liken, it never paid to grow too complacent.

  The rest of the meal went by uneventfully. They talked and laughed, enjoying themselves. When Liken and Sharon left the restaurant, she felt alive and happy in a way she couldn’t remember. Pushing all thoughts of the coming decision from her mind, she basked in her newfound contentment with Liken. They made love that evening with tenderness and passion, both of them avoiding anything that might break their fragile sense of happiness and accord.

  That profound sense of harmony made what happened next seem even more painful. Everything went straight to hell the next day. After a lovely evening with Liken and Tair and then a night of incredible pleasure in Liken’s arms, Sharon had no clue the very next day that things were going to change in a heartbeat. Or rather, things were going to change with one word.


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