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Fiancee's Confessions: Move-In Day (A Hotwife Fantasy)

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by Lexi Archer

  Fiancée’s Confessions

  Move-In Day

  A Hotwife Fantasy

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2015 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, January 2015

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  Table of Contents

  1: Move-In

  2: Loud Music

  3: Party Girl

  4: Thin Walls

  5: Morning Run

  6: First Betrayal

  7: Confessions

  More from Lexi Archer

  Based on a very true story. Names, locations, and pretty much any identifying information have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent.

  1: Move-In

  My name is Allison, and I have a confession. Actually I have a lot of the confessions. A lot of confessions about a summer when I went away for an internship. The summer when I ended up doing a lot of bad things, and a lot of things that were completely out of character for me.

  A lot of things that completely changed my relationship with my now husband Matt.

  But I’m getting ahead of myself. How are these things supposed to start? Oh, right. My name is Allison, and I cheated on my husband. That’s how that’s supposed to go, right?

  Except he wasn’t exactly my husband at the time. He was my fiancé, but I suppose that’s close enough as it makes no difference. I had a ring on my finger, after all, and that’s close enough.

  It’s not like I went to my internship thinking I was going to have a wild crazy summer! Up until my internship I’d been a good girl. Matt was the only guy I’d ever had sex with, and that was only after we’d dated for a couple of years. I was always so busy studying that I didn’t have time to really go out to parties or anything. Mostly we just hung out together on the weekends and we were busy with school during the week.

  Maybe that explains why I went so wild when I finally had the opportunity. Only I’m getting ahead of myself again. Like all crazy stories, like all unbelievable stories and believe me I still can hardly believe all the things I did even now that I’m recounting it for you a couple of years after the fact, it’s best to start at the beginning.

  In this case the beginning was moving day. The apartments were actually pretty nice as far as college places went. The company I worked for, I’m not going to name it for obvious reasons, rented out an entire apartment complex for their interns over the summer. So people working in different departments got to mix and mingle.

  I’d insisted we get there early, and so Matt was nice enough to get up with me at the ass crack of dawn so we could make the five hour drive to the city where my internship took place. Once again, I’m not going to reveal exactly where that was because that might be too much identifying information. Needless to say it was far enough away that Matt was only going to be able to visit a couple of times that summer, which also might have something to do with what ended up happening.

  I know, I know! I keep getting ahead of myself. Back to move in day.

  I wanted to get there early because I was going to have to share an apartment with three other girls. There were four to each unit and there was choice real estate and not so choice real estate in the room choices. I figured if I got there early enough I’d be able to stake my claim on the nicer room. The one with the attached bathroom.

  I should’ve known I was in trouble the instant I stepped out of Matt’s car. That was the moment I saw him. An impossibly gorgeous guy about my age carrying boxes into the apartment next door to mine. And he looked good as he was moving those boxes. He had his shirt off and he was just wearing a pair of basketball shorts and sandals down below. He looked like the kind of guy who spent plenty of time in the gym. Toned muscles, broad shoulders, muscular arms, and peeking out from behind the box he was lifting effortlessly I thought I could see the hint of a six pack as well.

  As he made his way over to his apartment, the door was wide open, he turned his back to the apartment and caught my eye. A lopsided grin appeared on his face and I was struck by his eyes. Deep brown eyes that were captivating. They were framed by tousled hair that looked like he’d just stepped out of the shower or something, and he was absolutely gorgeous.

  I felt a pang of guilt as he grinned at me. I quickly looked away and returned my attention to Matt. It’s not like Matt was a bad looking guy. There was just something about this new guy effortlessly moving heavy boxes into his apartment that caught my attention, that’s all. No big deal or anything. Whatever. I was here to move in, not to ogle the eye candy next door.

  So I pushed thoughts of a hot guy next door out of my mind as I raced into the apartment and made my way up to the choice room.

  “Anybody here?”

  The only thing that met me was silence. There were no boxes around the apartment. There were no sounds coming from anywhere. I did a little dance in the doorway as I realized that getting up early had definitely been worth it. We definitely got here in time for me to get the choice room!

  I practically ran up the stairs and opened the door. It was all mine. The biggest room in the house. The only room that had an attached bathroom, and it was all mine for the summer!

  Matt came in behind me carrying a box. He looked around.

  “So was it worth getting up so damn early?”

  “Totally worth it!”

  “So how are we doing this anyways?” Matt asked. “Do you want me to get more stuff from the car or start taking apart boxes?”

  “Let’s just get boxes first, worry about getting stuff out later.”

  I was careful to take the box and very clearly put it on the bed to mark this room in case a roommate showed up with the same idea I’d had. The bed was up against the wall facing the apartment next door. The one the hottie was moving into. I had windows that looked down on the parking lot. Down on my car. When I turned from the bed Matt had already disappeared. Already on his way down to get to the next box.

  I was about to do the same when a flash of movement outside caught my eye. I moved over to the window and peered out. And blushed as I realized I was staring straight down at the same hot neighbor I’d noticed moving boxes a moment ago! Only now that I was up here in the safe confines of my room I found myself staring a little longer. I found myself staring a little harder. Enjoying the view.

  He really was gorgeous. If I was perfectly honest he was probably a little hotter than Matt. Just thinking that sent a chill and a pang of guilt worming through me, but I couldn’t help it. It was just an objective fact. He had that tousled hair, those gorgeous brown eyes, a face that looked like it was sculpted. Though I was actually surprised he got away with that hairstyle considering he was probably here for an internship. That didn’t seem like the sort of thing the company would put up with. Whatever. Not my problem.

  He was moving a smaller box this time around so I had an opportunity to really get a good look at his muscles. He definitely had a six pack, and the rest of him look like a Greek god. I realized I was staring with my mouth open, and I was so intent on him that I didn’t realize I was lean
ing forward until my forehead banged against the window.

  I cursed as he immediately looked up towards the window. I pulled away so I didn’t get a chance to see his reaction. What the hell was I thinking anyways? Staring at another man, a man who I wasn’t engaged to, while my fiancé was right here with me helping me move in! That guilt just grew. It grew faster than the burning down between my legs. That guy was pretty. No, he was more than pretty, he was fucking hot! Only it wasn’t worth risking my relationship.

  Now where had that thought come from? Risking my relationship? I was just staring at him through a window. It was all completely innocent. At least that’s what I told myself at the time. Obviously that’s not what happened considering I’m writing this now.

  I passed Matt coming up the stairs on my way down to go and grab more boxes. He smiled and grunted something at me, but the box he carried was big so I didn’t try to stop him. I just got out of his way and kept right on down to the car. I decided to get one of the smaller boxes in the back seat and leave the bigger stuff for Matt. The problem was all of those were on the floor and really wedged in.

  I was leaning down with my ass sticking out trying to dislodge one of those smaller boxes when I heard a voice behind me.

  “Holy shit! If you’re my next-door neighbor than this is going to be one hell of a summer!”

  I moved up so quickly that I hit my head on the roof. I bit back a curse as I pulled out and immediately found myself face-to-face with my shirtless neighbor. A blush immediately rose to my cheeks as I realized exactly what he’d been doing. I was bent over with my ass sticking out and he’d been standing there the whole time just inches away from me no doubt looking down and getting an eyeful!

  Thoughts ran through my head. Impossible thoughts. Forbidden thoughts. The kind of thoughts that a woman with a diamond ring on her finger definitely shouldn’t be thinking about her sexy next-door neighbor no matter how hot he looked when his mouth was quirked up into a half smile. I couldn’t help myself. I looked him up and down. And I felt another flush rising through my body, I felt my nipples straining out towards him as he obviously saw me looking him up and down and chuckled. Then his eyes raked across my body once more and it was like those eyes were a heat ray running over me.

  “Excuse me?” I said.

  “Oh nothing,” he said. “Just enjoying the view here in the parking lot. I’m sure you know all about enjoying the view in the parking lot, don’t you?”

  My breathing picked up. He was so close to me! It was so wrong. He moved one arm up against the roof of my car and then he was practically pressing that muscular body against me. My breath came in ragged gasps and I bit my lip and looked away.

  I’d like to say that in the moment I felt panic at the thought of Matt walking out of the apartment and catching us like that. Catching me with some guy practically pressing his body against me. But the only thing I could think about was how delicious he looked. How warm his body felt. How he was so close that I could feel his warmth almost pressing against my body. His face, his body, his scent, his warmth, dominated my mind and crowded out any thoughts of Matt.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about…” I whispered.

  He chuckled again. It was a low confident chuckle. It was a laugh that told me he’d seen me checking him out when we got out of the car. He’d seen me checking him out from the window upstairs. It was a chuckle that said he didn’t care about the guy I’d obviously shown up with.

  “Sure you don’t,” he said.

  He turned and walked back towards his car, but not before looking over his shoulder, a perfectly sculpted shoulder, one last time. “I’m Jeff, by the way. Maybe we’ll see more of each other this summer.”

  I couldn’t think of anything to say. What could I say? This was completely unlike anything I’d ever had to deal with before. Matt and I ran in a fairly small circle of friends and everybody knew I was taken. Sure I saw guys glancing at me in the dining halls or in class, but I it’d been awhile since I’d actually had somebody hit on me! And it was definitely a long time since someone had hit on me in such a brazen manner, with my fiancé practically right next to us! I had to admit that intrigued me. His calm confidence was hot.

  At the time I told myself I was in the clear. That I’d done a good job of fending him off. I hadn’t said anything to encourage him despite what was running through my mind. There was a self satisfied part of me that was almost glad he’d tried that while Matt was here. Let him see that I was happy with another man! Let him see that he didn’t have a chance.

  I think we all know how that turned out.

  Matt gave me a funny look as he walked out towards the car, but if he’d seen anything he didn’t say anything. I felt a burning shame. Here I was out in the middle of the parking lot practically flirting with my new next-door neighbor while my fiancé who’d been nice enough to get up early and drive me all the way out here was busy taking boxes in. That made me feel almost as guilty as getting as close as I did to this Jeff guy. Not quite as guilty, but almost.

  I shook my head to clear away those thoughts. I had more important things to deal with than my confusing feelings about Jeff. Like the boxes that were still wedged in the back seat. I glanced over my shoulder to make sure Jeff wasn’t out in the parking lot to get another eyeful and was only slightly disappointed when I saw I was in the clear.

  2: Loud Music

  I didn’t think about that parking lot encounter for the rest of that day. Hell, I didn’t have time to think about that parking lot encounter for the rest of the week! I was busy meeting my roommates, getting to know all the people at my new internship, and getting acclimated to my new surroundings for the summer. Matt didn’t even stay that first night. There was so much stuff to do, and I had work the next morning. He helped me move and then he was gone.

  It felt strange not having him around for the first time in recent memory. Pretty much everything I did, my entire social life back home, revolved around hanging out with Matt. We had our group of friends that we went out with all the time and we were so busy during the week that most of our free time on the weekend was spent with each other.

  So I felt strangely adrift now that we were separated by a five-hour drive. Now that the only time we could spend together was text messaging and the occasional video chat. He wasn’t going to be able to visit for weeks thanks to his job and some summer classes. Not to mention I was so busy with work that it’s not like we would’ve been able to hang out much during the week like we usually did during the summer.

  I was truly on my own for the first time since I started undergrad. I was free for the first time since I started undergrad. And in a lot of ways I think it was that freedom that started down the path that led to what eventually happened. That started me down the path that led me to a place where I’m writing out these confessions.

  I really started down that path in earnest the next weekend. Friday night. I’d just gotten home from work and was changing out of my work clothes into some comfortable pajamas when it started. A loud blasting thumping noise. A blasting thumping noise that I could clearly hear through my walls. Hell, the walls were so paper thin that it made everything in my room start rattling. I glanced in the direction of those walls and bit back a curse. Whatever asshole was playing that music on the other side had another thing coming!

  In a flash I was out the out of my room tearing down the stairs towards the front door intending to give whoever was my counterpart in the room next door a piece of my mind.

  My roommates glanced at me and one of them moved to stand as well. The music was also loud and obvious in here. There wasn’t a chance in hell I was going to put up with this sort of thing for the entire summer!

  I threw open our front door and blinked in surprise. Jeff stood there. My parking lot bad boy. Mr. Muscles himself. The guy who had so captivated me on move-in day. The guy who was already making me think naughty thoughts looking at him standing in the door.

hand was poised where he’d been about to knock. His face broke into a smile when he saw me and his eyes ran up and down my body in much the same way they had on move-in day a week ago. I blushed under that gaze. It was so intense. He was looking at me like a hungry man. He was looking at me without even bothering to conceal his lust.

  And feeling a man look at me like that was a thrill. I’m not sure if it’s because I didn’t have any contact with Matt, I’m not sure if it was because I was feeling adrift and a little homesick, but there was something about his eyes on me that turned me on!

  “Is that your music?” I asked.

  I’m not sure why I said that. I was flabbergasted. I was completely out of sorts seeing him standing there. He was in a polo shirt that molded itself to his muscles and a pair of khaki shorts and sandals down below. The uniform of college guys the world over. A uniform that usually annoyed me, only I was definitely liking what I was seeing now.

  Apparently he was just as surprised by what I said. As surprised by my accusing tone. He blinked and shrugged, then a cocky smile moved across his face.

  “Well yeah,” he said. “You have to have music at a party. Are you coming?”

  My mouth worked but I wasn’t able to get anything out. A party? He was over here inviting us to a party? I hadn’t been to a party without Matt since… Well I actually couldn’t remember the last time I was at a party without Matt. The idea of going to a party without my fiancé almost felt like I was cheating on him. And as I looked Jeff up and down again I definitely felt like I’d be doing something wrong.


  My roommate Katie brushed past me and from the way she was looking Jeff up and down she clearly liked what she saw. I felt a stab of jealousy. A stab of jealousy that I had no right to, but there it was. The way she was brazenly looking him over made me want to reach out and claw her eyes out even though we’d gotten on well more or less otherwise. I’d seen him first. He was mine!


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