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Fiancee's Confessions: Move-In Day (A Hotwife Fantasy)

Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  And yet he wasn’t. I was engaged. I had no right to feel jealous because another woman was looking at him. Especially if he was unattached. Katie was unattached. There was nothing wrong with what she was doing.

  That didn’t stop it from sending me into a jealous rage. Inside. Outside I put on a fake smile that masked my irritation at her mooning over Jeff as much as it masked my irritation at Jeff for blasting that music, for making me think things an engaged girl shouldn’t think, for merely existing.

  “Yeah,” Jeff said. “I figured you all could come over and hang out with us. We’ve got drinks and everything!”

  I fully intended to say no. I opened my mouth to say no. Maybe if I’d spoken just a little sooner, just half a second before Katie’s hand wrapped around my wrist, I wouldn’t be telling you any of this. Maybe things would’ve happened differently that summer. Only I didn’t get it out. Katie was pulling me out of the apartment and shrieking about what a good time we were going to have as our other two roommates followed us out and I found myself going over to our neighbors’ apartment where the music was blasting.

  Chances are good things probably still would’ve happened the way they did that summer, but I like to think that I was one “no” away from preventing some of the heartache and betrayal that happened that summer.

  Of course that would also mean I was one “no” away from preventing something that’d change my relationship with Matt in wild ways I never could’ve anticipated. On balance I’d say it was a good thing I didn’t stay in that night, but I’m getting way ahead of myself.

  The important thing right now is the party and what happened there.

  3: Party Girl

  The party was unlike anything I’d experienced before. Usually when I got together with friends and my fiancé we were just hanging out and having fun. Maybe we’d watch a movie. Maybe we’d play video games or something. When the game was on that’d be playing in the background, but it was always just an excuse to socialize and have fun with friends. With people we’d known forever and were comfortable with.

  This was nothing like that. It was as though every stereotype about wild parties I’d ever seen in the movies came true, and it was coming true in the relatively tiny apartment next door. Booze everywhere. It looked like the neighbors raided a liquor store and stripped the shelves bare. I suppose that’s what you get when you have a bunch of college kids on a paid internship where their lodging is also paid for as part of the program. Lots of discretionary income.

  I was taking in the selection of alcohol in the kitchen when I felt a presence behind me. I felt someone warm, someone muscular, pressing against me ever so slightly. Then a muscled arm reached past me and grabbed a beer. A can popped as the beer opened right behind me. I turned and jumped and I was looking straight into Jeff’s eyes. He was staring down at me with that same intensity from move-in day. He was staring with the same intensity I’d felt when he met me at my door an hour ago.

  “Are you going to have anything?”

  “I’m not sure,” I said. “I’m not really a big beer drinker. I’m more a fan of the fruity stuff.”

  His face broke into a grin and I was still so conscious of how close he was. I was conscious of exactly how wonderful he looked. I wanted to reach out and run my hand along his six pack where it was obviously defined through the ridiculously tight polo he was sporting. Hell, the way I was feeling right now I wanted to reach out and run my tongue along his six pack.

  I had to mentally take hold of myself. I definitely shouldn’t be thinking things like that. The ring on my finger burned, but I couldn’t help myself. He was so damn hot! And this was so odd. I was so out of sorts because I didn’t have my fiancé here. Only what did that say about me that the moment I was away from Matt I started thinking these things? Was that because I had some inner slut that was only being held back by Matt’s presence or was it simply that Jeff was so damned hot that he was overwhelming all my defenses?

  I just didn’t know.

  “I’ve got something you might like,” Jeff said.

  You’re damn right he had something I might like. He had something I might like quite a lot thank you very much.

  He moved over to a kitchen counter on the other side, the kitchens were surprisingly spacious in these apartments, and pulled out a bottle of something green and Sprite.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  Jeff held up the bottle and inspected it for a moment. He turned to me and shrugged. “It’s green.”

  “No really. What is it?”

  “Sour Apple Pucker and Sprite,” he said. “It’s like drinking carbonated Kool-Aid with one hell of a kick. I’m sure you’ll love it.”

  He poured a little bit of Sprite into a cup and then he dumped a lot of the sour apple whatever-it-was in after it. I raised my eyebrows as he poured. That was a hell of a lot of alcohol, but then again I figured if it was anything like the fruity booze I usually downed then it probably didn’t have that much actual booze in it.

  He handed it over to me and I inspected it. Sniffed it. Took a sip. The kick was incredible. It was as though somebody had punched me in the chest! Okay, so this definitely had some actual booze in it.

  “Damn!” I said.

  “Has some kick, doesn’t it?”

  “Yeah! But it’s fucking good!”

  Jeff chuckled and looked me up and down. And suddenly I wasn’t just feeling the warmth from the alcohol that was settling in my stomach. No, the way he was staring at me, the way he was openly weighing me and obviously thinking about fucking me, sent a chill down my spine and got me good and wet down between my legs.

  I don’t know what it was, but I suddenly felt panic rising inside me. Panic at the thought of what I was thinking about this man. Panic that I was getting so turned on by a man who wasn’t my fiancé.

  “Thanks for the drink,” I said.

  I moved to make my way out of the kitchen. Jeff started moving at the same time forcing me to brush past him as I made my way into their living room. He looked down at me with a half smile on his face and I heard him breathing in sharply as my body brushed against him. Hell, I felt like taking in a sharp breath of my own, though I didn’t give him the satisfaction. His body felt so good! Don’t get me wrong. Matt was in good shape. Matt worked out. But Jeff was completely different. Powerful. Muscular. The tips of my nipples brushed against him and I saw him raise an eyebrow. I blushed, looked down, and scrambled into the living room where I found a place on the couch to nurse my drink in relative peace.

  Not that there was much peace with that music blasting and people writhing all around us. These apartments were a decent size, especially for a college place, but like I said it became relatively small when a bunch of people started pressing in and treating it like a dance floor.

  I sat next to some guy I didn’t recognize. He smiled and held out a hand, yelling to be heard over the music pumping from that damned sound system hidden somewhere upstairs. “Hi! I’m Will.”

  I smiled and took his hand. He seemed nice enough. He had one of those friendly faces, and more importantly he wasn’t looking me up and down like I was a piece of meat. He wasn’t looking me up and down as though he was thinking about all the different positions he’d like to get me in. He still looked me over, but he was polite about it at least. Polite compared to that cocky jerk Jeff.

  “You live here?”

  “Yup! I got stuck with the downstairs apartment so there’s not a chance I’m getting any sleep tonight. Jeff got here before anyone else so he got the nice one in the front upstairs.”

  I laughed and decided I wasn’t going to mention that I’d done the exact same thing. I guess great minds thought alike. That also explained why he was the only one of these guys I actually saw when I showed up for move-in day. He was the only one to bother to show up early enough to get his pick of the rooms.

  I looked out onto the living room, dance floor, whatever. Music was blasting, but it definitely wasn’t comi
ng from the television in this room. No, it was coming from upstairs. Judging by the layout back in our apartment it was coming from his room. His room which was right next to mine. It looked like I wasn’t going to be getting much sleep while Jeff was in a partying mood either.

  My eyes fell on him as he swayed back and forth with some girl I didn’t recognize. She definitely wasn’t one of my roommates. The place was full, people were still coming in, I was starting to feel claustrophobic, and yet I couldn’t help but watch as Jeff moved back and forth. As he ran his hands up and down that girl. She wasn’t nearly as pretty as I was and I wasn’t sure what a guy like him was doing wasting his time with her, and then I caught myself.

  What was I thinking? Why would I care who he was dancing with or how attractive she was? Why should I give a damn whether or not I was hotter than the girl he was dancing with for that matter?

  This was getting dangerous. I shouldn’t have been thinking that sort of thing about a guy who wasn’t the one who put the engagement ring on my finger. And yet I couldn’t pull my eyes away from him. He knew how to move. His body was like a live serpent as he swayed back and forth. I never saw guys who could dance like he did. The way he moved with her body. The way she was grinding against him. My mouth fell open as I imagined I was the one out on the dance floor with him. That I was the one grinding my ass against his cock. That I was the lucky one feeling his body pressing against mine, feeling those muscles pressed up against my back.

  I closed my eyes and I must’ve let out a quiet moan because I suddenly felt somebody jostling my shoulder. I turned, being ripped back to reality, and blinked as Will came into focus looking at me with concern.

  “Are you okay?”

  I shook my head. I couldn’t believe what I’d just been doing! Imagining dancing up close to some other guy! Not that I danced with Matt like that very often. Dancing wasn’t really his thing so it wasn’t something I ever get an opportunity to do even if I enjoyed it. But still, that was no excuse for feeling jealous of fantasizing that I was some random girl dancing with some random guy who I barely knew.

  I looked down at my drink and blinked. The whole thing was gone! Now when had I found the time to do that? And yet I couldn’t deny that I was starting to feel the effects of the drink. A familiar lightheaded buzzed feeling was settling just behind my forehead and I was starting to feel a little giggly.

  Not good considering the state I was already in.

  As I looked back over the impromptu dance floor in the middle of the living room and saw Jeff continuing to dance with that girl, saw her turn around and lift her leg up until they were practically dry humping in the middle of his living room, I found my thoughts drifting again. Drifting to how wonderful it would be if I was the one who was grinding against him. Too how forbidden it would be, and yet I couldn’t deny how sexy the thought was. I was drawn to him. I was like a moth to a flame. I couldn’t help myself. And I needed to stop myself from getting burned by that flame.

  I shook my head and turned to Will. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.”

  Will shrugged and smiled. “I’ll take your cup.”


  I pushed my way through the crowded room. It was starting to feel like everybody who lived in this apartment complex was coming over to their place. I really hoped this wasn’t going to start being a thing, because I really wanted to be able to sleep on the weekend. It was just my luck that our apartment happened to be next to an apartment full of guys who decided to be the summer internship social hub. Guys who thought a good time was inviting the entire apartment complex over for drinks and loud music.

  I pushed through the press of bodies and suddenly he was right in front of me. He took a pull from his beer and smiled down at me. A cocky arrogant smile. A smile that said he knew exactly what I was thinking. At least I felt like he knew exactly what I was thinking. Once more his eyes took in my entire body, that seemed to just be a thing with him whenever he approached me, and he didn’t even bother to try and hide what he was doing like most guys would. And rather than being pissed off I felt a chill run down my spine instead. That also seemed to be a thing with me now. Damn it.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  “Leaving so soon?”

  I decided a lie was in order. “I’m not feeling well.”

  He chuckled and I could tell he didn’t believe a word I was saying, but I didn’t give a fuck what he thought of what I was saying. I needed to get out of here. I was starting to feel a panic attack come on. Not from the crowd, but from the notion that the more I hung out here, the more I watched him, the more I drank, the closer I got to doing something that Matt and I would both regret.

  “Too bad you’re leaving,” he said. “That could have been you out on the dance floor. I was hoping that would be you out there sometime tonight.”

  I close my eyes and took in a deep breath. I tried to ignore the way his words sent little tingles running from my stomach straight down to my pussy. I tried to ignore the impossible warmth that ran through my body as he admitted it was me he wanted grinding against him out on the dance floor.

  I was surprised that I felt vindicated. That I felt a sense of smug satisfaction that he was thinking of me while he was with that girl. I was also horrified. That had to be the alcohol doing the thinking. That was definitely one more reason why I needed to get the hell out of here!

  “Whatever,” I said. “I’m engaged. And I need to go.”

  Jeff stepped to the side revealing the door behind him. He smiled and gestured towards the door.

  “Be my guest,” he said. “But I think you’ll be back.”

  I rolled my eyes and ignored that the final jab. Let him think whatever he wanted. I definitely wasn’t going to come back to another one of these parties. Now that I knew how I reacted to him with alcohol in my system I definitely wasn’t going to put myself in this position again. I definitely wasn’t going to be drinking while I was in the same room as Jeff!

  I pushed past him and then I was out in the warm summer air. I took a couple of deep breaths and listened to my ears ringing in the relative silence as the music pumped in the apartment behind me. Of course now that I was out I didn’t know what I was going to do. It was still too loud for sleep.

  I strolled over to my apartment and realized I didn’t have my keys. I’d been yanked out in such a hurry that I hadn’t bothered to grab them. I growled in frustration, thinking that I was going to have to go back over to their apartment and get one of my roommates. I hoped one of them had bothered to grab the keys.

  Only when my hand turned the doorknob it opened. I moved in and looked around, but nobody was in there. None of my roommates were in there, and thankfully there also weren’t any robbers or rapists or anything like that around either. I rolled my eyes. We were definitely going to have to have a conversation about security.

  The music still pumping through our apartment reminded me of what was going on next door, but at least I wasn’t in the other apartment anymore. At least I’d removed myself from temptation. I sighed in relief as I moved up to my room, not realizing the impossible temptation that was waiting for me up there.

  I’d gotten away from Jeff, but I was still buzzed and Jeff was going to come and find me in a strange way I never would’ve imagined before it happened.

  4: Thin Walls

  I stumbled a few times as I made my way up the stairs and when I got to my room I had to hold onto the door for a moment while everything spun around me. I’d heard about people getting drunk like this, but I’d never been this drunk before.

  It didn’t help that the music was still blasting. Or that it was coming straight from the room on the other side of the wall. His room. I licked my lips and stared at the wall, imagined what it would be like if I had x-ray vision and I could see through. See him changing in the morning. See those rippling muscles.

  I shook my head to clear out those thoughts and immediately regretted that decision. Shaking my head
just started everything in the room spinning again. The last thing I needed was more spinning.

  I moved over to my bed and flopped down on my stomach. At least when I was on the bed things were sort of still. If I closed my eyes and cocked my head just right the room sort of stayed put. I opened my eyes and looked over to my computer, briefly considered hopping online and seeing if Matt was on, and decided against it. The last thing I needed was a drunk video chat with Matt.

  Okay. No computer tonight. No anything but lying on the bed waiting for this alcohol haze to clear out. If I was lucky I’d fall asleep and this would all be a bad memory tomorrow morning. Only it was going to be really hard to fall asleep with that music.

  As though that thought had some sort of magical properties the music died down. Just a little bit. Enough that I could hear voices on the other side of the wall.

  I hadn’t paid attention to the voices through the wall before even though I’d heard them loud and clear. Only now I started listening. I scooted across the bed closer to the wall so I could hear. That was Jeff’s room, and that meant the male voice I heard had a good chance of belonging to Jeff. I know that seems like simple logic, but to my drunk brain that was the sort of logical leap worthy of Sherlock fucking Holmes himself.

  I couldn’t make out what was being said in there but I could tell there were two voices. Jeff’s was obvious, a sexy muted muffled mumbling filtered through the wall. The other voice definitely sounded feminine. He had a girl in there! I felt a stab of jealousy as I thought about the girl he’d been dancing with in their living room and I also felt a stab of guilt quickly on the heels of that stab of jealousy. I had no right to feel jealous of whatever whore he was in there with. I had no right to any feelings regarding that asshole.

  I was engaged to be married. The last thing I needed to do was get all proprietary about some guy I wasn’t dating. Some guy I wasn’t engaged to.


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