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The Journey To Become The Perfect Werewolf

Page 10

by Olive P. Farley

  “Stay loose. You don't want to tense. After blocking, you may need to counter.” He advised me. We practiced while he threw a few practice hits while I tried to block them. After the first few blows, I started to get the hang of it. Gabriel showed me how to roll the hit and then use my position to counter. We practiced that for a while too. By the time we stopped, it was close to noon. I was exhausted and covered in sweat from practicing and sparring with Gabriel. He, on the other hand, had barely even broke a sweat. He obviously was a lot more used to this than me. Though, from what he said, he'd been training daily from age 12 to 18. I had a few hours worth of training. I hoped stamina would come in time.

  “You're doing great, Carrie!” Gabriel said encouragingly. “How about we get cleaned up and I take you to the village for lunch?” I nodded. I was very curious about the village and the other wolves.

  “That sounds great!” I said and dashed off to get cleaned up. I decided to take a shower to save time. I stripped off my clothes and washed up. After I got out, I went and got a pair of jeans and a pale blue blouse. I wore the flats I had bought. I decided to wear my long hair down for once. I dried it and brushed it until I was satisfied with how it looked. I wanted to look pretty for Gabriel. For once, I had wished I had some makeup. I hadn't thought to get any since I rarely ever wore any. But some eyeliner and blush would have come in handy. I shrugged. Natural look it is.

  I finished getting ready and went to find Gabriel. He was sitting in the living room. He had put on a pair of faded looking jeans and a slate gray shirt. I could help but appreciate how hunky Gabriel was. The shirt was tight in the arms and chest, showcasing Gabriel's sculpted physique. I was sure people would wonder why someone as attractive as Gabriel was with me.

  He stood up and walked over to me. Taking each of my hands in his. My wolf had a moment when he touched me. She was begging to be marked. I had noticed she was becoming louder and louder in her need for this. Still, I ignored it and smiled up to Gabriel.

  “Ready to go?” He asked. I nodded. “Great! There is a little cafe in town. They have the best burgers”

  “A burger sounds amazing!” I said and we headed out the door. Gabriel opened the door for me and I got in the car. Then he got in and started the car. After he backed out, he took my hand and drove to the village.

  The village wasn't far. Only about 10 miles from Gabriel's house. It took us maybe 15 minutes to get there. The first place I noticed was the pack hospital. It seemed to be just outside of the village. It barely looked like a hospital at all. More like an oversized urgent care. After we passed it I saw the other buildings come into view. First there was a small gas station. Then there was a small neighborhood of homes that seemed to wrap around the village center. In the center there were a few buildings that seemed like city buildings as well as a large house or apartment building. I wasn't really sure what that was. Then there were a few shops. A mini-market, a consignment shop, a hardware shop and of course the cafe. We parked in a lot adjacent to the cafe.

  The first thing I noticed when we got out was the smell. I was so used to the smell of a human town. I had no idea that a wolf village would smell so different but it did. It smelled of the woods and was just earthy. I don't know how else to explain it but the scent was comforting. As we got close to the cafe, all the tasty smells hit me. The smell of french fries and other fried foods and grilled meat made my stomach rumble. Gabriel opened the door for me and we walked in. The cafe was old fashioned. A burger shop with the counter seating as well as booths. There were families and couples all enjoying burgers and milkshakes. As we walked past a few tables, a few people greeted Gabriel while I got a few curious stares. Gabriel found an open booth near the back and we sat down. Within a moment a super perky young girl came to our table.

  “Hi Beta Gabriel!” She said excitedly. It seemed like she had a little crush on Gabriel. Couldn't even blame the girl. He was hot.

  “Can I get you both something to drink?” She asked.

  “Yes, thank you. I want a strawberry shake. What would you like Carrie?” He asked.

  “Ummm…” I delayed as I quickly looked at the menu. “Chocolate peanut butter shake, please.” I ordered.

  “Are you ready to order or would you like me to order the milkshakes while you look?” She asked.

  “Just put in the shakes. We'll be ready in a few minutes Brittany.” Gabriel answered. Brittany basically skipped away as Gabriel and I looked at the menu. I decided on a bacon cheeseburger with cheese fries.

  I put down the menu and looked to Gabriel. I was a little surprised to see that Gabriel was sitting there watching me.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are?” Gabriel asked me. I blushed, feeling awkward.

  “Thank you.” I said. Gabriel looked at me weird and then smirked.

  “You didn't answer my question.” He said. “ You really don't know, do you?” He said as if amazed. I felt my cheeks grow even redder. I was glad when Brittany returned and I was able to avoid any further questions.

  “Are you ready?” She asked in a very peppy voice. She gave us our milkshakes.

  “Yes,” I quickly answered. I didn't want Gabriel to shoo her off so he could question me about my perception of myself. “I'd like a bacon cheeseburger and an order of cheese fries.” I ordered and handed her the menu. Then she turned to Gabriel.

  “And for you Beta?” She asked.

  “I'll take the same as her.” He replied and winked. I found myself growing jealous when he winked at her. It was silly. The girl was a teenager. But something about Gabriel winking at her made my wolf feel possessive. I had to fight down the urge to threaten poor Brittany.

  Our food came pretty quickly. It was hot and delicious and I devoured it in a very unladylike manner. Gabriel didn't seem to notice though as he finished his food faster than I did. After we finished eating, Brittany came back with the check. She handed it to Gabriel and then she waited.

  “Beta Gabriel,” she said, getting his attention.

  “Yes, Brittany.” He said.

  “Well, everyone here keeps asking and I'm not really sure what to say but they all keep asking me so I figured I would just ask you but you don't have to answer of course but I kinda hope you do because I kinda want to know too but…” she rambled. She said it all so fast I had to wonder if she had been rehearsing this in her head.

  “What did you want to ask Brittany?” Gabriel asked, interrupting her.

  “Who is she?” She asked looking at me.

  Chapter 25

  Gabriel smiled at me as Brittany stood there waiting for an answer. Then he stood up and addressed the entire cafe. Oh no.

  “Hi everyone. I know you guys are all curious about who I am here with.” He started. I was sitting there wishing I could turn invisible.

  “This is Carrie, and she's my mate.” He said. All eyes turned to me. I sat there awkwardly. I smiled weakly and waved, unsure of what else to do. Then Gabriel came over and took my hand, making me stand up with him. I hated being the center of attention like this. All I wanted to do was run away or disappear but instead I just clung to Gabriel. I still had his hand in mine and was squeezing it pretty hard. People started coming up to say hello. Gabriel and I were congratulated over and over. I tried my best to be polite but it was hard for me to do this. When Gabriel announced we were leaving a few minutes later, I was so relieved. He took my hand and led me out of the cafe and we got in the car.

  I let out a few long breaths. I realized I had been holding my breath some while we were standing.

  “Are you okay?” Gabriel asked, concerned. I looked at him and tried to smile reassuringly.

  “I'm fine. I just get anxious when I'm the center of attention like that.” I told him. I saw Gabriel frown but he didn't say anything. I wondered if my shyness disappointed him.

  We drove out of the village but I realized we weren't heading back to the house.

  “Where are we going?” I asked. We had left the village from the oppo
site side of where we had entered it.

  “I want to take you somewhere. It's somewhere special.” He told me.

  “Ok.” I responded. I was curious. I wanted to see more of Gabriel's world. I just hoped this place was less crowded. We drove along a curvy, country road. Gabriel seemed to know it well as he took every turn with ease. We were definitely going to higher ground. That was all I knew. After driving for about twenty minutes Gabriel pulled over and parked. He stopped, taking something from the trunk before he opened my door and took my hand. I saw a little dirt path and Gabriel and I walked hand in hand. The path seemed to be leading to an open field but as we walked a little further, I realized we were at an overlook of sorts.

  The view was beautiful. You could see the entire village with the woods and wilderness behind it. I saw Gabriel take the item he had retrieved from the trunk. It was a blanket. He laid it down, pulling me down to sit with him. He wrapped his arms around me and I laid my head against his chest.

  “I love coming here.” He told me, taking my hand. I still loved the sparks when he touched me. We laid there like that for a while. Quiet, just enjoying the view. Then the sun started to set and the view became even more spectacular.

  “I know that it's a lot to take on.” Gabriel started. “But it's my job to protect this village. To keep our wolves safe. And when we are fully mated and you're officially in the pack, it will be your job too.” He explained. I felt myself growing uncomfortable. This little town felt like home to me but I just wasn't sure I could be what they expected. I hated being the center of attention. I wasn't a fighter. How could I protect anyone?

  “We will keep training Carrie.” He said as if he was reading my mind again. “Once we get you trained in the basics, you can start sparring with the rest of the pack.” I nodded. Waiting to spar with other members was a good plan. I would probably go down so easy at the present and then I would embarrass Gabriel.

  “Okay. That sounds like a good plan.” I said and tried to smile reassuringly. I didn't think I could do this but I didn't want to say that to Gabriel.

  We laid there and watched the sun set. The sky had started with shades of pink, yellow and orange and then turned to orange, pink and purple. I stared in awe. The sunset was so beautiful. Like a painting. Even after the sun had set, the view was breathtaking. Now the sky was dark with still a tint of pink and purple and the first few stars had become visible.

  “It's so beautiful.” I said to Gabriel. He didn't respond. I realized he was asleep. Poor guy. He had been up all night patrolling last night. I had completely forgot he hadn't slept or I would have made him rest. He had been up with me all day. I considered just laying down with him and sleeping here but I thought we would be more comfortable in bed. I softly shook Gabriel until he woke.

  “Let's go home.” I said. We stood and I gathered up the blanket and we made our way back to the car and back to Gabriel's home. Tonight Gabriel and I would rest. I had no idea what tomorrow would bring.

  Chapter 26

  I woke up early the next day but Gabriel had woken up before me. He had already made coffee and eggs for us both and I thanked him. We ate quickly and I went to change before we went into the backyard to train for a while. Gabriel taught me a few more moves. How to do some combination hitting. He taught me how to block more and he taught me how to kick with force.

  “Great job, Carrie!” He said beaming at me. I blushed, feeling encouraged that I was doing well. “You are strong. That's good. You have good instincts. Once you have the basics mastered, I think you'll be a great fighter!” I know he was trying to encourage me. To build me up. But my self esteem in this area was so low that it was like trying to build a mountain out of sand. Everytime he praised me, I could only think of how badly I would let him down if I failed. I shook off the thought and tried to smile at Gabriel.

  We trained for hours. We trained until my muscles ached and I had to stop.

  “You did great!” Gabriel said and I smiled. I had worked very hard today and every sore muscle I had was proof of it. I felt like I really was getting better. I just wasn't sure I was going to be good enough. I was pretty sure I could hold my own with a human fighter at this point. But with another wolf, I really wasn't sure. Gabriel must have noticed how lost in thought I was.

  “Wanna go for a run?” He asked. I looked at him as if he had grown another head.

  “Ummm...I can barely walk. I am going to be insanely sore tomorrow. I don't know if a run is a good plan right now.” I said.

  “Actually, it might help.” He said and I snorted. “No, really. If we shift, you won't be as sore. Your wolf heals faster than you.” He told me. Well, that's convenient.

  “Okay. I guess we could but… could we do one thing first?” I asked.

  “What do you want to do?” He asked, eyes twinkling. I knew what he was hoping for but that wasn't what I was thinking.

  “I was thinking we could take a quick swim in the pond.” I said. I was hot and sweaty. A swim sounded nice. He hesitated.

  “I don't think that's a good idea. The pond is pretty but not really good for swimming. Fishing maybe but not swimming.”

  “Why?” I asked. I hadn't swam in many ponds but I couldn't see the harm in it.

  “Well, this pond has leeches.” He explained. Eww. “Most freshwater like this does but since this isn't a very deep pond and it doesn't circulate, it has a lot.” Ok. Swimming in the pond is a no go.

  “I do know of a pretty little spring a few miles away.” He offered. “The water is pretty clear and there aren't any leeches that I know of.”

  “Okay!” I said. I just wanted to swim and this spring sounded awesome. Gabriel and I quickly took off our clothes and threw them in the house. Before we shifted, I noticed Gabriel eyeing me up and down.

  “See anything you like?” I asked playfully.

  “Yes, I do.” He replied and licked his lips. Such a small act on his part but it sent a shock of desire through me. I started thinking about all the things he did with those lips. I quickly got embarrassed. I was aroused. I looked at Gabriel and saw his eyes darken as he smelled my arousal. Damn werewolves, I thought. Can't hide a thing from this man.

  “Let's go to the spring.” I said. I still wanted to swim and if I let things get steamy now, we would never leave the house. Not only that but I still felt gross and sweaty. A swim would at least get some of the grime off.

  We both started to shift. I moaned and I felt my bones pop and body change. My muscles were stretching and it hurt but also felt wonderful. After we shifted we started to run. Gabriel led the way since he knew where the spring was. We ran faster and faster and I loved how powerful I felt in my golden wolf form. My wolf was so happy to be free and I felt that happiness as well. Gabriel was fast but I was able to keep up with him. I wished we could talk but we couldn't. Gabriel had said once I was marked we would be able to communicate or when I was part of the pack. It made me wonder why he hadn't tried to mark me yet. Was he waiting for me to prove my worth?

  We finally reached a little clearing in the woods. I followed Gabriel as he led me over a little rocky creek with shallow water running through. My paws were in the water and I could feel the coolness of it. We walked down the creek for a bit before we hit a tiny waterfall. Gabriel jumped down by the edge of the creek and I followed. At the bottom of the tiny fall was a beautiful little pool of water. It looked pretty deep and the water looked so clean and clear. I could even see a fish swimming a few feet down. The little waterfall only made it more beautiful. Gabriel shifted and jumped in. He went under for a second but then came back up and swam over to me.

  “Get in!” He said as he splashed me. I playfully growled at him and trotted off, head held high as if I was offended. I walked back to the edge and jumped back onto the top of the waterfall. Not wanting Gabriel to figure out what I was up to, I quickly jumped off the waterfall and into the water, in my wolf form. I briefly saw Gabriel's surprised expression as I hit the water, making a massive sp
lash with my large wolf form. I waited until I surfaced to shift and immediately started laughing. Gabriel was laughing too and swam over to me and pulled me close to him.

  “You little minx.” He said and then he kissed me. I decided to mess with him a little more and broke off the kiss and swam away. Gabriel quickly figured out my game and started to chase me around the pool of water. At one point he grabbed my ankle as I tried to get away. I let out a playful scream as he caught me and pulled me close. I was turned away from him and he started to kiss my neck. I briefly surrendered, enjoying the tingles Gabriel sent through my body. Then his hands cupped my breasts.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk” I said playfully, removing his hands. “Did I say you could have me?” I challenged him. He chuckled.

  “Are you teasing me Carrie?” He demanded.

  “Me?” I asked innocently. I was enjoying this little game. “I would never!” I responded before grinding my backside against Gabriel. He gasped in surprise and I took the opportunity to scramble away.

  “Carrie!” He called out but I ignored him. I quickly swam to the edge and climbed out. I climbed up to the top of the fall again and stood there, taunting Gabriel with the sight of my naked body. I looked at Gabriel expecting to see his eyes full of lust but instead he looked shocked and worried. Had I gone too far? I wondered.

  “Carrie, get back in the water now.” He said quietly through gritted teeth. And that was when I smelled it. Another wolf was nearby, but this wolf smelled different than the other wolves. This one smelled foul and rotten. I turned around and saw a large scraggly brown wolf advancing on me. It must be a rogue, I thought. Shit. I dove back into the pool of water with Gabriel and heard the rogue growl loudly in response.

  Chapter 27

  I hit the water, my heart pounding in my chest, and quickly swam over to Gabriel. He pulled me up and out of the water. The rogue wolf was now standing at the top of the waterfall, growling menacingly. Gabriel moved me so I was standing behind him.


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