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The Journey To Become The Perfect Werewolf

Page 15

by Olive P. Farley

  “Yes, he is Mani. So tonight was the first time you've talked to her?” He asked and I nodded. “Wow. I had no idea you weren't hearing her normally.” He responded.

  “Me either.” I told him. I kissed Gabriel again and was surprised when he returned the kiss aggressively. He pressed me down, pinning me to the mattress as he hungrily devoured my mouth. He broke the kiss to take a breath and his eyes were dark, almost black.

  “Carrie, it's Mani. He smells Aeliana much stronger now. If we make love, I'm not sure I can control him.” He told me. I found myself strangely turned on by his admission.

  Then I felt Aeliana. She wanted this too. She wanted Mani. I kissed Gabriel again and felt Aeliana start to take control as well. Gabriel started to ravage my mouth and I lightly bit his lip as he pulled away. He growled and stood up, basically ripping the clothes from his body. I could see Mani was in control now. It excited me and Aeliana. She was in control too now. I was simply a spectator in my own body.

  Gabriel gripped my legs, pulling my body to him as he settled between them. He licked and sucked on my neck making me gasp and start panting. I was growing wet and he had barely touched me. Suddenly, Gabriel flipped me over. I was on all fours now. Aeliana was basically purring. I felt Gabriel nuzzling my neck as his hand slipped between my legs. He started to rub me from behind while he continued to nip and lick at my neck where I was marked. The sensation was so intense. I could feel everything despite Aeliana being in control. Then Gabriel slipped a finger inside as he continued. He moved behind me and I blushed thinking of how exposed I was. His fingers continued to pump in and out. Aeliana protested as he withdrew his finger but started to moan loudly as he started again, this time with two fingers. He started to use his other hand to rub my clit and within seconds my body was trembling and I was screaming with pleasure. I felt myself orgasm and gasped again as his mouth closed over my clit and sucked hard. He pushed on my back, forcing me to arch my back further, giving him easier access to my sex. He licked and sucked me until I was screaming in ecstasy again. Then he was on the bed. I gasped as he pulled me on top of him. My sex was right over his mouth and he continued his sweet torture.

  His hardness was right in front of me. Before I could process, we were sucking and licking on him too. I was glad Aeliana was in control. The sensations from what Gabriel was doing made it impossible for me to concentrate. I moaned as we pleased each other. After I orgasmed again, Gabriel moved me off of him and got behind me. He entered me in a single stroke and started to thrust in and out, getting faster and rougher with every stroke. At this point, he was getting so rough it borderlining on painful.

  “Oh yes, Mani, yes!” I heard my voice cry out. I shuddered again as another orgasm racked my body and Gabriel cried out as he poured his seed inside of me.

  We both collapsed in a heap, panting as we tried to catch our breath. Gabriel looked into my eyes and I watched as the darkness faded and his blue/gray eyes returned to normal. I felt Aeliana slip away as well. Satisfied, she had given me back full control. Gabriel kissed me again and I snuggled close, my head laying on his chest. I fell asleep listening to the rhythm of his heart.

  Chapter 38

  The next day Gabriel and I decided to resume training. I still wanted to look into my birth parents but since my only way to do that was finding my adoptive parents, I had decided to wait. Gabriel and I sparred for a while in the backyard. Now with Aeliana more present, I found training easier. She seemed to make me stronger. She made my reflexes faster. Gabriel and I were both surprised at how well I was doing.

  Jon stopped by in the afternoon. Gabriel and I had just broke for lunch. Gabriel had someone stock the kitchen with groceries earlier in the day.

  “I'm going to make some sandwiches. Would you like one Jon?” I asked.

  “Yes. Thank you.” Jon replied. I took off to the kitchen and let Jon and Gabriel talk. It didn't take long before I had three tasty sandwiches ready. I came out of the kitchen and handed one to both of them before heading back to get mine. When I came back out, Gabriel filled me in on their conversation.

  “Jon talked to the elders. They did have some information. Apparently, your ability is not uncommon. There have been a few lines of wolves that carried this ability.” Gabriel explained.

  “Apparently, it was a few generations ago and their descendants are scattered around.” Jon added. “The elders said that the ability doesn't present itself in all of the descendants though. Only certain ones.”

  I was getting excited with this news. Maybe this could narrow down who my parents were.

  “So is there a way to know who has the ability? Do they know what other wolves out there have it?” I asked eagerly. Jon shook his head and I felt the enthusiasm drain from my body.

  “Our oldest elder is the only one who had knowledge of this line. He had met one of the descendants in his youth and they had confided in him. He said the original line had ten children and they were all pretty prolific. There could be hundreds of wolves from their bloodline. But he did say the wolf he knew had other powers.” I felt my heart quicken. Other powers?

  “What!?” I asked.

  “They varied. Some were basically walking lie detectors. Others could manipulate other wolves thoughts and also humans as well. Some even had control of some of the elements. Each one was unique though.” I frowned. So most likely I had some kind of ability. It was frustrating though that this new information didn't tell me what those abilities were. I sighed. I guess there would be no shortcuts. I would have to train more as Aeliana had said.

  “Your abilities will come. Be patient. Now that I am no longer suppressed, it's only a matter of time.” Aeliana assured me.

  “Thank you for asking the elders, Jon.” I said. We were all quiet for a while. We ate our sandwiches as we all digested this new information. It seemed so strange and I couldn't help but think of how much my life had changed in the short time I had been here. Here I was talking to my wolf inside my head, trying to figure out who my birth parents were, and trying to find out what special abilities I might possess. It was surreal.

  ”Carrie and I have been training all morning. She's doing really well.” Gabriel told Jon. It made my heart swell to hear Gabriel express how well I was doing. “I think she'll be ready soon to start training on the training grounds with the rest of the pack.” Gabriel continued. Jon looked at me seemingly impressed. Then I saw a mischievous look cross his face and he winked at me as he started teasing Gabriel.

  “Is that your unbiased opinion?” He started. “Because I'm not sure you can be unbiased where Carrie is concerned.” He continued. Gabriel got a funny smile on his face.

  “You're such a dick, Jon.” He said and they both laughed.

  “In all seriousness though, let Carrie spar with me. You might be taking it easy on her and not even realize it.” This seemed to annoy Gabriel. He looked to me.

  “It's fine.” I assured him. I was starting to feel more confident in my abilities. “I want to see how I do.” I admitted. There was no doubt Gabriel was strong but I thought he was taking it easy. He didn't want to hurt me and I loved how protective he was but I wanted to see what I was capable of.

  We all went out into the backyard and Jon and I stood facing each other. I took a defensive stance.

  “He's bigger than us, so we have to be faster.” Aeliana advised me. Jon started to circle me. He had his knees bent and I felt he might make his move at any second. I prepared to block him. Jon suddenly moved and kicked out his leg, intending to knock me off my feet but I had seen it coming. I jumped back, avoiding his blow. He chuckled.

  “Very good, Carrie. But I'm just getting started.” He said as he again started to circle me. I realized he was trying to intimidate me but Aeliana wasn't having it.

  “Breathe. Watch his movements. Try to anticipate his next move.” She told me. I did as she said and took a deep breath as Jon continued to circle me. I saw Jon start to extend his left arm only to realize he hadn't moved.
I was confused for a second and then I saw Jon start to move. I immediately dodged his left jab and realized I had seen it before he had done it. Again, I saw Jon whip around and try again to kick me off my feet, seconds before he attempted it. Prepared, I jumped in the air and extended my foot, making contact with his chest as he lowered himself to kick out. Jon went flying back with shocked expression. We stopped fighting and both men looked at me in awe. Gabriel was the first to speak.

  “ did you do that?” He asked me. I looked at both of them confused. Wasn't this a good thing? Hadn't I just proven myself. I had expected them to be proud but instead they both looked almost horrified.

  “Carrie, you just knocked down our Alpha.” Gabriel said. “I can't even do that.” He finished. Now my jaw was hanging open. I looked at Jon and saw the surprise and admiration on his face as well.

  “I'm tempted to ask for a rematch.” Jon admitted. “How did you move so fast? It's like you knew what I was going to do before I did it.” Jon finished. They both stared at me waiting for me to say something. Finally I looked ay Jon.

  “I did.” I responded. “I knew exactly what you were going to do. I saw it.” Both men were speechless. They just stared at me as if I hadn't spoken english.

  “What do you mean, you saw it?”

  Chapter 39

  We all stood there in awkward silence for a few moments. Then Jon repeated his question.

  “What do you mean, you saw it?” He said.

  “That's what I mean. I saw it.” I tried to think how to explain it. “The instant before you did something, I would see what you were about to do.” I explained. They were both staring at me again. I was starting to feel like a freak at the circus. Gabriel and Jon exchanged a look. I could tell they were speaking through the mind link and it started to make me mad. I focused on Gabriel to see if I might hear what he was thinking.

  “Do you think this is her special ability?”

  “I don't know. I guess. What else could it be?”

  “I don't know. It's crazy though. And I thought she was weak. Haha.”

  “I told you she wasn't.”

  I narrowed my eyes at the two of them. Nothing they were saying was offensive. What was offensive was that they were intentionally not including me in the conversation.

  “I don't see why you two are trying to leave me out of the conversation. It's rude. And I already knew you thought I was weak, Jon.” I finished before storming inside. I realized my abilities were new to them. They were new to me too. Still, there was no valid reason for them to talk about me through the mind link like that.

  Gabriel and Jon came inside a few moments later. I was sitting on the couch and just sat there glaring at both of them.

  “Finished talking about me?” I asked. Gabriel flushed a little.

  “I'm sorry, Carrie.” Gabriel said. “We didn't mean anything by it. We are just used to talking that way and we didn't think.” I was still annoyed despite Gabriel's apology but I at least stopped glaring at them.

  “Can I ask you something?” Jon said.

  “Why not?” I replied, still not feeling gracious.

  “Did you hear our conversation?” Jon asked, I nodded.

  “Holy shit.” Jon said. “How did you do it?” I shrugged.

  “I just used the mind link with Gabriel and I could hear you both talking.” I answered.

  “Wow. Better watch it Gabe. No way you're keeping any secrets from her.” Jon teased Gabriel. He laughed and I couldn't help but laugh too and I felt the tension leave my body.

  “So, what does this all mean?” I asked. They both shrugged.

  “I think it means that you should keep training.” Jon replied. “You could have more abilities. We need to know what they are.” Then Jon looked at Gabriel.

  “I want her to start training with the pack. For now though, let's keep her abilities between us.” Then Jon looked back at me.” Keep testing out your abilities. Practice and see what you can do. I'm pretty impressed.”

  He admitted.

  “Not bad for a stray?” I teased. I saw him wince at the reminder of his treatment of me but then he chuckled.

  “Not bad for a Beta.” He replied. Jon left a few minutes later. Gabriel and I sat there in awkward silence. Why wasn't he talking to me? I looked at him and he seemed deep in thought. For a moment, I considered reading his mind but it felt wrong. I didn't want to invade his privacy. I didn't want to abuse my power, especially not with Gabriel.

  I walked over to him. He was sitting in a chair looking outside. I sat down in his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. He turned to me and smiled, giving me a quick peck on the lips.

  “This doesn't change anything does it?” I asked. I found my old insecurities bubbling up. Was this too much for him? Would all this change how he felt about me?

  “Are you kidding? This changes everything!” He replied. I felt my heart sink and tears started to sting my eyes. Gabriel saw and grabbed my face.

  “What? Why are you upset?” He asked. I felt suddenly shy, not wanting to voice my thoughts.

  “I'm worried it will change how you feel.” I mumbled.

  “Are you kidding me!? Carrie! Nothing is going to change how I feel about you. Especially not this. I'm impressed and amazed. You're amazing. Even Jon's mind is blown.” He said. I felt my cheeks flush. I was being silly. Gabriel let go of my face and kissed me tenderly. I sighed as the sparks relaxed me and my worry left my body. I snuggled my head into Gabriel's neck and we sat there for a while, just enjoying being close to each other.

  The next day Gabriel took me to the training grounds, just west of the town. To anyone passing through, they would think it was a gym with a football field next to it. Nothing about the structure seemed unusual. When we walked inside, I was reminded of a human gym. There were weight machines and treadmills. All the basic equipment. The difference was the physical level of the wolves using it. Where a human would have been using fifty pound weights, these wolves were using hundred pound weights with ease. I found the familiar smell of cleaning products strangely comforting.

  When we exited the building, we were in the field. There were various groups. Some were sparring. Others were learning different methods of fighting. A young group of pups, no more than six years old, were learning what seemed to be karate. I smiled as I saw little boys and girls punching and kicking. While they were quite serious in their training, I couldn't help but think how cute they were.

  When we reached a group of adult wolves, Gabriel greeted them.

  “Good morning! I'd like to introduce you all to my mate, Carrie.” He said to them. I flinched as the entirety of the group turned their attention to me. Feeling like I had to say something, I weakly waved and said a quick “Hi.” To my relief, Gabriel started to speak again, making him the center of attention once more.

  “Carrie is going to be joining the group today. She is new to fighting but has amazingly quick reflexes.” This was the explanation we had decided on. Since Jon suggested that we keep my abilities under wraps for the present, this seemed like the best explanation for how I could anticipate their actions.

  ”I think it would be best if everyone introduced themselves, and then we can get started.” Gabriel finished. All fifteen wolves were again zeroed in on me eager to introduce themselves. I felt myself tense and tried my best to look friendly.

  “Thanks.” I said to Gabriel through our link, reminding him I hated being the center of attention.

  “You need to get used to it. There are hundreds more you'll need to meet.” He replied the same way. Dammit, he was right. I took a deep breath as they started to introduce themselves.

  Chapter 40

  The first wolf to introduce themselves had to be one of the largest people I'd ever seen. He was tall and burly with light blonde hair. He had a farmers tan. I could clearly see he usually wore short sleeved shirts. He walked up to me and smiled and the words, gentle giant, flashed in my mind.

  “Nice to meet
you. My name is Bobby.” He said. I shook his hand and told him it was nice to meet him too. Next, I met a few of the female wolves. First was a tall blonde with the most beautiful curls.

  “Hi, I'm Teshia! It's so nice to meet you!” She responded, quickly hugging me before I could even react. Teshia seemed like a bubbly person, all smiles. Her smile was contagious and I couldn't help but smile back.

  Next was another female. Unlike the other wolves here, she was tiny and petite. She couldn't have been taller than 5'3. She had honey colored hair that was down her back. I couldn't help but think how fragile and feminine she looked. She came up and introduced herself. Her name was Jenny. After that, I had trouble keeping track of all the names. There were a few red heads who I suspected were related to Lauren and Suzie. Everyone was very friendly to my surprise.

  After we finished introductions, Gabriel decided to start training.

  “Ok. I want everyone to spread out and pair up. Jenny, I want you to train with Carrie today.” I was instantly annoyed that he chose Jenny for me to spar with. She was so small and fragile looking, I knew he was babying me and picking the easiest partner.

  We all got in our defensive stances as we waited to start. Jenny secured her long hair back into a ponytail. This was going to be too easy. I found myself eyeing the other groups wishing I had a more challenging partner.

  When Gabriel yelled for us to start, I was distracted and was caught off guard. Before I even knew what was happening, I was swept off my feet and was lying on my back. I gasped, the air being knocked out of me and saw a very smug Jenny standing in front of me. She extended her hand and helped me up.

  I realized I had underestimated her. While Jenny might be small, she was fast. We assumed our stances and I took a deep breath, welcoming Aeliana to the surface.

  “This she-wolf will not have such luck this time.” Aeliana assured me.


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