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The Journey To Become The Perfect Werewolf

Page 21

by Olive P. Farley

  “I wonder what they will be like.” Gabriel daydreamed.

  “Golden curls.” I blurted out without thinking.

  “Huh? What makes you say that?” He asked.

  “At the hospital, right after we found out, I had a vision of sorts. All I saw was a small child with golden curls.” Gabriel looked at me in awe.

  “And you're saying the child you saw was our child?” He asked. I nodded.

  “Wow.” He said softly, taking a deep breath. I could tell he wanted to see what I had seen. The glimpse of our child was precious. I hadn't realized how amazing it was until this second. I wanted to share it with Gabriel. A thought popped into my head. I opened myself up to Gabriel through our mind link.

  “Here goes nothing.” I said. Gabriel gave me a strange look and I closed my eyes and focused on the vision that I had.

  Chapter 55

  I focused my mind on the vision of our baby. I could practically see the golden curls again. I heard Gabriel gasp lightly and opened my eyes.

  “I saw it.” He said. His eyes were filling with tears and the sight of his tears made me start to cry too.

  “I love you.” I told Gabriel. He kissed me.

  “I love you too, Carrie.” He said. He kissed me again and again and I felt his kiss change and grow more passionate and hungry. He kissed my neck and I moaned as he kissed and sucked on the mark. Could I be more sensitive than normal? I could already feel myself growing wet. Gabriel looked at me and I knew he could tell. He kissed me deeply. When he pulled away, his eyes were darker than normal. I could tell Mani was at the surface, trying to take control. It was driving Aeliana wild but I had to remind them all of one thing. The baby.

  “Gabriel, I know Mani is excited, but he gets too rough. I don't think it's a good idea with the baby…” I trailed off.

  I could feel Aeliana sulking but knew it wouldn't last long. She wanted this baby too.

  “I agree. Mani has promised to behave himself.” Gabriel assured me, kissing me again.

  We spent the afternoon making love. It was Sunday and I knew Gabriel would have to help patrol the next night and I was dreading spending the evening alone. Even sleeping, I was used to him being there. His warmth, his light snoring. I would miss them. I wasn't sure how well I would even sleep without him.

  I decided not to think about that right now. To just enjoy our time together today. After we made love, we napped lightly for a while. Gabriel decided to make me dinner and I decided to stay far away from the kitchen, just in case.

  Bored, sitting in our room alone, I decided to message Lacey.

  “Hi! How are you doing?” I started. I had so much to tell her. It took her a moment to respond.

  “Carrie!! So glad to hear from you.?” She typed. “How are you and that hunk of yours?” She added.

  “We are really great. I actually have some news.” I typed.

  “????” Lacey was obviously impatient for my answer.

  “First, I went and saw my parents.” I told her.

  “How did that go?” She asked.

  “A lot better than I thought. You were right. They didn't walk away from me. But I did find out some info on my birth parents. My Mom and Dad are really my aunt and uncle. My biological Mother was my Dad's sister.” That seemed so confusing but I wasn't sure how else to explain it.

  “Whoa! That's crazy! What about your bio Dad?” She asked.

  “Dead end. All I have is a first name and I doubt I will be able to find out anything more.” I replied with a sigh.

  “Aw, that's too bad. I'm sorry, Carrie.”

  “It's okay. I know more than I did, but I have more to tell you.” I said.

  “Don't keep me waiting!” Lacey replied.

  “Gabriel proposed! I said yes!” I typed. Before I knew it, the phone rang. Lacey had called, so I quickly answered.

  “OOOMMMMGGGG!” Lacey was practically screaming through the phone.

  “I am so excited for you!” She said next.

  “There's more.” I said. This was the only part I was feeling weird about telling her.

  “What!? Are you pregnant?” She guessed. I hadn't expected her to guess my news, though I suppose I should have. What other news could I have? I hesitated, unsure how to respond.

  “Carrie?” I nodded. “Carrie? You there?” Suddenly, I realized she couldn't see me. Nodding was useless.

  “Sorry. I nodded like an idiot. As if you can see me.” I said, annoyed with myself.

  “Wait!? You nodded! So, that means yes! You're pregnant!?” She basically shouted. I pulled the phone away from my ear as she let out a quick scream. I couldn't help but laugh.

  “That's so exciting!! I can't believe it! Do your parents know?” She asked.

  “No. They don't. We found out after the visit. I think I will wait to tell them until after the wedding.” I told her. They had got weird about me living with Gabriel. Could only imagine if they found out I was pregnant too.

  “Might be for the best. But unless you get married soon, won't they be able to tell?” Damn. I hadn't even thought about that. I had been absorbing all the changes for the last few days but hadn't really given a plan much thought.

  “Yeah, I guess you're right. We will have to get married soon.” I wasn't sure how I felt about that. I didn't know if Gabriel wanted a big or small wedding. The idea of a big wedding made me cringe. All eyes on me sounded like my own personal hell. I would have to talk to Gabriel and see how he felt about all of this.

  “Lacey, I got to go. Gabriel and I need to talk about a few things.” I said. “We should talk again soon.” I added.

  “I actually wanted to ask if I could come visit you!” She said. I wanted to immediately say yes but Lacey was human. Could she come here? I would have to check.

  “That sounds great! Let me talk to Gabriel and we can set up a date.” I answered. I got off the phone and made my way to the living room. Gabriel walked out a moment later.

  “Thought I heard you out here.” He said.

  “Sorry, I would have come in the kitchen but I was too afraid of the smells.” He walked over and kissed me.

  “I get it. I don't mind.” He said.

  “We need to talk about the wedding.” I said to him.

  “Getting cold feet, already?” He said mischievously. I swatted at him.

  “No, perfectly warm feet. I think we should set a date. And I think it should be soon.”

  Chapter 56

  “Okay, whatever you want.” Gabriel said simply.

  “It would have to be a small wedding.” I cautioned.

  “Okay. That's fine by me.” He said. I was surprised and strangely annoyed.

  “Also, I will be walking down the aisle nude.” I added.

  “Sounds great.” He said. Now I was mad. He wasn't listening to me. I grabbed a pillow and started hitting Gabriel with it. After the first hit (right in his face!) Gabriel seemed to be knocked out of his man-like trance. I hit him with the pillow again and he laughed as he grabbed another and tried to hit me back. I jumped back and threw the pillow I had at him and ran. He chased me around, holding the pillow like a weapon. After running around the room a few times, he cornered me at the couch. There was no where to go and he knew it as he smiled mischievously. I giggled. He thought he had won but the couch had more pillows. I smiled victoriously as I launched one, hitting him square in his surprised face. I took advantage of him being distracted and ran around the couch, racing down the hallway. Gabriel quickly recovered though and caught me before I made it halfway down.

  “No escaping me.” He said breathlessly, pinning me to the wall. I giggled and tried to look innocent.

  “Me!?” I said mockingly. He laughed and started to kiss and nip at my neck.

  “Time to pay your forfeit.” He said. Before I could react, Gabriel had dropped to his knees. I gasped as he basically ripped off my pants and buried his head between my legs. He lifted my legs, placing them over his shoulders as his mouth ravaged my sensitiv
e flesh. I moaned as his tongue tortured me, flicking back and forth.

  “Mine.” He growled out possessively. I looked down to see his eyes all but black and knew Mani was in control. Aeliana was fighting to the surface now. Mani was her mate just as much as Gabriel was mine and she wanted him. I gave over, allowing her to take control but reminding her not to let things get out of control. It was strange to become a passenger in my own body. I had done this before but it was still strange to me. I didn't have time to think about it though as wave upon wave of pleasure washed over me. Mani was more aggressive than Gabriel. He was licking me hard and fast. I could hear myself basically screaming and knew Aeliana was enjoying herself. I felt Gabriel start to finger me and the pleasure only increased. Aelaina was panting as we orgasmed and Mani continued to lap up all our juices.

  We collapsed in a heap on the hallway floor.

  “You taste different.” Gabriel said. I blushed, unsure of how to respond. “Probably the pregnancy.” He finished and I nodded.

  “So, you don't mind a small wedding?” I asked. Gabriel shook his head.

  “Most wolves don't marry. It's not a big deal. You're my mate. You're mine forever, married or not. Marriage just makes it legal and it's for you.” He said.

  “For me?” I asked. He nodded.

  “Yes, you grew up thinking you were human. Don't all human girls imagine a wedding?” He asked. It was true. I had spent my childhood days marrying off my barbies. Lacey and I had played wedding. We had imagined these big ceremonies with lavish dresses. Now though, none of that mattered.

  “Of course I imagined but as you're not a millionaire and we don't have access to a castle….” I started. “ A small wedding is all I want. Just my parents, yours, your brother and his family. And maybe a few friends like Lacey and Jon.” I added.

  “That sounds perfect to me.” He said. He pulled me close and I snuggled into his chest. I could help but giggle when I realized I was still pantsless in the hallway.

  “Would Lacey be allowed to visit?” I asked him.

  “Of course, why wouldn't she be?” He replied.

  “She's human. I just wasn't sure.” I told him.

  “It's fine when we know. She is welcome to come here anytime.” He said.

  “What about the village?” I asked.

  “ Uhh. That can be a little more complicated. Was there somewhere you wanted to go?”

  “The diner, maybe.” I said.

  “ I guess it would be okay.” He said. “Just warn me in advance so I can warn the village.” He said. That seemed like a lot of trouble. I imagined everyone being careful about everything they said and did at the diner and just changed my mind. I didn't want everyone to be uncomfortable just so I could see my friend.

  “It's okay. I didn't consider how careful the pack would need to be with Lacey here. She can just visit here and if we go anywhere, I will take her to the human town.” I told him. I could tell Gabriel was relieved and I knew I made the right choice.

  “I will call her tomorrow then and make plans.” I said.

  “Sounds good.” He said simply. Suddenly, an unpleasant smell accosted me.

  “Uhhhh….Gabriel. Weren't you cooking something?” I asked. He swore and stood up, running to the kitchen. I laughed and put my pants on before following.

  I went into the kitchen to see him removing a very burnt pan from the oven.

  “I tried.” He said, obviously disappointed by his failure.

  “It's okay. What was it?” I asked.

  “Garlic chicken. It was only supposed to cook in the oven for a few minutes but I forgot about it.” He said forlornly.

  “It happens. Thank you for trying.” I said, giving him a quick kiss.

  “How about pizza?” I asked.

  “Sure. This is inedible.” He replied, throwing the entire pan in the garbage.

  Gabriel called and ordered a pizza and within the hour we were happily stuffing our faces. We finished our pizza and then Gabriel went into the room. He came out with an extra set of clothes.

  “Going to leave these outside, just in case.” He said. I had forgot about him patrolling this week. Darn it.

  “When does Jon get back again?” I asked and he chuckled.

  “He just left this morning. I hope his mate is there. I know he's sick of waiting and I'm sick of him sulking.” He said.

  “I hope so too.” I said and I meant it. Jon deserved to be happy. Gabriel kissed me before heading out. I sat in the living room for a moment, feeling sorry for myself. Then I went to our room and laid down.

  Chapter 57

  I slept horribly without Gabriel. I kept having weird dreams and I missed his warmth. I was so thankful when he got home and crawled in bed beside me. It couldn't have been later than five in the morning. He quietly snuggled in beside me and I sighed in contentment as I quickly fell asleep.

  When I got up, I felt horrible. I ate some crackers that were by the bed. Another tip from Gabriel's Mother. I had to admit, she knew what she was talking about. I immediately felt better after eating a few. Being nauseated and hungry all at once was so bizarre. I wondered if it was the same with a human pregnancy.

  I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to drink some water and maybe try some toast. Gabriel was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him. I decided to have a cup of decaf coffee. Decaf. Who drink's decaf? I thought.

  “Pregnant wolves.” Aeliana said unhelpfully. I wanted to glare at her but since she was inside me, that seemed somewhat futile.

  “Decaf is fake coffee.” I said to her.

  “So, don't drink it.” She responded.

  “But I want REAL coffee!” I said.

  “You can have one cup!” She said. I shook my head, ending my inner dialogue. I could have regular coffee but I was choosing not to. I wanted this baby to be as healthy as he/she could be.

  After I brewed my fake coffee, I poured a cup and put a note by the coffee (so Gabriel would know it wasn't real coffee). I grabbed the toast I had made and went outside to sit on the patio. The air was chilly when I stepped out but it didn't bother me. I sat down and closed my eyes, breathing deeply. The fresh sweet smell of the morning was so amazing. I could smell the moisture in the air, the dew lingering on the flowers and various animals waking and starting to stir. I opened my eyes and smiled. I had always loved the morning air. The mornings had been my favorite time to run for this very reason.

  As I sat there sipping on my coffee, I saw a doe and her fawn walk up the pond. I inwardly chuckled at their bravery. I'm sure a lot of wolves would have been enjoying some deer for dinner. Aeliana was itching to get out and hunt the doe down. Killing the doe was the last thing I wanted to do though. All I saw was a beautiful creature with her baby. I watched as the fawn followed its mother. It had to have been born this last spring. It was still small and had its spots still. I watched as the mother leaned down, licking at her fawns face and absentmindedly, my hand rested on my belly. I started wondering what kissing my baby would be like. Holding them. Suddenly, 6 more months of waiting seemed like an eternity. I wanted so badly to know and see the baby but I knew I was just being impatient.

  “Going to have to wait for you to finish cooking in there.” I said out loud, rubbing my belly. In a flash, a vision flashed before my eyes. I was holding a squealing infant up in the air. Looking down on me was a smiling baby with blonde curls and gray blue eyes. They were smiling and I could see one tiny tooth sticking out of the bottom.

  “My little Meredith.” I heard my own voice say sweetly. I was out of the vision as quickly as I had been thrown into it. It took me a moment to get my bearings. The visions were disorienting.

  “Was that our child?” I asked Aeliana.

  “Yes. You know it was. She will be beautiful,” Aeliana said proudly “but more than that, she will be stronger than any wolf here. She has an important destiny.” She said.

  “Destiny? What destiny?” I asked.

  “I cannot say. I don't know th
e details. I simply know she is destined for something important.” She responded. I was irritated she couldn't tell me more but then another realization hit me. A baby girl, I was having a baby girl. I practically jumped out of my chair, startling the deer still grazing in the yard. They ran away as I ran inside the house, leaving my fake coffee out in the cold.

  I immediately went to Gabriel and I jumped on top of him, straddling him. He woke up and was surprised to see me on top of him but he smiled. He pulled my face down for a kiss.

  “I need to show you something!” I said excited to share this with him. He smiled and I felt something pressing against me as he started trying to get my T-shirt off. I giggled.

  “Gabriel! I'm not trying to seduce you!” I scolded him. He chuckled and smiled.

  “Maybe I'm trying to seduce you.” He responded. I kissed him again.

  “Not right now.” I said sternly. He made a puppy lip and I had to laugh at his fake sulking.

  “You ready?” I asked. He looked confused.

  “For what?” He said. I didn't answer. I had his attention. That was all I needed. I willed the vision of our giggling little girl back to my mind and opened my mind link so Gabriel would see it.

  “Meredith.” He said with a longing in his voice. “We are going to have a daughter.” He said breathlessly. I opened my eyes to see tears streaming down his face and I laughed as my eyes filled with tears as well. I nodded and Gabriel sat up and kissed me before rolling us over so he was on top of me.

  “I love you, you amazing woman. Thank you for sharing that with me.” He said. I smiled.

  “I love you too.” I replied. Gabriel lowered himself and started kissing my belly.

  “Hello, little Meredith. Daddy loves you.” He said and I nearly started crying. I had to take a deep breath to control my emotions.

  “Named after my Mother.” I said. “Do you mind?” I asked him.

  “Of course not. Though maybe her middle name could be Debra for my Mom.” He said.

  “Meredith Debra Knight. I like it!” I said. He smiled.

  “Me too!” He responded.


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