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The Journey To Become The Perfect Werewolf

Page 23

by Olive P. Farley

  “I am sorry but I need to go. Something is wrong with Jon and I need to see if he is okay.” He said. I nodded. I had already known something was wrong. I just had no idea what.

  “Let me know when Lacey leaves. Jon said he had something important to talk to us about when he came over earlier but he wanted you to be there.” He finished. I nodded.

  “Well ladies, I have a few errands in town, I will let you two finish catching up.” He said, making up an excuse to leave. He came over and kissed before he left.

  “He is so hot Carrie!” Lacey said. “So is his friend though he seemed a bit strange.” She finished.

  “Yeah, Jon isn't easy to like at first. He can be a bit stand offish.” I said, trying to excuse his earlier behavior. “But he is a nice guy if you get to know him.” I didn't know why I had felt the need to add that last part as it was unlikely Lacey would ever get to know Jon anyways. Lacey stayed for a while longer and we reminisced over old times. The trouble we had got into as kids together. School.

  “ Whatever did happen to Malorie?” I asked, wondering if Lacey knew.

  “Oh my God! I never told you! Girl, she got knocked up!” She said bursting out laughing. “You should have seen her waddling up, nearly 7 months pregnant, at graduation.” She finished. I couldn't help but laugh too. Malorie had made my high school experience hell, not to mention she had set off the chain of events that landed me in the looney bin.

  “Last I heard, she had 4 or 5 kids. Her and her boyfriend live with her parents because he won't get a job. If her Mommy and Daddy weren't rich…..” She finished.

  I felt like Malorie's unfortunate circumstances should make me feel better but they really didn't. It didn't affect me one way or the other. I simply didn't care about her anymore.

  It started to get dark and Lacey announced she had to get going. I walked her to her car. We gave each other a big hug, not wanting to let go.

  “Oh, I almost forgot. Will you be my maid of honor?” I asked her. Lacey's eyes filled with tears.

  “Of course, Carrie.” She hugged me again.

  “We have to get together again. Today was great.” She finished. She got in her car and I stood in the drive as she backed out and left. I was sad to see her go.

  As soon as she left, I mind linked Gabriel.

  “She's gone.” I said.

  “Okay. Jon and I are coming back.” He said.

  “Is he okay?” I asked.

  “I don't think so. Something has him pretty shaken up but he won't talk to me about it.” He said.

  I went inside while I waited for them. I wondered what news Jon had to tell us. Maybe he had found his mate. But why would he insist on my presence for that? I wasn't sure. Luckily, I didn't have to wait long.

  A few minutes later they arrived. Gabriel came in and I could tell he was worried about Jon. Jon didn't look like himself. He seemed disheveled and distracted. I had never seen him so out of sorts.

  “Jon, are you okay? What happened earlier?” I asked. He looked at me coldly and I shrank back. It reminded me too much of the night we met.

  “I don't want to talk about it. Just keep your little human friend away from me.” He growled out. I looked at him in shock. What could Lacey have possibly done to offend him. She hadn't said so much as a word. Did his hatred for humans run this deep?

  “Jon, that's not fair. Lacey is my best friend.” I said.

  “I don't care who the hell she is just keep her the fuck away from me.” He growled. I stepped back. His alpha tone was coming out and, like it or not, Aeliana and I were starting to accept him as our alpha. His tone would make any pack member back down. He must have seen my look because he immediately softened.

  “Dammit Carrie, just….please….just keep her away from me?” He pleaded. I nodded, unsure of what to say.

  “Didn't you have some news?” Gabriel asked, trying to change the topic.

  “Yes.” He said, clearing his throat. He kept running his hand through his hair. A habit I suspected he had when he was stressed.

  “I think I found your Father.”

  Chapter 61

  I stood there dumbfounded, just staring at Jon.

  “My father?” I said.

  “Yes, I mean, I think so. So, I visited a pack about an hour away. It's a small pack but a long standing and respected one. Anyways, the alpha had been called away on business so he wasn't there when I first got there. Two days ago he returned. His name is Patrick Shobert.” He finished.

  “How do you know he's my father? Patrick's a pretty common name.” I asked.

  “Well, I didn't at first, but something about the guy seemed really familiar. I just couldn't figure out why. He has your coloring. I honestly didn't put it together though until he shifted. Carrie, he has a golden wolf, just like you.” I stood there stunned into silence. A werewolf named Patrick with a golden wolf. That couldn't just be a coincidence, could it?

  “Did you tell him about me or your suspicions?” I asked.

  “No, I didn't think that was my place.” He said. I nodded. To say I was feeling overwhelmed would have been an understatement. Could this man be my father? I needed to know.

  “Did you meet his family?” I asked. Jon hesitated.

  “I did. He has a mate. They have two sons, about seventeen and eighteen.” He said. I nodded. So he had a family. I might have brothers. Did he abandon my Mother because he found his mate? Had he ever even looked for me? I had so many questions that only he could answer.

  “So, now what? Can we go there? Talk to him? How can we find out if it's him?” I asked Jon.

  “We can go back. I told them I wanted my beta to see their training center. They have a pretty sweet setup but really, it wouldn't work here with the town. They have their village more secluded. I had to come up with an excuse though.” Jon finished.

  “Okay. Can we go in the morning? It's getting dark and I am exhausted.” I said. Jon nodded. “ I'm going to lay down for a tiny bit before dinner.” I said to Gabriel, walking up to him and kissing him briefly. Jon was standing near and I saw him wrinkle his nose and move away from me.

  “Do I smell bad or something?” I asked. Jon lifted an eyebrow.

  “You smell like your human friend.” He said in an irritated tone.

  “So, she doesn't stink either. I mean, she smells different than us.” What was his deal?

  “It smells bad to me.” He said. I watched his eyes flash black and wondered again what was going on. Without meaning to, I tapped into Gabriel's mind link with Jon.

  “Mate. I smell our mate. You let our mate get away!” I heard his wolf yelling at him.

  “Shut up! She's a filthy human. I don't want her.” I heard him reply. My jaw fell open. Jon had found his mate and she was a human. Lacey.

  “Lacey is your mate?” I asked, without thinking. I saw the shock register on both of their faces. Jon looked at me, anger burning in his eyes. He was livid.

  “Stay the fuck out of my head!” He roared at me. He advanced and Gabriel put himself between us.

  “Back off, Jon. She didn't do it on purpose.” He said. Jon glared at him. “Is it true? Lacey is your mate?” Gabriel asked.

  “No. I will never accept a filthy human as my mate. Just keep her the fuck away from me. I have no mate.” He said. He glared at us both before he stormed out of the house. I looked helplessly at Gabriel.

  “So that's what was happening when we ran into him out front.” I said, thinking out loud. It all made sense now. Jon must of sensed it as soon as he smelled Lacey. That's why his wolf was fighting to get out. Jon had waited so long for his mate. Now he was turning his back on her. I didn't understand.

  “How can Lacey be Jon's mate?” I asked Gabriel. He looked as confused as I was.

  “I don't know. I've never heard of a wolf having a human mate. I mean, wolves have had sex with humans, obviously, but not be their actual mate.” He said. I could tell he was worried about Jon. I was too.

  “Do you think Lac
ey feels the pull?” I asked. He shook his head.

  “No. I don't think so. She would have been drawn to him if she did and she seemed completely normal.” He said. He was right. She barely mentioned Jon after we saw him. After I met Gabriel, there was nothing else I could think of. Even when I fought against it, I was like a moth to a flame. Lacey had been unaffected. The thought was actually a relief. Last thing I wanted was Lacey getting her heart broken. Jon had a hard time accepting me, just because I was raised by humans. I couldn't imagine him getting past that enough to accept Lacey as his mate.

  “Why does Jon hate humans so much?”

  Chapter 62

  “I really don't know, Carrie. Jon doesn't talk about it. He tends to keep things to himself. If you hadn't read his mind, we probably would have never even known that Lacey was his mate. All I know is that whatever happened, it happened when Jon was young. His Dad hates humans too.” Gabriel finished. I shook my head. It was crazy to me that Jon was so prejudiced against humans. They really weren't that different from us. Jon thought they were selfish and to an extent, he was right. Humans sometimes were selfish. The pack would never let a wolf go hungry or a wound go untreated. Humans allowed those things to happen all the time. There were definitely societal differences. Humans didn't live in packs. It was just different. I still believed, despite some of my bad experiences, that most people were good.

  Gabriel and I went to bed after eating a quick dinner. I laid awake for a while thinking about Lacey and Jon. I would have given anything for Lacey to be loved the way Gabriel loved me. Being Jon's mate would keep her close to me, which I couldn't deny how appealing that was. But Lacey was human. I wasn't sure how she would react to what we were. To her, werewolves were a myth. A creature made up for the sake of horror stories and movies. Finding out we were real and I was on too, could be too much for her. I wasn't sure she would even want me as a friend if she learned the truth let alone want to be romantically involved with one of us. It seemed though, even if she could accept us, Jon was never going to accept her. I nearly groaned out loud. Why did things have to be so complicated!?

  I tried to clear my mind so I could sleep but I couldn't. When I had finally been able to stop thinking about Lacey and Jon's situation, I started thinking about my father. I had so many questions. Why did he leave my Mother? Why didn't he come back for her? For me? Why did he allow me to grow up not knowing what I was? Did he have powers too? Did my brothers? It was endless.

  Eventually, I did fall asleep. I wasn't sure when or how long I slept. When Gabriel and I got up, I felt awful and sluggish. I decided to take a shower to wake myself up. After I finished washing, I went and looked at myself in the mirror. The morning sickness was starting to improve at last and I was starting to show. I could see the slight swell low on my abdomen and I marveled at the changes happening to my body. I looked at myself and wondered if I looked like my father. Would I see my face in his? Did my brothers and I look alike?

  I wanted to look my best today so I decided to dry and style my hair. I used a little product and started the long process of drying my hair. Once done, I took a curling iron and slightly curled the ends. Then I brushed my hair, admiring my work. I applied some makeup and put on a pair of jeans and a white loose fitting blouse. I looked at myself again in the mirror and was pleased with my efforts. I generally wasn't a vain person but today I really wanted to look pretty. I wanted my father to see me and feel proud, if this wolf was my father.

  I finished getting ready and found Gabriel and Jon waiting for me in the living room. Jon seemed to be doing better. He, at least, looked like himself again.

  “Are you ready?” Gabriel asked. I nodded.

  “You look pretty.” He said and I smiled.

  “About damn time.” Jon said, standing up and walking out of the house. Well, this was going to be a fun day.

  Gabriel and I quickly followed. Jon and Gabriel had decided that Gabriel would drive so we got into his car and set off. The pack we were visiting was about an hour away. One of the longest hours of my life. I watched as we drove deeper and deeper into the mountains. At one point, the road we took wasn't even paved. Just a dirt road that had been carved out. I realized as we arrived at the pack village just how isolated it was and wondered how this wolf would have ever met my human mother in the first place. Another question I needed answers to.

  As we parked and exited the car, a young man walked up and greeted us. He greeted Jon first before saying hello to Gabriel and I. I felt my heart start racing with anticipation when he shook my hand and I looked up into eyes so much like my own. This man was far too young to be my father and then it occurred to me, this must be one of my brothers. He was tan and tall, at least 6'3”. He had light brown hair and eyes the exact shape and color of my own. I was speechless as he shook my hand but he filled the silence by introducing himself.

  “Hi, my name is Thomas.”

  Chapter 63

  I stared at Thomas for a second, my mind processing that this was my brother. The resemblance had erased any doubt about whether or not the Alpha was my father. This couldn't be just a coincidence. Thomas started to look at me strangely. Gabriel had introduced himself but I was just standing there in shocked silence. Gabriel finally came to my rescue, realizing I wasn't able to form coherent thoughts yet.

  “This is my mate, Carrie.” He said. I finally snapped out of my trance and tried to smile politely.

  “Nice to meet you.” I choked out.

  “My Dad is in the pack house. He asked that I show you in.” He said, leading us towards a large building in the center of the village. As we walked, I looked around. This village was so different than ours. Our village was set up much like any human town. It was done that way so of humans passed through, they would think it was just another small mountain town. Here, they were so isolated, they didn't seemed concerned about that. The pack house here was the center of the village. There were some training grounds to the left and I could see wolves sparring in plain sight.

  As we neared the pack house, my heart was hammering in my chest. Thomas led us inside and into a large room where breakfast was still being served. As we entered, the wolves inside went silent and turned to look at us. The attention made me even more nervous and I grabbed Gabriel's hand, wanting the comfort of having him close.

  At the front of the room was a couple. I assumed it was the Alpha and Luna but they were turned away, in conversation with a member of their pack. I could see the Alpha was tall and broad shouldered. He had blonde hair that looked as though it was starting to lighten to silver. The luna was short and plump. She had short brown hair.

  When we finally reached them, they stopped their conversation with their pack member and turned around to greet us.

  As soon as I saw my Father's face, I started feeling emotional. It took every ounce if self control I had not to make an emotional scene.

  “Dad, Jon is back and this is his Beta, Gabriel and his mate, Carrie.” Thomas said introducing us. The Alpha looked at us, making brief eye contact with me. He had a strong jaw. One that made me think he was probably stubborn. He was tanned from the sun and very muscular. And he had the same blue eyes as Thomas and I.

  “Nice to meet you both. My name is Patrick and this is my Luna, Libby.” He said.

  “Patrick, would it be possible to have a conversation in private. We have a sensitive matter to discuss with you.” Jon asked. I saw Patrick's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. He looked to his mate who nodded and I realized they were having a conversation through their mind link.

  ”Of course, Jon. Follow me and we can discuss this matter in my office.” He said. He led us out of the hall and up a set of stairs. At the end of a long hallway was a set of double doors. We went inside, into a large office. The walls were lined with books and in the middle of the room was a large desk. Patrick sat down and motioned to the chairs in front of the desk and we sat too.

  “So, what is this sensitive matter?” Patrick asked. His voice w
as deep and soothing. It felt weirdly familiar but I knew I had never met him.

  “ We have a few questions. Personal questions. Please don't be offended by their personal nature. We have an important reason for asking them.” Patrick seemed confused but nodded. Jon took a deep breath before continuing.

  “About 22 years ago, did you have a relationship with a human named Meredith Phillips?” Jon asked. I saw Patrick's eyes go wide in surprise.

  “How do you know that name?” He said. He seemed angry or something like it. I couldn't tell what he was feeling but he didn't seem happy to hear my Mother's name. Suddenly his expression shifted. I could see the sadness in his he answered.

  “Yes. But she died many years ago. I will ask you again, how do you know that name?” He said. Jon didn't flinch.

  “I think Carrie should explain from here.”. Jon said and Patrick turned his attention to me. I hesitated for a second. I wasn't sure what to say. I decided on the simplest option. I looled Patrick square in the eyes.

  “My name is Caroline Phillips.” I said. It took him a second to react. Like his mind was putting the pieces together. Then the shock registered and I decided to finish what I needed to say. “I beleive you are my father.” I finished. He stared at me for a moment as he absorbed what I had just told him.

  “You're Meredith's daughter? How? She died?” He seemed thoroughly shocked by this revelation. It was clear he had no idea that my Mother had had a child.

  “I was born a few months before her death.” I said, answering his question. He seemed to be putting peices of a puzzle together in his head. He was frowing, deep in thought before he ran his hands through his hair and stood up abruptly. He started to pace.

  “But, I, no one…. They said she died. No one said she had a baby.” He looked to me again and the raw pain his eyes took my breath away. “You look like her. You have my coloring but aside from that and your eyes…” he trailed off as a tear slipped down his cheek. He turned away again, trying to hide his emotions. He turned to me again, still struggling to control himself. “ I didn't know. I swear, I didn't know.” He said to me. My throat felt as if it was closing. I was doing everything I could not to cry myself but I was quickly losing that battle. I cleared my throat.


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