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The Journey To Become The Perfect Werewolf

Page 24

by Olive P. Farley

  “Can you please tell me the story. All my parents, I mean my adopted parents. They are really my Aunt and Uncle, knew was your name. My mother never told them much.” I said. He nodded and I heard him sniffle.

  “Well, she wouldn't would she? They would have thought she was crazy if she had told them she was dating a werewolf.” He said. Yeah, they would have. I was proof enough of that. Patrick took a deep breath.

  “I met your mother when I was 22……”

  Chapter 64

  “I met your mother when I was 22. I hadn't found my mate yet. When I met Meredith, I, well, I didn't care anymore. I loved her. I felt like, maybe if I had her, I didn't need a mate. We dated at first. We were madly in love. I broke all the rules when I showed her what I was. But she was so brave. She didn't care. She said she loved me and nothing would change that.” My father said. He mostly looked away as he talked, like he was lost in his memory. Occasionally, he looked at me, his eyes full of regret or sorrow. “Then my father got sick. He had been in poor health for years but he had taken a turn for the worse. I told your Mom that I had to go home. She wanted to come but I had to prepare the pack. Bringing a human into the pack would have been difficult. I promised to come back for her.” He stopped for a moment. He took some deep breaths and I could see he was trying to control his emotions. “I was home for 2 weeks when my father died. My Mother was heartbroken. I had to stay for her at first but I had started laying down the ground work to bringing Meredith home with me. Then, I found Libby. Libby was my mate but, because of Meredith, I refused to accept her. She was newly 18.” He shook his head and took another ragged breath before continuing. “For the next few months, the pack had issues with rogue attacks. I wanted so badly to come back for your mother but I couldn't leave. It seemed like something always came up and I was getting frustrated. I tried to leave one day and two rogues attacked that day. My pack was frightened. I had to stay to keep my pack calm and safe.” He shook his head. I could tell reliving the past was taking its toll. “Eventually the rogue attacks stopped. Training became the focus to make sure the pack stayed protected. That was when I went back for Meredith. I planned to reject Libby and make your Mother my luna. I knew that it would take a while for the pack to accept her but I didn't care. I went back to find her and tell her it was time to come home with me. Instead, I learned that she had died in a car accident. It had happened months before I had returned. No one had told me that there had been a child. I swear Carrie, if I had known, I would have claimed you. I would have taken you home.” He finished. He stared at me with pain in his eyes. I tried to wrap my head around his story. I didn't doubt it was the truth. He had loved my mother. Not in the way a wolf loves their mate but in the way humans loved.

  “What happened after you came back?” I asked. He smiled but it seemed like a sad smile.

  “Libby helped me pick up the piece's. Even knowing that I had planned to reject her, she was still there for me. I was heartbroken and angry for a while, she stuck by me through it all. Eventually we came together and she became my Luna. Then we had the boys. Thomas, you met. His younger brother, Michael, is a year younger.” I nodded. I wasn't sure what I felt. On one hand, my parents had not abandoned me. There was a relief in that knowledge. Both of them had wanted me but my Mother had died and my Father hadn't known that I existed. I looked up and saw Patrick was watching me.

  “Do you hate me?” He asked. “I couldn't blame you if you did. Did you even know what you were growing up?” He asked. I shook my head and saw his shoulders slump. “So what happened, when you turned eighteen? Being raised by humans, Carrie, I am so sorry.” He buried his head in his hands and I hesitated.

  “It was difficult. All I knew is there was a voice. There was an incident…. They thought I was hearing voices and disturbed.” I said. He looked up and made eye contact.

  “What did they do?” He asked.

  “They put me in a mental institution.” I had hesitated to tell him. He seemed so full of regret but it was the truth. I saw his eyes flash with anger and then sadness. He stood up again and started to pace. I realized he was very angry and trying to calm his wolf.

  “How did you get out?” He asked curtly.

  “A nurse attacked me and I shifted for the first time, shortly before my 21st birthday.” I said. Suddenly he threw his fist into the wall and I jumped at the loud crack of the dry wall. Then he seemed to basically collapse onto the floor before speaking again.

  “I am sorry. Carrie, I am so sorry. It's all my fault. None of that should have happened to you. I should have gone back sooner. I should have taken your Mother when I first came back. I should have protected you both and I didn't. I failed you.” He looked at me with tears streaming from his eyes. Gabriel and Jon both looked deeply uncomfortable. Seeing another Alpha like this was unusual.

  “Can you take Jon? I think I need a moment alone with my father.” I asked Gabriel through our mind link. Gabriel nodded and a moment later, he and Jon excused themselves.

  I approached my Father cautiously. I wasn't afraid of him, just unsure of what I would do when I got close. I ended up kneeling beside him and taking his hand. He was still crying and it was breaking my heart. This wasn't a man used to showing such emotion. He seemed so vulnerable and I found myself wanting to comfort him.

  “Please don't feel guilty. It was hard when my wolf became present and yes, I had a very rough patch in the institution. But after I escaped, I found Gabriel. He helped me to accept what I was and learn how to be a proper wolf.” I had decided to skip the part when Jon nearly had me killed. No need to make the poor man feel worse. “I love Gabriel. We are getting married soon.” I said. He looked up at me and smiled.

  “That's great Carrie. I am really happy for you. Can you ever forgive me?” He asked. I smiled at him.

  “Of course. You didn't know. I forgive you.” I said.

  “Can I give you a hug?” He asked. I nodded and felt a tear slip down my own cheek. I hadn't even realized I was crying too. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight. It felt awkward at first but then it was kind of comforting.

  “Can we try and get to know each other? I would love for you to meet your brothers and I want to know you and your mate.” He said. I smiled.

  “I would like that. I would love to meet your family.” I said.

  “They are your family too.” He said. I smiled again.

  “In a few months you will also get to meet your Granddaughter.” I said. It took a moment to understand what I had said. Then he started looking at my belly and back up to my face.

  “You're pregnant?” He asked, another tear slipping down his face. I nodded.

  “Yes. With a girl. Her name will be Meredith.”

  Chapter 65

  My Father and I talked for a while. He asked about my life. I was happy I could tell him I had a happy childhood. It ended rather abruptly at eighteen but up until that point, it had been relatively normal, for a human. He told me about my Mother. He said she looked a lot like me. I had his coloring though. My Mother had been more fair skinned with brown hair. She also had blue eyes but her eyes were different than mine. My eyes were my Father's. He told me about my brothers. Thomas was the eldest and would one day be Alpha. He struggled with the responsibility. He was only 19. He hadn't found his mate and was not ready to settle. He told me Thomas was sweet but wild. Michael was his opposite. Michael was very serious and bookish. He was only 17 and was dreading finding a mate. He was an introvert through and through and just not very social. To him, a mate meant a lack of privacy.

  Then he told me about Libby. He seemed hesitant at first, as if he was worried he would offend me. I wasn't really sure how to feel but I definitely didn't feel anything negative towards Libby. It was clear my Father loved her and I was grateful he had his mate. I had no doubt that he had loved my Mother but she was gone.

  He told me that Libby had always been the quiet but thoughtful type. She was the type who would do sweet little things and ne
ver ask for a thank you. She had always been a loving and supportive Mother to the boys. Usually very patient and quick to laughter. She sounded lovely to me.

  He asked that we stay for dinner and I wanted to but I needed to talk to Gabriel. I decided to ask him the easiest way and pulled up our link.

  “My Dad wants us to stay for dinner. Is that okay?” I asked. A second later, he responded.

  “That's fine. Jon is going to shift so he can go back and patrol. We can drive back later.” He said.

  “Gabriel said he and I can stay for dinner. Jon needs to return though.” I told my Dad. He smiled. He had a kind smile that showed his age, his eyes and mouth showing smile lines that told me he smiled often.

  “Okay. How about the guys join you back in here? I need to talk to Libby real quick. This is big news for her too.” He said. I nodded, wondering how she would react. Would she hate me? After all, my Father had planned on rejecting her for my Mother and she knew it. Would she hate a living reminder that my Father had loved another woman? A human woman? I felt nervous suddenly.

  A moment later, Gabriel came back into the room, sitting in a chair next to me.

  “Jon went ahead and left. He said he will see me tomorrow.” Gabriel said.

  “Did he say anything about the Lacey thing?” I asked. He shook his head.

  “No. I doubt he will talk to me about that.” He said. I shook my head in frustration. Jon was being an ass but as long as he left Lacey alone, I wouldn't question him. She didn't feel the pull and had no idea of the inner struggle Jon was dealing with.

  “You do need to talk to Jon about one thing.” I said. Gabriel looked at me, puzzled. “I can keep Lacey away from him but not from the wedding. He is just going to have to deal with seeing her for that. I already asked her to be my Maid of honor.” I finished. Gabriel nodded.

  “That's fair. I doubt Jon will be very happy about that but it's our wedding. He already agreed to be the best man so he will have to just get over it.” Gabriel finished. I hoped he was right. I felt like Jon might refuse to come because of Lacey but at the same time, he and Gabriel were very close. I knew it would hurt Gabriel if Jon chose not to come but Lacey was just as important to me as Jon was to him. When it came down to it, Jon would just have to be uncomfortable for a day or two and then I would gladly honor my request to keep Lacey away from him. My mind jumped back to the reason we were waiting. My Dad was telling Libby about me. The nervousness returned and Gabriel immediately sensed it.

  “You okay?” He asked. I nodded but then changed my mind and shook my head. Then I laughed and shrugged.

  “I guess I don't know what I am feeling. I am worried Libby will be upset. That she won't like me.” I admitted. Gabriel sighed.

  “You are an amazing woman. If Libby loves your Father like he says, I am sure she will love you too.” He took my hand, trying to comfort me. I hoped he was right. Another ten minutes or so passed before my Dad returned.

  “Okay. So, I told her. She wants to see you. Alone.” He said. My heart started to race. I wasn't sure what Libby had in store for me but my mind was racing with crazy hypothetical situations. Was she going to question me? Tell me to get lost? I wasn't sure but whatever this “meeting” was about, it didn't seem like a good thing. My Dad led me down the hall and stopped at another office. He opened it to reveal a sweet little sitting room with Libby already sitting in a chair, waiting.

  I walked inside, feeling like an unruly child who was just sent to the principal's office. I sat down and my Dad shut the door leaving me alone with Libby.

  “Thank you for agreeing to talk with me, Carrie. I do have a few questions for you but mostly, I just asked you here to get to know you.” Libby said sweetly. I nodded, still feeling uneasy.

  “I would be happy to answer any questions. I am interested in getting to know you too.” I said, choosing my words carefully.

  “Great. Glad we understand each other.” She started out, the sweetness draining from her voice. “Why are you here, Carrie?”

  Chapter 66

  I stared at her blankly. Why was I here? Was meeting my Father not a good enough reason? I finally recovered from my shock enough to speak.

  “I just wanted to meet my Father. I spent my life wondering where I came from. I didn't even know I was a wolf until a few months ago. I don't want to disrupt your life.” I said, feeling annoyed that I had to justify myself. This was all of my worst fears coming true. Libby pursed her lips and I inwardly groaned. She hated me already. I was convinced of it.

  “Disrupt? Oh honey, I am so sorry if I gave you the impression that I was unhappy you were here. My only concern was that you may be angry with your Father. I know he carries a lot of guilt regarding your Mother. He loved her. I know that. I just don't want Patrick to suffer anymore.” She said. Okay, maybe she doesn't hate me….

  “I understand that. The last thing I want to do is cause anyone any suffering. I just want to know my father. Want to know where I come from. Maybe even know my brothers.” I finished. Libby looked me over as if she was studying me. I found myself very nervous under her observant gaze and looked away.

  “Well, you seem like a good girl. And you do look a little like the boys. The eyes, I think. So welcome, Carrie. I had always wanted a daughter.” She said. I finally exhaled, expelling the breath I hadn't even realized I was holding. It was so unexpected. She was welcoming me. To my embarrassment, I burst into tears. I tried to stop crying. To compose myself in some way. Instead I was sobbing uncontrollably while trying to choke out an apology.

  “Oh honey! There's no need for all that.” Libby said, trying to comfort me.

  “I….am….sorrrrryyyy…” I sobbed. “The….baby….Hormones….” I managed to get out. Libby giggled.

  “Oh, dear. I remember my mood swings with the boys. You poor thing.” She said, hugging me while she laughed. Her laugh was contagious and after a moment, I found myself laughing through my tears. I quickly calmed down and then started wiping my face off, feeling silly and embarrassed about my outburst. I mumbled an apology and started to flee the room when Libby stopped me.

  “Carrie, just one more thing. Patrick and I talked and would it be okay to tell the boys a simplified version of events? They just don't know anything about the struggles Patrick and I had at the beginning. They don't know about your Mother.” She finished. I was a little taken aback. What was she suggesting? Lying about my Mother? My expression must have told her I was uneasy because she immediately responded.

  “We don't want to erase her from history or anything. Can we just say they had a relationship and she passed before Patrick and I met? I just think that will make it easier for the boys. They are both fiercely protective of me and I worry that if they knew the whole story, they might hold it against your Father.” She finished. I nodded. Made sense. My brothers had spent their whole lives knowing their parents as mates and a loving couple. Knowing that my Father had loved another, so much that he had planned on rejecting his mate, would shatter that mental image.

  “Wonderful! Thank you, Carrie.” She finished. I walked out of the room feeling strange but relieved. I felt like Libby could see through me. One of those people who were sweet, until they weren't. I could absolutely imagine her going mama bear on someone, if she felt the boys were being threatened.

  I walked back to my Father's study and found him and Gabriel chatting about sports. Despite their remote location, they apparently still got all the cable channels. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat.

  “So, Libby and I talked. Everything is settled.” I said. Patrick smiled.

  “That's great. Sorry if that took you off guard. Libby kinda insisted. She has a knack for reading people.” He said. Great. So, Libby was “screening” me. I nodded curtly, slightly annoyed. Still, Libby had approved so if she was some sort of expert judge of character, I had passed.

  “Well, dinner will be soon. We will be dining in the pack house. I will announce to the pack the news, then.” He said. Th
e pack? I thought we were just having dinner and telling my brothers.

  “Does the pack always eat together?” Gabriel asked.

  “Yes. We like it here. It allows the pack to be closer. And it makes sure the pack eats well. The wolves who like to cook and have a talent, volunteer. We have about 8 wolves in our kitchens right now. Sometimes they ask for volunteers, if we have a bigger event, but usually they handle it all.” He said.

  “Interesting. Our pack house is small. Only used to provide housing for those who need it. We don't have pack meals, though we do have a diner in town.” Gabriel finished.

  “That sounds very…..human.” Patrick said. Gabriel snickered.

  “Don't tell Jon that.” He muttered under his breath. My Dad raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

  “Well, let's head down. Libby should be down already and the boys and the pack should be arriving soon.” Gabriel and I followed him out of the room, down the hallway, and down the stairs to the main hall of the pack house. A few wolves had already arrived and as my Dad had said, Libby was already there.

  After a few moments, the hall started to fill up. Families started to file in. The buzz of voices got louder and louder. Children were running around, playing and screaming. It was chaos and I loved it. As everyone finished getting settled, my Father stood up.

  The moment he stood, the room quieted. It was clear that the pack had a lot of respect for their Alpha.

  “Good evening. I hope you are all hungry as our cooks have made us an amazing meal. But before the meal, I have an announcement.”

  Chapter 67

  “Good evening. I hope you are all hungry as our cooks have made us an amazing meal. But before the meal, I have an announcement.” My Father started. “A long time ago, before I met your Luna, I loved a human woman. She captivated me and I was young and foolish. We were madly in love and for a time, I considered making her my luna.” The last sentence caused a buzz of conversation. The pack was clearly surprised that my father had ever loved another. He continued. “But that love wasn't meant to be. The pack and my responsibilities as Alpha called me away. While I was gone, my human girlfriend died in a car accident. I always felt guilt about her death but soon after, I found my mate and your Luna and we built a family and strong pack together.” The group clapped. “Today, I received amazing news. What I didn't know, all those years ago, was that my first love had had a baby. I had learned of her death but no one told me of a child. I am sad that I missed so much, but I am very happy to introduce my daughter, Carrie.” For a second, stunned silence fell on the room. I felt awkward and part of me wanted to run out of here. Suddenly the room erupted into cheers. I looked over at Thomas and Michael. They were both talking to their Mother, unsure whether or not this news was upsetting. Libby must have assured them because after a moment, they both approached me. Thomas spoke first.


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