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Misbehave: A Navy SEAL Romance

Page 21

by Tia Siren

  “Shit, I want to explode Cam,” I cooed.

  “Not yet; not for a long time,” he replied. “We’ll explode together.”

  “Take it slow. I want to look into your eyes as we come together,” I said.

  “Alright, roll over. I want to see you, naughty girl,” he whispered roughly.

  Cam slipped his cock out from my pussy and I rolled on my back. I thought he was going to slide his cock into me again, but instead he lowered his head and started to kiss my belly. I sighed as his tongue ran softly over my skin and he ran his tongue across my thigh. I yelped when his tongue brushed over my moist pussy lips. He spread me wide. My juices flowed, and Cam ran his tongue between my folds, gulping me down. I grabbed the pillow and held it to my face as I squealed. Wild sensations flooded my body and I wanted to come… I fought the urge and diverted my thoughts.

  I wriggled my hips against the bed and his tongue played with my clit. I shouted into the pillow, losing myself completely at the moment.

  I grabbed the pillow and pulled it tight against me. Cam bit my clit and my pussy was on fire. I winced in pain, but it felt so right.

  Fuck Cam, do it again.

  Cam nibbled at my clit and my pussy filled with the sparks of pure passion. I pushed his head with my hand and shoved his face hard into my pussy.

  “Lick it,” I murmured from under the pillow.

  Cam slid his tongue into my velvety pussy. My muscles contracted and pulled at his tongue. He drove his head forward, and he slipped further inside. I could feel his tongue as it squirmed inside my pussy. My juices were flowing against his face when I shoved his head deeper. I couldn’t take it much longer; my pussy was on fire. Whatever dance that Cam's tongue was doing, it pushed me ever closer to wanting to come.

  “Cam, stop it. I want to come,” I whispered.

  “No, don’t come yet,” he barked.

  I breathed deeply and let my sensations subside. I wanted to come with Cam. He gazed deeply and affectionately into my eyes. His tongue had driven me close to the edge. I had to relax, and now it was my turn to bring Cam to that point.

  “Roll over,” I whispered to Cam. “Have you ever been edged?” I asked. Where I was new to intercourse, I sure as hell wasn’t new to pleasing a man with my hands and mouth.

  “What’s that?” he replied.

  “It’s a real treat, that is what it is,” I replied.

  Cam lay on his back and I grabbed his cock and started to masturbate him quickly. His hardness filled my hand and he groaned loudly. His handsome face was a mask of ecstasy. I was lost to him.

  “Just tell me when you feel like coming,” I cooed and licked the side of my mouth. “And don’t be shy about it.”

  “Okay,” he replied, breathless. He chuckled darkly. “Shy isn’t something I’ve ever been convicted up.” He nodded toward his cock. “Squeeze the tip a little. Pinch me.”

  My hand thrust faster and faster as Cam raised his hips. His body writhed while I fucked him with my hand. Harder and faster, I stroked his cock. I pinched his dick, pulling precum from him each time and using it to make my hand wet as I worked him hard and fast.

  Cam grabbed my arm. “Shit, I’m gonna come,” he groaned and closed his eyes; his muscles locked into place.

  I took my fingers and squeezed his cock just under the head. “Not yet, handsome.”

  His big, thick body began to thrust and then subside as his expression softened. I grabbed his cock again and stroked him as before, my hand moved quickly, and his manhood throbbed as his body readied itself for a release. The sound of him panting loudly had me wet and aching.

  “Shit, again, I want to come again,” he said and grabbed my arm.

  I squeezed his cock again and his body calmed the urge to come.

  “Oh, I’m not sure how many of that I could take,” he said softly.

  “Just twice for tonight. Another day we will do more,” I whispered and kissed him. “Now fuck me, and we can explode.”

  I rolled onto my side and raised my leg slightly. Cam grabbed his cock and slid it into my pussy. I lowered my leg, and my pussy clamped tight onto his cock.

  My pussy squeezed between my legs when Cam's cock slowly thrust inside me. He placed one hand on my hips and one on my leg as he shoved his hard cock into my tightened slit. The deep penetration had me on edge immediately.

  “I should spank you for teasing me so good.” he said and slid his hand into my hair and gripped it tightly. I whimpered at the pleasure/pain.

  “I wish you would.” I looked toward Cam and could see the passion in his eyes as he pushed himself deep inside me. I grabbed my tits and teased my hard nipples. Cam pushed harder and harder, and my pussy got hotter and hotter.

  Wetter and wetter.

  “Damn, your pussy feels tight like this, Katie,” Cam said.

  “Now I want to stare into your eyes. I want to see all of your soul as you come inside me,” I said softly as Cam removed his cock from my pussy.

  I rolled on my back and spread my legs. I placed a finger on my lips and slapped my pussy.

  “Come on. Give it to me,” I said with a grin.

  Cam smiled and moved closer to me. “You asked for it, you wicked little bitch” he replied.

  “I did; I sure did,” I said with a wink.

  Cam slid his cock into my wanting pussy. He stoked my fire and again my pussy burst into flames. God… his hips rocked, and he thrust deeper inside me. Sensations flew around my body like spells from a wizard’s wand. I contracted and screamed as everything disappeared.

  His cock rammed into me with all the force of a battering ram. My pussy ached and throbbed as he thrust harder and deeper inside me. My body tensed and I arched my back. I raised my hips and Cam grabbed my hips and held me close to his body. He shoved his cock deeper into my hot pussy as I rocked my hips.

  He tensed, and his muscles flexed. His body was close to releasing deep inside me. Cam looked deeply into my eyes and thrust harder and faster.

  “Katie, come with me, baby,” Cam murmured, pushing harder and harder.

  His cock moved deep inside my pussy and my body and mind became one; my world became a blur. It was like my body was flooded with flames. My legs trembled as Cam thrust harder and deeper.

  “I’m so close,” I squealed while his cock drilled my wet pussy.

  I arched my back and Cam placed his hands on my tits. He squeezed them and I started to reach the point of no return. My body was washed over with flames of desire. I thrust my pussy towards Cam. His body tensed, just as it began to release him. My pussy twitched, and I could feel Cam when his hot come shot free and entered deep inside me.

  My body welcomed him and released itself to fully embrace the power of our lovemaking. Waves of pleasure rippled through my body and I screamed with delight.

  Our bodies slumped on the bed, exhausted from our lovemaking. Our breaths slowed down and our racing hearts began to tame themselves again.

  “Cam, can I tell you something?” I asked.

  “Sure,” he replied.

  “I’m fed up of all the sneaking around. It doesn’t feel real. I want to be a grown up about the situation,” I added.

  “Well, I could speak to your dad about us and get it out in the open?” Cam replied.

  “God no. That is a step too far. There is no way I’m ready for that. God, Dad wants me to focus on my career, not relationships. And he would probably hang me up and skin me alive.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I will sort it out.”

  “Yeah, he would be mad. That was half the reason he brought me home and grounded me. To keep me away from boy trouble.”

  Cam wrapped his arms around me. “Don’t panic, it will be all right.”

  Chapter 29


  My eyes opened and I was overjoyed that Katie had stayed over, even though that had not been her initial intention. I rolled over and rested my head on the pillow to watch her sleep. I felt happy she had stayed over, and I wished sh
e would do it more often. I could see Katie was changing and slowly being more accustomed to being here with me. But she was worried about all the sneaking around and the stares from the concert last night.

  I showered and got dressed. I left Katie a pair of my sweatpants and one of my old baggy t-shirts to wear once she finally surfaced. I was surprised Emmy had not woken up early again this morning, just as she had been doing for most of the week. I sneaked into her bedroom, and she was sleeping like a log, with her new stuffed unicorn under her arm. Since we arrived home, her unicorn had been in her hand. She even sat it next to her while we were eating, and pretended she was feeding it.

  I shook Emmy gently and she started to wake up.

  “Good morning princess,” I said and kissed her on the head.

  “Morning Daddy,” she said and sat up, starting to play with her unicorn.

  I washed and dressed her, ready for a fun day; a relaxing stress-less day, just relaxing at home. I chased Emmy into the kitchen area. Katie had started to prepare breakfast. I played with Emmy on the living room floor and that is when the cell phone rang.

  Shit, there goes my stressless weekend, I said to myself.

  Owen had called and asked me to go to their house urgently. The shit had hit the fan, and he needed my assistance.

  “Owen needs me,” I said to Katie and grabbed the car keys.

  “No problem. I have Katie. Go and help Owen,” she replied.

  I quickly jumped into the car and drove over to Owen’s house. He had said that he had gone to his house and a big argument had started.

  “Owen, what’s the problem?” I asked.

  “I tried to get into the house, and I find that she has changed the fucking locks to my house and I’m locked out,” he screamed.

  “Calm down a minute. Explain what has happened,” I said.

  “I came for my motorcycle, and I have just found out that she has sold it without asking. I want my God-damned money,” he screamed and banged the door.

  “Quiet, she will call the cops,” I said, trying to calm him down.

  “She has already done it. They should be here any minute. I was a bit louder earlier, but I had calmed down a bit just before you arrived,” he responded.

  “Fuck, this is just what you needed. And you know you got warned last time you argued like this,” I added and heard sirens in the distance.

  “Well, it is she who is going to be in shit. It was my name on the God-damned papers. But… that was different though. I hit someone, and there is no one to hit this time,” he said between clenched teeth.

  After a few minutes, the police arrived and somehow I managed to convince them that everything was cool between them and it was a misunderstanding. Owen and his ex were given a warning and told to keep their problems quiet, and behind closed doors. Owen was also reminded that their arguments were not for the neighborhood to listen to at this time of day, or at any time of day for that matter.

  Owen apologized to the police and said everything was cool. He would just call his ex-wife rather than cause a confrontation in public.

  “I’m sorry for dragging you out this early in the morning,” Owen said, apologetically.

  “It’s alright bro.”

  “You must have been worried that I had really gone off on this one?” he said with a grin.

  “No sweat. Any time you need me is fine by me. We have been through thick and thin, so why should this time be any different. That’s what buddies are for,” I said.

  “Thanks, Cam,” Owen said and placed his hand on my shoulder.

  “No sweat.”

  “It is appreciated,” he said and leaned on the car.

  “Nah, it is nothing. You were there when my wife died, so it is the least I can do to help you back,” I said and patted Owen on the back.

  “Where is Emmy anyway?” Owen asked. “I’m surprised to not see her in the back of the car, grinning at me.”

  “She’s fine. I have left her with Katie. So, she’s in good hands with her. She loves Emmy, just as if she was her own.”

  “You left her with Katie? She was up this early? Or did she… ooh, I get it she stayed over?” Owen said, when he realized.

  “Things are looking serious. So how is it going with her?” he asked.

  “Well it isn’t easy, I can tell you. She’s young, so it is going to be hard,” I explained.

  “Well you have had some rough times, so it will probably be a breeze,” Owen replied, leaning on the car.

  “I’m falling for her though, big time. She has got me hooked bad,” I explained.

  “Well, you better get back to her and Emmy. You don’t want women problems like mine, that is for sure,” Owen replied with a grin.

  “If everything is okay here, I will head off home,” I said.

  “It’s cool, I promise you,” Owen said as I climbed into the car.

  After parking the car, I walked into the house and was greeted by the smell of burnt food and oil. Katie was stuck to the sink, scrubbing burnt food from one of the pans.

  “Damn. What happened here? I asked.

  “I burned the food. I needed a pee, so I ran off. I thought I had turned the stove off, but obviously not,” Katie said. I opened the patio to let the smoke out.

  “Emmy, Daddy is home,” I called.

  Silence. There was never silence when I arrived home. Maybe the door to her room had closed with the patio open. I walked to her room and found the door closed.

  She has been locked inside?

  I opened the door and walked into Emmy's room.

  “Emmy, where are you?” I called.

  Maybe she's hiding?

  “Are you hiding from Daddy,” I said jokingly and opened the closet door.


  “Or maybe you’re hiding, under the bed,” I yelled and dropped on my knees to look under the bed.

  Still nothing?

  “Have you seen Emmy?” I called to Katie.

  “She was here. Is she not in her room?” Katie called.

  “She’s not there, and she’s not in any other rooms,” I yelled back.

  “Emmy, where are you?” I yelled and ran into the back garden.

  There was no sign of Emmy in the garden. I went around the side of the house. Fuck, the gate was open. I ran back to the kitchen.

  “Where the fuck is Emmy? God, she’s not here,” I yelled.

  “She was just playing, and when I went for a pee, she was still there. I opened the patio door to let the smoke out,” Katie explained.

  My heart raced like a freight train.

  “I only stood by the sink, so she must have just sneaked out because of the smoke,” Katie added.

  “Well she is fucking gone now. God knows why I left you in charge of a kid. I must have been crazy to think she would be okay,” I screamed.

  “I only took my eyes off her for a second,” Katie said in defense.

  “Katie, it only takes a fucking second to disappear. Fucking kids; they have no sense,” I screamed and headed to the front door.

  I ran down the driveway and looked down the road. There was no sign of her anywhere.

  “Katie, how the fuck could you let this happen to Emmy? I have already lost one woman in my life, and I don’t want to lose another one due to you being irresponsible,” I yelled.

  “It was a second, Cam. That’s all! I wasn’t irresponsible. You know how I care for her,” Katie said as tears started to fill in her eyes.

  “Well, she isn’t on this street. You go down that one, and I will check this one towards the day care center. Bang on fucking doors and ask if anyone has seen her!” I yelled.

  Katie had tears streaming down her face. She was devastated, but I was too. I couldn’t see past my own horror to help the situation at all. I had to find my little girl.

  “You can forget crying. That isn’t going to help. This is Emmy we are talking about, and if anything happens to her, God-damn it, just move your ass and get looking,” I yelled and h
eaded off down the next street.

  I ran to each house and asked the families there is they had seen a little kid walking around. Many answered that they had not been out front, so they wouldn’t have noticed. The feeling was worse than war. One by one, the houses were checked on each side of the road. I could see the base shopping strip in the distance. Maybe she had walked this way to look for me.

  Fuck, Katie, why did you do this to me? And why would you do it to Emmy? You know how much she means to me. Shit, fuck. Emmy, where are you?Where the fuck are you Emmy? You can’t walk that fast. You wouldn’t get that far. Damn. It is my fault! I should have taken her with me. I always knew Katie would be trouble, and what fucking trouble it turned out to be.

  I glanced behind me up the street and there was no sign of her. I could see a few of the families checking around the area. Emmy was small, and she could have gone anywhere, even the drain covers could have swallowed her up if she had fallen in.

  “Emmy,” I yelled. God, no. Fuck no. “Where are you dear? Daddy’s not angry. He just wants you to come home.”

  I approached the shopping strip and ran around the shops. I stopped by the ones that were open and asked the staff if they had seen Emmy anywhere. No luck. There was just the daycare center, and then from there to the gate, was the park. Fuck, if she has walked into the park, she could have fallen and hurt herself in the trees.

  I got to the daycare center and it was closed. The only person who worked there on the weekend was the janitor.

  “Clive, have you seen Emmy this morning?” I called into the playground.

  “No Sir, seen no sign of any kids this morning. And I have been here since six,” he called back.

  “Just keep your eyes open, will you?” I asked.

  “Sure thing. If I see her I will bring her home,” Clive said as he entered the center.

  I sat on the bench for a few minutes to gather my composure. She wouldn’t be able to go further into the base as there was another security gate and they would have brought her straight home. There were only the park and two other streets she could be in.

  Katie appeared at the bottom of the one street, and I walked over toward her.


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